Watch What Burns

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Watch What Burns Page 28

by Kirsty-Anne Still

  He barely even noticed Austin waking up and staring at Grace for a moment before twisting to look at him.

  “Hey,” Austin welcomed the sight of her husband.

  “Morning,” he replied, giving her a serene smile. “When did you move in here?” he asked, moving closer to the comfort of the hiding place.

  “Erm, a little after four. I took some pills before she found me,” Austin mumbled sleepily, reaching up to rub some of the sleep out of her eyes. “I guess they knocked me out. I was going to put her to bed after she fell back to sleep.”

  “You need to rest as well,” Tyler scolded her, his tone loving yet stern, his worry begging for an escape. “I know you. I know you will fight to have a regular life back, but this time you need to rest more than anything. Even if it is only for a couple of days.”

  Moving a little, Austin stilled, and nodded. “Yeah, apparently sleeping in here agrees with you.”

  Tyler chuckled and opened the door, leaning into the cubbyhole. “Think I can get you back into bed, Mrs. Armstrong? I’ll come back for Gracie once you’re comfortable.”

  “I guess I can do that,” Austin mumbled, trying to slip away from her daughter’s sleeping form in order to climb out of the cubbyhole space.

  “No, mommy!” Grace whined out in a sleepy tone, grabbing out at her mother. “Don’t leave me!”

  Looking to her husband, Austin’s eyes watered and she immediately drew Grace closer to her. “Hey, baby, daddy and I were just moving into our bed. He’s promised us breakfast if you want it.”

  Grace frowned as her sleep dispersed from her and she slowly nodded.

  “C’mere, baby,” Tyler said, putting his arms out for her to get to him. He waited for her to relinquish her hold on Austin and clamber towards him, climbing onto his lap. “We need to look after, mommy, right?” he asked his daughter, who nodded vigorously at him. “So we need to be extra good today and make her breakfast in bed.”

  “Breakfast on the couch,” Austin countered with a soft sigh. After the way Grace reacted to her leaving her so soon, even if she were asleep, she found herself unable to let Grace out of her sight for a little while.

  Tyler rolled his eyes at his wife. “Breakfast on the couch, so what do you think we should make?”

  “Pancakes!” Grace screamed, jumping up and down on her spot.

  “Is that a final decision?” Tyler asked, watching his daughter for a definitive answer.

  “Always!” Grace smiled up at him, her happiness showing that, for the most part, she was left unscathed by Natasha’s advances to implement her into a new family life.

  “Right, come on then, baby girl. We’re going to get the couch comfortable for mommy, and cook a big, fat breakfast for us all to eat.” He watched Austin nod, accepting the plan and even though he knew she would try and pull some independence, he knew she wouldn’t do anything stupid. “Right, I’ll meet you and Clara downstairs in two minutes.”

  He waited for her to run out of the room before he opened the door completely, and stood up, ready to help his wife. When he had her entrusted in his arms, he led her to bed, sat her down and headed to get some clothes.

  “Only a top and bra?” she asked, confusion lacing her tone.

  “Yup.” Tyler smirked at her. “You’re staying in pajama bottoms; the top of you can look seemingly presentable.” He watched her laugh, letting the sound of her laughter ignite hope in him that everything was settling back into normalcy quicker than he had anticipated. “I plan to look after you.”

  “You always do,” Austin answered him with the same claim. “I don’t expect special treatment.”

  “Well tough,” he reacted to her affection of not letting him looking after her. “Let me do this, and we can call it a truce.”

  “Fine,” she responded, relenting easily to him. She knew he was looking for a way to grip onto control and to be the man of the house again. She would grant him that in order to give him his sanity. She allowed him to get her changed and she pushed him to start breakfast once he had her dressed. Even though she was willing to let him smother her slightly, she wasn’t ready to just become a weaker counterpart.

  He left her to come downstairs when she was ready.

