The Duke and The Duchess

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The Duke and The Duchess Page 5

by Lady Aingealicia

  Paul came in one day with Jedidiah after working in the field. She smiled brightly as she served dinner to them. Jedidiah touched her softly every time he could. She would blush as she listened to the talk between Paul and Jedidiah. He would look over at her with his soft blue eyes and grin. He knew she was excited for the upcoming wedding of his sister and Samuel.

  He remembered when he knew he loved Rebecca, it was while he was out on his Rumspringa. While he worked in the city and experienced life out in the world, every time he would pass by a yellow flower he would see her smile in it and he knew he had to come home to be with her. He remembered watching her brown eyes light up when she saw the roses.

  “It looks like it will be a good harvest Sir.” Jedidiah said as he ate the roast and potatoes. “Good meal Rebecca.” He nodded her way and smile. He saw she was cutting the chocolate cream pie. She knew that was his favorite. He noticed that she had shaved chocolate on top of the pie.

  “I made your favorite Pa and Jedidiah.” Rebecca smiled proudly. She served them each a piece to see how they would respond. The clean plates said it all. “Now don’t you both go working too hard.” She said as they headed back out into the field. She watched them walk back into the field of corn. It was growing better than it had in many years. Rebecca knew that meant it was going to be a good harvest.

  She washed the dishes and cleaned up. Her hands tracing over the wood of the table. She knew that Jedidiah had made this table as a holiday gift one year for Paul and her when she was about 10. It was the first time she had seen him as her betrothed. Her father said she had a gift of seeing things that sometimes did not appear to the normal eye.

  As the sun began to set, she lit the lamps and made sure that the table was set. The table was warm under her touch, she felt the love that was in the craftsmanship. Jedidiah had made her hope chest one year as well, as a request from her father. Paul could not give up Susan’s hope chest no matter how much he wanted to give it to Rebecca. Jedidiah had carved a bouquet of flowers in the lid.

  Every time she would open the lid, she would touch the carving and think of him. She put her collectables in there that she wanted to hold onto for her home. Looking around the kitchen, she crossed her hands over her stomach and smiled. Everything was set for the supper. The Otto’s were coming over and she wanted everything to be perfect. As Emma and Katura came in, they took off their capes and hung them in the hall way. Everyone else was out in the field looking at the crop that was coming in.

  As they came in, Paul and Levi were talking about how good the harvest was going to be. Malachi, Solomon, Johnathan and Elijah washed up. Jedidiah came over by Rebecca and handed her a yellow daisy. She smiled at him as she took it. He always knew how to make her smile.

  “Looks good.” He commented and then went to wash his hands. Rebecca smiled as she placed the flower in a cup by the sink. She would leave it until she dried it to add to the others. As they sat around the table and the food was blessed. There was discussion of the barn raising that was going to happen the following week. Everyone would be there to see the house being built for Katura and Samuel.

  As Rebecca looked around the table, she caught Jedidiah looking at her and she would smile and grin. He sent butterflies in her stomach every time he would look at her. She remembered he would make her feel that way at the Sunday night evening sings they had and when they would have frolics. It had always been that way. How he made her feel.

  As soon as the supper was over Emma, Katura and Rebecca cleaned up the table and did the dishes as the men went to the living room and sat down to discuss the plans for the rest of the summers. The ladies sat in the kitchen and Rebecca brought out the quilt, to work on. It was almost done except the edges that needed to be finished.

  The night passed by quickly and the Otto’s left. Jedidiah left last as he looked at Rebecca and nodded. There were so many unspoken words between them. It had been a hard year because Paul had an accident the year prior. Rebecca helped him with recovering and Jedidiah did what he could to keep busy. He was still living with his family.

  Paul headed up to bed and paused looking at Rebecca. Rebecca went around and turned out the lanterns as she headed up to her room. Paul paused before he walked into his bedroom. Looking at Rebecca and coughed.

  “I know it has been a long year Rebecca.” He looked at her. “I know it has been hard on you and Jedidiah. I am doing much better now.”

  “I know Pa.” She said with a smile. “Jedidiah understands that it is the Lord’s way not ours.” Paul nodded and went into his room. Rebecca went into her room and let her waist length hair down. She remembered the day that her dad fell in the field. The Dr told him that his heart was weak and he needed rest.

  That year, the Otto’s and Rebecca brought in the harvest as Paul rested and recovered. Jedidiah and Rebecca had become closer together than they ever had been that year. Even though Paul thought that he was holding her back, she realized that this actually had brought Jedidiah together closer.

  Crawling into bed, she rubbed her hand by the empty spot beside her. Soon Jedidiah and she would share a bed. She knew it was only a matter of time. She would often dream of her wedding day. It was beautiful in her mind. The community there to welcome them to their new lives. She saw the smiling faces and the dinner after. Weddings were always a special time in the community. It reminded every one of their special day.

  As she rose for the next day and prepared, she knew the barn raising was soon. She looked forward to that day. There was so much to do beforehand. She noticed that Jedidiah was spending more time with Paul. This warmed her heart. The day turned into a week very quickly.

