Don't Walk Away: A Second Chance Fake Fiance Romance

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Don't Walk Away: A Second Chance Fake Fiance Romance Page 131

by Eva Luxe

  “This pussy is mine,” he declared. “Whether you like it or not.”

  Oh, I liked it, all right.

  He eased his cock back inside me of me, making my back arch. He felt amazing inside me. He moved his dick around, like he was trying to make a figure eight inside of me. My pussy tightened, gripping him as he slid in and out of me.

  Before long, we were both pumping hard, breathlessly. I could feel my pussy beginning to pulsate.

  “I’m coming!” I yelled. “I’m coming all over again. You make me cum so much.”

  The orgasm washed over me in waves that sent me soaring. I had never felt anything so satisfying.

  Then, he was pumping harder again, and my legs were wrapped around him.

  “I’m going to cum in you,” he announced. “I’m going to put a baby in you.”

  “Okay,” I told him, unable to say anything but that. I felt as if I had completely come undone, thanks to him.

  I felt his cock throb and pulse inside me, and then warm liquid filling me up.

  “I’m coming,” he said, sounding slightly surprised. “I’m coming in your sweet, tight pussy. Here I come.”

  Now he just grunted, as he finished spilling his seed inside me. He took his cock out of me and spread my legs wide again, looking at the fruits of his labor.

  “There you go,” he said, sounding satisfied. “That should do the trick.”

  He sounded almost clinical now, but I could tell it was because he was still trying to hold back his emotions. He was breathing heavy, and so was I.

  We had done it. We had had unprotected sex. For my first time ever. We had tried to make a baby. And it was everything I thought it would be, and more.

  Chapter 22 – Hope

  When it was over, I laid there staring at the ceiling, in complete shock. My body shook for several minutes afterward. Darren caressed my face and hair, letting the waves die down, watching me carefully.

  He was so sweet and gentle. I couldn’t believe that anyone would ever see him as a monster.

  “That was amazing,” I told him. “But I have to go. My mom’s waiting for me. She’s going to be a bit confused.”

  “Yeah,” he admitted, standing up and helping me to my feet.

  We began to retrieve our clothes from the floor.

  “I hope she takes the news okay,” Darren said. “Your mom has always been very good to me. I hope she understands the situation.”

  I looked at him and couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Who could ever understand this situation?” I asked him.

  Soon, he was laughing too.

  “I know, right? Well, at least I hope she eventually comes to accept it.”

  When I got back home, I sat in the car in the driveway for a long time.

  How was I going to break the news to my mom about what was happening?

  I still didn’t know as I walked into the house. She was standing at the door, waiting for me, a look of concern on her face, but it was also mixed with happiness, which was a huge relief.

  “Hope! I’ve got great news!” she called out. “The doctors ran some tests and found out that the reason that I’ve been having so many headaches is due to a deviated septum, which they can easily fix. It looks as though things are starting to get better already.”

  Her hopeful smile made me happy and sad all at the same time. I was glad that she was getting better, but wasn’t sure how the news that I was about to give her would affect her.

  “What’s wrong?” she said, her smile fading as she read the sadness on my face.

  “Mom, we need to talk…”

  I walked into the living room and sat on the couch, my hands folded neatly in my lap, waiting for her to join me. She slowly walked from the foyer into the living room and sat down.

  “Hope, what’s going on? You’re scaring me.”

  “It’s not bad, mama,” I said, patting her hand. I took a deep breath and prepared myself to let it out.

  “I’m going to go live at Dar… at Mr. King’s house, to be his live-in maid.”

  My mother blinked a few times, like she was trying to process what she had just heard. She was surprised, and I couldn’t blame her. It was very surprising news.

  “Why? What do you need to do that for? You can be his maid and live here!”

  My mother was starting to get upset just by that little piece of news, so I decided that I wouldn’t mention anything about the baby at all. She would not understand and I knew it.

  “He just wants me to be there to help him out more. I guess he’s going to be doing more at the house and he wants someone who can live there with him. I told him that I have two younger brothers and about your health, so he doesn’t want to impose on you.”

  “But, he’s perfectly fine with imposing on you?” She looked truly angry, and I felt bad that I was coming between her and her best employer. “Hope, you are so young. You have your whole life ahead of you. I never wanted you to get roped into my life like this. I only agreed to let you help temporarily. Now you’re talking about moving in with one my clients? I do not like it at all and I’m not okay with this! Please don’t do this!”

  She burst out in tears, sobbing loudly.

  “Mom, no, please. Don’t cry! It’s okay. This is only going to be a temporary thing until he finishes with a few of the projects that he’s working on. And you haven’t even heard the best part. He’s going to be sending a payment of $50,000 for my services as soon as I move in.”

  Her sobbing slowed to sniffles.

  “$50,000? Wow. That’s a lot of money. Why he is being so generous?”

  “I’m not really sure,” I lied. “I know he likes both of us very much, and that he has a lot of money. But, whatever the full reason, you know that this would be amazing for our family right now. We can finally get a handle on some bills. And it will even help me to pay toward my tuition and set up a college fund for the boys. They will definitely be needing one in the next handful of years.”

