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Mastering Angela [Passion Peak, Colorado 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Tara Rose

  They were seated on the sofa when she returned, smiling and talking just as they might be doing if both were outside on a hot summer day, enjoying the weather and a beer together. Both had taken off their sport coats but otherwise were still dressed. She had no idea what to do, so she simply stood in the center of the room and waited.

  Their faces became serious, and Ian spoke first. “You can put your purse on the dresser, Angela, then come and stand in front of us.” She did, and then both men just let their gazes rove over her. It was a bit disconcerting, but only because she didn’t know what they wanted her to do. Would they tell her? Was there some sort of codebook that she should have looked up online before tonight? She felt as foolish right now as she had last night, and tried again to push those thoughts away.

  “Angela, turn around.” Ian’s voice held the same note of command she’d heard the night before, and the sound brought back erotic images that forced away the self-doubt and apprehension. She made a show out of turning around that included her wiggling her ass, and heard one of them chuckle softly.

  “Okay,” said Nash. “That just earned you extra swats. Now unzip the dress.”

  She reached behind and unzipped it, then waited.

  “Now let it fall and step out of it.”

  Angela was glad she’d worn sexy underwear. She hoped they liked the black lace bra and thong she had on. As she let the dress fall, she kept one hand on it so that she could step out of it without looking awkward. When she heard a low whistle, she smiled. Yeah. I got this.

  “Nice,” said Nash. “But I can’t believe your ass isn’t still red from last night. We’ll have to do something about that.”

  Angela swallowed hard. So much for thinking she had this all figured out. She was in for the ride of her life, and suddenly, she understood that in a way she hadn’t all evening. Everything she’d wanted for so long was right here, ready for her to reach out and take. All she had to do was give over to it. She was ready. She was so ready for this.

  Chapter Ten

  It was silent behind her for so long that Angela wondered if she was supposed to turn around. Finally, she heard movement, but no one said anything. She was still holding her dress in one hand when Nash was suddenly at her side, taking it from her. “I’m going to put this with your purse.”

  She watched him cross the room, and then gasped as something brushed across her ass cheeks. It felt like a feather, and she was about to turn around, but Ian’s voice stopped her.

  “Don’t do it, Angela. Don’t turn around. Don’t do anything unless we tell you to. Unhook your bra.”

  She did, and then the feather reached around and teased her nipples through the fabric.

  “Slide the straps over your shoulders, but don’t let the bra fall yet.”

  As she slid them down, Nash stood in front of her. It was impossible not to keep her gaze glued to his eyes. They were hypnotic, and sparkled with reflected light from the room. “Now let it fall,” he said softly.

  She did, and he stared at her breasts for a long time. Just keep breathing. This was nothing like last night had been. This was so intimate and controlled. They were torturing her already, and she wasn’t even totally naked. Her pussy was soaked, and she couldn’t stop thinking about Ian’s kiss. Would Nash kiss her, too?

  Nash glanced at something over her head. “Put your arms behind your back.”

  She couldn’t stop the soft moan from escaping as she did so.

  “Bend them at the elbows,” said Ian, from behind her. She did, and then he tied what felt like soft rope around her arms and wrists, so that her elbows were bent and both arms rested against her back.

  The feather brushed across her ass again. “Don’t want to accidentally smack your hands.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You’re doing well, Angela. Do you remember your safewords from last night?”

  She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  He smiled. “Good girl.” As the feather brushed over her ass cheeks and then against her nipples, she sighed loudly. Nash crossed the room and moved out of her line of vision.

  She started to turn her head to watch him, but a hard smack on her left ass cheek stopped her. She yelped and jumped a bit, and would have lost her balance because her arms were tied behind her back, but Ian’s strong hands held onto her shoulders. His lips nuzzled her neck, and he whispered in her ear. “Eyes front. Do that again and I’ll blindfold you.”

  “Yes, Sir.” The idea of being blindfolded intrigued her, but she was already overwhelmed. Not being able to see them would be too much for her right now.

  When Nash came back over to where she stood, he held several things in his hands, one of which was a small black leather paddle. As Angela stared at it, she tried to imagine what it would feel like on her ass, and wondered if it would sting as much as the riding crop had last night.

  He placed the paddle on the carpet, then held up what looked like hoop earrings. “Have you ever had on nipple clamps, Angela?”

  She shook her head.

  Ian smacked her ass cheek again, and Angela yelped. “I don’t believe Nash heard your answer, Angela.”

  “No, Sir. I’ve never had them on before.” Angela’s pussy was so wet now that she was certain her thong was soaked through.

  “You didn’t mention them as limits,” said Nash. “May I try them on you?”


  She yelled as Ian spanked her right ass cheek, hard. “I mean yes, Sir.”

  The corners of Nash’s mouth turned up as he slipped one tiny gold loop over her left nipple. He pinched the ends together, and Angela sucked in a breath at the jolt of electricity it sent through her body. It wasn't unpleasant, but she wasn’t sure she liked it.

  “What do you think?” he asked, watching her face carefully.

  “Sir, may I try them for a while and then if I don’t like them, ask for them to be removed?”

