Eden's Gate: The Arena: A LitRPG Adventure

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Eden's Gate: The Arena: A LitRPG Adventure Page 22

by Edward Brody

  I raised an eyebrow. “I noticed they stay close during our nightly gatherings.”

  “They’ve been linking up and leaving the village together during the day too. According to Ozzy, they’ve been curled up in bed together the last two nights.”

  “Huh? He didn’t mention that to me.”

  “He didn’t mention it to me either. I asked.”

  “Nosy asshole.”

  “I wouldn’t call it nosy,” Aaron said. “If you were in the village crafting all day and people watching, you’d want the latest gossip too.”

  “Get out more, man,” I said.

  “Oh, you didn’t hear? I took a trip with Jeremy up to the mines yesterday and gained another level. There was a small camp of kobolds that were nearby. It seems like they keep trying to stage a comeback.”

  “That’s good,” I said. “I mean, not that the kobolds are popping up, but that you’re getting out.”

  “Not only have I been getting out, but my crafting is getting better. I made you another sword, and I think this one is a little better than your falchion.”

  “Oh really? Let’s have a look.” The day I returned from the Sands, Aaron had offered me a sword he had crafted, but I passed on it as the damage rating was lower than my falchion, and it felt heavy and awkward in my hands. I didn’t have my hopes up that he had anything great.

  I followed Aaron back to his home, and as soon as we stepped inside, he grabbed a sword that was leaning near the door. It looked a lot like the first sword he offered me, but the hilt was black rather than grey of the first. He held it up in his hand and rubbed his finger across the blade.

  “I put a lot of TLC into this one. I used the best quality of steel I had and really grinded out the edges to make it as a sharp as possible.” He held the sword out to me.

  You’ve received: Steel Longsword. 25-41 Attack Damage. Requires 20 Strength. Requires 15 Dexterity. Durability: 10/10. Quality: Average. Rarity: Common. Weight: 3.4

  I swung the sword in the air a few times, getting a feel for the weapon. “It’s a bit heavier than my falchion, but it’s definitely a small step up.” I noticed the shallow notch carved into the hilt. “And it can take runestones?”

  “Indeed, it can,” Aaron cooed.

  “Well, then I guess I’ll be using this until you can craft me the bloodthirsty blade. Thanks, Aaron.” I stepped close to Aaron and initiated a half hug and a shoulder bump.

  “I’m just glad to be useful.”

  “If you can, watch over the foundation work while I’m out today. I’m going to go see if Ozzy is ready to head out.”

  “You know I will,” Aaron said.

  I walked out of the Aaron’s home and saw Jax, Ozzy, and Jeremy all attacking Donovan at the same time. Donovan was dodging and blocking all the blows expertly, and throwing in the occasional attack back at the three. It seemed evenly matched, but Donovan’s three attackers were clearly getting frustrated.

  Jax swept his sword at Donovan’s feet, but Donovan jumped and when Jeremy thrust his dagger at Donovan’s stomach, the elf tucked his stomach and hopped backwards in a quick dodge. When Ozzy closed in and swung his mace up towards Donovan’s face, Donovan held both swords together in an effort to block, but this time, something unexpected happened.

  Ozzy’s body rose in the air and turned a little as he raised his mace, almost as if he were giving a flying uppercut. His attack crashed through Donovan’s swords and smashed him on the underside of his chin, and for that moment Donovan was left completely exposed.

  Ozzy followed up by swinging his mace in a backhanded motion that connected with Donovan’s ribs and caused the elf to fall back and to the ground.

  “Whoa!” Jax yelled. “Time out! Time out!”

  Jax and Ozzy both hurried over to Donovan, and Ozzy stood over him panting, almost as if he couldn’t believe what happened.

  “Are you okay, Donovan?” Jax asked.

  Donovan grabbed his battered chin and sat up. “Nothing that a potion won’t heal”

  “Damn. Sorry!” Ozzy said.

  “What was that?” I asked as I approached the group. “That was a bit rough for sparring, and I’ve never seen you take a fall like that, Donovan.”

