Dirty Love & Filthy Lies

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Dirty Love & Filthy Lies Page 18

by C. Shell

  A waiter walks by, and I reach to take another flute of bubbly off his tray. My hand is snatched away the moment my fingertips touch the cool glass. Irritation bubbles under my skin and my eyes flash to Conner’s. “I wanted another drink,” I tell him.

  “Dinner will soon be served, sweetheart. You should wait until you get some food in your belly before drinking any more alcohol. We wouldn’t want you becoming tipsy and do something stupid now would we?” He snaps.

  Knowing there are eyes on us, I paste on a pretty smile. “Sorry, baby,” I say through gritted teeth, my voice low for his ears only. “I was just looking for inspiration to make everything more bearable. My date is a total dud.”

  The vein in Conner’s neck pulses as he pulls me close. My arm throbs from how tight he’s gripping my arm. “Stop being a brat,” he hisses against the shell of my ear. “Most women would give their right tit to be in your shoes. The world is run by most of the men in this room,” he boasts proudly. “You should get on your knees and show me some fucking gratitude,” he taunts, flicking his tongue against my neck.

  Repulsion washes over me. Conner is not the same man I fell in love with and his hands no longer bring me comfort. I loathe him. It takes all my might to keep from smacking him across the face. I’ve faked a lot of things in life- happiness, orgasms, friendships- but being a fake fiancé to a man I despise is harder than I imagined. I yank my arm back and shoot him a warning look. I’m contemplating making an escape when Conner’s unnerving father materializes from behind us.

  “So glad you two could join us tonight,” Mr. Thompson says, draping an arm over his son’s shoulders. His gaze focuses on me and the small hairs on my neck rise in fear. I stand my ground, forcing myself not to squirm under his scrutiny. A teacher once taught me that predators can smell fear. They thrive off of it. With the hungry bleeding from in his father’s eyes, I believe she was correct. I’ve never felt like prey more than I do now.

  “Great party,” Conner says, taking a drink of champagne. “You and mom outdid yourselves.”

  “Your mom deserves all the credit,” Mr. Thompson says, eyeing the room. “She lives for this shit. Spending money and bossing people around is one of her specialties,” he laughs, the sound hallow and void of any emotion. His gaze turns back to me and I my pulse quickens. “It’s good to see you again, Emma. How’s your mom and sister doing?”

  I blink, trying to push away the fear and anger that boils up at hearing him speak about my family. To anyone else his question would seem normal, but I understand the unsaid threat. Mr. Thompson wants to keep me under his thumb, and by using my family, he’ll be able to do just that. They’re my one weakness, and he knows it.

  I’m kidding myself to think I will come out of this unscathed. I’m already doing their bidding, playing the part of the sweet, dutiful fiancé. I’ve smiled to the point of exhaustion as Conner paraded me around their friends and business associates. I laughed when necessary, nodded when appropriate, and when Conner trailed kisses across my shoulder, I stood there and let him do it despite how sick it made me feel.

  I’m tired of playing the good girl.

  “My family is good,” I tell him.

  George scowls. He doesn’t care about my family. Never has. George Thompson is nothing but a snake in sheep’s clothing. I was fooled by his pristine manners and easy smile once and I learned my lesson the hard way. My eyes are wide open now and I see George for who he really is. And it’s terrifying.

  Growing up on the wrong side of the tracks gives you lessons in life that can’t be learned in a classroom. It’s survival of the fittest. I’m not just a pretty face, I’ve got brains and brawn to back me up. That being said, if the Thompson’s think they can take me down without a fight, they are in for a rude awakening. I won’t go down easy.

  “Conner, why don’t you go find your mother and see if she needs any help,” George says, his words more of a command than a suggestion. It’s a farce, Lana Thompson has all the minions she needs tending to everyone’s whims. George just wants his son gone. “Emma and I have some catching up to do,” he says, proving my point.

  Conner lays a heavy arm around my waist and pulls me in close. I stiffen in his embrace and when his head dips down to mine; I squeeze my eyes shut. Conner kisses my temple, his breath tickling my skin. His voice is so soft I barely hear him when he says, “Be careful. Don’t let your anger get the best of you.”

