Politically Incorrect

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Politically Incorrect Page 17

by Jeanne McDonald

  Somewhere between his departure and him slipping on the condom, the mood between us changed. The dirty man who claimed to torture me until I was falling apart morphed into the sweet man I knew so well. His face transformed and his eyes softened. He pushed my hair back from my face, my heart was racing so hard I was certain he could feel it against his chest.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered.

  All at once, his mouth fell to mine and his body filled me. He linked our hands together, drawing them above my head. In that moment, we were connected in every way possible. Soul to soul. Heart to heart. Body to body. Our passion consumed us. He thrust into me, our hips meeting in perfect ecstasy.

  He’d teased my body so much it was instantly ready to find its release. And it did. I cried out as my climax overtook me, only to have those cries swallowed down by Liam who refused to release my mouth from his kiss. His hands locked tighter around mine and his hips pushed faster and harder into me. He was gentle, reverent even, but his movements were jagged. Again and again he plunged into me, taking what he knew was his.

  When he met his own release, it was the most magnificent thing I’d ever witnessed. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to him. His whole body shook. His moans were deep and sated. There was something about the feel of him losing control in that brief moment that brought about another climax for me. Together, we reached the stars of intimacy.

  Liam gently kissed my lips. “God, I wanted to last longer than that,” he groaned, his forehead dropping to mine.

  I wrapped my hands around his face, pulling his head back so I could see into those deep, soulful eyes. “Round one, or are we out for the count for a little while?”

  He chuckled. “Oh, sweetheart, we’ve only just begun.”

  I squealed as he grabbed the covers beneath me. He ripped them down and pulled them over our heads, thus beginning round two.

  More times than I could count, Liam claimed me. When he said he would torture me until I submitted myself to him, he wasn’t kidding. And while my body buzzed with energy from his mastery of sex, my favorite moment was waking up in his arms, just before sunrise.

  That was also my least favorite moment, for it was then he had to leave me. If I’d had my way, we’d have stayed locked up in that room and forgot the world existed outside, but that wasn’t an option.

  Politics didn’t stop for sex. It might take a break, but it didn’t stop.

  Liam pressed a sweet kiss to my temple, his nose nuzzling my tangled locks. “Will you come to my place tonight?”

  I tilted my head, kissing his chin. “Why?”

  He tapped the tip of my nose with his fingertip. “Because I need to be close to work, but I also want to be with you.” He brushed his knuckle along my jaw, drawing my mouth to his. It was impossible to resist him when he kissed me like that.

  “Okay. I’ll be there.”

  He pecked my lips once more. “I have to head out, but I’ll be by headquarters sometime today.”

  He slipped out of my arms and got out of my bed. Even disheveled from a night of naughtiness, he was still perfect. I rested on my elbow and watched as he got dressed. When he was fully clothed and ready to leave, I lifted up to join him. Liam raised a hand, stopping me. “Get some rest.”

  “I’m just walking you to the door.”

  He sat down on the bed beside me. His long fingers smooth my messy tresses. “I know if you get out of this bed, you won’t get back in. I can see myself out.” He pressed a sweet kiss to my lips, his palm stroking the bare skin of my arm.

  “Fine. You win.”

  “I always do,” he gloated.

  “Gah!” I shoved him away, flopping back down on the mattress. His addicting laugh blanketed me.

  As he started out of the bedroom, he cocked his head, glancing at me over his shoulder. “If I haven’t told you yet, I want you to know how amazing you are.”

  “You’re not too bad yourself.”

  “Not too bad?” He feigned insult. “Well, if that’s the case I better kick it up a notch tonight.”

  I giggled, shuffling under the sheets. Was it even possible for him to outdo himself?

  “I think you better,” I jibbed.

  He gave me a quick wink. “I’ll see you later.”

  I chewed my bottom lip, as he walked out of my room.

  No sooner had the front door close that I covered my face and started kicking my feet.

