Dual Desire (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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Dual Desire (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 8

by JC Szot

“If you let me…I’ll show both of you.”

  Reed stepped back. He lifted his hands into air. “No games, Joel.”

  “No way, not this time, not with her,” he insisted.

  * * * *

  The twins had really liberated her, each in his own unique way. Was it the formula of darkness and her emerging self-confidence, along with the right man—or men? It was still something she needed to reflect on, but the next day Ivy was light on her feet. She felt as if she was able to really be herself and arise as the young woman she was meant to be. She hoped that Reed hadn’t turned on Joel after their candid conversation.

  She thought seeing the twins would make her want to crawl into a hole, like the morning after a bad blind date, but now that everything was out in the open, there might be a new road to travel. It was a journey that didn’t come without reservations, but there was a feeling of safety as well. What lay ahead she couldn’t be sure. She was different now, and any other experiences that came her way would only change her yet again, and Ivy welcomed it.

  Both Reed and Joel appeared to be sharing in the same contentment. They waved to her from the dining area. Reed’s smile lit up the room. Joel’s seductive grin woke up the memories of their night together upstairs. She was now able to piece together those moments, connecting the feelings to the man. Ivy knew what lay beyond that dark, playful smirk. Joel was a superconductor of intensity and gratification. What else was buried beneath? That unanswered question had her body swathed in sweat, despite the chilly November morning.

  The one promise she did make to herself in front of the mirror that morning was that she couldn’t jeopardize this job. What would June think? Was she even aware of Reed and Joel’s past liaisons? Ivy needed to ask the twins about that.

  Joel’s words from the previous evening echoed in her head. “There’s enough fuel for all three of us.” They’d both had her separately, but now they seemed to be alluding to the idea of the three of them together. This jarred her. Heat shot through Ivy’s veins. Her lust became inquisitive. It was scratching at a door that Reed and Joel were ready to open. Should she walk through? Her mind tilted, filled with the what-if’s. Was it all just about the lust and sex, or would it be something more? It appeared that Reed wanted more. Did Joel want that, too? Her urge branched off, rushing down two separate tributaries. Her legs turned to liquid. She needed to sit down.

  * * * *

  After lunch June came into the lobby with a man Ivy had never seen before. June waved her hand through the air, speaking to her guest as they meandered toward the front desk. Thanksgiving was in two days, and they were all busy. The resort had their regulars as well as newcomers who had booked a holiday getaway. Everyone was on the schedule for what June said was often a grueling holiday weekend.

  “Ivy, I’d like you to meet Ned Fleming. Ned, this is my front desk coordinator, Ivy Tanner.” Ivy stood and circled around the desk and extended her hand. Ned’s fingers enclosed around hers, pumping her hand gently.

  “It’s a pleasure. What a beautiful place to be a part of.” Ned smiled, still holding her hand in his grasp. Ivy politely withdrew her hand and aligned her body with June’s.

  “Ned works for Customary Cuisine,” June informed her. “I’ve hired Ned to overhaul our menu. I feel we’re due for a change,” June said, her smile branching between them. Ivy nodded, taking in their new addition. June hadn’t mentioned this change. Ivy wasn’t sure if she should be offended by this unexpected news.

  Ned shifted his weight, his laptop case at his side. Dressed in an expensive suit with the refined features to match, Ivy felt that his persona was forced and a bit too rehearsed.

  “It’s nice to have you.” Ivy smiled, wanting to be accommodating.

  The three of them stood at the desk while June explained that Ned would be introducing some new appetizers and entrées during the upcoming holiday weekend, and would then be taking a survey with some of their guests.

  “It’ll help us to do a sort of inventory. Then I can narrow down what I think the best selections are. The changes will be subtle,” June assured her. “I just want to perk things up a bit.”

  They chatted idly for a few minutes. Ned was from New York. His eyes were a light brown, the color of dirt. They flitted around her, only landing on her when Ned didn’t think she noticed. Dark, stiffly styled hair framed his gaunt face, which looked like pottery.

  Ivy was relieved when June finally whisked Ned away, dragging him into the kitchen.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Didn’t you leave a light on?” Reed took the key from her hand and opened the door of the bungalow. Ivy’s feet ached. They’d all run their asses off since the early morning. Ivy had helped Reed work the dining room, running drinks to all the tables in his station. Despite the fact that June had scheduled two bartenders for each of the two seatings, Ivy had watched Joel scurry back and forth behind the bar all day.

