On Display

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by Cassandra Carr

  On Display

  Cassandra Carr

  Hunter wants Olivia, and the feeling is mutual. She decides to take her secret attraction public and show up at the club where he’s bouncing, ready to lay everything on the line to snag him. Hunter can’t believe his luck, and soon makes his own move on the woman he’s lusted after for months. Things heat up between them during an exciting—and exhibitionist—evening that leaves them both anticipating more sexy times to come.

  An Exotika® contemporary erotica story from Ellora’s Cave

  On Display

  Cassandra Carr

  Chapter One

  Hunter grabbed his ratty gym towel and mopped off his face. There were guys who managed to look like romance novel cover models even at the end of a workout, but Hunter wasn’t one of them. If you looked like that, you weren’t working hard enough.

  He had time for a quick shower before his first personal training client if he hauled ass, and after tossing his towel on top of his gym bag, Hunter stepped under the spray and did a rudimentary scrubbing. After drying and dressing himself, he went out to the lobby to wait. Hunter had just grabbed the client’s file when she walked in and he nearly dropped the damn thing. Unfortunately, this gorgeous woman wasn’t his client. Olivia. What was she doing here at this time of day?

  “Well, hello, pretty lady,” the too-slick-for-his-own-good desk clerk Chet said.

  “Hi, Chet. There was supposed to be an envelope for me.”

  Hunter tried not to stare, but damn. The woman was a work of art, and he found himself jealous of anyone who could paint or sculpt beauty like that. She taught Pilates and spinning for a living, so Olivia had a great body with long, toned legs topped by a small waist and perky breasts. Her eyes were brown and her hair a dark blonde, tumbling over her shoulders and down her back.

  Chet searched the desk area and Olivia half-turned away, scanning the lobby. Hunter stood there like an idiot, still staring, and when her gaze landed on him she gave a little smirk and raised one eyebrow before moving on to the front door, through which his client Alicia currently raced.

  “Hunter, honey, I’m so sorry.” Her hand, complete with polished talons, landed on his chest as she smiled up at him and it was all he could do not to flinch. Those claws could probably tear out his heart in one swipe. “I just don’t know where my head is.”

  In your boobs, I’d guess.

  “No problem.” He glanced up at Olivia, who was obviously holding a laugh, and then back at Alicia. “Go change and we’ll get started.”

  “Be back before you can even miss me. I got a new outfit!” In a cloud of expensive perfume, Alicia disappeared into the locker room.

  Chancing another glance at Olivia, Hunter broke out into a grin, noting how she was biting her lip in her continued attempt to keep a straight face. Alicia was ridiculous, but she paid well and on time, which was more than he could say for about seventy percent of his clients.

  “Here it is,” Chet announced, waving an envelope in the air.

  “Thanks.” Olivia snatched it from him. “I gotta go.”

  With one final mirth-filled glance back at Hunter, she turned and walked out. Hunter’s dick woke up fully, and fast, at the rear view. Damn, he wanted to kiss whoever had invented the bicycle. He was seldom around while she taught spinning at the gym—he did personal training during the day since he worked a second job as a bouncer at a club downtown—but all those hours on the bike had made her legs and ass into something worthy of worship. He was sure the specialized Pilates she taught at another facility didn’t hurt either.

  Shaking his head to clear it of how Olivia’s legs would feel squeezing his head as he went down on her, Hunter went to wait for Alicia. He had five clients today—a heavy day for him—and still had a full night at the club to look forward to. As if sitting on a barstool for seven hours watching a crowd of kids get drunk and stupid could be something to anticipate. But it paid the most crucial bills, and his growing personal training business was starting to make a real dent in the others.

  By the time he’d finished with his last client, eaten and changed, it was nearly time to go to the club. He worked at Rotten, one of the hottest clubs in the city, and had been there since its opening four years ago. All in all it was a pretty good job.

