Mastering Angela [Passion Peak, Colorado 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Mastering Angela [Passion Peak, Colorado 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 13

by Tara Rose

  He grinned. “I’ll tell you a secret. But you have to swear never to reveal it. Do you swear?”

  “On my life.” A thrill ran through her at his words. Trusting her with secrets was a big deal to a man like Nash.

  “There are hidden gates along the wall, concealed by landscaping. Only me, Ian, and a few of my staff know where they are.”

  “I’m honored that you told me. I will keep your secret safe from Passion Peak.”

  “I’m counting on that, Angela. Now, are you ready to ride back to the house for lunch?”

  “Yes. All this secret keeping has given me a ravenous appetite.”

  * * * *

  After lunch, which consisted of Angela foraging in Nash’s cavernous kitchen to find cold chicken, tomatoes, lettuce and mayonnaise so she could make them each a sandwich, Nash made lemonade, which was quite delicious, and the three each took a glass and the pitcher out onto one of the many upstairs shaded porches surrounding the house to sit and talk.

  “If I had a view like this from the deck at my condo, I’d never leave it.”

  “You mean you don’t?” Ian was teasing her again, but she didn’t mind. She could gaze at that grin all day long and never tire of it.

  “You were there earlier. What did you see outside my windows while you were waiting for me to change clothes?”

  “Oh, it’s a lovely view. On one side you have the playground of Our Lady of the Angels Catholic Church, and on the other you have the back of the Nuncio Funeral Home. Both ends of the spectrum, if you will.”

  “You’re sick,” said Nash, shaking his head.

  Angela laughed. “But he’s right. On my rare days off during the school year, I get to listen to the kids beat the crap out of each other at recess, or I have the choice of watching cars line up for a funeral procession.”

  “So move then,” said Nash.

  She gave him a droll look. “Just like that. Sell the condo and move. You think it’s that easy?”

  He gave her an odd sideways glance that she couldn’t interpret. “I have plenty of room here.”

  Angela’s pulse raced. She knew he was only teasing, but the thought of being here with him or Ian twenty-four-seven was enough to make her pussy wet and her clit begin to throb. “Would I have my own wing?”

  “If you want.”

  “Fucking show-off,” muttered Ian, taking a long sip of lemonade.

  “I told you that you have a home here anytime you want it, so shut the fuck up.”

  “Like I’d live here with you. It’s too far of a drive to work.”

  “Fifteen minutes is too far for you to drive? Angela, how far do you drive to work?”

  “I walk, Nash. It’s just around the corner.”

  “Get out much, Nash?” asked Ian. “You don’t know the area where she lives?”

  Nash gazed out over the woods as the corners of his mouth turned up. “Guess I do sort of stay cooped up here a lot.”

  “That’s an understatement.” Ian’s voice was tinged with humor, but as Angela studied Nash’s face, she was shocked to see such profound sadness in his eyes. How many years had he spent here in isolation and loneliness? She’d always assumed friends from the club constantly surrounded him. And because he worked hard to maintain an air of mystery about his life, most of the town assumed the same thing. But she’d been wrong. It made no sense. He was gorgeous, funny, and charming. Women should be lined up around the block waiting to spend time with him.

  Her phone signaled an incoming text, and as she read the message from Carma, she caught a look that passed between Ian and Nash. What was that about?

  “Who is it?” asked Nash.

  “It’s Carma. She wants to know how last night went.”

  “Are you going to tell her?”

  “May I?”

  “That’s a good question.” He cut his gaze toward Ian again. “We need to set parameters for that.”

  Her fingers poised over the keyboard but she didn’t type yet. “Parameters for what, exactly? Me sending me texts to my friends?”

  Nash narrowed his eyes at her. “Parameters for how much of what goes on inside this house that we will allow you to tell your friends, that’s what, sub. Give me your phone, Angela.”

  “What are you going to do with it?”

