Forbidden Awakenings (Awakenings Series Book 1)

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Forbidden Awakenings (Awakenings Series Book 1) Page 5

by Lisa Bilbrey

“So much fun that neither of you called us?” Elle asked, watching at they shifted uncomfortable. “Why should we believe that we are anything more than a quick fuck for either of you?”

  “We were scared,” Callum admitted. “After my dad texted us and we went into work, I kept thinking about what had happened. We’re not the kind of men who go home with women we’ve just met, and we certainly don’t have sex with them while the other is right there. But it felt right with you and Sadie.”

  “I feel the same way,” Derek said, causing the three of them to look at him. “Callum and I … you know we don’t have all the answers here. My feelings for you and Sadie aren’t normal, but I want to know you. I want …”

  “More,” Sadie finished, leaning her head on his shoulder.

  Derek laughed and kissed the top of her head. “A lot more, honey.”

  “More of what, though?” Elle huffed. “What are we exactly?”

  “I guess that’s what we need to figure out,” Callum said. He shared a look with Derek, who gave him a subtle nod. “I speak for both myself and Derek when I say that we like you, and we’d like to see where this relationship could go.”

  “We like you, too,” Sadie told them, smiling. “Right, Elle?”

  “Yes,” she admitted. “But I guess I’m not sure I understand how this is going to work?”

  “You mean like, who is dating who?” Callum asked, and Elle nodded. “If I’m being honest, I have to say that I’m attracted both you and Sadie. Being with you on Friday, while watching them on the bed next to us, was incredible. I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be with her, to have her under me while I fuck her, or to watch while Derek takes you.”

  “I’ve thought about it, too,” Sadie said, smiling. “And I know my girl has, too, right, Elle?”

  Once again, all she could do was nod, because all she’d thought about was the way Callum had filled her and the way Derek had tasted her.

  “So, we’re all seeing each other, I guess.” Derek made it sound it sound common, like the four of them being in a relationship together was the most natural occurrence in the world. “Elle.”

  She tilted her head up, looking him in the eye. The passion radiating from him had her heart fluttering.

  “If you don’t want to be with me, I won’t force myself on you,” Derek stated. “I’m not that kind of guy.”

  “Is that what you think?” Elle couldn’t keep the hurt from her voice. “Derek, I want nothing more than to feel you touching me, for you to be inside of me. You and Callum are all I think about, but I’m terrified of putting myself out there again.”

  “Again?” Callum asked, and she regretted her admission. “Elle?”

  Shaking her head, Elle brought her hand up to her mouth while trying to keep her tears from falling. Half an hour alone with these two and she was close to baring her soul.

  “Elle, the situation with Derek and Callum isn’t the same as … him,” Sadie whispered.

  She shifted her eyes up to her lover.

  “You trust me, right?” Sadie pressed.

  “With everything,” Elle said.

  “Then trust me when I tell you that it’s okay to take a chance,” she stated.

  Before Elle could reply, their waitress walked up to their table and placed their lunches in front of them. Waving her off when she asked if they needed anything else, Derek, Callum, and Sadie picked up their forks and began to mix their food together. While she was nervous, Elle knew Sadie was right. She’d hidden herself away from anyone who could get close enough to hurt her, but also from anyone who could love her. The men sitting at the table were almost pleading with her to let them into her life, to give them a chance, and Elle knew she had to take the leap.

  “If we’re going to date, then we need to have some rules set up,” she said, causing them to look over at her.

  “Like what?” Callum asked.

  “We can’t do anything at the office. No kissing, no hugging, no flirting like y’all were doing this morning.”

  “Us?” Sadie scoffed. “Don’t think we didn’t notice the way you bent over the table and gave us all a nice view of your ass!”

  Elle smiled while Derek and Callum moaned. “That wasn’t flirting. I was just giving Samuel our contracts. Not my fault if you three ogled me.”

  “Yeah, okay,” she snickered. “But you’re right. When we’re at the office, we have to stay professional.”