  For the second time with Liam, I’d opened myself up to him. I admitted how much he consumed me. I allowed myself to cross the line. I lost control.

  Damn him and his stupid superpower!

  Last night had been beautiful to the point of perfection. So what if I allowed myself to open up to him. There were worse things that could happen.

  Like someone finding out about us.

  The more I pondered the ramifications of my actions, the antsier I felt. There was no way I’d find sleep with my head running ninety miles an hour. So, I got out of bed, and took a long, hot shower. Every muscle and bone in my body ached. While the shower helped some with the physical, it failed to ease my mind.

  I’d slept with my client. I crossed an unethical line. Worse yet, I was officially a cougar!

  Sometime later, I pulled myself together enough to get dressed and head into work.

  At headquarters, I rushed to my office, too absorbed in my thoughts to even say hello to the staff. I had a headache coming on that trumped all headaches.

  Once inside my office, I closed the door and dropped into my chair. My purse and briefcase landed on my desk with a thud. I dropped my head in my hands, contemplating my next move. I’d had a taste of Liam. There was no going back from that. I could end it. That’d be the smart thing to do. Then again, I never claimed to be smart. I claimed to be good. Good at hiding stuff that no one wished to be found.

  That was my only solution. I’d cover up the truth.

  No, I did not have sexual relations with that man.

  It was official. I was losing my marbles.

  A rap at the door tore me from my head. I glanced up to find Scout standing in the doorway. Her hair was piled high on top of her head and the small freckles on her nose matched the khaki blazer she wore.

  “Damn, girl! You look amazing today. You’re practically glowing,” she complimented, as she stepped inside and dropped into the chair before me.

  “I didn’t get much sleep,” I grumbled.

  It was the truth after all.

  “It doesn’t show. You look fantastic. Did you do something new with your hair?”

  I rubbed the back of my neck, trying to emulate the same motions Liam had used to get rid of my headache on the bus. “If you mean did I forget to brush it this morning; more than likely.” I shrank back a little. “Um, hey, is Aaron here yet? I want to know if the new polls are in.”

  Scout shook her head. “He’s on the Hill with Liam today. They should be in later. Would you like for me to call him?”

  I shook my head. If Aaron came over, then Liam would follow. I wasn’t ready to face him in front of people yet. My body still hummed with the memory of him pulsing inside me, and my imagination created a horrific scenario in which the whole office would instantly know we’d had sex.

  “Nah. Just have one of the staffers bring the numbers by. I’ve got a lot of work to do today and I can’t wait on them to arrive.”

  “Anything I can help with?”

  “Not right now, but if something comes up, I’ll let you know.”

  Scout stood and backed toward the door. “All right, boss. I’ll be here if you need me.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered, firing up my laptop.

  I was in for a very long day.

  Hours passed, and before I knew it, I heard a knock at the door.

  “It’s open,” I called out.

  “Hey, Mom. You ready for lunch?” My eyes darted to the clock on the wall.

  Damn, where had the time gone?

  “You forgot,” she gr
umbled, parking herself in front of me.

  “I didn’t. I was just finishing up here.” I closed my laptop, thankful for her distraction. I’d barely gotten any work done, my mind replaying the previous night’s events over and over. “How’d you do on your exam?”

  “What exam?”

  “The one you abandoned me to study for last night.”

  Jordyn stared at me for a moment. She clapped her hands over her mouth “Oh!” she exclaimed, the light bulb brightening above her head. “That exam. I did fine.”

  I rolled my shoulders, the tension so tight that they popped with every movement. Jordyn narrowed her gaze on me, her smile widening by the second. “Oh Em Gee! You slept with the hot Congressman!”

  I gasped in shock! “What?”

  “You did!”

  “Shhh!” I hissed, waving my hands at her. “What on earth gave you that idea?”

  Jordyn started to laugh. “You did! You did!” she chanted. “You slept with him. Way to go, Mom!”

