Down World - Prophecy: Book 1 (Quantum Clockwork Series)

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Down World - Prophecy: Book 1 (Quantum Clockwork Series) Page 2

by Michael Clark

  "My God," escaped Jerome's lips. "Who is he?"

  "He, is the players," said Mr. Somers. Jerome pulled his eyes away from the screen to see behind him a box the size of a small file cabinet. Various status lights were blinking.

  "What? no." said Jerome.

  "What do you mean, he is the players? Plural? What are you saying? What are you doing here?"asked Jerome.

  "The subject has been altered to be able to manifest four players, we have severed the connection between the two halves of the brain, and isolated the prefrontal cortex in two more places," Mr. Somers said.

  "Oh my god? Did I just hear you correctly?" Jerome said.

  Mr. Somers went on. "We have also surgically isolated the brain stem; we felt that it would be better to maintain control over the bodies autonomic systems independently."

  "Are you serious, that man will never be off of life support again. This is insane! The ethics of this alone is unfathomable," said Jerome. He was making himself sick and found it difficult to breathe.

  "Come now Doctor, research often involves sacrifice," Said Mr. Somers.

  "No, No. This is unethical. I am trying to improve the NR opcode, that's all," said Jerome.

  "Unethical? I suppose if you assume we abducted him off of the street I could see your point. But he volunteered," Said Mr. Somers.

  "Who in their right mind would possibly want to do anything like that? Besides the ethics are not subjective to be discarded on a whim, no matter what the subject allows," demanded Jerome.

  "Is it so hard to believe? Do you suppose we lied to him to get him to participate?" Asked Mr. Somers.

  "That's not how the benefactors operate; it's not how I do things."

  Jerome looked at the man again other than the occasional twitch there was no indication of any discomfort. Jerome looked at the various brain scans.

  "There, you see there, that's a seizure. His mind is fighting the system," Jerome pointed at the monitor and the rogue brain wave, as they came in clusters.

  "That's residual brain stem activity, a red herring, there is no impact to the players," said Mr. Somers.

  "How can you be sure? This is not what I signed on for, I am trying to make these systems safer and operate at greater distances, not play God with this man's brain," said Jerome.

  "Would you have us disconnect this subject, that would be a waste don't you think. This really is the only way to expedite testing and solve the problem long term," said Mr. Somers.

  "What, solve what?" Jerome came to a full stop. "Unless you intend to build a second core."

  "Indeed Doctor," said Mr. Somers. "The primary core is down world, and it's quite unwieldy, at least for full interstellar travel. As it is, we are stretching the capability of the core at this distance," said Mr. Somers.

  "But there is the matter of the safety protocols. We can't copy the patterns; we can't run regulation code on them."

  "And there is very good reason for that, the builders," Jerome started to say.

  "Oh God, I have been this whole time lifting protocols to allow you to build a second core. Open to all manner of abuse," said Jerome no longer looking at Mr. Somers.

  "Really? let's talk about your precious builders. I don't think you understand them as well as you think. Down world, there was a place called the USA. The founders of that country wrote a Constitution and imagined that every 20 years or so it would be rewritten. To reflect the times in which people lived. In spite of it never happening they were wise men, they knew that ahead lie many new things, innovations and conditions they could never have been foreseen. So they left provisions for a constitutional congress. They never intended the rules as they imagined them to remain the same. Who knows how different the world would have been had the citizens of that country followed through and not tried to live by ancient rules of the forefathers," Said Mr. Somers.

  "I don't think this is quite the same thing. Copying a mind, making it intrinsically alterable could lead to directly changing the way a person thinks, who he is, ultimate mind control. God forbid you could somehow go further," Said Jerome.

  "Jerome, your discoveries in NR are nothing short of astounding. I am sure it has helped countless people cope with the isolation of space, but is that enough. Is it enough to hold on, deal with it, or should we evolve? Imagine traveling 100, 200, 2000 years into space to colonize other worlds. With limited, fragile bodies, where the best promise that can be offered is that your children ten or twenty generations from now will see the goal. Imagine you could take that journey and you would see it," Mr. Somers said.

  "You have no idea what you're suggesting. Do you think that's some form of immortality? That's it isn't it, it's not about the stars," Said Jerome.

  "And so? The ancient religions all promised immortality. Mankind has always aspired to ascend to the level of their gods. Here we are, on the doorstep, and you would turn around and walk away?" Said Mr. Somers.

  "This is your time; we are so close now. Help us evolve to what the human race has always aspired to be. To emerge from this chrysalis, we find ourselves currently trapped in," Said Mr. Somers.

  "I won't do it, I am done. This is madness, I did not sign on for this," said Jerome.

  The representative's face became stern, he had every appearance of a man about to loose his temper. "We, doctor, will tell you when you are done. As far as you 'signing on' for this, what do you think you did when you accepted our help in building the NR worlds. Do you really think giving you access to a military grade hacking AI that made you famous was an accident? You would be nothing without our help."

  "What, are you threatening me now, is that what this is? You know what I don't care, put me on a mining platform, push me into the Saturn atmo, I won't do it. I won't help you lift the protocols anymore. My god look at this man, you don't think this has already gone too far."

  "You're quite dramatic Jerome if you would allow me to explain," Said Mr. Somers. Even now Jerome was clearly hyperventilating, unable to take in anymore Jerome had gone white as a sheet.

