Politically Incorrect

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Politically Incorrect Page 21

by Jeanne McDonald

  “Maybe we should give you two a moment,” one of the writers suggested, perched to stand.

  I lifted my hand. “No. You stay here and fix this mess. I think it’s time for me and our candidate to have a chat.”

  The staffer dropped back into his seat, clamping his mouth shut.

  Smart kid.

  Liam straightened to his full height, which would intimidate even the boldest of men, and adjusted his neon green tie. I tried to mimic his authoritative attitude, knowing that I didn’t carry the same command in my stance as he did. I stepped back around the table to my abandoned tablet and snapped it up.

  “If you’ll excuse us,” Liam stated to the room, following me out.

  Not a single word was uttered as we marched toward my office. Everyone who saw us moved quickly to get out of the way. All of our previous disagreements throughout the day had created the perfect subterfuge.

  I plotted how we could escape the building. We could have a huge fallout that everyone might be able to hear. One of us could storm out, followed by the other. We’d meet at his place and scratch this itch we’d created.

  Yeah. It was a perfect plan.

  If only we could execute it.

  We passed Brandy typing away on her phone. She glanced up and her face blanched. My expression must’ve given her an indication that Liam had balked against me...again.

  “Hold your calls?” she asked.

  Her big, blue eyes moved to Liam, filled with pity for the man.

  “Please. We’re not to be disturbed.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” She nodded to Liam. “Congressman.”

  “Brandy,” he replied, duplicating her salutation.

  We entered my office and I closed the door behind me. “Okay. Here’s the plan.”

  Just as I passed my thumb over the lock, Liam grabbed my tablet from me and tossed it aside. He twirled my ponytail in his hand, pulled my head toward him, slamming my back against his chest. “You liked exerting control in there, didn’t you?”

  Oh my heart. The pounding was so loud that my ears felt as if they might explode. I loved this side of him. Aggressive. Feral. Wanton.

  Bye-bye plan. Hello wingin’ it.

  His nose skimmed along my jaw. “Yes-s,” I dared to answer.

  Liam cupped my breast in his hand while tugging my hair tighter with the other. He ground his pelvis against my back, giving me a taste of what I was in for. The feel of his erection pressed against my butt was too inviting. I reached behind me, yanking on his belt.

  Liam released my hair and flipped me around, pinning my shoulders to the door. “In here, I’m in control. Got it.”

  Yep. I had it, and I loved it.

  He licked his lips, staring into my eyes without so much as blinking. I nodded my understanding of his command. “Now, what to do with you. You’ve been particular about no office interaction.”

  “Fuck that rule.” I bent my elbows, reaching for his belt. “I want you naked, on my desk, and in my mouth.”

  “My dear, Elizabeth.” He smirked, wrapping his fingers around my wrists. “I like your thinking.” He raked his teeth over his smooth lip. “But no. I don’t think I’ll let you have your way this time.”

  I let out a gasp, yanking at my arms. I wanted to touch him. I squirmed and wrestled to free myself, but the more I moved, the tighter his grip became. Liam leaned down, capturing my mouth with his. His tongue pushed between my teeth, taking the very breath from my lungs.

  Enraptured by his hungry kiss, I didn’t even realize when he’d slipped his tie from around his neck and wrapped it around my arms. The knot was loose to escape if I needed to, but tight enough to hold me as he desired. Liam moved his mouth to my ear. “Right now,” he breathed, “I want to fuck you. Hard.”

  I mewled at the thought, willing to let him have me however he wished.

  He moved his hands down my waist and under my skirt. I took the chance to circle my linked arms around his neck. He pushed my skirt up until it hugged my hips. He glanced down at my panties. His finger traced along the waistband. “Do you have any special connection to these?”

  “They’re panties,” I noted, a little dumbfounded.

  “So they're not like your favorites or anything?”


  A sensual crooked grin tugged his lips. “Good.”

