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Mastering Angela [Passion Peak, Colorado 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Tara Rose

  “I love the colors, Mason. What else do you have that I haven’t seen yet?”

  Mason laughed, and the sound reminded Angela of sandpaper, but she loved talking to him because he knew so much town history, and always took the time to answer questions. “Not much. I think you have more Sleepy Cat memorabilia than anyone in town.”

  “Oh, I doubt that. There are quite a few hard-core devotees here, but I’m not one of them.”

  “Where are you headed this gorgeous afternoon?”

  Angela hesitated, unsure whether she’d feel comfortable discussing club wear with Mason. “Just out shopping.”

  After he rang up her purchase, she strolled down toward the west end of the street, pretending to be interested in the other shops, before doubling back to cross the street and duck into Sassy Brassy. It was probably silly to be so self-conscious, but Nash had to employ security guards when his club was open for play, and Angela was never sure who in this town was against it. She didn’t want to take any chances.

  While she was debating whether to buy a royal-blue corset with delicate cream-colored lace trim, in addition to the deep purple one with leather inserts that she’d already picked out, she overheard Carma’s voice. Angela followed it into the alcove where Briana Salmon, the owner of Sassy Brassy, kept DVDs and Blu-rays, to find Carma standing in front of a row of fetish porn with Mateo Alvarado, and a man that Angela assumed was Blaine Peterson.

  She’d known Mateo all his life, and couldn’t help but smile as she spotted the tan cowboy hat on his head. Nash almost always wore one on the rare occasions he was out in and about in town as well, and once again a shiver ran up and down Angela’s spine as she thought about the possibilities Friday night would bring. “Carma, I didn’t know you were home from Chicago.”

  Her friend spun around with a big smile on her face, and Angela just stared. To say Carma was glowing was an understatement. These two must be good for her. The other thing Angela’s eye fell on was a gorgeous leather necklace with dark beading around Carma’s throat. She’d never seen her wear it before.

  “Angela, hi. We just got back last night.” Carma glanced at Blaine. “You two haven’t met, have you? Angela, this is Blaine Peterson. Blaine, this is my friend Angela Davidson.”

  Blaine’s ice-blue eyes were so penetrating that Angela had an urge to avert her gaze as she shook the hand he’d extended.

  “Nice to meet you, Angela.”

  “Nice to meet you, too.” She hesitated a second, wondering if it was all right to ask how things had gone in Chicago. She didn’t want Carma or Blaine to think she’d been gossiping about them. “Are you back in Passion Peak for good now, Blaine?”

  His smile was quick and easy. “Yes. Everything has been cleared up. I’ll be back at work in the morning.”

  “Oh, that’s good. I’m glad.” She glanced at Carma’s necklace again. “That is stunning. Did you buy it last weekend at the craft fair?”

  Carma’s smile lit up her pretty face. “Mateo and Blaine did.” She glanced quickly at each of them, as if asking permission to continue. “It’s my collar.”

  Collar? As in she was now a collared submissive to them? Angela had attended classes at Indulgence from time to time, dragging Brett along when she could persuade him to go, and she was familiar with some basic terms and rituals of the BDSM lifestyle. “Oh. How cool.” She didn’t know what else to say. One hand drifted up to her throat lazily. What would it be like to wear a collar with that much significance?

  “It’s all right to ask questions, Angela.” Mateo’s honey-smooth voice floated past her. She’d never seen him at the club, and wanted to ask a dozen questions of him and Blaine, but she didn’t want to embarrass Carma.

  “Are you both her Doms now?” There was really no other way to ask, and Angela preferred directness whenever possible.

  “We are.”

  “I’m happy for you. All three of you. I’ll be at Indulgence on Friday.” Good grief. What was wrong with her lately? Why had she told them that? They must think of her as either a suck-up or a damn fool right now.

  “You’re going to the club alone?” asked Blaine.

  Angela swallowed. “Yes, but Ian Malloy and Nash Stonecraft both know I’m coming.”