  “Agreed.” Derek scooped up a forkful of rice, chicken, and cashews. “The company doesn’t have a policy against inter-office dating, per se, but it’s definitely best not to draw attention to ourselves, given the unusual arrangement we’re talking about.”

  “Speaking of.” Callum looked between Sadie and Elle. “How long have you two been together?”

  “Elle and I started messing around when we were sixteen,” Sadie told him, laughing at the way his and Derek’s eyes widened. “But we’ve been best friends since we were twelve.”

  “And how old are you now?” Derek wondered.

  “Twenty-six,” she replied.

  “Ten years together is a long time,” Callum said. “I’m guessing that since we’re sitting here like this that you’re bi-sexual.”

  “We’ve never put a name to what we have together,” Elle jumped into the conversation after mixing her order of chicken and broccoli with her steamed rice. “Sadie’s the only woman I’ve ever been attracted to, so I’m not sure I’m bi-sexual.”

  “Same for me, sweetie,” Sadie said with a wink. “What about you two? Most guys wouldn’t be interested in pursuing a relationship like this.”

  “Derek and I met at UCLA during our freshman year. We were roommates, but to be honest, other than a few drunken hand jobs over the years, we’ve never done anything together.”

  “Why not?” Elle asked. “Are you attracted to each other? Because I don’t see how this relationship will work if the two of you don’t have feelings for each other, too. Or are you just gonna watch me and Sadie together before you fuck us?”

  “Not that the visual you just provided isn’t appealing,” Derek admitted, causing Callum to nod while Sadie and Elle shook their heads, “but Callum’s my best friend, and I trust him with my life. Have I ever thought of him as more than a friend? Yeah, I have, but it’s complicated, I guess.”

  “Callum? Do you feel the same for Derek?” Sadie pressed, and Derek and Elle looked over at him.

  His cheeks turned red as he nodded. “He’s the one person I know I can always count on.”

  “But are you attracted to him?” Elle asked. “Do you want to kiss him? Touch him? Hold him in an intimate embrace? Can you imagine making love to him?”

  Callum blew out a heavy breath. “I’ve fantasized about it before.”

  “You have?” Derek smiled, and when Callum acknowledged that he had, he said, “Bet I was good.”

  Sadie, Elle, and Callum laughed.

  “You were.” He smirked. “But I was better.”

  “Guess we’ll just have to see about that.” Derek winked at Callum, who smiled and nodded.

  Elle sighed. “Now that’s something I want to watch.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Callum asked.

  She smirked. “Two men together — their bodies’ slick with sweat, their chests heaving as they feel each other for the first time — is hot.”

  “Fuck yeah it is!” Sadie agreed.

  “Hmm, good to know.” Derek mused. “How’d you two make the leap from just friends to something more?”

  Elle smiled. “Sadie and I had come home from a late night football game when we saw my older sister having sex with her boyfriend in the backseat of his car. When they saw us spying on them, we burst out laughing and took off into my house, locking ourselves in my room and falling onto my bed in a fit of giggles. We managed to calm down, and turned to look at each other. A heartbeat later, Sadie leaned in and pressed her lips against mine. I was surprised, but I found myself liking it, so I returned the kiss.

  “I don’t remember making the decision to kiss her,” Sadie added, continuing their story. “When we pulled away from each, I felt so scared, unsure what to say to her because Elle’s my best friend. She’s always been my person, the only one who accepted me for who I am and not who they thought I should be. I didn’t want to lose her, but knew that the moment our lips touched, I wanted more. I guess Elle felt the same way because one kiss led to another, and, well, before we knew it, we were touching each other.”

  “And you don’t think of yourselves as lesbians?” Callum asked.

  Sadie shook her head. “No. We’ve dated a handful of men over the last ten years, but we always end up back between each other’s legs. We’ve considered ourselves to be friends with benefits, often turning toward each other when we were between boyfriends, or when we needed time together.”

  “Wow.” Callum whistled under his breath. “To know who you want and just be able to take it.”

  “Well, it’s not that easy. Not everyone is so accepting,” Elle added, thinking about their families.

  “Suppose we can understand that,” Derek said. “Did you grow up in the city?”