  He twirled his long fingers into the fabric. With very little effort, he shredded the material against my skin. It stung slightly, but I was so turned on by the action that a little pain meant nothing to me. He tossed the mangled fabric aside, not caring where it fell. His large palm moved between my legs. He pressed the heel of his hand against me, applying pressure where I needed him. I hissed through my teeth at the sensation, my head falling back against the door.

  Liam tsked at me. “No, no, Sweetheart. No getting comfortable for you. I’m only testing the waters and they feel quite warm.”

  He ducked out from under my arms, and pulled me away from the door, digging his fingers into my bare hips. His lips crashed into mine, clashing our teeth against one another. Showered in hungry, aggressive, yet somehow sweet kisses, I purred with excitement. Liam walked me backward through my office. I didn’t care where he was taking me, all I wanted was the hard fucking he promised.

  He came to an abrupt stop, ripping his mouth from mine. His dark eyes were even darker with lust and want. He twisted me around so that my back was to him once again. Before me laid my favorite view of the Capitol. The night sky shone bright with evening lights and the moon played peek-a-boo behind the clouds, almost as if it knew what it would soon be witnessing.

  I caught Liam’s handsome reflection in the glass. He appeared wild, crazed with lust, but my heart shattered into a million pieces at the look in his eyes. There was happiness in them. Contentment. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

  Behind me I heard his belt unbuckle and his pants unzip. My eyes turned upward to meet his through the reflection. He grinned at me. “You have no idea how many times I’ve imagined taking you against this window.”

  My heart jumped into my throat. Political Elizabeth, with all her infinite logic, reared her ugly head, screaming this was dangerous, but with my heart in my throat, her voice of reason was choked down.

  Right on cue, Liam whispered in my ear, “We can stop this right now if you’re uncomfortable.”

  That was when I should’ve said, okay, let’s stop. But instead, “Take me,” fell from my lips.

  “As you wish.”

  Bound by his necktie, my palms pressed against the window. Liam pushed my shoulders forward while pulling my backside flush against him. A small yelp rushed from my chest at the feel of his body entering mine in a long, hard thrust that practically lifted me off my feet.

  Liam yanked my ponytail, forcing me to tilt my head to the side. His teeth raked over my exposed skin, nipping just enough to tease but never to mark. When I squirmed, he tugged, never allowing me any control. He twirled my hair tighter around his hand, forcing my face upward where he met my mouth in a devouring kiss. I felt him. All around me. He pumped and pushed, thrust and pulled, drowning me in the spirit of desire, lust, and passion. Yet, underneath those things, something bubbled inside me. Something so clear but muddled it confused me.

  What was I feeling?

  I shoved the thought aside and focused on my imminent climax. I pushed up further on my toes, trying to give myself the leverage I needed for him to increase his speed. He took my cue, digging his fingers deeper into my flesh, driving into me hard and fast. He grunted the sexiest sound in the world, which let me know he was getting close. Each thrust became more rigid. His teeth grazed my earlobe, the sound of his breathing, quick and heady, filled my ears. Tingles rippled over my skin. My stomach burned from the intensity of his sexual assault.

  He reached his hand between my thighs, pushing me over the brink. I clamped down on my lip, biting back the scream building inside my chest. Every pent up emotion; my need for him, the fear o
f being caught, and even the love I carried for this man, poured out of me in that moment.

  Wait! Love? Where the hell did that come from?

  Did I love him?

  I cared for him deeply. Of that, I was certain. But love? Preposterous.

  I didn’t do love. Love was messy. Uncontrollable.

  But wasn’t that what Liam and I were. We were everything wild and chaotic.

  Liam pressed his face in my shoulder. “Fuck,” he rasped.

  As he thrust once more, his body jerked, finding his own release. I rested my forehead against the cool glass, looking out at the Capitol buildings, lost inside my head.

  I caught Liam’s reflection in the window. His brow knitted tight together, as he slipped out of me. He reached around and released my hands from his tie. The mood between us changed from passion to uncertain.

  I didn’t like it.

  Liam turned me to face him, cupping my chin between his fingers. “What just happened?”

  “Nothing,” I fibbed.

