The Duke and The Duchess

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The Duke and The Duchess Page 10

by Lady Aingealicia

  “Yes your Majesty.” There was not much more she could say.

  “I just wanted you to know it was duly noted.” The Queen looked at her, “Make sure this room is ready for Princess Aramatha.”

  “Yes your Majesty.” She answered and curtsied.

  “Also, remember your place girl.” The Queen ordered as she left the room.

  “Yes your Majesty.” Rochelle curtsied to her and nodded.

  As she started on the room, she wondered what Princess Aramatha was like. She also wondered if this was the woman that Dunton was animate about. If she was, Rochelle knew that the room must be perfect as she started to dust everything. The room had not been used much, so the cleaning was going to be a bit longer than normal to make everything perfect. She opened the drapes and saw Dunton’s reflection in the window pane as he passed.

  She did not envy his position. At least in the class she was in, she could be with anyone for the most part. Prince Dunton was not as lucky. She knew he had to marry someone of his status. He was after all to be the next King. It would only be fitting for him to marry a Princess.

  As she finished the room, she wonder what it would have been like to be in that position. That to be waited on hand and foot. To have all her needs taken care of at a whim. To have glorious dresses and many outings to socialize. For her, it was taking care of these needs and desires. To dress the Queen and to make sure her whims were taken care of.

  Looking around the room, she saw everything was in its place and shut the drapes. As she left, she almost ran into Dunton. She lowered her eyes and curtsied as she apologized. He wove his hand and walked by her. She knew he was anxious about the upcoming party and the guest who would be staying there.

  That evening, she passed by the library to make sure the Queen’s tea was ready for her bedtime. The door was open a crack and voices were coming from inside. She paused, knowing she should not have, however curiosity got the best of her. Standing quietly, the voices carried for her to hear.

  “I will not marry that wench.” Dunton stated clearly.

  “Dunton, it has already been decided.” His father stated. “In our position, you must marry for the people, not your own personal feelings.”

  “She will not make a good Queen.” Dunton added.

  “She will make a fine Queen.” The King stated, “You are just being difficult.”

  “I am not.” Dunton said firmly. “I do not like the woman.”

  “You have barely met her.” The King responded. “Get to know her this weekend.”

  “I do not need to father.” Dunton replied back and started to walk toward the door. “I will NOT marry her.”

  “It has already been decided.” The King responded back.

  Hearing the footsteps, Rochelle quietly moved to the shadows as not to be seen. She watched as Dunton headed down the hall towards his room in a huff. Her heart ached for him. To have a prearranged marriage must be very hard, she thought to herself. She rushed to the kitchen to get the Queens tea.

  As she served the Queen, she did so in silence. The Queen dismissed her without a thought as she went to her room. When she was in her room, she noticed a new book on her dresser. Holding it to her breast, she smiled softly. She felt herself glowing from the kindness that Dunton showed her.

  A Night in the Garden

  Rochelle watched as the guest came to the palace. She was shocked to see how much they brought with them. It was as if they were staying for years not two weeks. The Queen had directed Rochelle to help Princess Aramatha and get her things in order. She followed behind the woman called Aramatha with her luggage in tow. She had several trunks and did not speak to Rochelle except to give directions of where things were to be placed.

  Rochelle looked her over, Princes Aramatha had long blonde hair that had been braided and placed in a bun atop her head. Her crystal blue eyes stared through Rochelle as she unpacked for her. Rochelle noted that the Princess had 2 trunks of dresses, a trunk for hats, another trunk for underclothing and a dog in a cage. The dog growled at Rochelle as she passed by.

  “That will be all girl.” The Princess dismissed her. “I will ring for you when you are needed again.”

  “Yes miss.” Rochelle nodded and curtsied as she left the room.

  There was something about Aramatha that Rochelle did not like, she was not a likeable person as Dunton had already pointed out several times to his mother and father. She shuddered at the thought of Dunton having to marry this woman who was nothing like him. His heart was kind and he cared for his people. Rochelle had watched him over the years and saw how he treated everyone. His words were rarely unkind.

  The Queen called her in and informed her that they would be having lunch in the garden. That she needed to help the other servants make sure that everything was in its place. Rochelle went to join Katrina and help carry out the service that would be needed in the garden. She looked around for Dunton and did not find him.

  As she went back to gather the linen that would be needed for the tables and saw him in the library. He had his head down with his hands to his head. He was upset, she could tell. She wondered if the Princess would ever know his moods or care. Her heart ached for him in his situation. Taking a detour she went into the library.

  She knew that Katrina would give her a severe scolding if she got caught. Peeking into the library, he raised his head. He looked at her with a puzzled look as she waited for permission to come in. He motioned for her to come in.

  “Yes Rochelle?” He questioned.

  “I am sorry sir to interrupt you.” She began. “Lunch will be soon.”

  “Thank you Rochelle.” He nodded. “Anything else?”

  “Sir, I do not mean to overstep my place.” She paused, “I hope you are doing well.”

  “I am well enough, thank you for your concern.” He responded. “I will be out for lunch soon. Thank you for letting me know.”