  “No, we grew up in Texas,” Sadie replied. “We went to college here, though. At Berkeley. Couldn’t get away from our hometown fast enough.”

  “That bad?” Derek asked.

  Sadie nodded. “Our parents … Well, they aren’t the most understanding people.” She paused. “They don’t know about our relationship.”

  “You’ve been together for ten years. How can they not know that you’re together?” Derek asked.

  “We’re careful. Trust me, if they had any inclination about us, we’d know,” Elle grumbled.

  “They wouldn’t be supportive?” Callum grabbed her hand.

  “No.” Elle shook her head. “Two boys that Sadie and I graduated from high school with came out at the end of our senior year. My mother was livid and wrote a letter to the local newspaper, stating that Justin and David’s sexuality was a direct reflection on how the townspeople had failed to teach the young people proper morals and ethics. The town’s churches had a huge revival, trying to reach the youth of the community and prevent any of us from going to Hell. Because she named them in her letter, Justin and David were harassed and berated by members of the church for being gay, and I’m talking about grown men who had small children watching as they called these two boys faggots and queers.” Elle paused, overwhelmed by the memories. “My mother would never speak to me again if she knew about mine and Sadie’s relationship.”

  “Our parents serve on the Methodist church’s board of directors,” Sadie said, reaching across the table and grabbing Elle’s hand, giving it a reaffirming squeeze. “They’d never understand how we feel about each other. It’s just easier to keep it to ourselves.”

  “Wow, that … that sucks.” Derek shook his head.

  “Yeah, well, it’s not a big deal.” Elle tried to smile, but knew it wasn’t coming off right. “We don’t let their bigotry keep us apart.”

  “No, baby, we don’t,” Sadie murmured.

  Blushing, Elle looked down at her watch. “We’d better get back to work. Our hour is almost up.”

  “Okay, let’s go.” Callum grabbed the check before Elle could, ignoring the scowl on her face. “Consider this the first of many dates, sweetheart.”

  While Derek and Sadie laughed, Elle narrowed her eyes at him. “Fine, but I’m paying next time.”

  “Deal.” Callum smirked before he tossed a generous tip on the table and headed up to the front to pay for their lunch.

  Elle followed Sadie and Derek outside, where they waited for Callum to join them. He did a few minutes later, and the four of them started walking toward the office. However, before they could get more than a block away, Derek stopped and turned to Elle and Sadie.

  “I’m such an idiot.”

  “Um, why are you an idiot?” Elle asked with a chuckle.

  Derek smiled as he stepped up to her. He slid one arm around her back, while weaving his other hand through her hair and nestling her against his firm body. Elle gasped, both from the suddenness in the movement and the intensity of the moment.

  “Because our date is ending, and I almost forgot to kiss you,” he whispered.

  Before she could take a breath, Derek’s mouth covered hers. Where Callum’s lips had been soft, Derek’s were firm, yet both felt incredible. He brushed his tongue across her lower lip as a moan reverberated from his chest. Taking advantage when her lips parted, Derek slipped the tip of his tongue into her mouth, teasing her before ending their kiss and leaving her breathless.

  “Oh,” was all Elle could say.

  Derek smirked. “That’s how you end a date, beautiful.”

  Next to her, Elle heard Sadie laugh and when she looked over, she saw her wrapped up in Callum’s arms. They were watching them with smiles on their faces and a sparkle in their eyes.

  “Yeah, yeah,” she responded, rolling her eyes but unable to keep from smiling.

  With another round of laughter, the four of them went back to work. While Elle was still nervous that their new relationship would come back to bite them on the ass, she had to admit the idea of being with Callum, Derek, and Sadie caused her tingle with excitement.


  “Ten bucks says she passes out,” Derek whispered.

  “Nah,” Sadie rebutted. “She’ll puke first. Nervous stomach.”

  “No fair cheating like that,” he muttered.

  “How am I cheating?” she laughed.

  “You know all her quirky habits,” Derek snickered.

  Elle glared at them as she paced anxiously in front of her desk. “You two are so funny.”