  I could tell that she was thinking about it more rationally.

  “That’s very true,” she said quietly.

  Her tone sounded good and gave me hope, but I could tell that she was still torn.

  “And besides,” I continued. “It’s not like I can’t come home to visit. It will be like I’m staying at college and can come home on the weekends.”

  Her tears had completely stopped.

  “Well, that’s good.”

  We sat in silence for a few minutes. I waited for her to talk.

  “Well, okay, we can always try it out. And if it doesn’t go the way that we hope, you can always come back home and we’ll just have to figure out another way to take care of our bills. There will be a way no matter what. I have faith.”

  “Yeah,” I said, smiling weakly.

  I knew that I was lying, but I couldn’t bear to see her cry anymore. I figured that I would just deal with things as they came.

  “Congratulations on your new job,” said my mother, hugging me tightly.

  I hugged her back, knowing that it would be one of the last hugs that we would share for a very long time.

  Chapter 23 – Darren

  “Thank you for meeting with Mr. King and I,” Wilson, my lawyer, said to Hope. “These are the papers that you will be needing to sign.”

  It was crazy that we were signing the contract after we had had sex. I had let my libido get the best of me. That hadn’t been like me at all. But, it had certainly been worth it.

  Wilson pushed the papers across the desk in front of Hope, who just stared at them blankly. I started to panic a little when she didn’t immediately reach for the pen and sign. She just stood there, staring in horror, frozen.

  Then, her bottom lip began to tremble and tears welled up in her eyes.

  What was happening? Why was she so upset? Had she changed her mind already?

  Slowly, she reached for the pen and began pressing it to the paper to sign.

  “Are you sure that
this is what you want?” I blurted out.

  Of course, I wanted her to sign, but I didn’t want her to do it if it wasn’t something that she truly wanted to do. A tear fell and she quickly batted it away.

  “No, it’s what I want. I’m sorry,” she said.

  She signed and placed the pen on the desk next to the contract.

  “It’s settled, then,” said Wilson, scooping up the contract, putting it in his briefcase, and snapping it shut.

  “It’s been a pleasure,” he said, standing to shake first my hand and then Hope’s.

  He quietly slinked away just as quietly as he had come. Now that he had gotten what he had come for and could collect his hefty fee, he was off. And I didn’t blame him. It was a strange deal I had had him arrange, and he was probably relieved it had all worked out.

  “So, it’s done,” said Hope aloud, more to herself than to me.

  “Not quite,” I said. “There’s one last order of business that I need to take care of. I’m going to send your mom $75,000.”

  Hope looked confused.

  “Wait. $75,000? I thought that you said $50,000?”

  “Yeah, I did,” I said, nodding in agreement. “But, I really want you to be happy with this arrangement and I know that the financial troubles of your family are something that have been weighing heavily on your mind. This way, you can rest assured that they will be more than taken care of. You have my word for it. I will do everything in my power to make sure that nothing is ever the same for you from this day moving forward. Instead, everything will be much, much better. You’ll see.”

  Hope’s eyes began to well up with tears again.

  “Thank you,” she said, graciously, throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me. I snuggled into her neck, breathing her in. She smelled like dryer sheets, mixed with the woods in front of my house, which she had had to walk through to get to my front door.

  I could definitely get used to this, I thought.

  “Why don’t you go ahead and get settled in?” I asked her. “I’ll be around in a little bit to help you out if you need anything.”

  “I should be able to manage. Thank you so much. For everything.” She smiled sweetly before disappearing around the corner.

  Things were finally starting to fall into place.

  I wanted to make a phone call, though, before I went off to help Hope get settled.

  I dialed the phone.

  “Hello?” answered a voice after two rings.

  “Is this Harlow?” I asked.

  “Yes. Hi!”

  “This is…”

  “I already know who this is,” he said, cutting me off. “Darren King. I’m so glad to hear your voice. Is everything okay?”

  I paused.

  “You know, it really is! I just wanted to give you a call to thank you. And I also wanted to apologize for hanging up on you the other day. Things have been pretty rough over here and I think that I took it out on you.”

  “No need to apologize, Darren. I completely understand. We have all been through quite a bit in the last few years. It hasn’t been easy for anyone, especially after the accident and after Dr. Davis did even more damage. No hard feelings at all. I appreciate you reaching out, though.”

  He sounded genuinely happy to hear my voice.

  “Thanks for being so understanding. So, what have you been up to? How are your brothers? Jensen and Ramsey? It’s been ages since I’ve heard from or talked to any of them.”

  “Oh, we’ve all been doing well. They are still the same guys you remember. Except, settled down now.”

  “Really?” I asked in amazement, shaking my head.

  When we were in the SEALs together, they had been as against the idea of getting into commitment relationships as I had been. But, look at me now, moving in a virgin I’d just deflowered, so that she could hopefully have my baby. I guessed everyone changed along the way.

