McCallan's Blood

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McCallan's Blood Page 12

by Theodora Lane

  “Well, I still think you should have told Jake.”

  “No. That’s over.” How could she tell Vicki about the wolf? Best friend of not, it was a hard story to swallow. She looked down at Ben, asleep in her arms. How could her precious baby be a werewolf? Her eyes searched his face for some sign, some mark, but saw only his beauty and perfection.

  “What changed? You can tell me.”

  Jake did, right in front of my eyes.

  Rebecca heard the hurt in her friend’s voice and hated that she couldn’t be honest. More than anything, she wanted to tell Vicki about it, talk it over, even if she thought she was crazy. She needed to work this out.

  “Jake’s not the man I thought he was.”

  “So, the McCallan blood ran true? He turned out just like his brother?” Vicki’s scorn came through loud and clear and it hurt Rebecca. She had to hold herself back to keep from jumping to Jake’s defense. Despite all she’d seen in the woods, she knew that Jake was a good man.

  “Something like that.” She sighed. How could she argue without explaining?

  “Call me if you need me. For anything. I’m not kidding. When you’re ready to talk, I’ll be here.”

  “Thanks, Vicki.” She said good bye and hung up.

  Pushing the chair back and forth, she closed her eyes and let her mind wander. She could see Jake, clear as day, under the trees. She’d wanted him so badly. Still did. Somehow, he’d gotten so far under her skin that being without him was…well, it stole the sun from her day and made her nights long and empty. Just the thought of him sent all her sexual parts tingling, leaving her in a state of near orgasm. Despite only just meeting him, she felt his loss as the missing half to her whole, the part that made her complete.

  Without Jake? The answer was too frightening to even think.

  This intensity, this drive, this need for him, terrified her. In her entire life, the only emotion that matched it was the moment Ben had been born and she’d heard his cry and felt him placed naked and wet on her chest.

  Beyond everything, the sex and the love, Jake had given her hope for a happiness she never thought she’d find, and his family and friends had given her and Ben total acceptance.

  Why couldn’t she do the same for him? If what he’d said was true about Ben, and there was no cure for this ‘legacy’, she must accept her son, as is. Would it be any different if Ben had been diagnosed with some other disease or disability? Her love for her son wouldn’t change, lessen, or falter.

  She knew she would do anything for Ben. Even die to protect him.

  Could she do something as simple as accept him?

  And Jake?

  * * * *

  Jake pulled the Explorer up to Barker’s house and parked. It had been a hell of a week and he was on edge. Over the last five days, the wolf had been under Rebecca’s house at night watching over her, listening to her go on with her life without him in it. During the day, he struggled through work at the mill. In between, he snatched naps.

  It had gone on too long. He wanted her back in his arms. The desperation of his need for her had grown into something beyond his control.

  He charged up the steps and pounded on the door. It was the middle of the afternoon, and he knew Barker was sleeping, but he couldn’t wait any longer.

  The door opened and Barker stood there in a pair of boxers, his bangs falling in his face.

  “What’s up, boss?” He scratched his chest and blinked the sleep out of his eyes.

  “Sorry. I know you were sleeping, but I had to come by. I need to talk.”

  Barker stepped aside, Jake entered and began pacing. Barker fell into his recliner and rubbed his face.

  “About Rebecca, right?” he said.

  “Right.” Jake paced back and forth, his energy ready to spill. “She doesn’t want to talk to me.”


  “I want you to talk to her for me.”

  “Me? What do you want me to say?” Barker’s eyebrows rose.

  “Tell her I love her. That I need her.” Jake stopped and shook his head as if to clear it. “This is making me nuts, Barker. I don’t know how much more I can stand.”

  “You look like hell.”

  “Thanks. I’m not used to pulling those all-nighters and then working all day. I don’t know how you do it.”

  “I usually sleep during the day. Usually. Unless my best friend goes crazy, shows up at my house and wakes me up.”

  “Sorry.” Jake shrugged. “This is killing me.”

