Billionaire's Holiday Bride: A Bad Boy Christmas Romance

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Billionaire's Holiday Bride: A Bad Boy Christmas Romance Page 69

by Serena Vale

  “Don’t worry about it, I will clean it up.” He then got up and faced her and kissed her passionately. Every touch and caress was filled with passion. She wanted more of him but felt she had enough. He decided that they could have more lately if she wanted to.

  She smiled and said, “I would like that.” He kissed her and then they began to dress. Before she left the room, he began to talk to her, “I have never felt that way about anyone before. There is something different about you, Tina. I just don’t know what it is. Maybe it is too soon for me to tell you but I love you Tina.”

  Tina was shocked. She love him too but was afraid to be the first one to say it.

  “I love you too Thomas!”

  Chapter 4

  A week later, Tina left the hospital and made her way to Thornpike Avenue. Only the richest and most successful people lived there. She got out of the car and knocked on the door. She was terrified and anxious but eventually she maintained composure. She looked through the window of the beautiful mansion and saw a family portrait. She was stunned to see him with a beautiful wife. She was black too and she was almost perfect in every way. She was stunned that he got happiness while she was still struggling. She then heard a familiar voice, “Lupita! Lupita get the door!” No one replied to him. He groaned, “I’ll just get the door myself then.” He headed down the stairs and got the door. He was shocked to see who was on the other side.

  “Tina, what are you doing here?” She peaked inside of his house.

  “Look I know that you do not want me here, but I needed to tell you that your son is sick. I am trying to find a blood marrow donor and I can’t seem to get a match.”

  He looked at her. He knew the truth but still had to ask, “What son?”

  She glared at him, “Don’t play stupid with me. You know that you have a son.”

  He faced her and folded his arms, “Look girls like you have been coming around the house and making these outrageous claims that I am their child’s father just to get money from me.”

  She was stunned, “Girls like me? Look I wouldn’t even be coming here, if I didn’t need the help. As for money, I never asked. All I want is a donor.”

  “Thomas, sweetheart, who is it?” his wife was about to head down the stairs when she realized that she forgot something.

  “Just an old friend, love.”

  “Ok but hurry back, I’m waiting for you to watch the movie.”


  He then looked at her and said, “As you can see, I already have a family and this is the only family that I know.”

  Tina wanted to hit him. She also wanted to cry but she decided to handle the situation with dignity. “Well, thank you for your help.” She then left the house and hoped back into her car and drove off.

  Thomas sighed. He felt so guilty. He knew that it was his child. She had told him. But he was young! He couldn’t deal with that pressure at the time. He had made a name for himself. He was Thomas Winterberry and was a billionaire. He was happy with the success he had achieved. He lived in a million dollar mansion and had all his wants and needs meet with no strain or strife. He had a model wife. And yet, he still felt like something was missing. He groaned and headed upstairs. He hardly focused on the movie. All he could do was think about the son that he had abandoned years ago.

  “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” His wife looked at him. She knew that something was on his mind.

  “Nothing, nothing. I am fine. Just thinking about some matters that I have to handle.”

  “Awww! Come on Thomas, take a break!”

  Thomas tried to loosen up but he felt so guilty.

  “Sorry hun, I just don’t feel like watching a movie right now.” He then left the room for a minute and attempted to do some work. He then groaned.

  “Sweetie, there is something that I need to do. I will be back soon.” He grabbed the keys for his Bentley and headed towards the hospital. Normally he wouldn’t trust any other woman who made such claims but something told him that she wasn’t lying. He rushed to the receptionist and told them that he was Brian James’ dad. The nurse directed him to his room. He looked at him. He was so young and looked so pale. He looks so much like me. He had Thomas’ face and eyes but had his mother’s curly hair. He felt horrible. There was so much that he wanted to do for this child.

  “I didn’t expect to see you here, Thomas.” He turned around and realized that Tina was behind him. “Now, do you see I am telling the truth?”

  He sighed, “Yes, Tina, I do. I am so sorry for accusing you of lying.”

  “It’s fine.” She sat down and looked at her son through the window. “It’s heartbreaking to see my child go through all of this. He should be out playing and having a good time. Instead he is hooked up to all of those machines.”

  Thomas wrapped his arm around her. “I am sorry that you have to go through all of this. But you are not alone anymore.”

  She scoffed, “But Thomas, where were you when he was being born? Where were you when I told you that I was pregnant? Where were you for his biggest moments? I had been a mother and a father to him in your absence.”

  “Look, I am sorry for just leaving you like that but I was scared. I wasn’t ready to be a father. I am sorry for what happened between us.” He looked into her eyes. He realized that he never stopped loving or caring for her.

  Tina began to cry, “You were my first! I just wanted a happy and loving relationship and you got that with your Barbie wife at home.” She began to cry.

  He felt like crap. She was right about most things, except for the fact that he was comfortable with Katy and not happy.

  “There is something that I have to tell you. My life had been planned out before I even met you. Marrying Katy was only a marriage of convenience. I don’t actually love her.” He then reached over and grabbed her hand, “I was always in love with you.”