  “No. You were into this, but then…” His face scrunched up. “I don’t know. Something’s wrong.”

  I shifted my skirt back down my hips and teetered on my toes, pressing a fiery kiss to his lips. “Nothing’s wrong. I promise.”

  Liam searched my face, seeking answers he wouldn’t find. My head was reeling with my new found knowledge.

  Sure, Liam said he didn’t do casual, but that didn’t mean he loved me. What if I was in love with him and he wasn’t with me? It would hurt, but I could handle that. I’d simply have to find the strength within myself to walk away once the election was over. But what if he was in love with me? He’d want things that a young man in his position should want. A wife. A family. I’d done those things. I didn’t think I could do them again. Being a wife didn’t work out so well for me the first time and I already had a beautiful, grown daughter. I’d be stepping backward, not moving forward.

  I forced a smile and touched my fingers to his forehead. Lines rippled across his usually smooth skin. He really was the most handsome man I’d ever met. Not to mention the best sex partner I’d ever had. He understood me as I did him. So, if he did love me, would it really be moving backward to give him those things?

  Gah! My head hurt. This was all too complicated.

  “That was amazing,” I cooed, pressing a chaste kiss to his half-opened mouth. His shoulders relaxed some. “You’re amazing.”

  Liam adjusted his pants, concealing his slight nudity. Had anyone told me that night at Harper’s, when I walked in on him getting out of the shower, that I’d actually enjoy the pleasures created by that body, I would’ve laughed in their face. Now, here I was, toying with the notion that I was in love with this man. Madly, deeply, head over heels in love with him.

  I couldn’t help but smile at the thought, no matter how much it frightened me.

  He returned the smile, drawing the worry away from his face. “As are you.”

  Liam latched his belt and I turned back to the city view, submerging myself in my emotions.

  I was in love with William Baxter.

  Liam rested his hands on my shoulders. “Are you sure you’re all right? You have me worried. I didn’t mean to push you too far. You know I have nothing but…”

  I whipped around, pressing my fingers to his lips. “Liam, please stop. You did nothing wrong. I’m happy. That’s all. Now, you better get back out there before someone starts suspecting we’re doing more in here than yelling at each other.”

  Liam gauged me. He was no fool. He felt the shift in me, but how was I to tell him that I was freaking out over discovering I was in love with him?

  Finally he nodded. “Okay,” he muttered against my fingertips. “If you say so.”

  I brushed my fingers along his kiss swollen lips. “I do. Now, go.”

  Liam staggered toward the exit. He paused to use the mirror by the door to return his tie to his neck. He scratched his forehead after adjusting his tie, his eyes honed in on mine. I plastered a smile to my face.

  “You’re wearing the wrong smile,” he muttered.

  My smile dropped. Tears burned at the corners of my eyes. “I’m just tired, sweetheart.”

  “Do you want me to stay home tonight so you can get some rest?”

  “Are you crazy? I sleep better when you’re next to me. Besides, we leave for Texas in a few days and I’ll be forced to keep my distance from you. I need my Liam fix before then.”

  A true smile spread over my face. One in which he returned.

  “I need my Lizzy time, too.”

  “Good. Now go!” I repeated.

  Liam released a tight laugh. “Fine. I’m going.”

  He popped the lock on the door and left my office, once again greeting Brandy on his way out.

  I sat down at my desk and dropped my head in my hands. I had no idea how to handle myself with him now. After today, nothing would ever be the same again. Maybe it would be a good thing we were about to be back on the tour bus. It might give me a bit of clarity.

  Or more like a little distance to come to terms with the truth.

  I loved him. I really, truly loved him.

  So basically, I was screwed!

  So much had changed since I was last at Harper’s ranch that it felt strange walking back into that place. Not that the house was anomalous. That never seemed to change. It withstood the pillar of time. The differences were within me.

  The last time I was there, I was alone and content to be so. I believed my life was perfect and thought the two most important things in my life, Jordyn and my job, were all I needed. I had money. I had success. I had power. I had it all.

  Everything but love.

  While I carried the secret of my love close to my heart, I somehow felt free.