  The Barn Raising

  There was much excitement in the air as the Saturday started. Everyone in the community was at the field where the house was going to go up. Most everyone had been there since sunrise. Rebecca and Paul were picking up more wood to bring for the house to be built. When they arrived, everyone was already pitching in and helping out. The children were playing baseball in the field.

  As the house went up, Rebecca longed for the day to have her own home. Jedidiah brought her some water. He nodded at the house and smiled. They were both thinking the same thing. She noticed he brought her another yellow daisy. She held it in her hand as she joined the women to set up the lunch. Jedidiah sat across from her as they ate lunch.

  “One day we will have a house like that.” He said as they ate.

  “I know Jedidiah.” She said between bites. She looked over the house that was half way done. They would be working on it for the rest of the day. The inside would be done next week. As the day passed, Jedidiah ran into Rebecca every chance he had. She was not sure how to handle that. It made her warm inside. As everyone said goodnight and went home.

  For that week, Jedidiah balanced working in the field and in the wood shop. He brought her home a wooden flower one night. She smiled as she took it. She knew it would be perfect for their home once it was built. Visions danced in her head of how she would fix their simple home up.

  For the week Rebecca helped Katura with the quilt and they got canning supplies ready. It was rare for Rebecca to talk as Katura would say what was on her mind. She went on and on about what she wanted to do in the future. How many children she wanted and how the community would be there for them. Rebecca knew what she meant. She had often had those dreams.

  As Saturday came around, when Paul and Rebecca showed up to help out with finishing the house. Rebecca saw that she would love a house such as this. She fought against the jealousy that she could feel in her heart. She was happy for Katura. She really was. When Paul had his accident, her marriage to Jedidiah was put off. She knew that everything happened for a reason, she just did not know the reason for this.

  It had allowed for her and Jedidiah to get to know each other better. She was grateful for that. She helped where she could. She watched as her father and Jedidiah worked together for most of the day. Once again, Jedidiah sat across from
her at lunchtime. They made small talk as Rebecca looked at the house. It was quite beautiful she smiled. Katura and Samuel would be very happy there together and to raise the family.

  As the lunch ended, Rebecca watched the children play baseball. She remembered those days of playing baseball. How all the children would get together and just enjoy the days. She turned her attention back to the house and saw that there were yellow flowers being placed in front of the house. She knew that Katura was not a great fan of flowers. She always said it was more work.

  Rebecca went back in the house and helped the women polish and clean the inside of the house. She took a broom and began to sweep the upstairs. It had 6 bedrooms and a bathroom. As she brushed the dirt down the stairs she looked up and saw Paul and Jedidiah putting in the cabinets. She knew that was his work. She was sure it was a special gift for Katura. As she approached the cabinets she saw the flowers that were engraved in the woodwork.

  She traced her hands over the flowers and looked around. Everyone was smiling as Paul came up to her and smiled. He appreciated the woodwork and nodded. Quietly Jedidiah came up behind her as she felt the tears well in her eyes. She wanted to live in this house. As much as she loved Katura, she had fallen in love with the house.

  “It is beautiful work isn’t it Rebecca.” Paul said as he looked at his daughter. She nodded and looked at Katura. Katura walked forward and held out the quilt they had been working on. Waving at her, she motioned Rebecca to go upstairs with her. Sighing Rebecca joined her as they went to the master bedroom.

  When she saw the bed she gasped, at the end of the bed, she saw her hope chest. Rebecca realized they were not making Katura’s house, they were making hers. Tears fell down her cheeks as shame welled with in her heart of the feelings she had. She hugged Katura as they placed the quilt on the bed. The quilt they had been making was for her wedding day to Jedidiah, not Katura and Samuel.

  As they went downstairs Jedidiah had his hat in his hand and his head down. He was not sure what to say to her. Paul and he had been spending a great deal of time together to make this work. Rebecca needed to be close enough at home to help out him if he needed it. They had thought of everything.

  Rebecca went and hugged her father as he nodded. Jedidiah waited until she was free and kissed her on the cheek. He could not wait to start their new life. Rebecca stood in silence as the tears fell, she knew soon that she would have her home and what she always wanted to have, Jedidiah and a family.

  The Mail Order Bride

  Western Romance

  By Lady Aingealicia


  Elizabeth was unsure what she was going to do, her world had just been torn upside down. Her parents were no longer there to support her and she had nowhere to turn except to put an ad in the paper. She dreaded the thought of marring someone she did not know, she feared the thought of living on the streets of Boston. It was no place for a woman and there was nowhere for her to go except the streets if she stayed. Choosing her words carefully, she put her ad in. The simple words of ‘Marriage for Sale, Can cook, clean and tend to children’. It was blunt and to the point. She was not looking for love, she just wanted to live.

  Tragedy Strikes

  Elizabeth had been out for the evening and had no idea what was going on in her home. She did not have a care in the world at the moment except to find the most eligible bachelor in the room. She was now 18 and most girls her age were already married. She had not even been looking for marriage, she did not believe in love. Her father had brought up to her, it was time she became a nun or found a husband.