  Austin didn’t hesitate, she went and grabbed a cardigan from the closest, not bothering to attempt to put it on and headed out of the room. She felt a strong dose of nostalgia hit her as she remembered what had happened on the landing, but she knew she would never give this house up for the ghosts Natasha had a hand in making. Heading down the stairs, she paid no attention to the niggling memory that wanted to engulf her and torture her. When she made it to the bottom, she was happy to just head to her husband and daughter.

  “Who was that?” Austin asked as she saw him putting his phone away. She had heard him on the phone as she headed down the stairs, but hadn’t really caught a word of what was said.

  “Your dad,” Tyler alerted her. “Michael’s home,” Tyler called out as Austin came into the kitchen. “He’s staying with your parents, so we’ll see how he enjoys that experience.”

  Austin giggled at the thought. “He won’t get the treatment you do that’s for sure.” She kissed him as she reached for the cup of tea. “Is this mine?”

  “Yup,” Tyler replied, taking the cup from her. “Go and sit down, I’ll bring this in for you.”

  “I can carry a cup of tea, Ty. I’m not a complete invalid,” Austin argued back tirelessly. She didn’t want to be sheltered and have all elements of everyday life stolen from her. “Next you’ll be wrapping me in bubble wrap.”

  “Lap up the attention,” Tyler told her, taking her hand and drawing her into the living room where Grace was plumping pillows. “And spend some time with your daughter. You deserve it.”

  That stopped Austin in her tracks. She made him face her, her face full of thunder. “What about you?” she asked her husband, her voice cracking with emotions. “You deserve time with her too. You almost lost her too.”

  “I almost lost you both, so let me look after you both first and then we can cuddle on the couch together. Just let me give a little back,” Tyler near enough begged her to listen to him.

  “Okay,” Austin relented and went on tip toes to kiss him. “Just don’t make us wait.”

  “I won’t,” he vowed to her, and led her the rest of the way to the couch Grace was perfecting before leaving Austin to be looked after by their daughter.


  “Have you taken your pills?” Tyler asked as he came back into the room, pulling his shirt down and over his body. Before Austin could answer he advanced towards her, bottle of pills in hand. “I knew you hadn’t when you got changed and you’re failing miserably at holding your pain, Sunny.”

  Pouting at him Austin took the pills. “I don’t need to be drugged up all day and night.”

  “And your mother will beat me if I’m not taking care of you,” Tyler teased her humorously. “God forbid, I do that.”

  “At least you’re playing your cards right,” Austin joked and popped the lid of her pills. Shaking two onto her hand, she popped them into her mouth, reaching out for her drink to swallow them down with. She took an added gulp and set the glass back down. “What’s the plan for today? Aside from my entrapment to the couch?”

  “Er, you’ll see,” Tyler commented, keeping his tone ambiguous and cryptic. He looked out the window, knowing Austin would find out what he meant sooner rather than later. It made his life easier at not breaking and letting his wife in on a big secret.

  Austin’s face loosened with severity at that. “What does that mean?”

  “Like I said,” Tyler spoke as a smirk grew on his face. “You’ll see.”

  “Tyler!” she shouted out to him as he disappeared to open the door. She watched as Tyler’s mother and sister suddenly raced through the house with bags of food and drinks. “What is all this?” Austin asked sitting up watching as Danny and Cassie rushed through with more bags.

  “We d
ecided to have a party,” Jane alerted her as she carried the first lot of paper bags full of food to the kitchen after Tanya had breezed through.

  "In my house?" Austin asked, looking around at the food her brothers were helping her mother and Tyler’s bring in. "I'm not cooking any of that!"

  Tanya came out of the kitchen, putting her hands on her hips and giving Austin a disapproving face. "Too right, you're not! You're going to sit back and rest while we throw a little welcome home party for Gracie and give some gratitude where gratitude is due."

  “You shouldn't praise stupidity,” Austin scoffed sarcastically, a small smile beginning to pull on her lips. “It makes him do it again.”

  “And what about you, hmm?” Jane asked as she stepped into the room, standing beside Tanya. “Running into that building when I’m pretty sure Tyler and Michael would have given you the what's what of everything going on.”