  Nash’s grin made her clit throb. “Yes, you may. And Angela, that was a very respectful way to ask for negotiation. Good girl.”

  As Nash slipped the other clamp around her right nipple, Ian nuzzled her neck again. “You’re doing so well, Angela. I’m very proud of you.”

  “As am I,” said Nash, looking into her eyes intently.

  “Thank you, Sir. I meant that to both of you. Was that all right to say? That I meant to answer both of you?” Angela’s entire body shivered, but not from cold. She’d pleased them and said the right things, and that realization sent a shudder through her limbs. She could do this. She would do this, because she wanted so badly to experience everything she’d dreamed about.

  “Yes. It’s all right if you need to clarify that you’re answering both of us,” said Nash, stepping back to admire what he’d just done. “Want to have a look, Ian? They look beautiful on her.”

  Ian stepped around and gazed at her breasts with a smile on his face. When his gaze met hers, Angela sighed again. Nothing in her life would ever be the same again. For one thing, the next time Ian came in for dental work, she’d be hard-pressed to keep from grinning like an idiot. Being here with just the two of them was far more comfortable than being in the club last night had been, which she found intriguing.

  When she’d come to Indulgence with Brett to watch, she’d never felt foolish or intimidated like she had last night when she’d had to use a safeword. That memory tried to force its way in again, but this time she successfully pushed it away. This would be all right. She could do this. They weren’t going to hurt her, and they didn’t think she was naïve or foolish. It would be okay, and they’d all have a fabulous time.

  Nash tugged on each clamp slightly and Angela groaned. The sensation wasn’t painful, but she still wasn’t sure she liked it. When he gently brushed the sides of her breasts with his fingertips, she fought to hold still. That, she liked a lot. Her clit throbbed, and she wondered again if there would be sexual contact tonight. If not, her vibrator would need one hell of a workout as soon as practical. />
  “Eyes on me, Angela.” Nash’s voice sent shivers up and down her spine. She raised her gaze to his face, unaware that it had drifted away. “Keep them on my face. I want to watch your reactions.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered. Did he and Ian have any idea how aroused she was? Surely they were able to tell. As much as she tried to shut her mind and just let go so that she could fully experience what Nash was doing to her breasts, she couldn’t stop wondering what would happen if they had no intention of having sex with her. Sure, they’d discussed STDs and condoms, but what if tonight was all about her punishment and whatever else they wanted to teach her? Could she handle that? Should she ask for what she wanted? Was she even allowed to do that?

  There was so much she didn’t know or understand, and it frustrated her. She’d come to the club last night so full of spitfire, and feeling so sure of herself because she’d watched scenes before, and within an hour of arriving she’d called a safeword and stormed out, after basically telling Ian and Nash to get their shit together. What the hell was she doing here with them? They were experienced Doms who clearly had done this before, and she had no fucking clue what this was all about.

  “Untie her.” Nash’s voice dripped with disappointment, and Angela blinked back tears. What had she done wrong? Nash gently removed the nipple clamps and massaged her nipples as the feeling returned to them. It hurt. Wasn’t a man rubbing her nipples supposed to feel good? What was wrong with her? She tried to hold back her tears, but the pain in her nipples, coupled with not understanding why Nash was suddenly upset, was too much for her raw emotions.

  As Ian unfastened the ropes and then rubbed her skin where the knots had rested against it, Nash crossed the room and took a robe out of an armoire. He draped it across her shoulders and crooked his finger at her. “Follow me.”

  Angela couldn’t seem to move. She swallowed hard a couple of times, trying desperately to stop crying. “What did I do wrong?” she whispered. Her breath hitched in her throat, but she didn’t stop. She had to know. “Please tell me, Sir. What did I do?”

  At first Nash still looked angry. If she hadn’t already bolted once from this house, she would do so again right now, forget any of this had ever happened, push Ian’s kiss out of her mind, and never speak of this again to anyone, especially these two. Finally his gaze softened a bit, and when he pulled Angela into his arms, the tears became huge sobs.

  “It’s okay,” he said softly, stroking her hair and back. “It’s all right, Angela.”

  “No it’s not.” She didn't put her arms around him because she wasn’t sure if she was supposed to, but it was so difficult not to touch him. He smelled incredible, and his body was warm and comforting.

  He held her and let her cry for a few minutes, and then he released the embrace and cupped her face in one strong hand. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Angela. But I could tell from the look on your face and in your eyes that your mind was on other things.”

  “Oh…may I explain, please? Please, Sir?”

  He shot a look over her head, and Angela assumed it had been for Ian. Ian moved in front of her once more. “Go ahead,” he said.

  “I let my thoughts wander because…” How could she tell them this? But if she didn’t, they’d think she wasn’t serious about this and send her home. It would be over before it had even had a chance to begin. And if she didn’t stop bursting into tears at the drop of a hat, they’d think she was a drama queen. “I was so aroused, and then I wondered if this would progress to sex tonight. I considered asking, but wasn’t sure if I should. And on the heels of that I became overwhelmed with how little I knew, and then I couldn’t stop thinking about last night, and how smug I’d felt at first.”