  “Always,” I answer, my eyes automatically opening and landing hard on his father.

  “Why don’t we go into the library. It’s quiet in there. Private. We won’t have to worry about being disturbed.”

  My stomach churns with worry. Quiet and secluded sounds like the type of place you would take someone to murder them. Or scare the living shit out of them. Either way, it’s not a winning combination in my book.

  With my head held high, I step out of Conner’s tight embrace and follow George through the crowded halls and down a short corridor to the family library. Out of all the rooms in the house, this has always been my favorite. Decorated with big cozy furniture, dark lighting, and permeated with the smell of old books, this room has always felt safe to me.

  Until now, that is.

  With the doors closed, George’s mask of politeness falls, and he faces me with nothing short of a snarl. “Interesting predicament you’re in Emma. I’m guessing you came tonight to gravel on your sister’s behalf,” he says, glaring at me.

  I snort. “Keep dreaming. I don’t gravel. Not to you or anyone else,” I retort. I want to sucker punch the snide bastard, but Bella’s face flashes in my mind and I reel back my hostility. Cooling my features, I offer, “But that doesn’t mean I’m not up for negotiations.”

  His lips twitch with amusement. “What did you have in mind?” he asks, arching a brow.

  My mind whirls, trying to come up with something that would appeal to the devil who has everything. Marrying his son is off the table. I love my sister, but a lifetime of misery isn’t worth furthering her education. I’ll take care of her the rest of my life if I must. Anything to keep from being shackled to Conner’s cheating ass.

  Squaring my shoulders, I bolster up some courage. “I was hoping we could amend our agreement,” I start with. “There has to be a way for us to both to come out of this happy.”

  Mr. Thompson’s calculating eyes turn predatory. He reminds me of a shark that has smelt blood in the water. I worry that I’ve made a mistake. Keeping my face neutral, I stand my ground and watch him for any signs of an attack.

  So many of Conner’s mannerisms stare back at me, from the way George tilts his head when he’s trying to solve a problem to the hard tick in his jaw when he gets worked up. I pray that not everyone is destined to grow up to become like their parent. The thought of turning into my mom later in life is enough to make me want to blow my brains out. Working myself to the bone only to drink most of the money away isn’t my idea of a Grande life.

  “I need you to marry my son,” George says, cutting right to the chase. “That’s the only deal I care about. You can either go into this marriage the easy way or we can always do it the hard way. The choice is yours.”

  Bile creeps up my throat. “I loved Conner and wish things had worked out differently for us, but that ship has sailed,” I admit with a hard edge to my voice. “Nothing good would come out of us being together.”

  “And Bella?” he edges, flashing me perfectly white teeth. “What will come of your poor sister when she can’t attend college? It’s too late to apply anywhere else. I guess she could always wait tables at the old diner with your mother. With all those truck drivers passing through town, a pretty girl like her would get good tips I’m sure.”

  My heart rate picks up. “I’m working on a way to take care of her tuition on my own. I’ve spoken to the University’s financial department. Bella already missed their deadline, but they’re taking her case before the school board. I’m confident that they will help her.”

bsp; “Is that right?” George asks, his smile sinister. “You think you can just scrub your hands clean and walk away from us, Miss Jameson? We welcomed you into our home. We looked past your shitty upbringing. My son offered you a life beyond anything you could ever achieve on your own, and when things got bumpy, you threw it all back in our face. You think I will stand by and accept that?”

  “That’s not what happened,” I blurt. My gaze zeroes in on him. “Your son cheated on me. Everyone knows that things haven’t been good between us for a while. And it’s not as if I begged you to take on my sister’s schooling. You offered. I was fine going through the right channels back when she first applied, but you stopped me. You pushed to pay for everything, not me.”

  I watch warily as Mr. Thompson’s cheeks color with fury. I don’t think he would hurt me with a room full of people so close by, but the gleam in his eyes has wondering exactly what he is capable of. I pick my words carefully, not wanting to escalate the situation but also needing to say my peace.

