Beast Brothers 2: An MFM Twin Ménage Romance

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Beast Brothers 2: An MFM Twin Ménage Romance Page 9

by Stephanie Brother

  “Okay.” I look from him to Alex, but they’re not giving me any hints, as usual. I’ll just have to wait and see what’s up.




  True to Lucas’s prediction, Jeff takes me home. I hope whatever the twins are up to isn’t too dangerous. Jeff turns down my offer to make his dinner and says he’ll be outside, and to message his cell if I need anything.

  Even though I know the brothers are professionals who can take care of themselves, I can’t help worrying. It kills my appetite. Instead of cooking dinner, I make instant oatmeal and garnish it with fruit and nuts and a little bit of dark chocolate. Like having dessert, only not really bad for you.

  I’m curled up in front of the tv watching a Buffy rerun when the doorbell rings. It’s Alex — and Lucas. My heartbeat kicks up a notch as I hit the code to let them in.

  “Did something happen?” I ask as soon as the door’s open. They’re still standing on the other side of the security screen door, which I haven’t unlocked yet.

  Lucas smiles. “Good evening to you too. May we come in?” It’s so rare to see him in a lighthearted mood that I blink before I remember my manners.

  “Right. Sorry, come in.” I unlock the screen door and Alex locks it again before he shuts the door and locks that too. My heart sinks. Still high-security protocols.

  “So,” I say. “Have you eaten? I only made oatmeal, but I could fix you something.”

  “Actually,” Alex says, “we wanted to take you out.”

  “Out?” I look between them, my heart beating fast again. “Out out? What’s going on?”

  “It’s over,” Lucas says.

  I lean against the kitchen island behind me so I don’t fall down. “Really? It’s done?”

  “The people involved in the threat have been identified and apprehended.” Alex takes in my faded old pajama bottoms and henley top and grins. “You might want to change.”

  “Give me five minutes,” I say, and rush into my bedroom.


  They take me downtown to Donohue’s. I try to pump them for details, but they still won’t talk. Lucas says I don’t “need to know” everything that went on.

  “Why not?” I challenge him.

  “Because it wouldn’t bring you any peace of mind,” he says quietly.

  I stare at him. “You mean it would give me nightmares.”

  “Maybe not nightmares,” Alex says, “but uneasy thoughts at best.”

  “Well, pooh.”

  “Zoe …” Lucas searches for words. “It’s a particular type of mindset, what we do. One you don’t share. There’s nothing wrong with that. If we were doctors, would you want to know every gory detail of our surgeries?”

  I make a face at him. “You have gory details?”

  “The point is —”

  “I get your point. All right, leave me in my bubble of blissful ignorance.” I pick up my bread and tear off a bite. “Congratulations on closing the case. I have to admit, though, I’m going to miss having you around.”

  The brothers exchange a glance before Alex leans in and says in a low voice, “We weren’t planning on giving you the chance to miss us.”

  I swallow my bread fast. “What are you saying?”

  “We’re good together, Zoe.” Lucas covers my hand with his. “The three of us. We want to keep seeing you.”

  When I don’t answer, Alex says, “This can’t be a surprise.” There’s a look in his eye that wants to know what the hell happened between us the other night, anyway. I can’t help wondering if he and Lucas have compared notes.

  “No. It’s not a surprise.” I pick up my bread again and start shredding it. “I’m just … worried.” Afraid of falling in love with both of you. Terrified of you shattering my heart and never even knowing it.

  “How about we take things one day at a time?” Lucas says gently. He seems so much mellower tonight, and I remember how calm he was once we got to his apartment that first night. Which means that in his mind, getting back together with me isn’t an if — it’s a when. He doesn’t have any doubts about the ultimate outcome.

  If it were just a matter of the sexytimes, he’d be right. But there’s no way I can explain to him what I’m feeling. Nothing freaks a guy out faster than talking about emotions.


  That’s Our Girl


  I can’t shut things down between us, like I did after our night together. Too much has changed; they know I want them too, and just as badly. I’ll just have to keep a lock on my feelings and not let them get out of hand.