  “It’s called ‘Breakthrough’,” Ozzy said. “I learned the skill yesterday while training in the Fighter’s Guild. I didn’t think I had it perfected yet, but apparently, I’m getting better.”

  “Breakthrough?” I asked.

  “It breaks through an enemy block—can even work on shields,” Jax explained. “It doesn’t do a whole lot of damage in itself, but it leaves them defenseless for a second or so.”

  “Damn, that’s awesome,” I said.

  “A great tactic, indeed,” Donovan said. “I think we might have to limit our sparring to two versus one from now on. You’re all catching up to me in fighting skill.”

  “You’re still one of the best,” Jax said. “The best I’ve seen at your level.”

  “I appreciate the kind words, Jax,” Donovan said with a smile. “You’re an excellent fighter yourself.”

  “And your invitation to the guild still stands, Donovan,” I added. “We’re making a lot of progress, and we’ll have a castle soon.”

  Donovan took a deep breath. “It’s quite the proposition, and the rate your village has grown is astounding. I must say, the other dark elves would normally be livid with the number of trees you’ve downed since you’ve been here, but they seem quite accepting due the fact that you’re providing them jobs and free trade. Back at our camps, the quality of life has improved dramatically.”

  “So does that mean you’re interested?” I asked.

  Donovan’s eyes tilted high, and he nodded ever so slightly. “I can’t deny my interest, but there are many things for me to consider. Keysia seems happy here, but I’m not quite so ready to join a human guild.”

  “Well, you know we’d love to have you,” I said.

  “And I support Queen Farrani and what you’re doing here in Edgewood. If you need my help at any time, you know where to find me.”

  I turned to Ozzy. “The Arena?”

  Ozzy turned his head in the direction of Highcastle. “Yeah, we should probably head out now if we’re going to fight.”

  “I wouldn’t mind tagging along,” Jeremy said.

  “The fights are hard,” I said. “You might want to gain another couple levels to be safe.”

  Jeremy held up his palm. “I don’t want to fight. Just want to be there to support my buds. I’ve been training hard the last couple days, so I’d like a little time off.”

  I shrugged. “Alright. You’re free to tag along.”

  “I’m going to go find Rina,” Jax said. “Keysia and her went wandering off somewhere around here. Maybe pick up an easy quest in Thorpes.”

  We said our goodbyes to Donovan and Jax and I took a moment to stop by the guild shop. I grabbed all the loose gems that I had yet to sell, and then picked up two of the runestones that I’d created when practicing inscription—one was a minor fire damage spell, and the other was an arcane resistance spell. When I slid them into the slots of my new sword, I gained a +2 fire damage on hit and 3% arcane resistance.

  We set off for Highcastle, Jeremy and Ozzy on his horse, and me on Sora. I didn’t have to Summon Sora that time as I had been letting her hang around the village the past couple days. I took what she said to heart when she said I had only summoned her for rides, so she had been sleeping in my house and getting playtime whenever I had a free moment.

  Once we arrived to Highcastle, the three of us headed straight for the Arena. Ozzy and I signed up to fight and we all picked up our tickets. There was still plenty of time before the fights began, and Ozzy and Jeremy wanted to eat. I was still anxious about finding a mentalism spell, so I sent them off ahead of me while I stopped inside Inner Highcastle’s magic shop.

  “Welcome back,” Sephora said as I entered the store. She wore the same maroon overalls and white blouse that she us
ually wore, but her hair was pulled back into two tight pigtails that angled slightly behind her head and showed off her rounded facial features. I was again struck by the rosy circles on her cheeks and wondered if they were painted on or somehow a part of her skin.

  “Have you gotten any mentalism spells yet?” I asked.

  “Not any low-level ones, I’m afraid,” Sephora asked.

  I let out a big sigh and slumped my shoulders. “Alright, I’ll be back again.”

  Sephora smiled and nodded as I exited the door.

  I noticed that snow was just starting to fall as I left—just small, light snow that virtually vaporized the moment it touched down, but it gave the city a bit of a winter charm that I found magical.