  The Thanksgiving dinner was a success. The only problem Ivy kept coming back to was Ned Fleming. After spending ten hours with him, she now knew he was a phony. Behind his professional façade, a suspicious nature lurked. Ned’s direct glances picked at her from a distance, making Ivy feel like a pile of roadkill.

  “I did.” Ivy walked into the bungalow and flipped the switch. “Great,” she grumbled. “Looks like the power’s out.”

  “What the hell?” Reed tried several different switches. He stepped back out onto the front porch, his eyes gleaming. “Guess you’re coming home with me,” he said, grinning.

  “How convenient,” Ivy laughed. “Where’s the fuse box anyway?”

  “Basement and we have no flashlight. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow.” Reed shut the door and directed her back to the ATV, their breaths floating in the chilled night air like storm clouds.

  Ivy straddled the seat and settled in behind Reed. He gunned the engine. Ivy hid behind Reed’s back, avoiding the cutting wind. The ATV pushed through the wooded darkness, down the rutted trail. No light filled the windows of the villa. Ivy hoped Reed and Joel had electricity. She really wanted a hot bath. Her bones hurt, every muscle burned out.

  Reed cut the engine and helped her off the ATV. When they entered the villa, Ivy was thankful for the illuminating light that flooded the living room when Reed tried the switch. Reed went straight to the fireplace and began tossing logs in. By the time Ivy had her coat hung up, the fire was crackling. Orange flames shot upward, blinking against the walls. Reed dimmed the track lighting and took her hand.

  “It’s our time now.” Reed led her up a narrow, curved stairwell. Ivy followed him down a dark hallway, the hardwood floor polished into a glossy sheen. They entered a bedroom. This was territory Ivy had yet to explore. Two beds gave evidence to the fact that Reed and Joel shared the room. A larger bed lined the wall, the other tucked under the eave of a slanted roof. Two tall chests of drawers and separate nightstands filled the small, cozy space. When Reed opened the doorway to the bathroom, Ivy felt her eyes go wide.

  The bathroom was larger than the bedroom. It looked like a communal bath, dating back to the Roman Empire.

  “Holy shit.” Ivy’s jaw dropped.

  “Yeah, Marion’s daughter went a little crazy with the bathroom design, but hey”—Reed’s eyes flashed—“I bet you’ll like it.”

  Reed tugged at his bow tie and shrugged out of his vest. He unbuttoned his shirt, his gaze locked on her. He tossed his clothes on the bed. Reed cleared his throat.

  “I’m going to take a shower. I’m hoping that you’ll be amenable to joining me. There’re great fixtures in there.” He tilted his head toward the bathroom, grinning. The contours of his chest muscles rippled with every move. “I can almost guarantee a good time,” Reed said softly. His speech was slurred with need. He licked his lips. Ivy’s eyes held his, slipping deeper and deeper in a blue that had gone black. Reed turned and walked into the bathroom, his slacks unzipped and hanging off his hips. The spigots came to life, sounding like a rainstorm.
/>   Ivy’s fingers fumbled with the buttons of her blouse. Desire raced to her core. Her body flourished with need. This new dish she’d been offered was addictive. She wanted to taste the flavor again. Reed returned and removed his slacks. Fabric swooshed and snapped. He stood before her naked, his cock taut. His fingers petted himself. His stare had her heart palpitating. Reed’s feet brushed over the shiny floorboards as he moved behind her. He thrust his hips into her, cradling her ass with his groin. Reed murmured in her ear.

  “I can’t wait to have you again,” he said. Reed’s eager breaths rushed over the back of her neck. Every pore in her flesh tingled. Ivy shimmied out of her skirt and panties. Reed assisted with her hosiery. His hands began to wander as soon as bare skin appeared. Reed’s hands slid up her sides, skimming over her nipples. His palms cupped her breasts. “I want to see every inch of you.” His declaration was a guttural groan.

  Reed’s hands dropped to her waist. He spun her to face him. Reed held her chin, kissing her lightly. A slow swipe of wet heat washed over her lips. Her body soaked up Reed’s attention, quaking with the need to absorb more. He took her hands and guided her into the bathroom.

  Chapter Twenty

  Ivy’s bungalow had been bathed in darkness. The villa was also dark with the exception of a small light which brightened only one window upstairs in their room. Joel parked the ATV near the porch and cut the engine.