  “Your firm needs to come into the twenty-first century. Forcing Conner and I into a loveless marriage is crazy. You and your wife should want more for your son.”

  “You, stupid little bitch,” George seethes. “You know nothing about our company. The small amount Conner has told you is only the tip of who and what we are. This is Conner’s chance at greatness. I will not have you screwing this up for him.” Not batting an eye, he takes a step forward and grabs my chin, forcing my face up.

  I suck in air between my teeth. I’m shaking like a leaf. I urge my limbs to move, but nothing is working. Fear has made me paralyzed.

  “Let me simplify things for you, Miss. Jameson,” he says darkly. “You will marry my son and you will be a good little obedient wife for him. No more stepping out of line. You will open your legs when he commands and shut your mouth when asked. And most of all, you will stop creating problems for my family.”

  “You’re fucking delusional,” I hiss. “I won’t help you.”

  George licks his lips and leans in so close I can smell the whiskey on his breath. “You don’t have a choice, sweetheart.” His large body rocks back, and a sinister laugh escapes him. “You are a spunky one,” he muses to himself. “Enough with the shenanigans. Your sister’s financial aid has been denied. I’ve put a stop to that nonsense, and you don’t have time to come up with the money needed to keep her enrolled. If you want her to continue her education, I’m your only option.”

  His words register, and my heart plummets. “Fuck you,” I scream, losing control of my emotions.

  I grit my teeth as George smiles back at me. He’s nothing but a soul-sucking demon leech determined on making my life a living hell. Blinking back tears, I push a finger into his meaty chest. “I will find a way to get the money. I want nothing to do with your backwards family. You and your pansy-ass son can go screw yourself.”

  I had planned to finish my proclamation by storming out of the room, but before I can get one step away, George grips my forearm and swings me back around. My head smacks back against a bookcase and I see stars. “I do nothing half-ass, little lady,” he seethes. “I haven’t forgotten where you come from. That tin can of a trailer your mom calls a home now sits on my property. I bought that piece of shit land last week along with the diner she works at and the building your new boy toy leases from. I own your ass and if you don’t fall in line, I will ruin you and everyone you care about.”

  I stand there trembling and hating how vulnerable I feel. My head pounds, and my stomach aches as the world around me spins out of control. George’s revelations have caught me off guard. Tears hang at the corners of my eyes, but I refuse to let them lose. This man has already taken too much from me, I won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me break.

  My voice shakes as I speak. “You bought the land my mom’s trailer is sitting on?”

  George’s smug face makes me sick to my stomach. This is what true evil looks like. “I bought the entire trailer park. Didn’t want to give your mother a chance of switching lots on me.”

  “The diner wasn’t for sale,” I protest. “Mr. Dawson uses it for a tax right off. He has had other offers before and never took a one of them.”

  “The Greasy Spoon was a little trickier to negotiate. Mr. Dawson was stubborn but with the right amount of cash along with a little bribery everyone eventually caves,” he says with a sinister laugh. “Secrets are like gold. Especially the illegal variety.” George’s hold on me releases and I stumble back away from him, rubbing at my sore arm.

  George Thompson is a living, breathing nightmare.

  I underestimated how far George would go to keep our engagement. Did Conner know about this? I push down the horrible thought. Conner is many things, but I never thought him to be cruel. From day one, he never seemed to care about how poor my family is or how different our upbringings were. He said our differences strengthened our love. We were good until we weren’t. Despite the cheating, I believed that he cared about me. Now, I’m not so sure.

  “Emma,” George snaps, earning my attention. “These are my new terms. You and Conner will marry after graduation. For the next five years, you will be a charming, obedient, and wonderful wife to him. During that time, I will put your sister through college and make sure your mom keeps her job and a roof over her head.”

  Five years?

  I feel like I’m going to be sick. My arms wrap around myself as the enormity of what’s happening sinks in. George ignores the panic in my eyes and keeps explaining his plan.