  Blaine looked a bit surprised. “They both invited you?”

  Well, shit. Yes, but Angela suddenly realized that they didn’t both know that. She’d told Ian that Nash knew she was coming, but did Nash know that Ian was also expecting her? And how had Blaine zeroed in on that so quickly? “Yes, they did.”

  Angela felt like a five-year-old who’d just been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She needed to get the hell out of here before she made a complete ass of herself. “Glad everything is cleared up for you, Blaine. Carma, it’s good to have you back in town. Nice to see you again, Mateo. Take care, you three.”

  Angela practically ran up to the front and paid for her corsets, crotchless panties, and mini shorts. The clothes were slightly damp from her holding them so closely as she’d spoken to Carma, Blaine, and Mateo. She had to let Nash know that Ian was expecting her as well on Friday night, but how to do it? And why was this suddenly so damn complicated?

  Once she was outside again, she opened her phone and sent a text to Nash, telling him she’d mentioned to Ian that she was going to be at Indulgence on Friday. She didn’t want any misunderstandings, and she didn’t want to unintentionally violate any protocol of which she was ignorant.

  Angela had put up with so much shit from Brett for so long that she’d forgotten how to behave around a man who wasn’t a selfish prick. Every time she’d been asked why she’d taken him back time after time, she hadn’t been able to think up a valid excuse. The reason she’d given Nash at the parade on Saturday had been the closest thing to a sane reason as she’d ever been able to formulate.

  But that was over now. She was not going backward. Never again would a man make a fool of her like that. If she never fell in love again, then so be it. For now, she only wanted to have fun and experience all that Indulgence had to offer. She had so many questions, and she knew that she had much to learn about the lifestyle. If that happened to occur with both Ian and Nash, then she’d welcome it.

  Angela was done waiting around for Prince Charming to come to his senses and sweep her off her feet. This time, she was going to call the shots, and she’d have the time of her life doing it.

  Chapter Three

  Which one should I wear tonight?” Angela held up the royal-blue corset she’d bought at Sassy Brassy on Wednesday. “The blue or the purple?”

  “The blue would bring out your eyes.” Carma looked and sounded distracted. Angela mentally pushed away the pang of jealousy that shot through her body. She’d be distracted, too, if she had two hot guys in her life. “But the purple looks goth with all that leather.”

  She’d called Carma about an hour earlier and begged her to come over this afternoon. Neither of them were working today, but Carma had said she’d have to call her back after asking permission to come over from Mateo and Blaine. Just the thought of having to do that brought the many questions Angela had to the forefront again, but right now she needed help in figuring out what to wear. “I don’t need to worry about looking goth, just sexy, right?”

  “What do I know? I’ve only been there once. I remember seeing a lot of leather and bare skin.”

  Angela held up the purple corset, still torn. “Why haven’t you gone back with them yet? I thought they were your Doms now.”

  “They are. But they’re easing me into play before we return to the club. You’re wearing the thigh-high black boots, right? Which one looks better with them?”

  Angela studied Carma’s face. Had she just changed the subject on purpose? That wasn’t like her to do so. “They both look good with the boots. Which one would you wear?”

  “Me? Neither. I don’t have your coloring. The guys like me in black or red.”

  Angela thought that made sense with Carma’s dark
hair and brown eyes. “Carma, it’s none of my business, but do you have to ask them about everything in your life now?”

  Carma glanced at the floor for a second, and Angela wished she hadn’t asked, but there was no one else to talk to about this. She supposed she could ask questions of Nash and Ian, but she wasn’t sure she’d be as comfortable talking to a man about this.

  “It’s not a question of having to ask them permission, Angela. It’s a sign of respect for them. They’re in control now, but that doesn’t mean I no longer have a say-so in my own life.”

  “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  Carma shook her head. “Oh, no, you didn’t. It’s just that we’ve been friends a long time, and I don’t want you thinking any of that is going to change.”

  Angela smiled and sat next to Carma on the bed. “I’m glad.”