  I buried my face in my hands, dying. “Can you say it any louder?”

  She sprang from her chair and slammed the door shut. “There. We’re alone. Tell me everything.”

  “Absolutely not!”

  “He spent the night, didn’t he?” she squealed, dancing about and clapping her hands. “Damn, that man must have fucked you good. Look how red your face is getting.”

  I cupped my hands over my cheeks, feeling the heat burn beneath my skin. “I don’t blush!” I gritted my teeth. “And language, my dear daughter.”

  “Pssh!” She dismissed my scolding. “You’re blushing right now.” She plopped back down into her chair, leaning forward and resting her elbows on my desk. “Was he any good?”

  “I’m not discussing this with you!”

  “Wow! He was that good. Nice!”

  “Stop it!”

  “Stop what? I’m proud of you. I knew when I left you the two of you might get bizzay. I meant, the sexual tension just rolls off you.”

  I rubbed my temples, putting two and two together. “You didn’t have a test today, did you?”

  A sardonic grin colored her face. “Nope. But I knew Congressman McHotty Pants wasn’t there to talk strategy.” She wiggled her brows. “And now I’m really glad I left.”

  “This is a disaster, Jordyn!”

  “Why? I think it’s amazing.”

  “He’s my client, and he’s ten years younger than me,” I argued, my chest aching even as the words tumbled from my lips.

  “So the circumstances aren’t perfect, but his age is a moot point. It’s not like he’s my age. And besides, he likes you, and I know you like him. It’s written all over your face.”

  “You don’t get it. I’m on his staff. That doesn’t bode well in an election. I have to end this before we get in too deep.”

  Jordyn leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’d say you’re already in too deep, Mom, but that’s not a bad thing.” She released a soft sigh. “And his age and being your client really aren’t the issues at hand. They’re your excuses. The real problem is you like him a lot, and it scares you.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  She pulled a sticky note from my desk and started to fold it into triangles. “I’m talking about you having real feelings for this guy.”

  “No more than I do for any other client.”

  “Bull shit. Since Dad, all you’ve ever had were flings. It’s why I pushed you to start dating after I moved out. You’d sleep with some staffer or aid and discard them after an election. You refused to settle down because it scared you. I always figured it had something to do with me. All my life you’ve put me first, so dating wasn’t an option. A quick bang cured the itch. Right, Mom?”

  “Jordyn Marie!”

  “Whether you want to admit it or not, it’s the truth.” She pointed at me, circling her accusing finger in the air. “Liam scares you because he’s not a quick lay.”

  I edged forward, resting my elbows on my desk. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You can’t fight what you feel for the man.”

  “I’m not fighting anything,” I lied.

  “I know you, Mom. The moment he left this morning you went into clean up mode.”

  “Clean up mode?”

  “Yeah. You know. When you discover one of your clients has screwed up so you move in to clean up their mistakes. You think through every scenario and come up with the best solution to fix the issue.” She smirked that I so busted my mother grin.

  I growled and threw my hands in the air. “Fine. Since you seem to know everything today, what do you suggest I do?”

  Jordyn stood and marched around to me. She perched on the edge of my desk and took my hands in hers. “You allow yourself to fall in love, that’s what you do.”

  “And how do you propose I do that?”

  “Well,” she giggled, “for starters, you stop worrying so damn much. Just enjoy the man for Christ’s sake. Have some fun.”

  Being with Liam was fun. He made me laugh, and in between our romps in the sack, we really did enjoy talking with each other. He challenged me and he didn’t take shit from me. I liked that about him.

  “Wow! Look at that,” she breathed. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile like that.”

  I pulled my hands from her, shooing her away. “Oh, stop.”

  “This is amazing,” Jordyn chirped, bouncing and clapping. She rested against the window sill, crossing her legs in front of her.

  “Are you sure I’m not some sick cougar who’s preying on a younger man?”