  “She had my daughter,” Austin argued, sitting up a little to debate the matter more. “The moment I saw Grace I forgot everything and everyone and just ran in after them. Tyler did the same and I’m sure that wasn’t because he’s a cop. Hell, Tom did it and he’s the least trained! I wanted my daughter back and I got her. I didn’t expect Michael to take a bullet to save Tyler in the process.”

  “I’d have done it had it been you too,” Michael retorted as he walked into the room, his arm up in a sling.

  “Speak of the devil.” Austin smirked at him. “How much did my sister crucify you?”

  “She’s not done yet,” he laughed, coming to sit in the armchair by Austin. “I’m pretty sure she’ll have a voodoo doll of me made to torture me for a year.” He winked at Austin as Sienna came into the room after everyone. “But she loves me, so I guess I’ll find repentance soon.”

  “Not soon enough,” Sienna quipped sarcastically, smacking the back of Michael’s head and taking a seat beside her sister. “How is my niece today?”

  “She’s been drawing since we watched a movie after breakfast,” Austin merely commented, not letting a lot out at that moment. “I guess she’s okay. She woke up during the night, but I was already up and we ended up sleeping in the cubby. Apart from that, she’s a little needy at times, but she is perfect.”

  “Good,” Sienna remarked, nodding at hearing her niece was okay. She would feel even better once she saw Grace, but for now, she had to worry about her sister after having felt like a failure at supporting her right in her hours of need. “What about you?”

  “Perfect as well,” she quickly stated and settling back. “So, are we all gunshot buddies now?” Austin asked sarcastically, laughing at them all for winding up in the same boat.

  “You two are twins,” Sienna pointed out, pointing to their shoulder bandages. “I’m not even sure which of you got off lighter. The one with the bruises, but no sling, or the one with no bruises, but a sling.”

  “I did, because you’re the one that’s going to have to pander to him. Plus, Tom’s warned me I will need a sling again. Apparently fleeing the hospital meant I didn’t think about my health.” Austin announced, observing how much Michael would play on this. “But yeah, good luck with him, sis.”

  Sienna went to give Austin a death glare, but couldn’t bring herself to it. “You think I’m going to look after him?” she asked and laughed, “He’s got a shock coming to him.”

  “I am still here!” Michael debated, stepping into the conversation. “I’m not an outright failure in this thing and it’s not forever. I’ll be back to extracurricular activities soon.”

  “Ha,” Sienna let out, “I’ve got to punish you for your hero complex!”

  Austin sat smirking at the interchange between her sister and best friend. They were a perfect match and she loved seeing everyone in her family finding their equal part. She was more than pleased she had no one but Tyler to settle with.

  “Senna!” Grace squealed as she ran into the room. “Daddy told me you were here! He said everyone was here, but not to give Mikey a hug.” She looked at Michael and shook her head disapprovingly at him. “You were a bad boy.”

  Everyone laughed, but Michael sat shocked and just looked to Tyler who stood looking innocent behind her.

  “I saved your life and this is what I get.” Michael jokingly played hurt.

  “From the mouths of babes and drunks, man,” Tyler deflected quickly, putting his hands up.

  “On that note, I’m taking over here for a moment.” Dean stepped in, going straight to Grace. “C’mon, you little terror,” Dean teased Grace lovingly as he picked her up and allowed her to sit on his hip. “Ready to play tag?” he asked her and watched her face contort in thought. “C’mon, Gracie moo, you and I can gang up on Danny.”

  “Oooh!” she started to welcome the idea and then started to nod. “I’m going to beat all of you!” she shouted animatedly, giggling as everyone laughed.

  “You are?” Danny asked, standing tall ready to rebut her.

  “Yes!” Grace bellowed eagerly. “’Specially Tom!” She pointed to him out of everyone.

  “Think it’s time to see this happen,” Tom responded, kissing Alice before he got up and following Dean and Grace out.

  “This could be worth the watch,” James stated as he came into the room. “While the food’s cooking, we’re going to go outside,” James broke into the moment, commenting on the newest plan for everyone else. “So outside, all of you.” He waited for Michael to get up, helping Sienna up as he did before he stepped in and helped Austin stand up. “How you feeling, Aus?”

