Billionaire's Holiday Bride: A Bad Boy Christmas Romance

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Billionaire's Holiday Bride: A Bad Boy Christmas Romance Page 9

by Serena Vale

  “We have been expecting you, Ms. Banks.”

  “Oh, please. Just call me Layla.” He gave a single nod in her direction as he led her into yet another room, this one with three massive aged leather couches. “If you’ll wait in here? Mr. Strokowski will be here momentarily.”

  Layla had just opened her mouth to reply, but he was already gone, shutting the heavy oak door of the room on her unanswered questions.


  Dom stood just on the other side of the door, trying to calm his racing heart. He had watched Layla as she had hesitated just outside of the gate, and then again by the front door. He knew what he was asking of her, and it was a lot. But he was offering a lot in return, he argued with himself. It sounded like excuses to him.

  The thing that bothered him the most, though, was his unexpected reaction to her. When he had seen her, standing there, holding his future in her delicate hands, Dominic had been struck by her beauty, her grace. There was some secret quality that she possessed that had made it impossible for him to look away from the grainy security feed. She completely captivated him. It worried him.

  It was already a difficult enough situation without adding unnecessary complications, but he couldn’t deny the desire that had flared through his body, powerful and immediate.

  Without another second to let himself worry, he opened the door and strode in. Seeing her on the video did nothing to prepare him for seeing her face to face again. His breath stalled in his chest as she stood. Her body was a treasure trove of magnificent curves and valleys that made his mouth water at the thought of everything he wanted to do to it. Lust suffused him, and he cleared his throat, trying to get his wayward body back under control.

  He walked towards her slowly, after he was sure he could resist the urge to reach out, wrap his arms around her, and kiss that delectable mouth. But as he got closer, the temptation doubled as her delicate, feminine scent wound around him until he was inhaling her every time he took a breath. It was too much to take.

  Before he realized what he was even doing, his lips were on hers, and it took every fiber of his being to make it gentle, tender when every part of him was screaming at him to ravish her.

  He broke the kiss slowly, and couldn’t hold back the small grin at her breathless gasp and flushed cheeks. He stared down into her beautiful face, her big, chocolate brown eyes threatening to drown him then and there.

  “Well, vozlyublennaya, are you ready?”

  Chapter 4

  Layla stared down at her hand, not recognizing it with the giant marquee cut diamond and matching silver wedding band. It had been a quick courthouse affair, almost quick enough for her to believe it hadn’t even happened. She glanced up as the plate was placed in front of her. Layla looked at Dom, unable to keep the sudden humor from shining in her wide, dark brown eyes.

  “And here I was beginning to think you were good at everything.” She looked down at the plate of burnt chicken and extremely well done carrots. He just shrugged unabashedly as he set down a big wooden bowl filled with a salad he had thankfully bought premade. It looked like it was the only edible thing on the table.

  “We always had a cook growing up, so I never had to learn how to feed myself.” He said nonchalantly, and Layla was struck yet again by how different their lives were. They were polar opposites in so many ways, and yet, she felt inexorably drawn to him.

  Something of her thoughts must have shown in her serious gaze, because he was suddenly beside her, staring down at her with concern in his silver gaze.

  “Vozlyublennaya, what is it? Why do you look so serious all of the sudden?”

  “You keep calling me that. Sweetheart.” Layla said, avoiding the uncomfortable question she didn’t have an answer to. Dom arched a black brow in surprise.

  “You speak Russian?”

  She couldn’t contain the soft laugh, although there wasn’t much humor in it. Here they were, married, and they barely knew anything about each other.

  “I lived in Moscow for a year during college. It was part of this study abroad program. I don’t speak it fluently, but I can recognize a word here or there.” Suddenly, she grinned at him, trying to lighten the mood again. “So you better watch what you’re saying in Russian. I just might understand.”

  He laughed, delight making his eyes sparkle as he leaned close, as if about to tell her a secret. “Oh no, umnyy ved’ma, I wouldn’t try and keep anything from you.”