  “One day at a time,” I agree, and the answering gleam of satisfaction in Lucas’s eyes mingles anticipation with my trepidation. If I can follow my own orders — whatever you do, don’t fall in love — seeing more of the Wolf brothers will be worth it.

  The conversation moves on to other things, but the mood has shifted. We’re marking time with our fancy meal, waiting for the main event later on. We don’t even talk about ordering dessert after dinner … it’s already taken care of.

  I’m a little surprised when they take me back to my place. I figured they’d want the extra power and control of using one of their apartments. Instead, once we’re inside, I find the twins are not in a conquering state of mind.

  Lucas takes my purse from my hand, sets it on the counter, and pulls me gently to him with a hand at the back of my neck. The kiss is deep and drugging, pulling me down into a thick honeyed stream of sensation. And slow, so slow, as if we might take the next year or two to reach the main event.

  Alex moves up behind me, cupping my breasts, pinching the nipples lightly as his mouth feasts on my neck. But like Lucas, he’s in no hurry, his movements deliberate, almost languid. Eventually, they turn me in their hold, and Alex takes my mouth while Lucas’s hands wander my body.

  I’m already moaning, my blood thick with arousal, the flesh they’re not even touching yet swollen with need. Lucas unzips my dress, following its downward trek with his mouth until he’s kneeling, his tongue making circles at the base of my spine while his hands glide up and down the front of my thighs, sliding under the fabric but never quite reaching where I want them to be.

  After living in close quarters with each of them and not being able to touch them, I had imagined myself jumping their bones as soon as we received the “all clear” notice, but as each new sensation tops the last, I find I’m more than happy to follow their leisurely lead.

  I shiver with delight as Lucas kisses and licks his way back up, pushes the dress off my shoulders, and skims his mouth over my skin, making bursts of pleasure erupt along my nerve endings. His hands come to my breasts, hefting them on his palms, his fingers teasing my nipples while he sucks on my neck where it meets my shoulder.

  He does it in perfect time with Alex, who’s still kissing me, his hands on my hips. My moans get louder until they turn me again, and Alex goes on undressing me while Lucas takes over the kiss. Even though my lips are getting sore, I don’t want them to stop, to ever stop kissing me.

  I not only feel safe, and wanted, in their arms. I feel cherished. Is there anything more seductive than the tenderness of a powerful man? Oh yes. Two of them at once.

  Alex tugs my dress up to bare my hips, cupping my ass while his lips graze my shoulder. He finds that same sensitive spot his brother did at the junction of neck and shoulder, but on the other side, sucking while his hands squeeze my ass.

  Lucas scoops my breasts out of my bra, plucking at my nipples, drawing them out, then doing it again. Alex’s hands travel over my hips to my belly, to the seams where my legs join my body, then back to my ass.

  When Lucas breaks the kiss, it’s only for a moment before his hands frame my face and he sips at my mouth like he can’t get enough. “Please,” I say in between kisses.

  “What, princess?” Alex says softly.

  I’m too turned on to get angry, but the word still bothers me. My head goes back against his shoul
der. “I told you, I’m not a princess.”

  “We know how hard you work.” Lucas gives me another kiss. “It’s not about that.” And another.

  “You’re our princess.” Alex nuzzles my ear, and I groan. “We want to pamper you. Spoil you.”

  “Well.” A slow smile spreads across my face. “I can’t argue with that.”

  “Good.” Together, they get the dress off me, and then Alex lifts me and carries me to the bedroom.

  Like Lucas’s, my bed wasn’t made for triple occupancy, but I know we’ll manage. Alex gets my bra off while Lucas strips, depositing an impressive pile of condoms on my nightstand during the process. Then they switch, Alex getting naked while Lucas kneels to tug my panties down, his mouth so close and yet so far.

  Then the covers are down and we’re all in the bed together. I’m sandwiched between them, all of us on our sides, Alex and I facing with Lucas behind me. Alex lifts my leg, pushing it back to drape over his brother’s, and Lucas parts my sodden folds.