  He continued to explain the situation. Apparently, Katy came from a very wealthy family and as soon as he graduated from college, he was married to her. His father needed the marriage to happen so that they could become wealthy. Tina wasn’t sure what to think. She can’t believe that she was in love with a man who chose money over her! She was disgusted and hated to think that she was so insignificant to him!

  “You know what? Maybe, I will just find another donor. I can’t believe that the blood that courses through my son’s veins is yours!”

  Thomas saw her annoyance and tried to calm her down.

  “Look I am sorry about what happened between us. But when you came to my door and told me that something was wrong with my son, I panicked. I realized that I made the wrong choice. I know I can’t do much to change what I have done in the past, but I can be there for him now and in the future. He needs a dad and it’s better if his biological one is present. Tina, if you take me back, I promise I will make up for lost time.”

  One of the nurses called him over and asked him to come with her. He got up and walked to a room where they would extract the bone marrow. Before he left the corridor, she told him that she loved him. He turned around and told her that he loved her too. He then left the corridor and for the first time in a long time, she actually felt like things were going her way.

  Chapter 5

  After they had extracted the bone marrow, he felt strange. His back hurt him and he just wanted to lie down. He decided to head home to Katy. He told Tina that he was going home to talk to his wife. She wanted to kiss him but accepted that he was still a married man. He finally arrived home and took two painkillers before opening the door. He could hear whispering upstairs. There were two voices. One was his wife, the other was a complete stranger. He immediately ran up the stairs and caught them. She was in the arms of another man and he was making love to her in their own bed! He cleared his throat and they stopped immediately.

  “Oh…Thomas, I didn’t expect you to be home so soon!”

  He looked at the two lovers, “Clearly!”

  She cleared her throat, “I am
so sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen. But you knew this marriage was just one of convenience.”

  He left the room. He thought he would have been more upset. But now he had grounds to leave her! He would do well on his own. He had his own money and companies, so he would be quite fine without her! Her lover, Edwardo apologized to him profusely in broken English and then left the house. As soon as the door was closed, he looked at Katy. He still seemed to be mad. He then started laughing. He laughed like a maniac.

  “What? What happened Thomas?”

  He uncontrollably laughed. He then looked at her and said, “I am going to file for a divorce. I mean Katy, what were we really doing here? We don’t know much about each other. Now let’s be honest. Do you even love me?”

  Katy had to think about it for a moment, “Well, I..uh…You know come to think about it, I don’t think I ever really did.” She let out a soft chuckle.

  “Neither did I and look we are two successful adults. We no longer have our parents calling the shots and dictating our lives for us. If you want to keep seeing Edwardo, you are free to do so. But I need the divorce.”

  “You saw her today didn’t you? It was her at the door, wasn’t it?”

  “You mean Tina? Yes it was her. Her son is in serious trouble. She needed a blood marrow donor. I went down there to help her out.” He then showed her the extraction site. It still hurt but he was quite fine.

  “I did have some trouble walking but I managed just fine. Look Katy, have I been a good husband to you?” She walked up to him and kissed him. “Yes, dear but maybe we have been married for too long and it’s not working out. Plus. Edwardo is hot!” Thomas laughed. He wasn’t insulted but it was nice to see her excited about a lover. She hardly was when they tried to make love!

  “I think we are doing the right thing. It just feels weird though because we have gotten so used to each other.”

  “Yes, Thomas, I understand what you mean by that.”

  “Friends?” he asked as he extended his hand to her.

  “Friends,” she said as she shook his hand.

  He didn’t expect that and neither did she but know that it was out in the open, they felt better. For the first time in 12 years, they were actually honest with each other.

  He was about to head to the hospital when Katy stopped him.

  “Can I keep the house?”

  Thomas shrugged. He could always buy another one. Plus, she could afford this one on her own, “Yea, sure, why not?”

  “Thomas, I want you to know that I am really glad that I met you and I wish nothing but happiness for you and her.”

  “Thanks Katy,” he said as he headed to the hospital.

  Chapter 6

  Brian’s procedure was scheduled for next week. Chemotherapy had to continue until all of the cells were killed. Thomas had to be the voice of reason and peace. He told Brian that he was going to be ok. He couldn’t tell him just yet that he was his father. Thomas cried when he saw him. He was bald and looked emaciated. No 11 year old should look like this. He continued to love and support Tina. When all of this was over, he would be the man that she deserved and would be a good father to his child.

  Brian was prepped and ready for surgery. “One week seemed to fly by pretty quickly,” he said as he held Tina in his arms. He kissed her forehead.

  “How’s the divorce going?”

  Brian sighed, “It is actually ok. Katy and I were always friends. I mean she was attractive but my heart belonged to someone else.” He said as he kissed her. She kissed him back. They saw Brian being wheeled into surgery. They began to hope for the best. Her parents were also there. When Thomas came back into her life, they were appalled. How dare he just come back like that! But as the days progressed, they warmed up to him and understood why he did what he did. They still haven’t fully forgiven him though and sometimes shot dirty looks in his direction.

