Angela Knight - Hero Sandwich

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Angela Knight - Hero Sandwich Page 2

by Hero Sandwich (lit)

  Lynx jerked her away. “What are you, an evil clone? Since when do we fondle suspects?” Still glaring at his partner, he twitched the edges of the suit back into place. His determined gaze met Meg’s. “I don’t know what the hell’s gotten into him, but nobody’s going to hurt you.”

  Cougar’s smile was dark and knowing. “She’s not even remotely afraid of being hurt. In fact, if you probe between those pretty thighs, you’ll find she’s slick and hot. Sneaky’s had fantasies about us for years, haven’t you, Sneaky?”

  “Don’t call me that!” As humiliated as she was aroused, Meg glared. “My name is Paparazzi. I’ve gone straight.”

  He moved closer, crowding her again. “I’m delighted to hear it. But you still haven’t paid for the crimes you committed six years ago.”

  Lynx backed away, pulling her with him. “Hey, you told me you suspected Bankbuster beat her, because you smelled her blood on both of them. If he was forcing her ...”

  “A mitigating factor, but no excuse.” Cougar followed them, menacingly seductive. He had a good three inches on his partner, and at least six on her. “That’s your cue, Sneaky.”

  Her nipples had hardened to tight little points. Meg hoped they’d think it was the breeze. She forced herself to sneer. “For what?”

  “To say all those pretty, dick-hardening pleas on the tip of your tongue. ‘Please don’t send me to jail, Cougar.’” His voice dropped to a mocking, suggestive groan. “‘I’ll do anything.’” Behind her, her defender stiffened. “See? Even the Boy Scout just got a hard-on.”

  Lynx shot out a palm and hit Cougar’s chest hard enough to knock him back a pace. “That’s not the way we fuckin’ play!”

  “No, but Sneaky wishes it was. Don’t you, sweetheart? Admit it -- you’d just love to be the meat in a hero sandwich.” He crowded in on them again.

  Lynx’s grip on her arm tightened convulsively. All three of them knew that if Cougar decided to take her, there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. Lynx was fast, agile, and considerably stronger than a normal man, but Meg had seen Cougar rip a three-foot-thick steel door off a bank vault.

  “Back off!” Lynx snarled.

  “I will -- if she asks.” Cougar’s full attention was focused on Meg. He was so close now, her breasts brushed the hard leather plates of his armor. “Despite my idiot partner’s taste for melodrama, I’m not a rapist. Tell me no, and we’ll turn you loose. I won’t even chase you.” He gave her a slow, wicked smile. “Unless you want me to.”

  Meg stared up at him in shocked arousal. His mouth framed by that snarling cat mask looked astonishingly seductive. Despite the way he scared the daylights out of her, she was still dying to taste him. His shoulders seemed to fill her vision, while behind her, she could feel the rasp of leather at her back as Lynx held her protectively close.

  “Tick tock,” Cougar breathed, lowering his head toward hers. “Say yes, or we’ll be good little heroes and go away.”

  She licked her lips, staring helplessly at his mouth. “Why? Why would you catch me and then just let me go?”

  One corner of his mouth twitched up. “Because I want to fuck you. If all I wanted was to send you to jail, I’d have done it after we caught Bankbuster.” His breath puffed against her mouth as he spoke. Helplessly seduced, she started to rise on her toes.

  Cougar straightened and looked at the man behind her. “I’m not hearing a yes. Call the car, Lynx. Looks like the lady doesn’t want to play.”

  “No!” Meg’s deprived libido went into instant revolt. Reaching up, she grabbed one ear of his mask and pulled his head down for the hungry kiss she’d been dying for. Cougar growled softly in satisfaction as he slid those muscular arms around her, hauling her off her feet and against his big body.

  He tasted like sin and brandy, smelled like aroused male and skin-warmed leather. His hands felt hot and strong as one palm cradled her backside while the other cupped her shoulder. The hard plate over his groin pressed against the crotch seam of her suit. Maddened, Meg rolled her hips against him. She wanted to feel her naked breasts pressing into his armor.

  Distantly, she heard the scrape of boots on tar as Lynx turned away. Cougar pulled away from the kiss and looked over at him. “You’re going to disappoint the lady, pard. I promised her a hero sandwich. Can’t deliver if you leave.”