  “I love them both so much, Angela, but friends are friends, and they’d never ask me to give them up, okay?”

  “Okay. Thanks for clarifying that. Carma, I’m so nervous about tonight. I mean, I’ve been to Indulgence before, but it was only to watch. Brett hated going. It was like pulling teeth, you know? And he tried a few kinky things with me in private, but I could tell he was only doing it because I begged him to. This is different. Nash and Ian are experienced Doms. What if they want me to play? What should I do?”

  Carma chuckled and shook her head. “You’re asking the wrong person. I passed out when I was there, remember? Bad triggers. That’s one of the reasons we haven’t gone back yet. They want to be sure I’m ready again. You know, you don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.”

  “I know.”

  “I don’t know Ian or Nash well at all, but Blaine and Mateo do. They’ve both assured me you have nothing to worry about.”

  Angela gave Carma a quick hug. “Thank you. That means a lot.” She rose and picked up the corsets again. “Okay. I’m just going to toss them in the air, and whichever one lands first, that’s the one I’ll wear tonight.”

  Carma laughed as Angela threw the corsets into the air.

  * * * *

  Angela’s palms were damp against the steering wheel by the time she pulled into the driveway of the Stonecraft estate on Cheyenne Boulevard. The gate was open, and she followed the slow-moving line of cars to a gatehouse about halfway up the drive then gave her name to the uniformed guard standing outside it. There was a rumor that Nash had trouble from an outside source lately, and she noticed more security guards on the grounds tonight than she’d ever seen before, so the rumors must be true.

  Once she was past the gatehouse, she drove to the back of the house where more guards directed parking. She parked her car, turned off the ignition, and took a deep breath. There was no reason to feel this nervous. She’d been here before. Granted, it had never been alone, but what difference should that make?

  She could still do nothing but watch tonight. She didn’t have to participate. Unless of course…no. She shut that thought right down. She would not go there. It was too overwhelming to think about. The idea of playing with one of them was enough to make her pussy wet and her nipples tingle. But both of them? Angela would pass out from the surge of hormones. She’d better get a grip on not only her hormones but her emotions as well. They’d invited her here, but that didn’t necessarily mean they were interested in playing. It didn’t mean they were interested in her at all.

  Her resolve not to give into her unrelenting horniness lasted all of five seconds once she walked into Nash’s house. The air was thick with the scent of leather and close bodies. Angela closed her eyes for a second, letting it seep into her pores like sunshine or the smell of rain. It was familiar, and yet also new, because tonight there would be no snarky comments or impatient mumblings from Brett. She wouldn’t hear his voice, whiny and annoyed, asking if she was ready to go home yet. Tonight stretched out before her with endless possibilities. She had a chance to start all over again and let anything happen.

  “Glad you made it.”

  Angela opened her eyes and stared up into Nash’s handsome face. His eyes were what always drew her in. They were the most unusual shade of blue she’d ever seen. Right now, they were as dark as sapphires and shone with a light all their own. His sandy-blond hair hung over his forehead, exactly as it had when they’d been in high school, but he certainly had never looked this way when she’d passed him in the halls of Passion Peak High.

  Her gaze roamed over his open leather vest and down his pants, also leather. Hanging from various hooks and rings on his belt were three floggers, all in different colors, as well as other items. How did he walk with all that stuff at his waist? Angela had to suck in a deep breath as an image of him alternating those floggers on her bare ass rose up in her mind. Her clit began to throb as she met his gaze again.

  The sexiest half grin she’d ever seen on a man graced his face, and his eyes twinkled with amusement. “You know, if you were my sub, not only would you be on your knees right now, but if you checked me out like that without my permission, I’d spank you so hard your ass would be on fire.”

  His voice was soft, but it held a note of command she’d never heard before, and the words sent a rush of desire coursing through her veins so strong, she almost fainted. She opened her mouth to speak but all that came out was a whisper, and it wasn’t even a real word.