  The house was quiet when he entered. As he climbed the stairs, the sound of sprinkling water filled his ears. He stood at the doorway of their room, taking in the scattered clothing that littered the bed. Joel picked up the tiny, black, lacy panties. The silky material slid through his fingers. His exhausted body sprang back to life. Feminine whimpers echoed off the tiles, seducing him right where he stood.

  Joel ripped off his work clothes, tossing them into the mix. His dick reared, wanting a hand, mouth, and the deep heat of Ivy’s pussy. Steam curled from the bathroom door. He’d had the pleasure once, but this time Joel’s mission held an entirely different meaning. Adoration and lust knitted together, an unfamiliar fabric. His chest expanded with excited, accelerated breaths. Joel entered the bathroom. Two bare bodies moved behind the large frosted glass. Joel slid the double doors open, engulfed by a sweet-smelling haze.

  Two sets of eyes blinked at the intrusion. Joel released a hissing breath at the sight of Ivy’s body. Delicate curves outlined her rich, tawny skin. The slight swell of her breasts beckoned him, her nipples hard and pointed. He loved the lines of her collarbone. He wanted to gnaw on those bones. The water rained over her skin, beading like liquid glass. Joel’s husky voice filled the heated fog.

  “I’m here to bear gifts, if you’re both willing,” he said. His raw voice bounced off the sandstone tiles. Joel closed the door behind him. Reed’s hand smoothed down the lean flesh of Ivy’s torso. His fingers found her pussy, spreading her intimate folds open. His brother began to slowly circle over Ivy’s clit, making Joel’s body twitch. “I get to see you, and you get to see me.” Joel smiled, watching her face react to his proposition. “You get to touch me, too—if you’d like, that is.” Joel’s nervous laughter mixed with the endless flow of water.

  Joel turned on the rain bars, allowing the water to shoot out of the walls. A quivering moan slipped from Ivy’s lips. Reed’s calm voice filled the tropical air that swirled around them.

  “Everything okay?” Reed asked Ivy, nuzzling her curved neck. Joel moved closer, not wanting to spook her.

  “May I?” He looked to Reed through the torrent of water as it fell over their bodies. Joel brushed wet strands of hair away from Ivy’s face. Water ran in tiny rivers down her angled cheekbones. Reed nodded. Ivy’s dreamy smile had him taking her hand and leading her to the built-in bench that lined the monstrous shower. He sat her down. Reed sat next to her, stroking his fingers down her cheek. Ivy’s dark eyes expanded into pools, fascinated with every calculated move Joel was making. Joel knelt before her. He lightly touched the curved slopes of her shoulders, her skin slick with moisture. She smelled divine. Her scent rose into the air, mixing with the heated vapors. Joel’s head lightened, inebriated with her.

  “Cup your breasts, feed yourself to me. Please,” Joel said. His tone was thick with emotion. “This is all I’ve thought about since the party. You are absolutely beautiful.” He stared into her eyes. Ivy’s small hands held her breasts. Joel groaned, leaning into her. Reed slowly pulled her knee back, spreading her legs open. Joel closed the distance between them, nestling between her knees. He licked her collarbone. Her skin was hot and wet. Her hands reached for him, sliding over his shoulders, her touch hesitant. Reed’s hand fondled one breast as Joel latched onto the other with his mouth. He drew her between his lips, hungry for her flesh. Ivy’s chest lifted, pressing into his face.

  “Oh,” Ivy cried. Rushing waters muffled her meek voice, whisking them away. Reed was whispering to her, reassuring her, telling Ivy how beautiful she was. Her nipple beaded in his mouth. Joel let his hand wander over her silken thigh. Reed was right in sync with Joel’s intentions. Reed’s hand slipped under Ivy’s knee and lifted her leg, pulling it back, giving him more access. Joel sat back on his heels. Her body opened before him. Joel trailed a finger through a dusting of black hairs that decorated her pussy. Ivy shook. Her eyes popped open and rolled across the ceiling. Her lids lowered against the torrent of water that poured over their bodies.

  “Yes,” she called out. Her affirmations rang through the shower stall.

  “You like?” Joel stroked her clitoris again, reveling in her response. Her hot cream glazed over his fingers. “This is how I touched you on that first night.” Joel raised his fingers to his mouth, tasting her buttery sweetness, the memory exploding on his tongue.