  He arrived and swiped his access card for the back door. Walking along the dimly lit hallway, he squinted when the brighter lights of the club came into view. The house lights would lower once the place was open, but for now it was easier for the staff to get ready with full lighting. “Hey, Justin,” he called out to the head bartender as he passed.

  “What up, H?”

  “Another fun night of drunkenness and debauchery.”

  Justin laughed. “I’m a way bigger fan of debauchery than I am of drunkenness.”

  “And yet you’re the one slinging drinks.”

  With a grin, Justin said, “The Barracuda doesn’t pay for itself, bro.”

  Two years ago Justin had purchased a 1968 Plymouth Barracuda for a song after it had been repossessed, and now poured a ridiculous amount of money into restoring it. Sure, it was a pretty car with its shiny new black paint job and the Hemi engine Justin had just installed, but Hunter was a point A to point B guy with his cars and couldn’t even begin to understand why people would spend so much of their hard-earned money on something that was basically transportation.

  “No, it certainly doesn’t. Later, man.”

  Hunter hung a right just past the bar and stowed his bag in the employee breakroom. As he was on his way up to the front, the club’s owner Vince called out to him from the cramped office. Hunter stopped in the doorway.

  “Yeah, boss?”

  “There was a fight last night inside Level that spilled outside after the bouncers threw everybody out. A guy pulled a knife on one of the bouncers. Luckily no one was hurt and the guy was disarmed, but shit’s getting crazy out there. Keep your guard up. I told the other guys and Justin too.”

  “Will do.” Hunter didn’t normally have a problem with the patrons. He wasn’t a real tall guy, but he’d always been stocky, and thanks to the time he spent in the gym, coupled with his overall “don’t fuck with me” attitude while he was working, he was more than a little intimidating to most of the young bucks who frequented Rotten.

  A few moments later, he was stationed right inside the door on his customary barstool. He rarely pulled outside door duty anymore because his talents were better put to use keeping the peace inside than scanning IDs outside. He had seniority over just about every employee in the bar at that point, save Justin and a few others, and could pretty much pick where he wanted to work.

  Door duty was boring as hell, but he did get a kick out of the chicks who’d flash their tits just to get in the door, like Rotten was the be-all and end-all of clubs in this city. More than once he’d been offered a blowjob to let an underager in.

  The club opened and filled quickly. Friday nights were always busy, with a line clear down the block. Rotten played good music and had pretty reasonable drink prices compared with the rest of The Strip. Plus, because Vince didn’t scrimp on security, it was safer than most. Through his years of working at Rotten, Hunter had developed a system for being able to assess trouble even if he couldn’t see the entire crowd by sweeping his gaze from side to side and zeroing in on a face to discern a mood before moving on.

  Hunter was in the middle of doing another sweep when he sat up and strained to see over the heads of the crowd. That’s fucking hot. He watched two girls grind on each other. Normally he was immune to that sort of thing since he saw it about fifty times a week, but there was something about these women. Holy shit. Dawning registered. One of them was Olivia. His cock woke in a hurry, straining against the front of his j

  In the middle of work was a bad time to pop a woody, but his gaze was riveted as Olivia spun so her back was to the other girl’s front. She began to shimmy down the woman’s body, nearly giving a Basic Instinct-style show to the guys who were frothing at the mouth watching her and her friend get it on.

  Olivia was well aware of Hunter watching her. She’d insisted on Rotten when her roommate Colleen had decided they needed to go out for their upcoming birthdays. Colleen’s birthday was three days before Olivia’s, and the two had been friends since junior high. Colleen was more of a sister to Olivia than either of her two actual sisters would ever be, despite their somewhat divergent personalities. Olivia wasn’t normally this outrageous, but she wanted Hunter. Giving him a little show couldn’t hurt.

  Her roommate was a naturally gregarious person and they were very comfortable with each other, so it wasn’t so bad to dance like this. Of course, it didn’t hurt that Colleen knew of her growing obsession with Hunter and was willing to help her get noticed by the gorgeous hunk of manflesh.