  “Look, she’s fine. We’re watching her at night and she’s being really careful. Don’t worry.”

  “Will you talk to her?”

  “No.” Barker shook his head. “I think you should leave her alone.”

  “What?” That was not what he wanted to hear.

  “Leave her alone. She’s got enough shit on her plate. She’s trying to deal with a new baby, her business is going under, someone is trying to kill her, and now your wolf shit.” Barker pushed himself out of the chair. “You’re the last thing she needs right now.”

  “What the hell are you saying? Did she tell you that? Did you talk to her?” Jake’s fingers clenched into fists.

  “It’s just that she doesn’t need the extra stress of dealing with you.”

  “What’s going on, Barker?” Jake’s eyes narrowed. “You’re not telling me something.” He took a step toward his friend. Barker stood and the men squared off, bodies tensed.


  “Barker?” Jake searched Barker’s face for a clue. Barker’s gaze fell. He was lying. Jake’s stomach did a flip. “It’s happened again, hasn’t it? Someone tried to kill her again.”

  “Shit, boss.” Barker ran his hand down his face.

  “And you didn’t tell me?” Jake yelled, as he advanced.

  Barker held his ground. “I promised Rebecca not to tell you.”

  “You promised her? How could you do that? How could you not tell me? What kind of friend are you?” Jake roared.

  “A best friend.” Barker’s hands fisted and rose to his chest in a defensive stance.

  “You son-of-a-bitch!” Jake dove across the narrow distance, slamming Barker hard against the wall.

  Jake’s fist connected with Barker’s stomach, doubling him over, but he grabbed Jake around the neck and pulled him down with him to the floor. They rolled around, knocked over a table and lamp, and bumped into furniture as they wrestled.

  Barker landed a punch to Jake’s face and blood spurted from his nose. With another roar, he pounded Barker’s ribs. Barker threw him off and rolled away before any real damage was done.

  “Cut it out!” Barker yelled. “Get a grip on yourself!”

  Jake lay on his back on the floor and held his nose as his lungs screamed for air. Barker rolled to his knees and leaned on the couch to stay upright. The men glared at each other.

  “She made me promise. It was the only way she’d let me protect her,” Barker panted as he felt his ribs.

  “When?” Jake managed to get out.

  “Right after she left your house a truck tried to run her off the road.”

  “Fuck!” Jake’s fist slammed against the floor.

  “I got there right after it happened. She and the baby were fine.”

  “Thanks,” Jake choked out. Werewolves healed quickly, so his nose had stopped bleeding, but it had left a mess. He pushed to his feet and went into the bathroom.

  Jake stared at himself in the mirror. He had lost his mind attacking Barker and was lucky Barker didn’t arrest him. He turned on the water and washed his face. There was nothing he could do about the blood on his shirt. He’d have to go home and change it. With a sigh, he turned away. He had some apologizing to do to his best friend.

  “I’m sorry. I owe you so much, Barker.” He sat on the couch and ran his hands through his hair.

  “Forget it.” Barker waved his concern away. “Have you gotten anywhere with finding Trey?”

  “No. I t
hink Bryan’s hiding him. I was going to go over there later.”

  “Good idea. Just don’t use your fists on him.”

  “Barker…I don’t know what to say.” Jake leaned his head back and closed his eyes. “I think I’m going crazy,” he whispered.

  “It’s the wolf thing?”

  “Yeah. I need…” He ran his hand over his face. “I need to mate.”

  “No shit. If anybody needed to get laid, it’s you.” Barker laughed. “How long has it been, boss?”

  “Two years.” Jake shook his head.

  “Go to the Roadhouse and pick up some action.”

  “No. It has to be Rebecca. Only her. I can’t explain it. I don’t want anyone else but her.”

  Barker rubbed his chin. “I think I know how you feel.”

  “Right. Casanova Sims.” He smirked.

  “It’s Vicki, Rebecca’s best friend.” Barker leaned forward, hands clasped between his legs. “I met her at Rebecca’s and now I can’t get her out of my mind.”