  “Yes, please, Joel.” Ivy’s voice was dark with need, turning him into a crazed animal, but Joel remained guarded. It was a dangerous, sharp edge he was skating on. Reed’s eyes met his, blazing through the steam. Joel dipped his head, lightly kissing her thighs. Reed lifted her leg higher as he petted his own cock.

  Joel kissed her pussy. Ivy’s legs jumped. Joel caressed her as he slowly felt her with his tongue. He washed her intimate tissues, tasting her. He licked her leisurely. Her lungs gasped for air. Reed’s husky voice broke through the heavy air.

  “I want my brother to watch us fuck. You ready, Ivy?” Reed released her leg. Ivy’s feet slid on the slick floor as Reed helped her to stand. They all moved through a dreamy fog, intoxicated with desire. Reed took Ivy’s face in his hands. His mouth compressed into hers, taking their need to another level. Guttural growls spilled from Joel’s throat as he watched Reed’s and Ivy’s tongues mate. Joel steered her hips into his. Reed’s body adhered to her from behind. Joel leaned into the cool tiles, pulling Ivy’s body to his. Joel’s dick bowed, bobbing between the moist flesh of their navels. Ivy’s distended nipples brushed across his chest. Her hands landed on his shoulders. Her nails scraped over his biceps.

  They had her. Joel could read the ecstasy in her eyes as they fluttered under the balmy sprays of water. The rich musk of their bodies ripened in the vapor as it clouded around them.

  Reed jutted up behind her, enclosing Ivy between them. Joel’s back braced against the wall. He smoothed his palm down her taut navel, easing his fingers through her pussy. Every stroke of her clit had her clinging to him. Joel licked the wet shell of her ear. He knew when his brother had entered her from behind, feeling Reed now inside Ivy’s body as his fingers circled over her pussy.

  Ivy trembled in his arms, her knees knocking into his. Joel slowly slid his fingers through her creases again, petting her with light, rhythmic touches as Reed’s cock edged in deeper. Ivy’s eyes batted open. Joel kissed her cheeks, licking the water as it bathed her beautiful face.

  “How do you feel?” Joel asked. His fingers continued to trace over her clit.

  “Good, so good.” Her hoarsened whisper gripped his heart, pulling him deeper. Reed’s hips pushed them together. Moans and mur
murs echoed in his ears, a joyous chorus.

  “You’re so gorgeous.” Joel held her hip, his other hand rocking to Reed’s tempo. Ivy’s breaths heaved into his face. Her face went slack, their pleasure mounting. Reed called out, his body going rigid behind them.

  “I’m gonna come…fuck. Are you ready, Ivy?” Reed’s eyes went wide and dark.

  “Oh…I can’t stand,” Ivy whined. Her head fell on his shoulder. Ivy’s body went tight. Joel could feel her muscles grip as his fingers danced over her clit faster and faster. Ivy convulsed in his arms. Her joints loosened, her limbs relaxed. Joel felt Reed leave her body. Ivy dropped to her knees. Joel’s hand was on his cock, his balls about to erupt.

  For a girl who probably hadn’t had much experience, Ivy was quick to reciprocate. The night of the party ran through his mind. He hadn’t let her touch him. She had asked about his pleasure. When her sensual mouth took him inside, his joints disintegrated into dust. He lowered his eyes, relishing the sight of his cock, a hard piston slipping in and out of her lovely mouth. The way her lips curved, the way her tongue curled around his shaft. She was so erotic, her body, the color of her skin. He licked his lips, still tasting her flavor on his tongue.

  Ivy pulled him deep, sucking him into a cavernous, wet heat that raged up his body, consuming him.

  “Oh yeah.” Joel held her head. “That’s perfect.” They rocked and swayed. Reed was on the floor, kneeling near her, kissing her cheek, praising her demonstrations of affection.

  “You got my brother feeling real good.” Reed’s voice echoed around him, sounding dreamlike. Ivy dragged her tongue up and down his cock. Joel rested his head against the wall. His heart hammered into his ribs. It all felt so good, but just below the pleasure, awareness wrapped around him, taunting him. Was this just another novelty that would lose its shine over time, or was it something more? Since the night of the party, Ivy had somehow gotten Joel to acknowledge emotions he’d never wanted to feel before.


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