  “Angela,” said Ian gently, “no one knows what they’re doing at first. We didn’t think you were being smug, and we’ve already told you we aren’t upset with you about last night. I don’t know how else to reassure you about that. Last night was just as much our fault as anything. We told you that. But this is a new day, and we’re starting over.”

  She nodded. They had told her that. So why couldn’t she simply relax and enjoy this?

  “Tell us what we can do to help you forget about last night, and just go with the moment here. What would help? Should we blindfold you so that you can’t see what we’re doing? I know we did that last night, and things didn’t end well, but I think tonight it may be a different experience for you because we’re going to go slower.”

  “I don’t know. You said…Sir, Nash said he wanted to watch my reactions.”

  Nash smiled. “I did say that, but if it would help you not to watch us, I’ll still be able to gauge your reactions. Some subs find that taking away the visual cues helps them get into the right headspace.”

  “Then can we try it again, please, Sir?”


  Nash took the robe off her shoulders, and as she watched him cross the room, Ian gave her a soft kiss on the lips. “You’re doing fine, Angela. You really are. Please believe that.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” When she looked into his beautiful green eyes, she found it easier to think less of last night, and more about what this coming night would bring. And she was very glad now that she’d explained her hesitation to them.

  Chapter Eleven

  Angela closed her eyes as Nash slipped the blindfold around her head. When she opened them again, she couldn’t see anything through the fabric, including light. He’d been right. She could already feel the tension draining from her neck and shoulders.

  “Angela, did you like the nipple clamps, or should I leave them off?” asked Nash. His voice held no trace of anger. It was gentle and considerate now, and perhaps it had been before, but she hadn’t been able to hear it.

  “May I speak the truth, Sir?”

  “Of course. Always.”

  “They were all right when you had them on me, but it hurt like crazy when you took them off.”

  “That’s an expected sensation as the blood flows back into them, but I’ll leave them off for now. We want you to enjoy this. Now put your arms behind your back.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She did, and she assumed it was Ian who bound them once again. This time, she could feel the knots. They exerted a different kind of pressure against her skin than the strands of soft rope did. She hadn’t been able to discern that before. It wasn’t an unpleasant sensation. Rather, it evoked images of comfort and the thrill at being at their mercy once again.

  Their combined colognes filled her head, and as she took a deep breath to inhale the scent, she was able now to distinguish between the two, as well as identify the smell of the marinara sauce that had been on Ian’s pasta. She knew it was his dinner because both she and Nash had remarked on how good it smelled, and he’d given them each a small portion to taste.

  The tickler was back, and Angela let out a soft groan as it was brushed across her ass cheeks and then her nipples. This time, she could feel the individual feathers as they passed over her skin. Each time he teased her nipples with it, a tiny jolt of electricity shot straight to her clit. Even the nipple clamps hadn’t done that, and neither had the tickler before. Every sensation was magnified now that the blindfold was on.

  “This is better already.” Nash’s voice was confident, knowing. “Angela, your entire posture is more relaxed.”

  “Thank you, Sir. I do feel more relaxed now.”

  Strong hands were on her breasts, kneading them gently at first and then rolling her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. Angela’s pussy began to contract in tiny spasms as her arousal built. They’d never actually addressed her confession that she’d been wondering whether this would progress to sex tonight, but she hoped they would. The combination of the playfulness of the tickler on her ass, back, and legs, plus the way Nash was teasing her nipples into taut peaks, made her crazy with need. She suspected he knew that. How could he not see what this was doing to her?

  “Good girl,” he said in a near-whisper.
“Much better. From now on, you’ll be blindfolded during every scene.” Nash kissed her on the lips, surprising the hell out of her. It was a soft kiss, but full of passion and excitement. Angela moaned and thrust her jaw forward when he released it, searching for his mouth, wanting more. His soft chuckle sent a shiver up and down her spine. “Don’t worry. There will be more of that later. But for now…” He let go of her nipples and gave her hair a tug.

  Behind her, Ian slapped each ass cheek, hard. “I do believe we owe you a punishment.”

  “You didn’t think we’d forgotten, did you?” asked Nash. She didn’t believe for a moment they’d forgotten, but her mind was still processing what Nash had just said. Don’t worry. There will be more of that later. Did he mean kissing plus sex? Was her fondest wish going to come true tonight? Would she be having sex with both men?

  Ian delivered two more stinging blows to each ass cheek with his hand, and Angela groaned loudly while fighting to keep her balance. “Sir asked you a question, Angela.” Ian’s voice was close to her ear, deep, sexy, and full of command.

  “Yes, Sir. I mean no, Sir. I didn’t think you’d forgotten.” She could barely remember her own name right now let alone figure out the answer to his question. As Ian continued to spank her, Nash pressed her into his body. Angela relaxed against him so she wouldn’t fall down, but the bulge in his pants rubbed her lower abdomen, forcing yet more moans from her. Her pulse raced at the realization that this was arousing for Nash. Was Ian hard as well? How long would they make her wait to find out?

  Her ass cheeks were already on fire, and Ian was only using his hand. How would she handle it when they switched to toys? She wanted to find out. The combination of pain and pleasure coursing through her right now made her dizzy with need. All earlier fears of not belonging here were gone now.


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