  Nash’s expression turned deadly and before Angela could react, Ian grabbed the phone out of her hand and reached across her body to hand it to Nash. Angela yelled and started to reach toward Nash, with the intention of taking it back, but Ian was faster. He had Angela on his lap with his arms around her, effectively pinning her arms against her side before she knew what was happening.

  “He’s not going to hurt your phone. Relax.”

  Nash gave her a sly grin and proceeded to send a text to Carma.

  “Come on. That’s not right. She’s one of my best friends. She’ll think I sent it.”

  “No she won’t,” said Nash. “I told her it was from me.”

  “So now I can’t talk to my friends?” She tried to wiggle out of Ian’s embrace, but he was too strong. The combination of all those muscles wrapped around her body and his cock pushing against her ass through his jeans was enough to make Angela dizzy.

  “Of course you can,” said Nash. “But we don’t want you gossiping about every little detail.”

  “Is this part of my training?”

  Ian nuzzled her neck with his lips, forcing a small moan to escape. “No shit. About time you figured that out. Didn’t you tell us at dinner last night that you wanted not to be such a gossip?”

  She had no clever answer for that one. She had indeed said that. Ian moved his arms so that Nash could hand Angela her phone. “Go ahead and read what I sent her.”

  “Carma, this is Nash. Angela is still with me and Ian and she’s fine. She’ll talk to you later.”

  Angela stared at the text message. “That’s it? That’s the deep, secret message you couldn’t let me send her?”

  A look of incredulity came over Nash’s face, and when Ian chuckled and the men exchanged a glance over her head, she realized her mistake. “I’m in big trouble now, aren’t I?” She was so turned on it was ridiculous. She wanted them to punish her, and that realization sent a fresh wave of passion through her. It was like some part of her had orchestrated this on purpose.

  But had she pushed them too far? Was there a point she’d pass from merely being bratty and cute in their eyes to rude or disrespectful? She had no clue what she was doing, and now she wished she hadn’t made such a fuss over a text message. She didn’t want to upset either of them.

  “I’m sorry, Sir. May I ask a question, please?”

  Nash’s grin was huge now, and as he reached toward the wicker sofa next to him, Angela’s gaze fastened on the bulge in the front of his jeans. “Yes, you may, but you’re still in trouble.” He pulled a cushion off the sofa and tossed it on the floor in front of her.

  “Are you upset with me?”

  His grin didn’t fade. “No, we’re not upset, Angela. This is about setting rules and boundaries. I’m not comfortable with you discussing every detail of our intimate times together with your friends, and I believe I’m safe in saying that neither is Ian.”

  “That’s right,” said Ian. “I’m not. And since we didn’t set parameters before Carma texted you, had you simply not mouthed off and let us set them, you wouldn’t need to be taught a lesson right now.” He nuzzled her neck again, and Angela felt heat rise up her neck. It would be obvious to Nash as he watched her face how aroused she was. “Do you understand the difference?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.”

  “Apology accepted,” said Nash, “But you still need to be punished.” He pointed toward the cushion. “On your knees, Angela.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Angela blinked a few times, convinced she’d misunderstood him. She glanced around but all she saw were trees. Still, they were outdoors and anyone walking in the yard could look up and see them.

>   Nash laughed and pointed toward the cushion again. “You should have thought about that before you mouthed off to us.”

  “If one of the staff just happens to wander outside to do yard work,” said Ian, “oh well. There’s nothing we can do about that.”

  She slid off the chair and knelt on the cushion, glancing up at Nash. “We could go inside and you can punish me there…Sir.”

  Nash shook his head. “Not a chance. You brought this on yourself.”

  “Sir, one more question, please.”

  “What is it?”

  “How will I know next time what to say and what not to say in a text message or a phone call?”

  Ian gave her hair a slight tug. “You’re not trying to stall us, are you?”

  Angela gasped, but not from discomfort. She was having trouble taking a deep breath. The hormones surging through her body felt like electrical charges. She glanced up at the sky, fully expecting to see the clouds of an approaching storm, but there were none. “No, Sir. Not at all. But I want to know what not to do in the future.”