  Lynx stopped and looked at them. Even with the mask, he looked a little wild-eyed. “You do realize this is fuckin’ kinky.”

  Cougar grinned. “Oh, yeah.”

  Clinging to his broad shoulders, Meg panted. Both of them. She could have both of them. It was wrong, but God, she’d never been so hot in her life. “Don’t leave,” she rasped. “I want you.”

  Lynx’s smile was slow, wolfish, and hot. “You don’t have to ask twice.”

  He was on them in one long stride, his gloved hand tunneling through her hair where it escaped her hood. Roughly, he tugged her head back and swooped down for a long, slick kiss. Meg moaned as his tongue swirled around hers, then thrust suggestively deep between her lips. With his free hand, Lynx jerked the edge of her suit back to claim one fat cherry nipple. She moaned as he rolled and pinched it between leather-clad fingers.

  Cougar laughed as he pulled the suit off her other shoulder, freeing her breast completely. “I’d better call the car. I guess we really shouldn’t bang her in front of half of New York. Somebody’ll take a picture, and we’ll end up on the cover of the National Enquirer.”

  Meg broke the kiss to grin at him. “That’s one way to put the gay rumors to rest.”

  He lowered his head to her aching, ready breast. “Good point.” His tongue lapped, circled. “Very good point.”

  Lynx moved to the side, bending her back into another bone-melting kiss as he kneaded her right nipple. Cougar raked his teeth over the left, sending a liquid shiver through her body. She was panting by the time she heard the whoosh of their aircar swooping down to land on the roof.

  Dazed, Meg lifted her head as its wheels touched down. The vehicle looked a little like a streamlined van, painted in the same browns as its owners’ costumes. They started guiding her toward it. “What’s it use to fly, lev-fields?” she managed, as the big side door slid open, sending bright light flooding out. There didn’t seem to be a driver; presumably it had some kind of computerized autopilot.

  Cougar flashed a grin in the light from the interior. “Do you care?”

  She laughed. “Not really.”

  “I didn’t think so.” To the car he added, “Back seats down.”

  With a hum, the seats folded up and sank down into wells in the floor, leaving a flat surface in the back. Meg crawled inside, feeling the thick padding yield like a mattress under her hands and knees. It seemed tailor-made for sex. “Do you guys pick up women often?”

  “You’re the first.” The men got in after her as Cougar explained, “Sometimes we do transport people who are too big for the seats, though.” To jail, he meant. Some of their villains were so dangerous, even the cops weren’t equipped to handle them.

  Meg eyed the thick metal rings that had popped out when the seats sank. They were obviously designed as anchor points for restraints. “Guess that explains the bondage gear.”

  “Now, there’s a thought,” Lynx said wickedly, as the door closed behind them with an expensive thunk, leaving them surrounded by the scent of leather and arousal. The lights faded to a gentle glow. “I’ve always had fantasies about bad girls and handcuffs.” He scooted over to join her, his expression distinctly predatory behind the mask.

  “I thought you were supposed to be the Boy Scout.” Meg sat back on her heels, acutely conscious of the way the suit lay open over her breasts.

  Cougar snorted. “That’s an act.”

  Lynx flipped him the finger and reached for her. Heart pounding, she went into his arms.

  “I feel like I’ve died and gone to a porn movie,” she confessed, as Lynx pulled the suit off her shoulders and down her arms. Cougar caught one leg an
d sought out the zipper of her boot. “I’ve had a whole lot of fantasies that started just like this.”

  “Oddly enough, so have I.” Lynx dragged the suit down past her hips, exposing soft copper curls. “Ooh. I do love a natural redhead.”

  Cougar laughed. “That makes two of us.” The zipper hissed and he started dragging the boot off.

  His partner reached a gloved hand between her thighs. Meg caught her breath as one armored finger slid into her core.

  “Oh, God.” Lynx drew in a hard breath. “She’s so wet I can feel it even with the glove.”

  “I thought as much.” Cougar threw the boot aside. “I could smell her. Sweet, hot cream.” He grabbed her other ankle and jerked the zipper down. Panting, Meg lay back and let them strip her.

  She thought of Richard. Guilt stirred. What the hell was she doing?

  Then she pushed the remorse away. Kinky as this was, Cougar and Lynx were the good guys. She had her doubts about Richard, or she wouldn’t be doing this now.