  Nash chuckled and eyed her corset. His gaze slipped lazily down to her mini shorts and lingered there, then roved over her boots. By the time his eyes locked on hers again, Angela’s breathing had turned rapid, and she would have done anything he’d asked her to. Holy hell. She hadn’t expected such a visceral reaction. What would happen if they played together? At the rate she was going, she’d have a damn orgasm if he so much as touched her bare skin.

  “I like what you’re wearing. That blue color brings out your eyes. Nice choice, Angela.” He held out his arm. “And thank you for wearing your necklace. It looks very pretty on you. Let’s get you downstairs. Ian is waiting for us.”

  So, he’d told Ian about her text. She was glad. She nodded in response to him because words weren’t possible right now. As she wrapped her hand around his arm, the warmth of his skin finally thawed her frozen brain cells enough that she was able to put one boot in front of the other so she didn’t tumble down the stairs.

  “Are you here tonight merely to watch, Angela?”

  She cut her gaze to his face, but had to look away again because she was certain he could read her thoughts. His eyes were that intense. “In all honesty, Nash, I’d like to do more than watch.”

  At the bottom of the stairs, Ian stood, dressed almost identically to the way Nash was. He smiled when he saw them, and Angela watched his gaze travel over her as Nash’s had done. She was rooted to the spot. This was so much more than she’d anticipated that a sliver of fear tried to push its way in, but she sent it packing. She had nothing to fear from these two.

  “You look very sexy, Angela.”

  She stared into Ian’s green eyes, wondering how the hell she’d ever look him in the eyes again at work. He was in there at least once a month. Would they know? Would the entire town know? What the hell was she doing here? “Thank you, Ian. So do you.”

  Ian cut his gaze quickly toward Nash, and then he glanced at Angela again. “Are you here to watch tonight?”

  “I asked her that already,” said Nash. “She said she’d like to do more.”

  To say Ian looked delighted by those words was an understatement. This was nothing like the times she’d been here with Brett. She felt poised on the edge of a great secret, and wasn’t sure she wanted to know it. She was in way, way over her head. How could she have spent so much time here, and attended classes, and not realized before this moment what an emotional rush this place was? What kind of power did these two men have that they could reduce her to a pile of goo, simply by their clothing and their words?

  “If you’re here to do more than watch,” said Nash, “we’ll need to talk about a few th
ings first. Tell us what you have in mind for tonight.”

  There it was. All she had to do was tell them what she wanted. They were experienced Doms. She’d watched them play more than once during her visits here with Brett, although she’d also noticed that they never did more than that. Did they have subs? Girlfriends? Wives? She knew so little about either man, and didn’t want to make a damn fool of herself by assuming anything about this night.

  “You’re not sure what you want.” It wasn't a question, but rather a statement of what he must have seen in her eyes. His face betrayed no emotion, and she wished that weren’t so because she was suddenly fearful that she’d disappointed him.

  “Only because I don’t know what your expectations about tonight are.” She glanced at Ian. “Either of you.”

  “I have no preset expectations, Angela,” said Ian. “You get to call the shots tonight.”

  “Same here,” said Nash. “How about if we walk around the room a bit? If you have any questions, just ask. If you want to try something out, just let us know. Will that work for now?”

  She nodded, grateful that they’d both understood her hesitation for what it was, instead of assuming she was chickening out or something. “That’s perfect. Thank you, Nash.”

  “It’s okay to use our names for now, but if you decide to play with us, I’d like you to call me and Ian ‘Sir.’ All right?”

  Angela swallowed hard as the realization of what he’d just said sank in. Both of them would play with her if she wanted to. It was what she truly wanted. Why couldn’t she simply tell them that? What was holding her back? “I understand.”

  As they began to walk around the perimeter of the room, Angela’s gaze was drawn to the St. Andrew’s cross. A masked woman with nipple clamps on was pressed against the leather in front of her, and a man who knew how to wield a flogger was using it on her. A soft moan escaped Angela’s lips before she could rein it in as she imagined the sting of those leather tails against her own ass. She’d gladly take that from both men tonight.


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