On Display

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On Display Page 3

by Cassandra Carr

  Going out to the patio was one of the craziest things Olivia had ever done, and even more so when they’d started fooling around and she’d begged him to fuck her. Even now she couldn’t believe she’d let him do it against that fence with people right on the other side of it.

  Looking over the texts once more, Olivia decided they weren’t that bad. And if they turned Hunter on, which they certainly seemed to, she shouldn’t be too angry at her friend.

  Colleen said, sounding a little contrite now, “You aren’t mad, are you? Guys love getting stuff like that.”

  Olivia smiled and shook her head, rolling her eyes. “You are too outrageous and it’s a damn good thing I love you. No, I’m not mad. I was at first but he doesn’t look offended or anything.”

  “Certainly doesn’t, if him fidgeting like a five-year-old means he’s turned-on.” Colleen grinned. “Should we dance some more? Maybe drive him even more crazy?”

  “Yeah, let’s dance.”

  As they danced she tried to surreptitiously keep an eye on Hunter. Even while he continually scanned the crowd and had to help a falling-down-drunk woman out the door, he watched her. She thought back to their sojourn earlier and her pussy clenched. If he asked her to go home with him, she already knew she’d say yes. If he was as good as he’d been, given the distractions out on the patio, what would he be like in a comfortable bed with plenty of time?

  Olivia groaned. Chancing another glance at Hunter, she saw him pull his phone out, check it quickly, frown and then stuff it back in his pocket. Was he looking for more texts? Could she really be that bold? Of course, he thought she already was thanks to Colleen’s shenanigans.

  Her sex-sluggish brain tried to come up with something sexy, but every combination of words sounded dorky instead. How did Colleen fire off those texts so quickly? Olivia wasn’t in the bathroom for more than five or ten minutes, or so she’d thought. She considered asking Colleen for help, but she didn’t want to encourage her friend’s reckless behavior. Nothing bad had come of her antics tonight as far as Olivia could tell, but someday she feared Colleen would cross the line and get herself, and by extension most likely Olivia, into real trouble.

  “Gonna go rest,” she called over to Colleen, who was currently plastered to some guy as they both ground to the music. Yeah, she would definitely have to watch her friend. Colleen was a great girl, but she did like to party a little too much in Olivia’s opinion. That, combined with her natural bubbly personality, made her very popular.

  Slinking away, Olivia found a little piece of wall she could lean on while she composed her first text. From her vantage point, she could see Hunter, but she didn’t think he could see her. When he moved a couple feet to the side and started craning his neck to look over the crowd, a small smile broke out on her face. Maybe he wasn’t looking for her, but she would let herself think he was.

  Okay, time to get creative and sexy.

  Cradling her phone in one hand, she used the index finger of the other to tap out the message. She could type very well on a computer keyboard, but these tiny keyboards were another matter.

  Oh God, what to say, what to say…

  Olivia erased the words she’d just typed and let out a huff of breath. Sexting really shouldn’t be this hard, but she’d never been much of a dirty talker. After a couple of minutes and several erasures, she had something she liked.

  All I can think about is kissing you for hours.

  It wasn’t quite as overtly sexy as Colleen’s texts, but it was the best she could come up with. Her heart in her throat, she hit send and waited for his reaction. Only a few seconds later, Hunter pulled out his phone, but before she could see his face someone stepped between them, blocking him from view. If she wasn’t wearing heels she would’ve considered jumping up to see over the guy, but that was out of the question now. By the time she’d woven through several people, he’d already put his phone away.

  Dammit! Now I have no idea what he thought of it.

  She pushed her way through more of the crowd to the bar to get another bottle of water. She was the designated driver for the evening and it was getting hotter and hotter in the club. A bead of sweat rolled down her back and she made a face. Olivia was no stranger to sweat, given her profession, but in club clothes it was kind of gross. After pulling her phone out of her small purse, she checked the time. The club would only be open another hour, but she wasn’t sure she’d last that long without wilting into a sweaty mess.