  Before her guilt could break the mood, Lynx caught her by one ankle and lifted it high as he sank that gloved finger inside her again in a slow pump. She groaned in pleasure as the leather raked gently over delicate flesh.

  “Like that?” Cougar asked roughly, stripping off one of his gloves. Both men watched her face with matching expressions of predatory hunger. They were still fully armored, making her feel even more deliciously naked.

  “Oh, God, yes.” Meg licked her lips, staring helplessly up at them as Lynx pumped slowly. When he flicked a thumb over her clit, she groaned.

  “Good,” Cougar said, grabbing the other ankle and lifting it high. “Try this.”

  Meg gasped in shock as he found her anus with one long finger. Before she could muster more than a whimper, he started working it up her backside. “She’s tight,” Cougar said roughly. He rotated it in and out. That finger felt huge as it slid past the one Lynx had buried in her cunt. “Really tight. You ever taken it up the ass, Sneaky?”

  She swallowed, her eyes wide behind her mask. “No.” Richard had wanted to, but he was hung like a horse, and she’d been afraid.

  There was that dark, predatory grin again. “Good.”

  “I thought ...” Meg had to lick her dry lips before she could continue. “... I thought I’d take one of you in my mouth.”

  “Oh, you’ll do that, too.” Another breath-stealing thrust, blending both pleasure and discomfort. “But I want this ass.” She couldn’t see his eyes behind his mask, but she could feel his hard stare. “And I’m going to get it, aren’t I?”

  Meg shuddered. “Yes.” Her voice sounded faint.

  Cougar looked at Lynx. “Get the restraints.”

  His partner grinned and withdrew the finger he’d buried in her twat. Dazed, Meg watched him move to an equipment locker that stood along the back of the vehicle. “Restraints?” She could hear her own pulse in her ears.

  Cougar showed his teeth. “I’ve always had this fantasy about capturing and ass-fucking a pretty supervillain.” He caught the set of cuffs Lynx tossed him. “We got anything I could use as lube?”

  Lynx lifted a lid. Something metallic rattled as he dug around. “There’s some antibiotic ointment in the First Aid kit.”

  “That’ll do.” He grabbed Meg’s left wrist and clapped on one of the bracelets.

  Good guys or not, Meg wasn’t sure she wanted to be that helpless. “Now, look, nobody said anything about bondage!” She tried to pull free, but couldn’t break his superhuman grip.

  “Oh, come on, Sneaky, I know you’ve fantasized about doing it in handcuffs.” Despite her struggles, he snapped on the other bracelet, leaving her wrists cuffed in front of her.

  Lynx tossed him the tube. “Speaking of fantasies, I still owe Sneaky one for that sucker punch a few years back.”

  Cougar looked up, interested. “What have you got in mind?”

  He crawled toward them, unable to stand up because of the van’s low roof. It put her in mind of a tom creeping up on a fat canary. And she was the canary. “I’m thinking a nice, hard spanking would even the score. Fourth seat, down.” As it obediently lowered, Lynx threw himself into it.

  “Hey!” Before she could do much more than sputter, Cougar scooped her up and handed her over.

  Cursing, Meg struggled, but it did her absolutely no good as the two men arranged her butt-up across Lynx’s lap. “Cut that out, you big jerks!” To her shame, she felt her pussy grow even wetter. “Whatever happened to foreplay?”

  “You’ll get that, too.” Cougar sat down and captured both her kicking feet, spreading them wide. “Eventually.”

  Helplessly, Meg twisted around to watch as Lynx lifted a big, broad hand over her butt. He gave her an evil grin and brought it smacking down.

  The first loud swat made her jump. A sharp sting radiated through her bare flesh. “Owww! You bastard!”

  Both men stared at her ass, wearing matching expressions of predatory hunger. She almost groaned at the stark heat that rolled over her.

  Her butt was absolutely perfect, tight and round and muscular. With her legs spread, Cougar could see her pink pussy, glistening with arousal. Her anus was concealed by her pose, but he knew he’d soon have the chance to spread that sweet little backside for a deep, plunging fuck. His dick twitched behind the armored cup that was nowhere near big enough to accommodate it. “That’s a really luscious ass.”

  “I noticed.” Lynx lifted one hand for his next smack.