  “After the five years are up, you can divorce Conner. You’ll leave with the clothes on your back thanks to the strict prenup you will sign. I don’t care what you do with your life at that point. Once you fulfill our bargain, I will sign over the deed to your momma’s trailer and the diner. By then, Conner will be so far in the organization, they won’t question it was all a charade. We will make you out to be an unfit wife, ensuring that the partners won’t hold the divorce against him. It's a win-win for everyone.”

  I clench my fist so tight my nails bite into the skin to the point of puncture. I welcome the pain; it ground me and keeps me from lashing out. “And Ashton’s building? What happens with that?”

  “I’ll leave his business alone, but the deed stays with me. The building is in a good part of town and I want to keep it as part of my property portfolio,” he says, shrugging his shoulders. “It’s a good investment.”

  A sick, bubbling laugh shakes through me. I gaze around the room, trying to focus on something, anything, but my mind feels as if it’s shattered into a million pieces. “You can’t force this on me. It’s not fair. I don’t want this. I don’t want to be marry your fucking son,” I yell.

  Footsteps are heard outside the room and George takes a few steps back, putting a reasonable amount of space between us. Conner slowly opens the door, his face inquisitive as his gaze sweeps back and forth between his father and me. He looks sad, but I don’t trust the emotion. Like father, like son, right?

  He doesn’t care.

  They both just want to use me to get what they want. And who’s to stop them? If what Conner said is true about the men at the firm being no better than the mob, then I have no one to call for help. George was powerful enough to make a University do his bidding, so who’s to say he doesn’t have the police in his pocket also?

  Trust no one. That is the only way I’m to survive this. From here on out, I’m on my own.

  “Everything good here?” Conner asks, propping a shoulder on the doorframe.

  “Just finishing up some negotiations,” George answers, not sparing his son a single glance.

  His eyes stay narrowed on me when he says, “You have two weeks Emma to get your affairs in order. I expect you to be back in the apartment with Conner after that. All communication with Mr. Gibson comes to a halt. No more whoring around. You will be a Thompson soon and we don’t need you running around dirtying up our name.”

  A numbness settles over me, an
d I find myself nodding.

  “Emma?” Conner calls out, his voice soft and sounding confused. His eyes search my face for some clarification as to what is going on, but I close off my emotions and shut him out. He can’t help me. Even if he could, I don’t think he would have the balls to go against daddy dearest.

  Like a computer program, they have hacked into my life. George found my weaknesses and pushed until I have no choice but to concede. I could try to fight. Maybe take Ashton up on his offer to pay for Bella’s first year tuition, but I’m fooling myself if I think George would let that happen. He’s gone as far as buying up land and businesses, what’s to stop him from doing more?


  I’ve got to figure this out on my own. Without sparing another moment, I push past George and head for the door. “I’m not feeling well,” I tell them. “Make up any excuse you like for my absence. I’m going home.”

  Conner runs to catch up with me, his lips tensely pressed into a firm line. “Wait up. I’ll drive you.”

  I turn on him and he skids to a stop, his eyes wide with worry. Sure hands find my shoulders, but I shrug him off. I don’t want him touching me. “Go back to your family, Conner” I demand. A deep sadness fills me, and it takes a few deep breaths for me to continue.

  “You win,” I cry. I raise my face to him, not caring if my eyes are red or my make-up is wet and ruined. “Thanks to your father’s dirty deeds, I will forfeit my life so you can have the future you want. I’ll give up a man that truly loves me for a cowardly one that can’t make his way through life without stepping on those around him.”

  “Emma,” Conner interrupts, his voice frantic. “What happened in there? Why are saying these things?”

  Voices stir around us, and I lean into Conner, and whisper so only he can hear. “It doesn’t matter anymore. What’s done is done. I’m going home to spend the next few weeks with those who truly love me. I don’t want to see your face once during that time. Not once,” I say with steel in my voice. “Enjoy the next five years, Conner, because once my time is up, I’m coming for your family. You will pay tenfold for the hurt you’ve caused me and those I love.”


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