  “Is he looking?” Colleen shouted into her ear.

  Olivia flicked a quick gaze toward the door. “Oh yeah.”

  “Good. Amp it up?”

  “More than now?”

  Colleen laughed and then grabbed Olivia’s head, turning it to expose her neck before running her tongue from collarbone to ear. “That ought to get ’im.”

  “You’re nuts!”

  “And you love me.”

  She did. Both of them were straight, but a little girl-on-girl action was guaranteed to get the attention of the opposite sex. And Olivia needed to get Hunter’s attention using whatever means necessary. Earlier at the gym she hadn’t wanted to appear like an overeager puppy, but it had just about killed her not to tell him she was planning to come to the club that night. No, it was better to just show up and pretend she didn’t even know he’d be there.

  More songs played and she and Colleen continued to give their own floor show. Hunter was going to need a chiropractor if he kept straining his neck like that, and a little burst of excitement flowed through her. After months of imagining what it would be like to have him hold her in those strong, corded arms while he pounded her with what she just knew was an impressive cock, it looked as if tonight something might actually happen.

  He’d always been friendly, but she doubted they’d said more than fifty words to each other in the two years Hunter had been at the gym. She’d been too shy to approach a guy like Hunter. Being rejected and still having to work at the same gym, no matter their differing schedules, would be more than her fragile ego could take.

  The women at the gym—like that little slut whatever-her-name-was from today—hung all over him. He was polite, but she hadn’t heard any rumors of him dogging around. Hopefully he was too smart to fuck clients. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t fuck Olivia.

  She’d never even consider something like this act with Colleen, but a few months ago they’d been at the same party and she’d noticed Hunter’s interested gaze. At the time it was hard to believe he’d ever be interested in her, but the couple of other times their paths had crossed since then had produced a similar reaction in him. Finally Colleen convinced Olivia that he did want her, and Olivia had hatched this plan.

  Olivia turned to shout into her roommate’s ear. “I’m hot. I’m gonna grab a water and sit for a bit.”

  “Okay. Make sure you’re in Hunter’s line of sight.”

  Shaking her head, Olivia chuckled. “You’re bad. I think you want me to get laid more than you want to fuck someone yourself.”

  “Isn’t that what friends are for?”

  Olivia made her way over to the bar and grabbed a bottle of water, downing more than half of it in one long pull. She was obviously in good shape due to her profession—she taught modified Pilates routines to people with chronic injuries and then also did the spinning classes—but dancing was still a good workout. A spot at the bar opened up and she shimmied into the small space, hopping up on the barstool facing the dance floor.

  Hunter was to her right at about a sixty-degree angle. She could see him in her peripheral vision, which was good enough for her. Being the conscientious guy he was, Hunter was keeping an eye on the crowd, but he returned his attention to her at regular intervals. She was still pretending she hadn’t seen him.

  Hopefully he would take a chance and come talk to her. If not, she might have to make the first move, which she hated doing. Even though she sensed he wanted her too, she wasn’t willing to risk her ego over it.

  The next time she glanced in his direction he wasn’t there.

  Shit, where did he go?

  “Nice dancing.”

  Olivia jumped and a large hand shot out to steady her with a solid grip to her waist. She looked up. Hunter. “You scared me.”

  “I see that.” He tilted his head. “You look flushed. You okay?”

  “Yeah. I just get hot when I dance.”

  “You were hot before that.” A shocked expression flitted over his face before he looked down and coughed. Olivia had to fight a laugh.

  Well, at least it’s more evidence he’s interested.

  He shifted his weight, crossing his arms over his chest, and she had to suppress the urge to drool. The man was beautiful. There was no other way to describe him. Olivia loved his hair. It was thick and wavy and when it was down it hung to his shoulders. His face was angular as if he had some Native American ancestry and his chocolate-brown eyes could be either intense or full of mirth, depending on his mood. She’d spent more than one night with her Hitachi Magic Wand, imagining his full lips skating over her heated skin.