  The bartender caught her eye and flashed a smile. She pointed to the cooler of water behind him and he nodded before turning to grab one of the waters. He walked a few steps until he was directly in front of her and then handed her the water.

  “Thanks. How much?”

  “No charge.” Leaning over, he spoke into her ear. “Any friend of Hunter’s is a friend of mine.” The man straightened once more and Olivia had to force her mouth closed. Geez, if this guy had noticed them, how many others had? She was about to flee when a heavy hand landed on her shoulder.

  “Stop flirting with Justin,” a seductively deep voice said right into her ear. Olivia turned. Hunter.

  He smiled and her knees about gave out. Her back was to the bar now, but she didn’t miss the look that passed between Hunter and the man she assumed was Justin. Interesting.

  “Hey.” Wow, that’s the best I could come up with?

  “Hey.” Hunter leaned close again. “If you’re trying to make me spend my entire shift with a hard-on, it’s working.”

  She gazed up at him. “You, um, liked the texts?”

  “I fucking loved them. No one’s ever sexted me before. I had no idea it was so hot.” He moved until he was next to her rather than in front and scanned over the crowd before returning his attention to her. “I want you to keep sending texts. Tell me exactly what you want me to do to you. I intend to do everything you want, text by text.”

  His voice was barely more than a growl by the time he’d finished speaking, and Olivia could only nod. He was right, it was hot to be doing this with him. Maybe instead of clocking Colleen upside the head, I should be thanking her.

  Hunter spoke again. “I’ve got to get back for work. Wait for me?”

  “I’ll be around.”

  “Good. I’m hoping I can charm you into coming home with me.”

  “Won’t take charm.” Olivia clapped her hand over her mouth. Could I sound any more horny and desperate?

  He laughed. “Good to know.” With a little salute he moved back through the crowd and she mourned the loss of him. It was scary how fast she’d grown addicted to his touch. Good thing it was Friday night. Maybe by Monday morning she would have gotten enough of him. Or not.

  Olivia bit her lip. Undoubtedly he wanted explicit texts.

  Where the hell do I start with that?

  Her head seemed a good place. Then she could travel down to her feet. So what did she want him to do to her head?

  Olivia giggled. She’d much rather do something to his head—his little head. She went back to her former position and actually snagged a chair.

  “Not gonna dance anymore?” Colleen asked after dancing her way over to Olivia.


  “Gonna sext the smokin’ hot man by the door?”

  “Yeah. I am.” Raising an eyebrow, she waited for Colleen’s reaction.

  “You go, girl! Reel ’im in.” Colleen spun and began to dance her way back onto the floor.

  She took another look at the guy her friend had been dancing with since Olivia had begged off the first time. He looked like a nice guy, but looks could be deceiving.

  Olivia grabbed her phone. Maybe Hunter knew the guy.

  Hey, serious question. Do you know the guy my friend is dancing with?

  The answer came back a moment later.

  Good guy.

  She wished he could say more, but understood he was at work. Nodding, she composed her first sext.

  Glad to hear. Now I can concentrate on remembering how
you tasted in my mouth. I want that again.

  Hunter wasn’t even bothering to put his phone away now. The crowd was starting to thin and after he read the latest one, he looked up. Right at her. Wow. He looks…really freaking sexy. I want him so much.

  Now that she was getting into it, this whole dirty-texting thing was kind of fun.

  I’m horny again, thinking about riding you.

  She’d sent the text before she’d realized he was separating two guys who were trying to reach past him to get to each other. The last thing she wanted was to distract him. But he did ask me to do this.

  Hunter grabbed both guys by the back of the neck, and whatever hold he was using got both men moving in a hurry. He walked them down the short hall to the front door and was back a few moments later. It was actually pretty sexy watching him do his job. All those intimidating looks, all those bulging muscles. As long as those things weren’t focused on her it was damn hot.