  I saw a few NPCs file into the Arena, so I knew there wasn’t much time before the fights started. Although I wanted to walk around more and see if any other shops might have a mentalism spell, I really needed to catch up with Ozzy and Jeremy so we didn’t lose each other.

  I started back towards the market.

  “Hey,” a voice hissed as soon as I was about to turn a corner. I turned to once again see Windell leaning against the wall in a shadowy area in between two tall bushes. “Come over here.”

  I looked to each side of me, feeling like I was doing something wrong just by approaching the man, and when I saw that no one was paying attention to me, I paced up to him slowly.

  “Where’s your friend?” he asked. “The one who likes joojak?”

  “He’s… umm…” I scratched my head, not sure how much information I should provide to the shady character. “He’s not here today.”

  “Yeah? Well, let him know I’ve got some new leaves in stock if he wants a sack. Same price as before.”

  I chuckled. “I will. Thanks.”

  I started to turn, but before I could even take a step, he called again. “Hey!”

  I looked back. “Yeah?”

  “What about you?”

  I smiled. “I’m fine. The joojak was great though.”

  “You sure?” Windell asked. “I’ve got the good stuff if you’re looking for kroka.”

  I paused in my tracks, and a sudden lump formed in my throat. I had thought little of kroka the past few days but at the mention of the drug, my mouth was suddenly starting to water, and I had the overwhelming urge to have it. “Kroka?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I’ve got some.” Windell smiled, revealing his sinister teeth.

  I swallowed hard. “I really shouldn’t…”

  “You should though,” Windell said. “Just think of how good it feels.”

  I paused and zoned out a moment, once again having flashbacks of the incredible sensations that I felt when I was in the Sands and high on kroka. I started to rationalize how useful the drug was and how it allowed me to defeat an enemy that was far higher level than I was. Kroka had saved my life, and if I had some, maybe it would save my life again!

  “How much?” I asked.

  “For you, 2,500,” Windell said.

  I had only brought the gems that I picked up from the shop and 1,000 gold with me. I was pretty certain that the gems were worth around 2,000 gold, so if I sold them, I’d have enough for the kroka and a little leftover. “How about 2,000.”

  “2,000, huh?” Windell asked. He bit the inside of his lip and looked down to the ground for a moment. “Alright, 2,000.” He reached in his bag with one hand and held out his other palm.

  “Wait,” I said, barely able to control my excitement. “I don’t have the gold on me now, but if you give me a couple minutes, I will.”

  Windell snarled and looked from side to side. “You don’t have the money now? I can’t be in this spot for long, you know!?”

  I lowered my palm a few times in front of me as I pivoted my heel. “Just wait here a quick moment.”

  I ran as fast as I could back to the magic shop.

  When I opened door to the magic shop, it slammed hard against the inner wall and startled Sephora, who was arranging scrolls in one of the displays.

  “Oh, hey! What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Nothing, but can you buy some gems?” I took two big steps to the closest display, and started pulling all of the gems out of my bag—rubies, pearls, emeralds. With the gems that we looted from Nestle Rock along with the ones that had accumulated in our shop over time, I had ten gems in total.

  “Oh, I don’t buy gems here,” Sephora said. “You should take them to a general store or a jeweler. Some magic shop might—”

  “How much do you think these are worth?” I interrupted.

  Sephora jerked her head back and creased her brow as she approached the display where I had laid out the gems. She shook her head slightly and groan. “I’m not sure, but I’d guess around 2,000-2,500 gold at least. More at some shops.”

  “I’ll sell them to you for 1,000,” I said.

  Sephora lowered her eyelids. “1,000 gold for all these?”

  “Yeah,” I replied. “For the whole lot. I need to sell them fast.”

  “Are you a thief?” she snapped.

  I shook my head, and I could feel my heart starting to race. Deep inside, I was panicking at the idea that Windell might disappear before I could sell the gems. “I’m not a thief. I just need to sell in a hurry.”

  “I can’t rip you off like that,” Sephora said. “I wouldn’t feel right paying so little for all of these.”