  A few hours later, the surgery was over. One of the attending walked into the waiting room. He roomed the mask and faced everyone.

  “I am here to tell you that the surgery was a success and that he is recovering now. The transplant was fine and he seems to be rapidly improving. I have never seen anything like this in my entire life.”

  “When can we visit him?”

  “You can visit him now if you’d like, be aware that he is a bit groggy so some of the words won’t make sense.”

  “Great! Thank you doctor!”

  They headed to the room. Thomas decided that the room that he was currently in was below what he deserved and had the hospital make the pediatric ward more comfortable for his son. There were toys in the room and Brian was surrounded by everything that he loved.

  “Mom?” he asked as he looked for her. She immediately rushed to his side and held her hands. She began to cry.

  “Mommy, can I go home now?” She began to stroke his head.

  “They are going to monitor you for a few days and when that is over, you can come home.”

  He looked around him and smiled. He realized that the room was personalized just for him. He smiled. Tina was so glad that he was happy.

  “Wow! All of that for me!” He was delighted. “But who did this?”

  Tina smiled at him and held his hand, “You father did all of this for you.”

  Chapter 7

  Brian was running around in the yard of his new home. He was now living in a mansion in Thornpike Avenue and was attending one of the best schools in the area. He loved his new life and most of all, he loved getting to know his father. He had all the toys that he could ever want. And his mother was glad that now he was completely healthy. Tina watched him run around in the yard and was pleased to have her son back. Thomas ran after Brian and Brian ran faster as he realized that he was being pursued. Thomas was finally happy. For the first time in a long time, he remembered what love is like. His wife ran after the both of them and they then ran faster. Thomas tackled Brian and then pulled Tina into the pile. They were finally all together and were a happy family.

  “Dad?” he asked.

  “What’s the matter, Brian?”

  “Thank you,” he said as he kissed his cheek. He picked him up and began flying him like an airplane. He spread his arms out and enjoyed the moment. He then put him down and Brian ran away.

  Thomas walked up to Tina and kissed her. “Oh! I can’t wait for when he has naptime so then we can have our naptime,” he gave her a suggestive look and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheeks.

  “Do we get to cuddle after we nap?” He turned her around and kissed her, “That’s the best part.”

  At the end of the day, Tina finally got everything that she wanted. She was now her own boss and ran her own company. She was fired in the midst of her struggle because the company was losing clientele but now she could buy the company if she wanted to. Her parents were glad that she had someone who could finally take care of her and love her. It was also bonus that he was very wealthy and paid for their trips around Europe and the Caribbean.

  Thomas ended up making more money now that he had the correct motivation behind him. He was a settled man who had it all. He loved Tina with all of his heart, soul, mind and strength and was grateful to be by her side once again. Their love grew with each passing day and he was able to make up for the many years that he missed.

  “I am so proud of you! You are a great father and an excellent man to me. I love you so much.”

  He looked at her and was moved by her words. He seemed to be bothered by something. He paced around in his steps and tried to find the words but they seemed to elude him. He then found the courage, cleared his throat and began to speak, “Tina, I still do not understand. From the first moment that I saw you, I was in love with you. You were different from any other girl that I had ever known and something just told me that you were right for me. I could never love anyone else, the way I love you.”

  “Oh! Thomas! I am glad you feel that way because there is something that I want to say.�

  “So, do I.” He got down on one knee, “It’s time that I make an honest woman out of you. Tina, will you marry me?”

  “Yes! Yes I will marry you!”

  Her face was painted with a smile, her eyes widened and sparkled. Finally, she would get to be a Mrs. In the middle of the excitement, she could not contain herself and blurted out, “I am pregnant again, Thomas.”

  He walked up and kissed her, “That’s great! I will be there for you this time around. I am not going anywhere because I know that I have found what I have been looking for.”


  The Renegade’s Bride

  Chapter 1

  “Are you sure we’re going the right way, Mr. Fulbright? Not that I doubt your skills at the reins, however, we have been on the road for several hours now and still no sight of…”

  A wrinkled hand waved in the air, interrupting Charlotte’s words. The hand pointed at a shape just visible against the bright California horizon. She knew it was December, almost Christmas even, but she would never get used to the balmy weather and blue skies. She looked around, missing the sight of snow, and sighed.

  “And what were you saying, Miss Charlotte? No sight of what?” There was a hint of snark in Mr. Fulbright’s raspy old voice, and Mrs. Fulbright reached out with a gloved hand, tapping him lightly in mock censure.

  “Hush, now, Jasper. Don’t tease the poor girl. She’s just trying to find her man. I think it’s just so romantic, remember when we were like that? So young and reckless and burning with love for each other.”

  The look that they shared, so tender, so sweet, had tears pricking painfully at the corner of her bright grey eyes. They could be as soft as mist in the morning or as hard as steel, and at the moment, as they alighted on the shape of the city just barely visible in the distance, they carried hope.


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