  She looked around the room and saw Charley talking with his friends. They had been friends since they were toddlers. She figured he was better than nothing. As she walked over to where Charley was, Sarah came in between them and took him on the floor to dance. She figured she would just talk to Charley tomorrow. She had been at the party for over 4 hours and was tired, she just wanted to go home.

  She requested a cab and got her wrap to head out. Charley came up behind her and took her by the elbow. She looked up at him with her dark green eyes and smiled. He asked for his coat and escorted her to the cab. As he opened the door for her, the snow had just begun to fall. The holidays were just around the corner and Elizabeth thought it would be a very nice Christmas gift for her parents if she could tell them her and Charley were to marry in the spring.

  “Charley will you be at home tomorrow?” She asked as he began to shut the door.

  “Yes, I will be home after 5 Miss Elizabeth.” He answered, “Do you wish for me to call on you?”

  “Yes, I would like to talk to you.” She smiled as brightly as she could under the circumstances. “I will see you tomorrow.”

  He nodded his head and went back in to the party as the cab drove off. He wanted to talk to her as well. He wanted to let her know of his engagement to Sarah. He and Elizabeth had been friends for as long as he could remember. He wanted her to be the first to know.

  Elizabeth saw the fire trucks racing past the cab. She had no idea what was going on. Watching out the window, she saw they were headed in the direction of her home. As the cab got closer, she saw her childhood home up in flames. Panicking, she looked around for her family. Racing out of the cab, she was stopped by a policeman who held her back. Terror ran through her veins as she looked at the inferno. There was nothing anyone could do. The house was gone.

  Charley’s family took her in for the evening. She had lost everything in the fire, including her family. The doctor had given her a sedative to help her sleep. She was not sure what she was going to do now. Everything she had known was now gone. She tried to stay up for Charley and could not, the sedative worked through her system and soon she was sound asleep. When she woke the next morning Charley was gone and a man was there to see Elizabeth. Her father’s lawyer.

  She sat at the kitchen table and listened to his words. He explained to her that her father had lost everything and was just about to lose the house. So there was nothing for her. She would be without means. She shook her head in disbelief that this could happen. What was she to do now?

  Once Charley did come home, he found her in tears. She explained that her father had nothing, she had nothing. He listened sympathetically and told her that he knew she would be able to stay with his family until she got on her feet. It was then Elizabeth suggested marriage. Charley took a deep breath and looked at her.

  “I was going to talk to you about that.” He started. “Look, Elizabeth, I was going to tell you today, Sarah and I are to marry in the spring.”

  “I see.” Was all Elizabeth could say. What else could she say?

  “Well you could always move out west and find you a husband.” Charley tried to make a joke.

  “That is not even funny.” She hit Charley in the arm and shook her head.

  “I know, I am sorry.” He responded, “It was in poor taste. Look Elizabeth, you can always work in a guest house. They would let you live there for free.”

  “Work as a maid?” She spat back, “Really, work at a maid?”

  “Look it is just an idea.” Charley answered. “I can ask around for you.”

  “I think I would rather be a mail order bride and move out west.” She stated clearly. “A maid. I can’t believe you.”

  As the month passed, Elizabeth thought more about what Charley had said about moving out west. She knew that she could only stay with Charley and his family until after the holidays. They had been kind enough to allow her to stay for as long as they had. She did not wish to wear out her welcome. Charley’s mother, Mae had begun to teach Elizabeth how to keep a house, how to cook simple meals. She wanted Elizabeth to be able to get a job soon.

  Mae had her hands full with her large family and though Elizabeth did not understand why she just could not stay there and help Mae. She had even brought that up to Charley. He mentioned that he and Sarah would be living with his family, so Sarah would be able to help Mae with the household chores. He wou
ld slip Elizabeth money as he could. As the holidays drew closer, Elizabeth took her money and went to the papers.

  Her words were simple, ‘Marriage for Sale, Can cook, clean and tend to children’. She had it placed in the papers in the west. From Texas to Montana and each state in between. She did not expect a message back, however one day there was a letter that she received in the mail. It was post marked Colorado. As she opened it, she saw it was a woman’s handwriting.

  Dear Miss Marriage for Sale,

  I saw your classified in the paper that my husband runs here in a small town called Lamar. We are a small town, mostly a cattle town. I am writing on behalf of a young man we have here that is in need of a wife. His wife passed away 4 months ago when she gave birth to their son. He is a wonderful man and very much like a son to me.

  His name is Brad and he has 300 acres of land with cattle on it. Mr. Evens and I run the local general store and would be able to send for you after the holidays. Travel in the winter can be rather difficult in these parts. It would take you about a month of travel in a coach to get to us. I saw you were in Boston and Mr. Evens and I discussed this great detail.

  It is not an easy life, though there are perks. The sunrises are beautiful and the sunsets remind you that this is God’s country. We are not close to any big cities like Boston, however we manage with what we have. If you need help, I would extend my hand to you for such. In time I would hope you would fall in love with Brad as we have. We consider him much like our own and the passing of Mary Anne was devastating to him. He continues because of Wyatt, his son.


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