  Paparazzi glared at them both over her shoulder. Despite the mask that hid the upper half of her face, Cougar could tell her high, pretty cheeks were flushed. Her sensuous mouth drew into a pout he badly wanted to kiss. “This was not what I had in mind.”

  Lynx grinned. “Too bad.” His hand flashed down.

  Smack! Cougar watched with lustful appreciation as she bucked across his brother’s knees. Her long legs flexed, trying to kick, but he held on to her ankles as her skin flushed in a cherry outline of Lynx’s hand. Smack! Her ass squirmed deliciously. “Bastard!”

  “Now, that’s no way to talk,” Lynx said, laughing.

  Smack followed smack as he laid down a pattern of swats over her creamy ass, making her writhe and yelp. With every bounce, Cougar felt his dick get harder as he imagined pumping into her virgin backside.

  He’d always known he had a sadistic streak, but Paparazzi had a talent for bringing it to the surface.

  The metal edge of the cup was digging into his cock. With a groan, Cougar rose onto his knees and reached for the buckle tucked under his groin armor. He found it and worked the strap free, sighing in relief when it finally released.

  Lynx had broken off his spanking to caress the rosy flesh of Paparazzi’s ass. She looked back just in time to see Cougar’s cock spring free. Her mouth drew into a shocked little O that instantly made his erection throb and lengthen even more.

  It was definitely his turn to play.

  Picking up the lube with one hand, he reached for her ass with the other. Lynx gave him a questioning look. “I do believe it’s time to get her asshole ready,” Cougar drawled. “I’m not sure how much longer my patience is going to last.”

  His brother grinned back. Apparently Paparazzi brought out his sadistic streak, too. “Good idea.”

  “Now, wait one ...” she began.

  They ignored her, Lynx parting her ass cheeks as Cougar squirted a healthy dollop of gel over his fingers. She squirmed, but his brother pressed an elbow into the small of her back, pinning her in place.

  Her anus was a tempting little rosette between the pale curves of her butt. Cougar presented a well-greased finger to the little pucker and started forcing his way inside. The snug little hole parted reluctantly, gripping his finger in slick, tight heat that made his cock ache.

  “Pervert!” Paparazzi spat, and tried to kick him.

  He caught her ankle with his free hand and gave it a warning squeeze. “The outraged act would be a lot more convincing if I couldn’t smell how w
et you are.” Adding a second finger, he groaned as her tight flesh seemed to milk him. “God, I’m going to love fucking this ass.”

  “I don’t know, Cougar,” Lynx drawled. “She’s pretty tiny. Sure you can get the whole thing in there?”

  “I’ll find a way.”

  Meg stifled a groan of mingled discomfort and lust as Cougar finger-fucked her butt, first one finger and then two, stroking deep and hard. When she turned her head, she could see his cock jutting from his armor, thick and flushed almost purple. It looked huge, as big as Richard’s, and she wondered how the hell she was going to take the whole thing.

  She was more than ready to make the attempt, though. That spanking had done a good job of bringing every nerve ending she had to pulsing attention.

  And then there was the sheer dark eroticism of being naked while Cougar and Lynx were fully armored. Add the cuffs around her wrists, and it was no wonder her libido was doing a rumba of kinky anticipation.

  “You know,” Cougar said, “if I’m going to take her anal virginity, the least I should do is make sure she’s good and hot.” Damn, if she got any hotter, she’d go into meltdown. “Time to eat a little pussy.”

  On the other hand, who was she to stand in his way?

  Cougar scooped her up like a rag doll. Mouth dry, she watched Lynx move out of the way so his partner could lay her back on the seat. The soft leather cradled her stinging ass as Cougar draped both her thighs across his broad, armored shoulders.

  As he bent over her cunt, Lynx went for her full breasts, cupping and caressing. When she felt twin hot tongues begin to lick, she damn near exploded on the spot.

  Cougar spread her lips and gave her clit a tongue flick that made her every nerve sizzle. Lynx raked one hard nipple with his teeth before settling down to suck. Pleasure swirled along her body like a swarm of fireflies.

  In five minutes, Meg was quivering on the edge of orgasm. And Cougar knew it, damn him. He drew back just slightly and let the pleasure die. Dazed, she looked over Lynx’s broad shoulder to see him watching her, his expression darkly sensual despite the feral lines of his mask.


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