  “Yes sir.” She left and found the linens.

  The afternoon passed quickly and Rochelle was told by the Queen that she would be taking care of Aramatha in private later that day. Aramatha would need her during her stay. Rochelle shuddered at the thought. She felt as if she were being passed around like a rag doll. Aramatha was the last person that Rochelle wanted to be taking care of. Yet she knew she had no say.

  Aramatha had Rochelle moved closer to her so that she would be at every whim that she or her dog had. It seemed that Rochelle never was able to sleep since she had been placed at Aramatha’s beckon call. Yet she found, she was able to be in Dunton’s presence when Aramatha would join him on walks and lunches. Though they honestly had nothing in common, Dunton and Aramatha, he made the best of the situation.

  One day when they were in the garden and the sun was setting, she watched as Dunton walked around the garden. Her admiration had grown deeply into love as she watched him find flowers for Aramatha. In her heart, she wished he was finding them for her. She followed them around as they walked through the garden and headed back to the palace. Rochelle watched at Dunton paused before going in.

  He turned and looked at her and mentioned that Aramatha had forgotten her gloves and would need them. As Rochelle headed back to the gardens, retracing the steps that they had all taken, she could not find the gloves she was seeking. As she turned to return and let Dunton know that the gloves were not to be found, she saw him standing at the edge of the garden.

  “I have them here Rochelle.” He commented. “I just wanted to speak to you for a moment and give you this.”

  He held out a new book that he had not been able to place in her room since she had moved closer to Aramatha. She held it to her breast as she looked at him. Words would not come from her lips at this time. Her heart welled inside that he cared enough to give her this.

  “I am talking to mother that you will become Aramatha’s maid after the marriage.” He commented. “I cannot imagine my life without your services. I have become fond of your kindness and care.”

��Yes sir.” She blushed and could not believe her ears. “Thank you sir, I would be honored.”

  “Besides, how would I get you books?” He laughed.

  “Yes sir.” She blushed again and let out a small chuckle. “How would you?”

  “Come now.” He handed her the lace gloves. “Surly Aramatha must have her gloves to put away for the evening.”

  “Yes sir.” Rochelle nodded as she placed the gloves in her hands.

  They walked back to the palace in silence, words were not needed for the moment. Though she knew that she could never be with Dunton, for her, it was enough to be near him. She could show her love in other ways and he would know. And she knew that in his own way, he loved her too. He showed her with every book he gave her over the years.

  Victorian Secrets

  Episode 1, 2 & 3

  By Lady Aingealicia

  Episode 1: Mystery Affairs

  Lady Angela’s Introduction

  Lady Angela had many secrets, not hers mind you, they were of others that were in the court and in high places. She had always had a knack to find out what was really going on. It was not until her husband suggested that she take her talents to find out about a string of crimes that had happened with the higher ranks of society. She laughed it off at first and then began to think, maybe he was right. So she played the lady during the day and night she donned her red cloak and became that of the night. Wild and free only to find out that people will sacrifice anything to hide the truth.

  The Bedroom

  “You know Angela.” Diego stated from the bed. “You are almost as good as Katarina in the bed.” Angela did not turn around and kept pinning up her hair. She knew Katarina was the whore that Diego went to when she was not available.

  “That is nice my Lord.” She stated as she stood up in her shift and looked at him. Her long blonde locks were pinned up to her head and she found her dress. Ringing the bell she waited for the maid to come to the room to help her with her corset.

  “Really?” Diego stated. “You could not wait until I was dressed you wench?” He threw a pillow at her that she stood aside and it missed her.

  “No, I could not.” Angela stated. “I have a meeting with the Duchess today my Lord and I cannot be late.” The door opened and Diego laid down in the bed pulling the covers up to his neck.

  “Yes my Lady?” The maid asked.

  “I need my corset and dress on girl.” Angela stated clearly. Standing to be dressed. The maid grabbed the corset off the dresser and started to cinch up Lady Angela.

  “Yes my Lady.” She quietly said, averting her eyes to the Lord that was in the bed. As she pulled on the strings, Lady Angela held onto the bed post.

  “Very good.” Lady Angela stated as she felt the tightness around her waist and upper carriage. Standing up she waited for the dress to go on. She felt the fabric go over her head as the dress fell about her. Once the dress was buttoned up, she dismissed the maid. Walking back over to her vanity she looked in the grey mirror.

  “So you are serious about me doing these investigations my Lord?” Angela placed on her rouge and a bit of paint for her lips to make them redder.

  “Yes, I think it would be a lark.” He commented as he got out of his bed. His muscles outlined by the sweat they had just worked up. “I will need a bath this morning.” He rang for the maid who came in promptly not expecting to see what she saw.

  “Lord Diego needs a bath drawn girl.” Lady Angela stated and waved her hand. The girl left nodding.

  “Yes, my Lady.” She said as she bowed out and went to the next room to draw the bath water.

  Diego walked over to Angela and kissed her on the top of the head. “And where will this meeting be with the Duchess so I may avoid it?” He asked.

  “In the garden of course.” Angela stated as she made sure that everything was in place. “Over tea.” She stuck out her tongue.