  When he got back to his barstool he pulled his phone out once more, having evidently stashed it in his pocket when he’d gone to break up the fight. He read the text, glanced up at her and nodded, pointing at the screen. His stare was intense and Olivia wriggled on her seat. Her thong was basically a soaked piece of floss at this point and she considered going to the bathroom again to rid herself of the offending garment. Olivia had never gone commando, but the thong was useless.

  Need to send another text. Hmmm.

  Olivia thought about what to say. He’d made her come so fast when he’d gone down on her earlier. Maybe something about that…

  She settled on the wording and tapped it out.

  I want to crush your head between my thighs as you lick me to paradise.

  Olivia was going to self-combust if she didn’t get some relief soon. Only a little while left and she could make it until then. Hopefully.

  Colleen came back over and plopped into a nearby chair. “I’m beat.” She looked sideways at Olivia with a smirk. “Should I get a cab home?”

  Shit. I totally forgot about that as soon as Hunter suggested I go home with him. I’m her ride.

  “Let me go talk to Hunter. I can meet him.”

  “So he asked you to go home with him? And you’re going through with it?”

  “Looks like it.” Who could say no to that man? Not me.

  “I can take a cab. No biggie.”

  Olivia felt bad blowing her friend off. “I’ll ask him what he wants me to do. Wait here so I don’t lose you.” She checked the area around them. “What happened to the guy?”

  Colleen grinned. “He took my number.”

  “Hunter said he was a good man.”

  “Oh? You asked him about Judd?”

  “That’s his name? Judd?”

  “Hey, I didn’t name him.” Colleen jerked her head. “Go talk to your man.”

  “He’s not my man.”

  “I beg to differ. I’ll be here.”

  Olivia found Hunter and said, “I’m my friend’s ride. Can I meet you? I could put her in a cab but I’d feel bad making her pay for it so I’d want to pay the fare ahead of time or give her money, which I doubt she’d accept.”

  “How far is it?”

  “A couple of miles, but she’s short on cash.”

  “No need for either of you to spend money. Take her home. By the time you drop her off and get back to my apartment it should work out with me getting done here.” He gave her the address and Olivia went back to find Colleen.

  Soon they were in Olivia’s car and headed for Colleen’s place. As she drove and Colleen babbled about Judd, Olivia thought about the night ahead. She’d wanted Hunter for a long time, but she’d been watching and waiting, only occasionally asking someone at the gym about him so as not to provide fodder for gossip or make it obvious enough that someone mentioned her interest to him. It had been mere weeks since she’d felt ready to pursue him.

  She dropped Colleen off and took a slight detour to her own apartment, grabbing a bag and throwing a bunch of clothes and toiletries inside. At the last minute she decided to add condoms and lube to the bag. A girl had to take care of herself and she had no idea what kind of supplies he had.

  Olivia smiled. One more text…

  Do you remember how it feels to be inside me?

  With a chuckle, she pushed her phone into her purse and hurried out to her car. It didn’t take long to get to the address Hunter had given her since she lived between him and Colleen. She pulled into the address and parked in the lot. It was a nice apartment building, definitely nicer than hers. Her phone beeped.

  I’m here, come on up. And hurry.

  With a grin Olivia got out of the car and rushed inside, pushing the Up button on the elevator. Hunter was on the fifth floor out of eight. He probably has a nice view. Maybe I’ll even get to see it. After exiting the elevator, she knocked on the door and waited.

  Chapter Four

  Hunter answered the door and her pussy tightened. He was shirtless, and Olivia couldn’t wait to lick him up and down, her tongue gliding over his no-doubt hot skin. Giving her a half grin, he said “Hey” and then moved back to let her inside the apartment.