  Layla tipped her head to the side, trying to decipher what he had just said.

  “Something about a clever…witch?” She said in mock effrontery, and Dom laughed again, full chested and loud as if he couldn’t hold it in. The noise sent warmth shooting through her. She liked to see this man happy, it softened the devastatingly gorgeous features into something more approachable, almost attainable. But I already have attained him, Layla realized in disbelief, he’s my husband.

  His deep voice interrupted her thoughts. “…that’s not quite right, although it is close,” Dom was explaining, his heavy accent like music to her ears, “It’s an old Russian folk tale about a woman with magical abilities that was so wise, no one could ever trick her into giving up the secrets of her power. The woman’s name was ved’ma.” In a move so tender it had her chest tightening as her breath stalled, Dom reached out a large, masculine hand, and with the softest touch smoothed a stray lock of curly brown hair behind her ear, his finger tips sweeping the sensitive sweep of her neck as his touch trailed further down.

  Sensation erupted from where he touched her, electricity flashing through her body in powerful waves that stole her ability to think, paralyzed her, and left her aching for more. Much more.

  There was a tense moment between them as she just sat there, staring at him, wanting him but unsure of what to say, how to say it. She could read the hunger that flooded his silver eyes as he met her dark gaze, and it had her squirming in her seat.

  She just had time to take a shallow breath before his lips descended on hers, at first slow, cautious. But a sudden groan echoed out of his mouth, and then he was touching her with a voracious hunger. It exploded over her, and running on instinct, she opened her mouth, allowing his tongue access.

  Layla gasped as pleasure swamped her, crashing over her in a molten wave that threatened to drown her. She wasn’t sure she wanted to resist. The feel of Dom’s hot, strong hands sliding over her dark skin had her panting against his mouth. Her thoughts swirled, and then narrowed, until only his touch existed. She was helpless against it, against him.

  Somehow he pulled her even closer, sweeping her out of the chair and into his arms. She swung dizzily as he lifted her as if she weighed nothing, which she knew for a fact was not the case. But her brain couldn’t seem to keep up. They had been kissing, and now they were moving, Layla wrapped firmly in his embrace, but all she could seem to focus on were his hard lips on hers, tasting her.

  The world shifted again and she found herself on her back in a dark room. Layla could feel the feather down comforter beneath her, and then the slide of silk as Dom moved her further up the bed.

  She felt like she was about to explode, the breath building up in her lungs until she was sure she would burst from lack of oxygen. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before, the feelings, the sensations that he elicited was like magic. Currents of electricity fled from his fingertips as he lightly dragged them over her hips, up her ribcage, the undersides of her arms until he finally reached her wrists, dragging them up over her head.

  The move had her body arching even more into his, and the hard bulge of his hot erection against her thigh had a soft moan whispering out of her mouth before she could stop it. He held her arms tight with one hand, restraining her, and the unexpected sensation turned her on more than she could ever imagined. Desire flooded her body at the idea of being possessed by this man, but at the same time, she felt so safe. More secure than she had since before her mother passed away.

  Layla’s dark thoughts shattered on another gro
an as he quickly stripped her of her blouse and skirt, and she was left lying there in nothing but a black lace demi bra and matching thong. Dominic murmured his approval as his gaze drew over her voluptuous curves, making her shiver wherever it passed. It was so intense, she felt it like a physical touch.

  Stark moments passed, and impatience bloomed within her. She needed him, now. He must have seen the desire burning in her dark brown gaze because he was instantly on top of her, kissing her, and then his mouth and hands where everywhere at once. Sweeping over her shoulders, her chest, down the hypersensitive skin on the inside of her thighs. He worshiped her with his touch.

  “Please, Dom,” Her words whispered over his chest, low and husky, “I can’t wait anymore.”

  He paused at the sound of her voice in the darkness of the room, his body tensing as he gave her one last kiss on the sensitive curve of her neck.