  “Slippery,” he whispers as he strokes me. “That’s our girl.” Alex flicks his tongue over my nipple while Lucas teases my entrance, then pushes a finger inside me.


  You Owe Me


  My hands go to Alex’s head, holding him against me as he suckles with the same slow, studied concentration as he kissed me. And then — I don’t know how they’re coordinating their movements — they ramp up their intensity together, Alex sucking harder while Lucas’s finger pumps in and out of me.

  “God,” I pant, “please.” Lucas adds another finger; Alex grazes me with his teeth. “Fuck,” I hiss. “Fuck yes.”

  Alex’s fingers find my clit, pressing and rolling, and pressure builds in my core faster than a roller coaster plummeting downhill, gathering and twisting and tightening until it bursts outward, pleasure searing my senses.

  Lucas slowly pulls his fingers free, taking over on my clit while Alex shifts aside. Moments later, he’s back and nudging at my entrance. I’m still so sensitive that when he fills me, combined with his brother’s clever fingers, it instantly sends me over again.

  I gasp and cry out, my head thrown back in surrender.

  “Zoe. Look at me.” My eyes open to meet Alex’s as he begins to move, his hips flexing to drive inside me. He’s not trying to be rough, but I can sense the coiled intensity he’s holding back, the urgency of his need to take me.

  Lucas’s erection is nestled in my cleft, his strong body supporting me, his hand on my leg keeping me open for his twin. I realize all at once how different everything feels now.

  On our first night together, it was all about physical attraction, and my fascination with the unknown pleasure of being with twins. Now I know these two brothers so well — I know what good men they are and how well they take care of me. I feel completely safe and comfortable with them; I know some of their little quirks, and they know mine. It’s a whole different game now, with the stakes so much higher than before. It’s wonderful and scary all at the same time.

  Alex pauses inside me, trying to make it last, but he can’t, it’s too much for both of us. He changes pace, building up speed quickly, and sensation spirals out from my center and back again, my ecstatic whimpers echoing off the walls with every thrust. I’m close, so close, right on the edge, and when my cries take on a different tenor, Lucas finds my clit again and sends me shooting over the cliff into orgasmic freefall.

  Alex finishes an instant later, his cock swelling inside me, and I clamp down on him so tight it triggers another climax. Afterward, we lie with our foreheads together, our breathing ragged, until he kisses me softly and rolls off the bed.

  I let myself sag against Lucas, and he eases me onto my back. “Hi,” I say softly, cradling his face in my hand.

  He kisses my palm. “Hi.” His characteristic intensity is back, his eyes locked on mine, unsmiling … but not cold. I know better, now, than to mistake his seriousness for reserve.

  “I’m okay,” I tell him, and he kisses my hand again, then gently bites the fleshy part at the base of my thumb. I gasp as fresh sensation rockets through me, and he rightly takes it as confirmation. A few seconds later he settles between my thighs and fills me, his fingers lacing with mine to hold my hands above my head, like he did that morning when he kissed me.

  He’s even more determined than Alex to take things slow, either to prolong our pleasure or because he’s being careful with me. Every time he starts to build up speed, he stops to kiss me, and only when I moan into his mouth and squirm beneath him does he move again.

  Alex rejoins us on the bed, taking one of my legs and folding it gently up and back, letting Lucas thrust more deeply inside me. It seems to slip the leash on his tightly-held control, and before long he’s pounding into me. I keep saying “yes” so he knows not to stop.

  When I’m on the verge again, Alex’s hand is there, finding my swollen tip, magnifying my pleasure as fireworks explode behind my eyes. Lucas manages a few more strokes before he stops deep inside me and lets go, his head thrown back with the force of his release.


  We hardly sleep at all. Thank goodness it’s the weekend; the next morning, the twins check in briefly with their headquarters before we all allow ourselves another precious hour of rest. When we do get up, they carry me into the bathroom and show me just how much fun a three-way shower can be.