  “Yeah,” he said, excitedly. “I have, too. I have a wife, Whitney, and we just had a baby. Well, she’s a couple months old now, but seems like it was just yesterday that she was born. Her name is Bella. And then I have some nephews, because Jensen and Riley have a son named Drew, and Ramsey and Monica have a son named James. We should all plan to get together and catch up. I think that that’d be good for all of us.”

  “You know, that sounds really great,” I told him. I didn’t say anything about Bryant. I decided it wasn’t the time or place. But I did want to get together with him and his brothers. It would be a good way to ease myself back into the real world. “Let me know when you’d like to set something up.”

  We chatted for a few more minutes and then said our goodbyes. It felt good to connect with him.

  I was starting to feel human again.

  Chapter 24 – Hope

  Darren made sure that I was comfortable in the house and told me that we would get to the “baby business” later. I had to admit that I was slightly disappointed that he didn’t want to get to it right away.

  I waited until later that night, after he’d said good night, before I made my move.

  I knew what I wanted and I wasn’t about to wait for anything.

  I went to his bedroom and walked in without knocking.

  “Hope, everything okay?” he asked, sitting up in bed, a worried look on his face.

  “Everything is perfectly fine,” I said. “I know that you said that we would wait on things, but why wait? There’s no time like the present.”

  I started to undress right there. He swallowed hard, sitting on the edge of the bed, watching me undress under the moonlight.

  I walked over to the bed and pushed him back, climbing on top of him.

  “I couldn’t get you out of my head all night long.”

  “Good,” he said, sounding surprised. “I was thinking your pussy would be a bit sore from the pounding I gave it yesterday. I was trying to be a gentleman and let you rest and get acclimated to your new living arrangements before I ravished you again.”

  “Well, my pussy is still sore from the pounding you gave it,” I admitted.

  “There are other things you could do,” he suggested.

  “Good point.”

  I moved down and began to kiss his cock. It jumped up to greet my lips, getting harder and harder with each kiss. When it was standing at full attention, I took him into my mouth as deeply as I could.

  He moaned, trying to contain himself. I moved my mouth up and down the length of his rock hard dick, sucking and licking the head. Drops of precum oozed out onto my tongue and I swallowed them gratefully.

  I held onto his balls while I moved my other hand up and down his long, wide shaft. At the same time, I sucked on the head of his cock.

  “Mmmm,” he moaned, reaching down to grab my ass. “You feel so good. You’re such a naughty girl, to come in here and start eating my cock like this.”

  He smacked my ass, and then grabbed it, hard. I took him further into my mouth, deepthroating him while I groaned.

  “Get on top of me, now,” he said. “I don’t want to waste my cum in your mouth. No matter how sore your pussy is, I need to be in it. I need to shoot more cum into you so you can have my baby.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I said obediently. I liked it when he told me what to do.

  I climbed on top of him, opening my legs as wide as they would go. I sat my pussy lips on his cock and began to circle my hips, working his dick into my tender pussy. It was still tender from the day before, for sure, but I welcomed his thickness into me, holding my breath as I slid down his shaft.

  I bounced my moist pussy up and down on his big cock, feeling it go way up inside of me. He looked like he was going to cum at any moment.

  Then, he wrapped his arms around me and flipped me over until I was on my back and he was on top of me. He began to stick his dick deep inside of my pussy, working it at all angles, left and right, up and down.

  My pussy responded with each move, tightening its grip around his long, hard cock. He leaned down
and took my nipple in his mouth, carefully licking and caressing each one with his tongue, all while plunging in and out of my soft, wet pussy. He was driving me wild.

  He put my legs up in the air and spread them open wide, driving his cock even deeper into my pussy. The deeper he went, the more I screamed. I thought that he was going to split me open and I didn’t even care. It was the perfect balance of pleasure and pain I’d ever felt, and I loved it.

  “Oh, I’m not going to be able to keep doing this. You feel so damn good!” Darren started to move faster and faster. I could feel myself on brink of exploding.

  We came at the same time and it was so beautiful. Each shot of cum I could feel deep inside me, filling me up. I held him inside me while all his cum poured out. Then, he collapsed, all the energy drained from him.

  I moved to try getting up and he held me down.

  “No. Stay,” was all he said, still trying to catch his breath.

  He wanted me to sleep in his bed with him?

  Things were moving a lot faster than I had anticipated. But, I couldn’t say that I minded. In fact, I rather liked the idea.

  I laid there and started to doze off. It felt so good laying there with him.

  His arm was around me, holding me tight. He didn’t seem like the cuddling type, but there was no doubt that that was what we were doing. Cuddling after sex. Like a real couple, even though we were only together due to contractual arrangement.

  Still, I felt like I could lay there forever.

  Chapter 25 – Darren

  I woke up every day and still couldn’t believe that this was all happening.

  Hope is here in my house and I am trying to have a baby with her.

  It made me start thinking about my son, Bryant. I had been wanting to reach out and talk to him, but I wasn’t sure how it would go. I would be devastated if my son kept rejecting me.

  But, curiosity got the better of me and I decided to call anyway.

  My heart was pounding out of my chest while the phone rang and I waited for it to be picked up on the other end.


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