  “So, ask her out.”

  “I did. She turned me down flat.” He shrugged.

  Jake stared at him, then barked out a laugh. “Rejected? I never thought I’d live to see the day.”

  “Laugh it up, wolf boy. She’s making me crazy.”

  “Women,” Jake sighed. He stood to leave. “I’m going to see Rebecca. We have to talk about this. I need her and if what Mom says is right, she needs me.”

  “Well, at least one of us is needed.” Barker grimaced.

  “Sorry. Keep trying. Don’t give up.”

  “I don’t know how much rejection I can take. I’m not used to it. How do you usually handle it?” Barker smirked at him.

  “With grace,” Jake shot back. “Look, if you want her that bad, do what it takes to win her.”

  “Well, as long as I can show up at your house in the middle of the night and beat the crap out of you.”

  Jake walked to the door and opened it. “Anytime. I owe you.” He left, closing the door behind him.

  As he got into the SUV, he decided to follow his own advice and not give up. Rebecca had to know by now they were meant to be together. If he had it this bad, she had to be on edge, too.

  Didn’t she?

  God, he hoped so.

  * * * *

  Trey watched the house from down the street. She’d stayed inside all day and there’d been no opportunity to get to her. He sighed and took a sip of his soda. Twice, he’d spotted the patrol car cruising down the street and he’d ducked down to keep from being seen.

  The pressure of the gun against his chest felt odd. It was heavy and the leather holster was hot. He’d made a few practice tries pulling it out, but he wasn’t very smooth. It took more practice than he’d had time for. After he’d left Bryan’s he’d headed to a place in the woods where they used to hunt to squeeze off a few shots and get the feel of the gun.

  It had a kick, but nothing he couldn’t handle.

  He flipped open his cell phone and tried the number again. Still no answer.

  How long was he going to sit here, watching the house? Maybe he’d be better off cruising around. Maybe he should check out the few bars in town for the guy. Maybe he should just stay right where he was. Eventually, the man he’d hired would show up at Rebecca’s home.

  His stomach twinged and he rubbed it. He was doing the right thing, he was sure of it. For once in his goddamned life.

  * * * *

  Allen Boudre sat at the bar nursing a beer, a plan circling in his mind. Enough fucking around, playing it loose. Time to piss or get off the pot. He couldn’t waste any more time with accidents. Now things were going to get dirty.

  That idiot kid had told him to make it look like an accident, but so far, he’d failed miserably. Twice. Fuck, killing someone shouldn’t be so hard. Next time, there wouldn’t be any screw-ups. Everything would fall into place. Careful planning, that’s what was needed for a job like this.

  He reached into his jacket and touched the gun.

  He was beginning to hate Rebecca Miller. She’d escaped him the first time by jumping out of the way, and pushing the stroller ahead of her, then after he tried to run her off the road, she’d called the cops on him. Fast thinking, but he’d be faster. Next time.

  His face broke in a crooked smile as he finished off his beer. Oh, he’d make it look like an accident. He’d been forming a plan in the back of his mind. He’d take her out, the brat, and the older brother, all at the same time.

  After the second day in town, Allen had driven by all the places the kid had told him about, her house, the mill, even the big estate. He couldn’t believe his eyes. There was bigger money to be made from this; he’d seen that right away.

  Maybe he should ask for more money up front for killing the brother. Three thousand for two was dirt-cheap. Going rate was five grand, but he’d cut the kid some slack. The guy had certainly bitched enough about his older brother, so it sounded like he’d wanted him gone, too.

  Then, once the older brother was gone, the kid would have to pay out of his ass to keep Allen’s mouth shut about hiring him. The McCallan family was rich; there was no doubt about it. One look at that mansion they lived in told him that. He’d hit the mother lode with this job. He dreamed of monthly payoffs for the rest of his life. It’d be like hitting the fucking lottery.

  He rubbed his hands together, and then wiped them on his jeans. His palms were sweating, anxious to get to work. Just a few more things to figure out and he’d be all set.