  “Well I think you should find out what is going on in the county my dear.” Diego stated as he walked towards the bath room. “Just a thought. I am going to be gone for a few months. Something must keep you busy besides your lovers.”

  “At least I do not have as many as you.” Angela spatted. It was no secret that both Diego and Angela had lovers outside the marriage. It was what kept them together in a way. Angela got up and headed downstairs to wait for the Duchess who was always late. She walked around the garden until a servant came to her and told her the Duchess was there. Angela hated having to deal with those of this level. They always had some urgent thing that did not matter. She walked to the foyer to meet with Duchess Vivian. Vivian was dressed in a brilliant green silk dress and her red hair was highlighted by the color. Her Emerald eyes were glazed over with tears as she held a handkerchief in her hand.

  “Oh Angela.” She cried out. “He is cheating on me.” She burst out into tears and held the handkerchief to her eyes. Angela shook her head and dismissed the staff as she took Vivian to the garden so they could speak in peace.

  “Now Vivian,” Angela began, “it can’t be as bad as you state.”

  “Oh but it is Angela.” The Duchess cried out in hysteria. “It is horrid. He runs around with these tarts, thinking nothing of my reputation.”

  “Honestly Vivian.” Angela stated, she despised the hysterics. “You can’t possibly expect a man to stay faithful to a woman who will only do it laying on her back.” Immediately Angela knew it was the wrong thing to say as Vivian burst in to tears again.

  “How do you keep Diego loyal?” Vivian asked between sobs.

  “We have lovers.” Angela simply stated as Katarina served the tea and almost dropped it.

  “And you are fine with that?” Vivian asked.

  “Of course. Please, Diego can become a pain.” Angela stated with a laugh. “As long as we are honest with each other, it does not matter.”

  “I do not believe in lovers Angela.” Vivian stated.

  “Then you will never be happy.” Angela leaned over and whispered.

  Vivian looked at Angela with her green eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “Please, one man cannot be enough for you Vivian.” Angela started as she sat back in her chair. “Besides, Ralph must be extremely boring under the bed sheets.” Vivian blushed. “For you are still without a child and it has been over a year.” Angela continued.

  “It is not my fault.” Vivian exclaimed. “I try to entice him.”

  “Well that is half your problem.” Angela stated. “Do you really think that Lord Diego does not find me attractive after he has had his riff raff?” She pointed to Katarina.

  “Well you do have children.” Vivian exclaimed.

  “Exactly.” Angela patted her belly and winked. “So let Ralph have his lovers, you need an heir.”

  “Indeed I do.” Vivian stated as she perked up.

  “Well let’s hatch that plan and get an heir on the way.” Angela stated clearly as she dismissed the servants except for Katarina.

  And so it Begins

  Vivian spent the rest of the day listening to Angela as they discussed her marriage and how to have a child. That was the largest issue that seemed to be at hand. Vivian had been plagued by her mother in law as to why a child had not been born as of yet. Angela decided it was time to take her husband’s advice for truth and wanted to find out more. There had to be a reason that Vivian had not been pregnant after a year and a half. They walked the gardens as the sun began to set. Vivian left for the night and Angela went upstairs to the room. She sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. She knew tonight she needed to go out. Ringing the bell she waited for Katarina to come in. Peeking around the corner, Katarina knocked softly.

  “Yes my Lady?” She asked.

  “I need a carriage prepared for the night.” Lady Angela stated.

  “Yes my Lady.” Katarina answered. “Will there be anything else my Lady?” She waited patiently as Lady Angela turned around to face her.

  “Yes, make sure that you make my husband happy.�
� She stated quickly. “Now go. I must say goodnight to the children.” Lady Angela got up and went to Michael’s room. He was almost asleep when she came in. He woke immediately as she sat on his bed.

  “Mother you came.” He stated with a smile.

  “Of course I did, I had to say sweet dreams after all.” She smiled. Her children were the pride and joy in her life. She only wished she had more time to spend with them. “Now I have to go see your sister before she drifts off to sleep.” She kissed his forehead and tucked him in.

  “Night Mother.” He responded as he drifted off to sleep.

  “Night lil one.” She answered in her Irish brogue and headed to Racheal’s room to bid her goodnight. Soon she had made all her rounds and headed downstairs to the grand hall.

  “Is my coach ready?” She simply asked.

  “Yes my Lady.” The servants looked at Lady Angela in her red cape. It highlighted her beauty and they lowered their eyes. Lady Angela headed towards the coach and got in. She knew that her servants would never say a word since they had been sworn to secrecy up on their lives. She told the driver where they needed to go and he began to question until he saw the seriousness in her eyes.

  “Yes my Lady.” He responded quietly as she got in the coach closing the door while he stroked the horses to go forward. As soon as they reached the destination, Lady Angela opened the door and stepped out. She knew that no one would notice her here in her red cape. She would blend in. As she walked in the tavern, she requested a seat in the corner to watch the activity. It was not long before she saw what she needed to see. Ralph was loud and boisterous. He was a hard one to miss in all his purple and jewels. He had women hanging off him like a coat rack.


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