  “Hey yourself.” Olivia couldn’t resist grazing his nipples with the tips of her fingers as she passed him and was rewarded with his quick intake of breath. She was determined to enjoy this time with Hunter. It was obvious from their encounter earlier he was dynamite in bed and she couldn’t wait to get her hands all over that smooth olive skin.

  “I hope you were able to find the place okay,” he said, and Olivia smiled a little to herself at the husky tone his voice had taken.

  “I found it just fine.” She slowly spun to face him and grinned. “Show me around?”

  Hunter laughed, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “That’ll take all of five seconds.” He gestured toward one section of the large main room. “Kitchen.” With his other arm, he indicated the other direction. “Living room-slash-dining room-slash-pretty much everything else room.” Jerking a thumb behind him, he continued. “There’s a bedroom and bathroom down the hall. That’s about it. How’d I do?”

  “Just about five seconds. I’m impressed.”

  “Right…” Moving toward the kitchen, he said, “Would you like anything to drink?”

  “I’m good.” As Hunter pulled open the fridge, Olivia turned toward the windows. “Nice view.”

  “Yeah. That’s one of my favorite things about this apartment. I certainly didn’t rent it for its spacious floor plan.”

  She chuckled. “Right.” He’s funny. Oh man, I’m dead meat. Between that and the sexy texts I don’t stand a chance. I want him bad.

  He walked up behind her, plunking something down on what she presumed was the coffee table as he passed it. “View’s even better from where I’m standing.”

  Looking over her shoulder, Olivia raised one eyebrow. “Subtle.”

  Hunter shrugged. “Why be subtle? You’re here, I’m here. Unless I’m mistaken we both have a pretty good idea of what’s going to happen tonight.”

  Olivia pivoted as he stalked closer. “Pretty confident.”

  “Not really. It’s an act. But I am horny, and since you’re the cause of it, it’s only fair you be the solution.” His beefy arms slid around her waist as he pulled their bodies flush. “God, you smell so good.” Burying his face in her neck, he inhaled, a contented little noise escaping. “I want you.”

  Leaning back until her head made gentle contact with the glass behind her, Olivia said, “Then take me.”

  “There weren’t enough texts for me to go on, so why don’t you tell me what you want?”

  “I want you to turn me to the glass and fuck me from behind.”

  “Fuck…” The word was drawn out as Hunter’s eyes closed.

  Olivia was feeling crazier by the minute. “I want to be topless, with my breasts against the glass as you pound into me.”

  Hunter swore again.

  What is the matter with me? Who is this sex-craz
y person?

  “Take your shirt off. Leave the skirt on. I’ll take care of the panties.” Hurrying to do as he bade, she dropped her shirt on the floor, her bra following close behind. “Hands behind your back.”

  She wasn’t sure of his intentions until he grabbed both her hands in one of his, the action thrusting her chest out. “Oh!” Both nipples made contact with the glass, chilled considerably by the air-conditioning in the apartment.

  “You like that? I had no idea you were such an exhibitionist.”

  “Neither did I. Being on display never turned me on until now.”

  “This might be fast, but I promise to make it up to you.” He let go of her hands. “Leave them there.” A condom wrapper crinkled and then Hunter’s hands stole under her skirt. Her thong slid easily down her legs, settling on the hardwood floor and instantly forgotten. His fingers ran through her soaked pussy. “Fuck yeah.”

  Hunter lined his cock up with her entrance, grabbed her hands again in one of his while the other grasped her hip, and thrust. Olivia let out a strangled cry as her nerve endings did the cha-cha. As he pushed and sank even more fully inside, Olivia’s forehead fell to the window in front of her with a clunk.

  “You okay?”

  Incoherent mumbles were all she could get out, but Hunter must’ve taken that as assent as he pulled out of her and then plunged back in. Reaching around her, he played with her breasts, still against the rapidly fogging glass, lightly pinching and cupping the soft flesh.


  “More what?”

  Olivia groaned. “Everything. More everything.”

  “If you insist.”


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