  “I’m good,” she smiled at her father-in-law. She noticed him give her a questioning glance and she laughed at him. “I’m really good. I promise. I know I don’t look great, but you’re son is looking after me.”

  “He better or I’ll be knocking him into place,” James spoke teasingly, watching the mirth lace upon Austin’s lightly battered face.

  “He’s being a good husband,” Austin calmed James, and grinned. “I wouldn’t change him for the world right now.” She smiled serenely for a moment. “Actually, I wouldn’t change him period.”

  “Well that’s good because I know he wouldn’t change you either,” James stated, looking up to see Tyler rushing back into the house, making a beeline the moment he spotted Austin. “I’ll leave you to it for a moment.”

  “C’mon, wife,” Tyler suddenly stated, coming to stand before his wife as she allowed everyone else to head outside. “Your brothers are taking charge of Grace, so you’re with me.”

  She felt his hand on the base of her spine, guiding her to some of the seating; he let her sit before he sat with her. He didn’t care about anyone, but his wife. The laughter of his daughter told him she was more than happy running her uncle’s into the ground.

  Austin was reminded of how carefree life was only a week ago. She watched Grace and Cassie enjoy time with Tom, Dean, and Danny, she looked to see her sister in the arms of the man she had secretly loved for so long, and she watched the serenity in both her and Tyler’s parents’ faces.

  Turning to look up at Tyler, she smiled before speaking. “All the drama is worth it for this aftermath,” Austin murmured as she sat with Tyler, basking in the afternoon sun. “I’d take all the drama in the world for this sight. It has to be worth it.”

  “Yes it is.” Tyler kissed his wife’s temple to silence her, eliciting a small smile from her before he whispered, “I cannot wait for the next hundred years of drama with you, Mrs. Armstrong.”


  One year later

  “DID you ever think we would get to this point in our lives?” Tyler asked as he passed a bottle of water down to his wife and then fell onto the sand beside her.

  Austin tilted her head, watching Grace sitting on the shoreline building sandcastles. “No,” she laughed as she moved her attention to her pregnant sister and then onto Tom who doted on the newest addition of the Pearson family. “I really didn’t. What about you?”

  “I’d have gone the less painful
route, and I never expected to be building a new precinct with Michael as my right-hand man.”

  “And Steve as your left,” Austin teased, allowing her head to fall onto his shoulder. “It’s just perfect, Ty. All of this is just perfect.” She suddenly sat up, looking at him with an unyielding passion in her eyes. “You remember what you said to me a little over a year ago?”

  “I said a lot of things a year ago,” Tyler laughed at her, trying to unravel her seriousness. “What particular thing are we talking about?”

  “About me being pregnant before Christmas,” Austin began to say, the teasing look gripping her features as she spoke to him. “Well, you were off,” she began to state to him, “by like a month. So what do I get for you getting me pregnant in the New Year and not before? After you promised.”

  “A September baby? One we’ll get in about three months,” he pondered back, sarcastically playing on what she was trying to get at. He earned himself a hearty laugh from his wife and a smack for his sarcasm, but he enjoyed it. Why wouldn’t he? “How about a lot of crazy hormones and weird cravings?” His face suddenly lit up at her as he realized the best part. “An out of this world level of horniness?” he asked as he pushed her down against the sand. “Do you know how good pregnancy looks on you, Mrs. Armstrong?”

  “If I say no, I know you’ll show me, Mr. Armstrong,” she purred back, accepting the kiss the moment his lips crashed down upon hers and the passion that sparkled between them grew to yet another explosive heights.

  “Oh please!” Dean shouted out as he noticed Tyler kissing Austin against the blanket they were sitting on. He wanted to laugh as the pair broke apart, both looking like caught school children. “You should come with a warning!”

  “There are children around,” Tom shouted in mock disgust, rolling his eyes.

  “And impressionable adults!” Michael yelled out after them, trying to withhold from laughing. “This is no time to be exhibitionists.”


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