  “Well, then give me 1,000 gold for the gems, and you can give 1,000 gold off when you come across a level 1 mentalism spell. How about that?”

  Sephora sighed. “Well, I guess 1,000 gold isn’t that much, and you seem pretty desperate for whatever reason. Are you sure there isn’t anything wrong?”

  “No, nothing is wrong. I promise.”

  Sephora bit her lip and took a deep breath before reaching inside her purse. “Okay, I’ll give 1,000 gold and a 1,000 gold discount on your next purchase. But only because you’ve bought from me before. I normally don’t do this.”

  She sat the gold in my hand, and I didn’t waste any time spinning on my heel and sprinting for the door. “Thanks!”

  “Wait!” Sephora shouted.

  I paused and turned.

  “My name is Sephora,” she said.

  “I know,” I replied. “I heard the mage say your name first time I was in here.”

  “But I need to know your name, so I can remember that I owe you 1,000 gold.”

  “Gunnar Long!” I shouted as I swung open the door and dashed out. “My name is Gunnar Long!”

  I ran as hard as I could back towards the corner where Windell had been standing and was relieved when I saw that he was still there. “I’ve got the gold,” I said with heavy breath.

  Windell held up his palm to me. “Relax man,” he said. “The way you’re running around and acting crazy is going to attract the wrong kind of attention.”

  “Sorry,” I said.

  “Yeah, whatever. Just relax next time. We don’t need any problems.”

  I nodded in understanding.

  “2,000 gold, chump.”

  I barely noticed his name calling and didn’t even think to protest it. I was so excited to be getting my product that I just pulled out all of my gold and handed it to him immediately. When he passed me the small sack of white powder, I almost felt as accomplished as I had when I found the levitation scroll in Nestle Rock.

  “Be careful with that,” Windell said. “You know how strong it is, right?”

  “Yeah, I know.” I said with a nod.

  “Put it away before someone sees.”

  I nodded, smiled, and flipped open my unburdening bag. I closed the flap when the goods were inside and patted it twice for safe keeping.

  “What’s going on over here?” a strong, manly voice said behind me.

  I turned around to see a tall, Highcastle Soldier looking down at me curiously. “Oh, umm…” I threw a thumb over my shoulder. “I was just talking to my friend.”

  “Your friend?” The soldi
er raised his brow.

  “Yeah, my friend.” I spun back around and looked from side to side several times. Windell had somehow disappeared.

  “There’s no one here but you,” the guard said.


  “Quit loitering between the bushes.” The soldier barked. “It looks highly suspicious.”

  “Yeah, sorry,” I said. “My mistake.”

  The soldier snarled. “You fight in the Arena, right?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I do.”

  He raised his chin. “Well good luck on your next fight.” He turned and marched away.

  I let out a sigh of relief as I left the shady area and headed down the main path towards the market. I had no gold, so I wasn’t going to be able to buy anything to eat, but I did have kroka in my bag, ready for consumption.

  I felt giddy about the drug, and the hardest part of having it in my bag was not using it right away. I wanted the feeling that it gave me, that feeling of power and confidence that was so unlike anything I had ever experienced before, but I also knew it was best to save the kroka until a time that I could better use it.

  What if I used the kroka in a fight against Meijir? I wondered. That would definitely give me the edge that I’d need to beat him. But if I did that, I’d have to lie to Castille when he asked me if I was using drugs.

  The idea was naughty, but it was something that I had to consider. The stakes were high, after all. I needed to meet the King of Highcastle and get my name on the list that was posted in every Arena. If cheating would edge me closer to saving the world and finding Rachel, I just might’ve been willing to do it.

  Whatever the case, I had scored kroka again, and I was happy I’d get another chance to use it.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Oh shit!” Jeremy yelled as Ozzy was struck with a powerful crossbow bolt that sent him flying backwards and onto the ground.

  Ozzy’s opponent—a female with thick limbs, bulging muscles, and her hair shaved on each side of her head—pulled another bolt from the quiver on her back and started reloading the crossbow. Her crossbow was huge, and it seemed to take her a significant amount of time to wrench the mechanism back and load the ammunition.


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