  “Are you sure?” She felt more than heard the words at her ear. Layla nodded, but she knew he understood because in the next instant her bra was gone, tossed heedlessly to the floor. Her panties soon followed. She was panting by the time they were both unclothed, but the feel of him, skin to skin, had her purring and moving restlessly beneath him.

  “Now, Dominic. I need you, now.”

  The words were barely out of her mouth before she felt him at her entrance, and then all her words fled as he slowly pushed inside her, stretching her, a low groan pulled from his chest at the exquisite feel of her wrapped around him.

  He pulled out with the same slowness, and the feeling of friction had her muscles tensing around him. It was all he could take. Suddenly, he was pounding in and out of her, faster and faster. He still held both wrists above her head, restraining her with one hand, while the other supported him as he began to thrust wildly.

  Her body was on fire, and inferno of sensations that kept growing and growing until she thought she couldn’t take anymore. She reached for that edge, the precipice she knew was coming. Suddenly, she heard Dominic’s voice in her ear, low and rough, murmuring words in Russian that her lust befuddled brain couldn’t’ make out, but the sound washed over her, the tenderness she could hear that last thing she needed to push her over.

  In a blinding wave of pleasure, Layla moaned his name, unable to contain the sound, and then she could feel him coming inside her and another swell crashed over her, stealing her breath completely. They both collapse in a boneless pile on the bed, wrapped in each other as Layla was swept into unconsciousness on a wave of bliss.

  Dominic lay there, still breathless, his body humming with the most extreme satisfaction he had ever felt. No one had ever affected him like that before. He glanced down at Layla, who was sleeping peacefully pillowed on his chest, and his breath stalled again, but for a different reason.

  It felt like a physical blow, the emotions rushing through him, lancing him. On a trembling exhale he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close, encapsulating her in his warmth. As gently as he could, he laid a kiss on the top of her head. She looked so relaxed, so at peace in his arms.

  It struck him then that she was his. Truly his. His wife, for better or for worse. His to care for and cherish, and maybe one day…He cut the thought off brutally. He couldn’t afford to lose his heart to anyone, especially the gorgeous minx fast asleep on top of him. He knew that way only led to pain, for one or both of them. He was just afraid it might be too late.

  Chapter 5

  The weeks seemed to fly by for Layla. Her days were spent acclimating to her new life as the wife of a billionaire. She was still searching for a job, despite Dominic’s protests that she would never have to work again. He had saved her house, although she had moved in with him in his palatial Boston home, paying off her debts. She was still uneasy with the thought, hating the fact that she wasn’t able to take care of herself.

  But she knew that Dom liked to take care of things for her now, he took a certain pride in being able to provide the things she hadn’t been able to afford before. It would just take her some time to get used to, she thought to herself as she combed through the employment listing on several law firm’s websites.

  It was so easy to remember how desperate she had been just two months ago, jobless, penniless, about to be homeless. Now, here she was, sitting in this amazing house, with a man who had turned out to be an amazing husband, without a worry in the world.

  Well, almost not a worry. Layla placed a hand over her stomach, looking down unseeingly as the doubts surfaced. It had been two months, and she still wasn’t pregnant. Layla had known from the beginning what Dominic wanted, no needed, from her. Without a wife and child, he would never get his inheritance, never take over the business that had been his dream his entire life to run.

  It made her worry. It wasn’t like they hadn’t been trying. That thought had hot memories stirring, and she could feel her entire body flush with heat. Oh yes, they had definitely been trying. Dominic had not said anything about it yet, but she could see the glimmer of worry in his silver eyes sometimes when he didn’t think she was looking.

  And the worst of it was, she was falling for him. Hard. How could she not? He was caring, and thoughtful. Sometimes it seemed like he knew what she needed before even she did. Dominic was by far the most charming, charismatic man she had ever met, and the best lover. Not that Layla had a lot of experience, but compared to Dominic they looked like boys.