  That same skin was definitely warm now. If she’d thought dancing had made her sweat, this was torture. How was a woman expected to just sit there and let hotness like Hunter go unexplored?

  “Do you, um,” Hunter gestured toward the back of the club, “want to get some air?” Her eyebrows drew down. There was no exit that way. Clearing his throat and sending her a smile, he continued. “There’s a patio no one uses on a night like tonight when it’s so freaking hot. It was a smoking patio, now Vince uses it for private parties and stuff.” Hunter looked away and then back at her. He was babbling. It was adorable and sexy all at the same time.

  “Sure, that sounds good. Can’t be any hotter than it is in here.”

  He laughed. Dimples. I’m a dead woman. “Yeah, it’s like an oven, isn’t it? The air-conditioning is no match for all the people.”

  She attempted to hop off her barstool without flashing him and realized he’d never let her waist go. His other hand joined in the act and he brought her gracefully to the floor. “Thanks.” He was dangerously close and Olivia hoped like hell she’d have the courage to make it known how much she wanted him. Maybe he’d make it unnecessary.

  He placed a hand on her back right above the swell of her ass and guided her through the crowd and toward a dimly lit hallway. As Hunter leaned in, his breath fanned over her ear. Olivia shivered. “We don’t keep the lights on anymore. It discourages people from coming back here now that there’s nowhere for them to go.”

  Olivia nodded mutely and Hunter guided her farther into the recesses of the hallway until they came to a door, which he pushed open and held for her.

  She took a few seconds to assess her surroundings. “Wow, this is really nice.”

  He closed the door behind them. “Yeah, now that the smoke smell is finally getting better and Vince added some crap customers like, it’s not bad.”

  Her hand shot up to cover her mouth after a laugh tumbled out. Hunter grinned and those dimples made another appearance. “I’m sorry.”

  “About what? Laughing at me?”

  “I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing at your description of this area. ‘Crap customers like’?”

  “You know what I mean.” He gestured to the various potted plants scattered throughout the area and the grill in the corner. “Customers love the trees with th
e little white lights, no matter how boring and common they are now. And the grill? I don’t remember the last time that was used, except at our employee party about eight months ago.”

  “Fair enough.”

  He caressed her cheek. “You have no idea how gorgeous you look in the moonlight.”

  She shook her head with a chuckle. “That’s quite a line.”

  “Not a line. The truth.” Before she could comment further, he’d moved his hand to the back of her neck and brought her face to his. “I need to kiss you.”


  Their lips met and Olivia moaned. As if that was the sign he was looking for, Hunter snaked his other arm around her waist and pulled her flush against him, sliding a thick thigh between her legs as he deepened the kiss. His tongue demanded entrance to her mouth, and with a sigh, she opened to him. Hunter wasted no time, pushing inside and exploring her depths. Her tongue chased his when he retreated and he groaned.

  Even if they went no further she’d have fodder for hundreds of nights of fantasies. Oh, could the man kiss. He put his entire body into it, slowly stoking the fire inside her. Finally they came up for air, both panting.

  He leaned back a little more and fixed a heated stare on her. “I’m on break with about twenty minutes left. I need you.”

  She couldn’t deny him. Hell, she didn’t want to. “Then take me.”

  “Fuck,” Hunter muttered before delving into her mouth again. Pulling back slightly once again, he licked from her collarbone to her ear just as Colleen had done. “You were driving me fucking crazy on the dance floor. Are you with that girl?”

  “She’s my best friend.” Olivia tilted her head to give Hunter better access and he pressed wet, open-mouthed kisses all along her neck.

  I need to get into this act.

  Olivia pushed against him and he grunted, stepping back. She followed him, grabbing his t-shirt and attacking his mouth. Hunter yelped.

  She stepped away, feeling her face flame. He was flush against a support post and rubbing his shoulder. “Did I hurt you?”


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