  Jordyn snorted. “Are you kidding me? That man pursued you.” She snapped her fingers. “He showed up at your house. Not the other way around.” She started smacking the air with her hand. “And then he gave it to you good.”

  “Oh, Jesus!” I rolled my eyes and grabbed my purse. “Where’re we going for lunch?”

  Jordyn grinned, glancing down at her watch. “How about Siroc? And afterward you can go see Congressman McHotty Pants on the Hill.”

  “He’s busy.” I glanced out the window toward the Hill, and smiled. “But I’ll see him tonight.”

  Jordyn squealed and pushed off the sill. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders, and pulled me in close to her small frame. “Now, we’re talking. Let’s skip lunch and head home. We have to find you the perfect outfit to wear for your date tonight.”

  “It’s not a date!”

  “Mom, trust me. It’s a date.”

  Nerves sparked inside me. She was right. It was a date. I’d never felt nervous over a date before.

  “You know what. I have a better idea.” I clicked my tongue to the roof of my mouth. “Let’s go shopping.”

  “Well, all right.” She clapped me on the back.

  The intercom beeped and Brandy’s voice squawked through. “Elizabeth, Mr. Harper’s on line two for you.”

  I slipped around my desk and pressed the intercom button to respond, “Tell him I’ll call him back later.”

  Jordyn’s smile flattened into a straight line. “When are you going to tell Uncle Harper about you and Congressman McHotty Pants?”

  I rummaged through my purse for my keys. After Harper’s insinuations back in Dallas, I had no intentions of telling him anything. “I’m not.”

  “That’s a bad idea, Mom.”

  “It’s none of his business. As a matter of fact, it’s no one’s business. This is between you, Liam, and me. At least until after the election. Got it.” I found my keys and dangled them around my finger.

  Jordyn linked her arm into mine. “You know I won’t tell anyone, but remember, you’re the one who told me there are no secrets in politics.”

  I sighed in defeat. Just as I was about to give in to my heart, my daughter had to remind me of my logic.

  “Stop that, Mom.”

  “Stop what?”

  “You’re going into cleanup mode again. Liam’s good for you and I
refuse to let you talk yourself out of a good thing. I only wanted to point out that it would be best if Harper heard about this from you, okay?”

  While I felt she was right, I also knew the damage telling Harper could cause. I did the only thing I could do to settle the conversation. “Okay.”

  As we left my office, I sent Liam a text message. I didn’t want him to think I was dodging him if he showed up at headquarters.

  Elizabeth McNeal: I’m going shopping with Jordyn, so I won’t be in the office this afternoon.

  My phone buzzed in my hand within seconds of me pressing send.

  William Baxter: Have fun. See you tonight.

  I slipped my phone into my purse and smiled.

  You sure will, Congressman. You sure will.

  Nine o’clock.

  I parked my car in front of Liam’s townhome. All day long I was a bundle of nerves. Our encounter the night before had been spontaneous. This, however, was premeditated. The political guru in me cringed at my lack of rationale, but the woman inside me hungered for the man inside that house.

  One last glance at myself in the mirror and I got out of the car. Glancing over my shoulder to see if anyone noticed me, I found the streets devoid of life. The moon was nonexistent, almost as if it were staying hidden just for me. I thanked the man in the moon for vailing my secrets.

  At the door, I buttoned my coral jacket over the ivory satin camisole Jordyn insisted on me wearing. To be honest, I wasn’t too sure I was dressed appropriately. Normally on a first date I’d sport a little black dress or something in burgundy. Dark colors were my niche. Jordyn swore with my hazel eyes and blonde hair, lighter colors and distressed skinny jeans were the right way to go.

  God help that kid if she was wrong.

  I rubbed my lips together, my hand mid-air ready to ring the doorbell. This was the moment of truth. Butterflies in my stomach, I pressed my fingertip to the pearl button. An odd feeling swirled inside me as the chime broke through the silence. It wasn’t anxiety. It was more like anticipation.


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