  “We think so.” When Elle looked back at him Derek, he winked at her.

  Though she wanted to scold him for flirting with her while at work, breaking the one rule they had in their budding relationship, she felt her lips curve into a smile and her cheeks warm from her blush. Five days had passed since they made the decision to begin seeing each other, and Elle still wasn’t sure they weren’t making a grave mistake, but the man was smooth and knew just how to turn a woman into a hot mess.

  Elle stopped in front of the window and placed her palms against the cool glass. In less than an hour, they had meeting with Gabriel Alvarez, the man developing the housing project. They’d been working on fine-tuning every little detail of Elle’s plans, but she worried what would happen if the developer hated the plans she had created. Would Samuel declare them to be a liability rather than an asset to his team and tell them to take a hike?

  “Oh, God,” Elle groaned, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth. Just the thought of everything slipping through her fingers in an instant had an ache filling her chest.

  “Sweetie, take a deep breath,” Sadie ordered, standing up from her desk and walking over to where she was standing.

  Elle tried, but she started choking.

  “Jesus Christ, Elle!” Sadie exclaimed, placing her hand on her back. “You’ve got to calm down before you pass out.”

  “We’re not ready,” she fretted, pleading with her to do something to make everything better.

  Sadie sighed. “Oh, sweetie.”

  “We need more time,” she whimpered.

  “Listen to me, Elle.” Placing her hand on under Elle’s chin, Sadie tilted her head back, looking her straight in the eye. “We are ready for this. Your plans are perfect. The lines are clean and clear. The four of us are going to walk into that meeting and present our proposal with confidence and pride in our work. Do you understand me?”

  “Sadie,” Elle whispered. The urge to kiss her was overwhelming, but they were at work and they had a rule. Sighing, she took a deep breath. “I’m going to go get a cup of coffee. See if that helps.”

  “Okay.” Sadie smiled as she released her hold on Elle.

  She picked up her empty coffee cup off of her desk and walked toward the door, but stopped when she he
ard Derek whistle. Looking over at him, her eyes widen when he winked at her again, followed by blowing her a kiss. Though, she tried not to, she couldn’t stop the laughter from slipping out of her.

  “You’re incorrigible,” Elle teased.

  “Yep,” he agreed with pride.

  Elle shook her head and opened the door, leaving the two of them in the office. She wasn’t sure she could trust them alone, but she had enough on her mind without worrying about them doing anything salacious.

  She, Sadie, Derek, and Callum had lunch together every day, alternating who paid much to Callum’s displeasure, and had been trying to get to know each other better. Elle was holding back, and she knew it was wrong, but she wasn’t sure she could trust her heart to the men she and Sadie had just met — not even when they made breathing easier.

  Elle walked into the break room, stopped in her tracks, and gasped at the sight before her. Standing next to the refrigerator were Callum and Trixie. The woman had her hands on his hips and was pressing her body against his. If it wasn’t for the look of pure and utter disgust on Callum’s face, Elle would have thought that they were sharing an intimate embrace. However, regardless of whether or not he wanted that woman all over him, Elle felt a surge of jealousy rush over her. He was theirs!

  Wait, theirs?

  Closing her eyes for a moment, Elle tried to calm down. She didn’t understand why the thought of Derek and Callum with anyone else — especially someone like Trixie — had her seeing green. Those men weren’t hers or Sadie’s … Were they?

  “Don’t let me interrupt,” Elle gritted out, causing Callum and Trixie to snap their attention to her.

  Callum’s eyes flew open while Trixie smirked. Turning, the woman dragged her hand across his chest. “We’ll continue this later, sugar. You know, when we don’t have to worry about … being interrupted.”

  “No, we won’t,” Callum groused, but either Trixie didn’t hear him or she chose not to acknowledge what he’d said because she walked away, shaking her ass like a two-dollar whore.

  Elle rolled her eyes and turned to the coffee maker, sighing when she found the pot empty. She rinsed it out before filling it with water and pouring it into the back of the machine. She’d just reached into the cabinet for a filter when Callum placed his hands on her hips, causing her to tense.


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