  Layla stood, suddenly filled with restless energy. She needed something to do, to distract herself from the troubling thoughts. She climbed up the flight of curved stairs to the second floor where she knew Dominic’s office was. But that wasn’t the room she was looking for. Right next to the office was a large library that she had yet to explore. Surely there was something in there to keep her mind off things.

  After a few wrong turns in the giant house, Layla finally stumble upon the library, with its rows and rows of floor to ceiling shelves, all jammed pack with books. She explored for a little while, and was just about to choose one that looked promising when she heard Dominic’s voice.

  “…I don’t care! You never told me there was a time limit to this…” His voice trailed off again, but there was a hard edge to it that she had never heard before. She looked around, trying to find its source, and saw a connecting door that must lead to his office. Guiltily, she crept forward.

  Pressing an ear to the door, she listened for his voice again. She heard it, but it was much quieter this time, and muffled by the big wooden door she was trying to eavesdrop through.

  “…No! You don’t understand. We just need a little more time. You can’t sell off the company! My family’s business! You just can’t…” The words trailed off again, but Layla had heard enough to understand what he was saying, and her stomach dropped. She bent to listen again, but all she could hear was a steady stream of quickly spoken Russian, but he was speaking too fast and too quietly for her to make out what he was saying.

  It didn’t matter. Her heart breaking, she turned away. Without a child, and soon, he would lose his business, his money, his family’s entire empire would be split up and sold to the highest bidder. Layla knew it would destroy him.

  As she softly walked back down the stairs, Layla felt as if she had swallowed a lump of lead, sitting heavy and cold in her stomach. She knew what she had to do, but the thought was ripping her up inside. She knew she had to do this for him, would do anything for Dominic.

  It had all happened so fast, but her heart wouldn’t let her lie to herself anymore. She was in love with him. He had crept inside, where she hadn’t let anyone since her mother had died, and she didn’t know how to get him out. Her resolve firmed as she neared the room they shared.

  Quickly, she grabbed a suitcase and threw in whatever clothes and accessories she could grab before tears began to obscure her vision. Layla knew exactly what she had to do to save him, to care for him the way he had cared for her those blissful past few months. He needed to have a child, and quickly, and she couldn’t provide that
for him.

  Filled to the brim with sadness, she slowly twisted off the diamond ring he had given her that day in the courthouse, and quickly scrawling a brief note, left both on the pillow on the bed. With one last tearful look around the room that held so many wonderful memories, she grabbed the handle of the suitcase, and left.

  Chapter 6

  “Layla!” Dominic called down the hall. “Layla! Where are you?” Again, there was no answer, just the ever present silence that had haunted him for the past hour. He reached for his cell phone to call her again, but stopped before even dialing the number. She hadn’t picked up the last two times.

  He knew it was a big house, maybe she was in the kitchen, or taking a nap and he just didn’t see her in the dark. He hurried to their bedroom, trying to still his suddenly racing heart. There is no reason to panic, he told himself. Everything is just fine. It struck him then, how much it would affect him if something was wrong, if Layla was hurt.

  Quickly, he banished the thought, trying to reassure himself yet again that everything was okay. He shoved open their bedroom door and stalked in, simultaneously flicking on the lights. He took a few more steps forward, but stopped. It was clear to see that the room was empty. Where the hell could she be?

  He tried to stem the flood of fear that tried to bubble to the surface again, ruthlessly shoving it down and away. He would stay calm. There was no reason to be worried. But then why did his stomach feel like it was tied in knots? Why did his breath come in short, hurried pants, like he couldn’t inhale fully?

  Just as he turned to stomp back out of the room and continue his search, a glint from the bed caught his eye. He turned back, practically running to the bedside. His heart hitched painfully as he hastily grabbed for the achingly familiar diamond engagement ring. A small scrap of paper floated to the floor, disturbed by his reach, and he picked it up, furiously scanning the short message.


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