  “All right,” said Nash. “That’s a legitimate concern. You may tell your friends you spent the night or played in the club on the main floor, but not the specifics of what you did with us. No details at all.”

  She swallowed hard. His command had just wiped out everything she’d want to discuss with Carma and her other friends. “May I ask why, Sir?” She knew she was pushing it, but his request seemed unfair and too strict.

  Nash and Ian exchanged a long look before Nash finally answered her question in a soft voice. “Because it’s private and it’s personal, and because not all of your friends are in the lifestyle. They might not understand.”

  “Carma is in it now.”

  “And she’s still very new to it,” said Ian gently. “She might go to Mateo or Blaine with questions about something you told her, but then again she might not. You don’t want to leave her with the wrong impression, or frighten her. Nash and I play differently than Blaine, and don’t forget that Mateo is new to this as well.”

  “But don’t you think they’ve told Carma to come to them with questions?”

  Nash cupped her face. His grip was firm, but not painful. He gazed into her eyes with intensity, and Angela wished she could just shut up about this, but she wanted to shout what they did together from the rooftops. She didn’t want to keep it secret. She’d waited a long time for this and she wanted the world to know how excited she was.

  “What Carma and her Doms discuss is none of my business. It’s none of Ian’s business and it’s none of your business. Angela, we’re not trying to separate you from your friends or imply that you that you can’t tell them anything. But what we do with you while you’re in training needs to stay between the three of us. Okay? And respecting our request in this is part of your training as well.”

  Nash cut his gaze toward Ian for a quick second before looking into her eyes again. “You are the one who wanted us to help you curb your tendency to gossip, remember? Is that no longer true?”

  Angela’s face burned with embarrassment as she lowered her gaze to Nash’s shoes. “It’s still true, Sir.”

  “These parameters are to help you tone down the gossip, okay?” His voice was soft and patient, and instead of making her feel like a disobedient child, his words made her heart soar. No man had ever cared enough to help her change something she didn’t like about herself.

  Nash let go of her face, and Ian turned her head so that she could look into his eyes. “We’re trying to help you become the person you want to be,” said Ian. “You asked us to train you as a sub, Angela. That means whatever you do is a reflection on us, as much as what we do affects you. This is about mutual respect. Do you understand?”

  Brett had constantly told her she had a big mouth and that she needed to stop gossiping, but that wasn’t the same thing as what Nash and Ian were now saying. They cared about her and how she came across to others. And they didn’t want her hurt by speculation or rumors. “Yes, Sir,” she whispered. “I’m sorry.”

  “Stop apologizing, okay? We just want to make sure you understand where we’re coming from on this point.”

  “I do. Thank you, Sir.” Her desire to please them competed with her arousal, until Angela had to blink back tears at the rush of emotions bubbling up. She hadn’t imagined it would be like this. She’d expected to be spanked or have her orgasms withheld, or even to be made to do things like crawl around or beg them for something. She hadn’t expected them to try and help her alter her behavior, or that they’d do so in a way that didn’t belittle or humiliate her, but rather built her up and made her feel worthy as a person.

  “All right, then,” said Ian. “Now for your punishment. Take off your tank top and your bra, Angela.”

  She glanced around again, but all they both did was chuckle. This time, she kept quiet. She knew it was pointless to say anything about how exposed she would be if any of Nash’s staff walked out into the backyard. Angela had never felt a rush of excitement at the thought of being naked outdoors where others could see her, but as she exposed her breasts, her pussy grew even wetter, and the need to come was very strong.

  “Nice,” said Ian, gazing at her body. “Now stand up and take off the jeans and panties.”

  She got to her feet, and after a few seconds of hesitation, she removed the rest of her clothing. As the guys stared at her body, she averted her gaze, only to snap her eyes back to Nash’s face at the sound of his voice.

  “Don’t look away. You have a beautiful body, Angela. Are you embarrassed that we enjoy looking at it?”

  She shook her head. “No, Sir.”