  Waving to the bartender, he ordered another beer. After this one, he’d swing by her place to see if she was still around, then head back to the motel room. He only had a few days left to get the job done before he had to pay on the room again and that would eat into what little money he had left.

  But after this job was over, the money would come rolling in and he’d be on easy street.

  * * * *

  Trey sat up, then scooted down in the seat. Jake’s Explorer pulled up to her house. Peering over the dash, he watched as Jake got out and raced up the walk, up the stairs and onto the porch.

  What the hell was Jake doing now? Trey wondered what kind of deal Jake had struck with Rebecca about the kid. As far as Trey knew, money could have changed hands or not. Jake had been pretty pissed about the whole thing.

  Trey had always known there’d come a time when he crossed the line and he’d be put out of the pack. Knew he’d fuck up so bad, there would be no going back.

  He glanced at his watch to mark the time and wondered what his big brother had to say to the mother of his kid.

  * * * *

  Jake pounded on the door.

  “Who is it?” Rebecca sounded scared.

  “It’s Jake.”

  “I told you I didn’t want to see you or talk to you.” Her voice came through the closed door.

  “We need to talk.” Jake leaned against the doorframe, his mouth close to the door so he didn’t have to shout.

  “No, we don’t.”

  “Rebecca. I can break down the door if I want.”

  No answer from the other side, but his sensitive ears picked up her breathing. She must have been leaning on the door, too. His hand touched the wood that separated them.

  “Please, baby. I need to see you.” Jake rested his head against the door.

  The lock clicked, and he stood back. Rebecca opened the door, a frown on her face as she looked up at him.

  Jake’s breath left him, taken away by her beauty. “Can I come in?”

  “Okay.” She stepped aside and he entered. They stood in the front room, Rebecca with her arms wrapped around her waist, Jake with his hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans.

  More than anything, he wanted to hold her and feel the warmth of her body against his. He craved her.


  Rebecca looked up into those chocolate eyes and her heart melted. She’d underestimated what the effect of seeing Jake would do to her. Like the first time, her body we
nt on high alert.

  “What do you want to talk about?” she asked.

  “Us. You. Me.” Jake’s gaze bore into her and she locked eyes with his. God that sounded so good. Him and me. Us. Forever.

  She didn’t want to speak; afraid she’d give herself away. Her voice would surely break, he’d hear it tremble, and know she was barely on the edge, barely in control. “There is no us.” It killed her to say those words. What she really wanted to say was “I love you” and “Stay with me forever.”

  “I love you, Rebecca. You are the one woman that was meant for me. Can’t you feel it? The connection between us? You’re my lifemate.”

  “Lifemate?” She blinked. What was he talking about now?

  “Werewolves mate for life. We come into our prime around thirty, and find our mates. Once we find that person, we can’t rest until we’re together.” He took a step toward her. “And it’s the same for our mates. Until we’re together, Rebecca, there is no sleep, no comfort, no peace.”

  She should step back and keep a distance between them, but the neural paths from her brain to her legs went haywire and she stood frozen in place.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she lied. She did know, she’d just fought it. Dear God, she’d tried to put him out of her mind and her life. She really had tried. But it was as if she couldn’t be without him. Couldn’t even think straight.

  No rest. No comfort. No peace.

  “Tell me right now and I’ll go. Tell me you don’t love me.” Jake stood in front of her and she had to tilt her head back to look up at him. He stared down into her eyes, his hands still in his pockets, still not touching her. If she closed her eyes, she could see the lines of connection, lines of energy and focus that ran between them, centered on their hearts.

  She opened her mouth to speak the lie, then she pressed her lips closed. He asked the impossible.

  “Tell me you don’t crave me. Tell me that when I touch you,” he reached for her face with his hand, “you don’t feel the connection.” His fingertips stroked her cheek.

  Rebecca’s eyes shuttered. His touch was like accelerant on her skin, leaving trails of fire, igniting an inferno of need and want between her wobbly legs.


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