  When Harper offered for us to stay at the ranch rather than on the tour bus, I jumped at the chance. I’d still have to mind myself with Liam, but at least I would have a soft, comfy bed to sleep in.

  Before we left, we made the painful decision to keep our interactions, even in private, as professional as possible. We’d already taken enough risks with our little office stunt. It was best to simply put on our political game faces and buckle down until the end of the race.

  No sooner were we off the plane when that plan failed.

  In the main hall of the Lone Star Ranch, Liam and I stood awaiting our gracious host. Upon entering, Ivory took our luggage, which gave Liam free hands.

  Never a good thing with him.

  He slipped in as close as possible, ghosting his hand over the small of my back. Touching without touching made my skin hum.

  I glanced up at him, raising my eyebrows in warning. It was times like this where I envied him most for being able to scold me with a single brow lift.

  Cocky and smug, he pretended not to notice my silent reprimand, making no move to separate from me.

  “Bet!” Harper’s deep voice called from the staircase.

  Liam let out a groan and dropped his hand.

  “Harper!” I sang, extending my arms out toward him as he approached us. “It’s so good to see you.” Harper pulled me into a hug, lifting me off the floor in the process. I squeaked, a little embarrassed by his actions. It wasn’t like him to make such a scene. “Put me down!” I smacked him against the chest. “Have you lost your mind?”

  Harper settled me on my feet, laughing. “Maybe. It’s been too long since you were last here.”

  I took a step back, adjusting my skewed blouse. “I saw you a month ago.”

  Harper tucked his thumbs into the waistband of his overly starched jeans. “But that was in DC. It’s always nice to have you back home.”

  My mouth set in a grim line, I eyed him in askance. He was acting rather peculiar, even for Harper. “You mean back in Dallas, right?”

  His jaw flinched, but he smiled. “Of course that’s what I meant. Home in Dallas.”

  Liam moved from behind me. “How’s it going, Guy?” He extended his hand
to Harper.

  Harper grasped his hand, hard. I could feel the strain in Liam’s arm as they shook. “Congressman, welcome back to Lone Star.”

  “It’s always a pleasure to be here.” Liam’s cadence was polite but formal. That was his business tone. I glanced up at Liam and then back at Harper. They both were grinning but it was forced, and in Harper’s case, a little eerie. The two men released each other’s hands but neither moved. I felt stuck. Caught between a rock and a hard place.

  “Yes,” I piped in. “Thanks for inviting us to stay here. It’s very generous of you.”

  Harper dropped his gaze to me and grinned. “Anything for you, Bet. You know that.”

  Liam stepped in closer to me. I side-eyed him. There was an intense, predatory look on his face. I shook my head slightly, silently telling him to back down.

  He didn’t listen.

  “Will Aaron and Scout be joining you?” Harper inquired, oblivious to what was going on.

  I brushed my bangs back from my face, tucking my hair behind my ear. “Those two lovebirds decided to stay in a hotel.”

  “Afraid the whole house will hear them?” Harper chortled.

  “I don’t even want to think about it.” I feigned a dramatic shudder. “And I’m certain Liam wouldn’t wish to listen to his brother get his groove on down the hall.”

  “The Congressman looks like the kind of guy who likes things a little…” Harper wrinkled his nose then wiggled his eyebrows, “rough. I doubt he’d mind.”

  My mouth popped open. “Harper!”

  Warning! Warning!

  I nudged back that red light going off in my head. This was Harper. He liked to get a rise out of people.

  He lifted his shoulders. “The Congressman knows I’m joking. Right, Liam?” Harper clapped Liam’s bicep. Liam looked at Harper’s hand then moved just enough to free himself.

  “Sure,” Liam hummed. His hand flattened against my back. My head shot up, giving him yet another warning look. “You know, we’ve had a long flight,” Liam crooned, refusing to meet my eyes, “will we be in the same rooms as last time?”

  His eyes crinkled with amusement, Harper stretched a hand toward the staircase. “You are. They’re all set up for you. I’ll show you the way.”


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