  “Then what has you so rattled right now? What’s going through your head?”

  “We’re outside, in the daylight, and I’m naked but you’re not.”

  Nash’s grin had her biting back another moan. They had to know how turned on she was right now. If this was her punishment, she’d gladly take more of the same. “And it’s going to stay that way,” he said quietly. “You will remain nude for the remainder of the day.”

  Was he joking? “Is that my punishment, Sir?”

  “Part of it. Get back on your knees.”

  She did so, and then watched each man take their cocks out of their jeans. As they did, her mouth actually watered. She started to glance over her shoulder again, but Nash grabbed her face. “We told you that the time for worrying about that is past.”

  “Sir? You said staying nude is part of my punishment. What’s the other part?” Surely they didn’t intend that her giving them blow jobs would be a punishment?

  Nash brushed a finger in between her breasts and then trailed it down to touch her clit as well. Angela gasped. Surely they were teasing her. This wasn’t punishment. It was foreplay. “The other part,” he said softly, “is that we get to come this afternoon, but you are not allowed to.”

  Because he said that, and because his eyes were shining with mischief, Angela’s arousal level soared and her clit began to throb.

  “And just in case you decide to try and sneak in a climax, know this.” He palmed her pussy and rubbed her clit, forcing another gasp from her. “If you do come, Angela, we will paddle your sore ass until you beg us to stop. Understood?”

  She swallowed hard. His eyes might be full of humor, but the tone in his voice left no doubt they’d follow through on the threat. “Yes, Sir,” she whispered. “I understand.”

  “Good girl. Now open your mouth.”

  She did, and moaned when he slid his dick all the way in. He held her head still with both strong hands as Ian moved behind her. While Nash fucked her mouth, Ian pulled her arms behind her back and tied her wrists together with her bra.

  Her pussy was soaked, and her clit throbbed so hard that it felt like it was on fire by the time Nash came in her mouth, filling it with hot, tasty cum. Angela swallowed every delicious drop, feeling wanton and decadent. She’d never done anything like this and certainly not outdoors whil
e nude.

  Before she could catch her breath, Nash kissed the top of her head and turned her around so that she faced Ian. He held her head still and slipped his dick inside her mouth, but he fucked her slowly and that only fueled her arousal. Angela moaned in the back of her throat and tried to keep from pushing her thighs together, because she knew they’d notice her doing it.

  “Good girl,” said Ian. “We’re so proud of you.” His voice was rough and sexy, and Angela was on fire now for both men. By the time he came in her mouth, all she wanted to do was beg them to fuck her. Would they, despite what they’d said about not letting her come? Surely they hadn’t meant that, literally.

  Ian bent down and kissed her cheek, then untied her wrists. He helped her stand up and then handed her the glass of lemonade she’d been drinking. She emptied it and waited, assuming they were going to continue, but all they did was put their cocks back into their pants and lean against their chairs, looking sated and sleepy. Nash actually closed his eyes.

  “You were serious about what you said?”

  Nash opened one eye. “Did you think I was teasing you?”

  “I don’t know.” She did, but she didn’t want to admit that to him right now.

  Ian shook his head. “I’d put you over my knee and spank you right now on general principles, but I’m a bit tired. We were serious about your punishment, Angela.”

  “You two are actually not going to let me come?”

  He fixed her with a stern look that sent a shiver of desire up and down her spine. “That’s why it’s called a punishment, baby girl.”

  Angela took her seat again in the chair between theirs, unsure what to say.

  “No smart-ass comeback?” asked Nash, his voice full of humor.

  “No, Sir.”

  “Good girl. We’re proud of you.”

  “Thank you, Sir. Is there anything else I can do for you, Sir?” She knew her voice dripped with sarcasm, but she didn’t care.

  Nash opened both eyes. “Yes, there is. You can lose the attitude or when there’s blood above my waist again, we will tie you down, right out here in front of the birds and the bees, and we will spank your red ass until it’s bruised and puffy. Is that clear?”


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