  The pile of condoms dwindled down to almost nothing through the night. I’m tired, but glowing. The brothers make breakfast — omelettes this time — and won’t let me help with the cleanup. If this is part of their plan to spoil me, I’m not complaining.

  When everything is put away, they both kiss me goodbye with a “See you later,” and then they’re gone, leaving me truly alone for the first time in what feels like forever. It’s a strange feeling.

  I celebrate my newfound freedom by taking a walk to a nearby park, stopping along the way to pet every dog I meet. At the park, I sit on a bench by a small pond and people-watch for a long time before wandering back home to see what housework needs to be done. The brothers were such good guests that things are in pretty decent shape, but I throw in some laundry and do the dusting.

  At loose ends, I decide to message Tara. Hey girl — did you get that ride you were thinking about?

  The answer comes almost immediately: You owe me.


  Hollow Victories


  What? What’s wrong? I send. Possessive after all?

  The answer is not what I expect. Did you know he has a brother?

  Ohmygod. No, I didn’t. Tell me he’s not a twin.

  He most certainly is.

  I just have to laugh, then, even though, by the sounds of it, Tara is not a happy camper right now. It must be fate, I send.

  Girl, don’t even joke about that. Seriously, you owe me.

  I’m dying of curiosity about exactly what is going on with Tara and her unexpected twins, but it doesn’t sound like now is a good time to press for details. I’ll take you to lunch, I offer.

  She shoots back, I will take you up on that the second I have a moment’s free time, which may be never.

  Now my mind is imagining all sorts of possibilities, most of which make me smile, but I’m also a little concerned. Tara, hon, are you okay? Beyond the omg twins part?

  The answer is too long in coming. I’m not in any physical danger, if that’s what you mean.

  I’m torn between laughter and worry. That’s not enough, I send. Tell me something that lets me know you’re really all right.

  Another pause, and then, This is Deke. Tara’s busy right now. And then nothing.

  Well, I never! I send another message but no response comes, so I message Megan, just to keep her in the loop.

  She answers right away with an OMG!

  I know, right? I send. Should we go check on her?

  Sounds like she’s got a bossy alpha male problem, in which case our butting in would not go over well

  I bite my lip. Yeah, but …

  Let’s give her a few hours at least. If we haven’t heard from her, we’ll reassess. I’ll talk to the guys and see what they say.

  That seems reasonable. Tara is a big girl, after all, and she could have sent some kind of coded distress signal in the time she had. She’s probably fine.

  But I can’t wait to find out what’s going on.


  The rest of the day seems to drag. I clean more of the apartment just for something to do, read my book, watch a movie. None of it satisfies.

  In the evening, the twins message me with light chitchat of the “how was your day” variety. I’m ridiculously glad to hear from them, even for a few minutes, but when they don’t ask if I have plans, or invite themselves over, I’m not sure if I’m relieved or disappointed.

  Actually, I know exactly how I feel, but I’m not willing to admit it to myself.

  Of course we have to lead our own lives. That’s healthy … but what if it’s more than that? The sudden thought that they could be spending time with other women, making other conquests, and I’m just their three-way fuckbuddy, is like acid flooding my soul.

  We’ve never made each other any promises. I have no right to make demands on them, nor they on me. If they intend to date other people, well, I can do that too.

  Talk about hollow victories.


  Do What We Need To


  I don’t like giving Zoe space.

  I’ve grown used to having her near. Her scent, the sound of her laughter, the way she moves … all of it has gotten deep under my skin. A day that doesn’t include her no longer feels complete.

  The idea that she might use even a temporary distance from us to shake us off, try to treat us like her fuck fantasy, a two-night stand and nothing more … it doesn’t sit well.

  Not at all.

  Every instinct I have says we should keep on like we’re still guarding her. That a day shouldn’t go by when we’re not in her space. In her bed. In her.

  But she’s just been through an ordeal, and much as it galls me, we haven’t got the right — yet — to demand space in her life. So we’ve agreed, Alex and I, to give her the weekend on her own. Two whole days without having to see our faces.


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