  "Sit down doctor, let's calm down before you pass out." was all Mr. Somers had to say, moments before Jerome did just that.

  Mr. Somers just looked annoyed, he had allowed Jerome to get under his skin. he calmed himself and called over one of the techs.

  "Have this seen to," said Mr. Somers. "Seen to? Sir," asked the tech. Mr. Somers looked at the man and just wanted to grab him by the throat, the level of irritation today was just too high."Take him to the clinic, I have business to attend to," said Mr. Somers. The man quickly called over two other techs, and they did as they were told. Mr. Somers pulled out his phone.


  Julia was always the kid at home at the front of the class, the first one to make the presentation. Not so much to sell anything or convince you but make a point and make you look stupid for not agreeing. She was famous for cutting deals that did not benefit you and you thanked her for it. At the end of the day, it was just a game one she didn't see much point to usually, but the benefactors gave her unlimited resources, all she had to do was sell her soul. But then what good was a soul out here. Today the Mars delegation had arrived to negotiate various supply deals, water, and other raw material. What Saturn didn't have in solid ground it had in ice and other raw material.

  "So as you will see gentlemen, the Saturn mining consortium can supply more than enough precursor supplies to keep the Mars colony in terra-forming for generations," Said Julia. Summing up the presentation.

  "Very impressive, but what we need is people, as well as supplies," Said someone near the back of the room. A middle-aged man surrounded by some other men, who all looked on to see what Julia would say next.

  "You're referring to the NR Core Program, or rather the extension of it from the down world core," Julia said, her statement was met with a nod.

  "I'm afraid I am not prepared to discuss that today, suffice it to say that we have none other than the father of NR working on the technical issues," Said J

  "Mars is prepared to deliver enough material to make Saturn outpost a ninth planet in the solar system, but we need workers, or to be precise, an avatar that can work at 400 miles below the surface without suffering from radiation sickness. To say the least, we need a NR core of our own to run them since that depth precludes the use of the down world core. So before we go much further it will be in both our interests to discuss it now," Said the man. Julia had a steel-jawed look, rolling over in her mind to give in to the request or hold her ground.

  Julia was about to make a comment but the door to the conference room opened just then, and all eyes were on Julia's assistant a very thin dark haired young lady who walked in without any regard to the meeting and the men now staring at her. She leaned in to give Julia a message.

  "The representative and the benefactors would like to discuss a matter with you, Now," Said the woman. It was never good news, especially when Julia had no idea what the topic might be.

  "I will be back shortly gentlemen, let's take an extended break and meet again in say three hours," Said Julia as she unceremoniously walked out of the conference room.

  The representative met her outside the door as was expected. She walked alongside him as he turned and headed down a hall.

  "They want a core and NR, or they say they cannot deliver what we need," Said Julia in passing.

  "They always start high, it's to be suspected. They have been pressing us for the core technology for some time, Jerome I'm afraid has not met expectations," Said Mr. Somers.

  "They will, of course, settle for much less. Water, or rather the interruption of it will make then see our point of view," Said Mr. Somers. "But I have another more pressing concern that requires your opinion."

  "And that would be?" Julia asked.

  "Best to leave that to the Benefactors to explain," said Mr. Somers. Julia knew better than to press as the walked on toward a large conference room.

  "which of them will be attending?" she asked.

  "All of them," said Mr. Somers as he opened the door for her and motioned for her to go first.


  "We are glad you could find time to attend Julia," said a speaker on the desk. It was a woman's voice.

  "Thank you Madame Chairman, always good to assist the Benefactors in any way I can," Said Julia.

  "Has Mr. Somers briefed you?" The voice came again.

  "No I thought I would wait until we came to the meeting," said Mr. Somers. "I wanted everyone to be clear as to the context."

  "Proceed then Mr. Somers."

  "Thank you, Madame. Julia, you may be aware that Jerome was called into the NR lab today, this was an unauthorized action on the part of the lab. I am afraid it has lead to a complication," said Mr. Somers. He nodded, and a video started to run on the far wall. Julia watched as the episode unfolded to Jerome become hysterical and collapsing, All she could do is watch and feel somewhat embarrassed by his weakness. At the end the room was silent, Mr. Somers looked at Julia and waited.

  "What would you like me to say," Julia asked.

  "Whatever comes to mind, any thoughts would be appreciated," Said Mr. Somers.

  "Keep in mind that Jerome is in your care and we have looked to you to incentivize him so that this would not happen."

  "Incentivize, is that what we are calling it these days," Julia said.

  "Do you want the perspective of a doe-eyed girlfriend or can I speak freely," said Julia.

  "By all means the floor is yours," said Mr. Somers. Julia thought a moment.

  "Jerome has been compromised; I believe he needs to be removed. He knows more than he should so it should be soon," Julia said.

  "That's quite a recommendation," said another voice on the speaker.

  "There is a precedence, Einstein," said Julia.

  "Einstein?" came yet another voice.

  "Yes, Einstein. The benefactors held onto him far too long, he was undoubtedly the most incredible genius of the 20th century, but he was vain, seeking an elegant formula that 'God' would have made. After that first discovery, he, in my opinion, undermined progress for three decades. Never making any more headway, fighting those proving his theory. It wasn't until he died and the benefactors offered to extend the life of young Stephen Hawkings did any real progress continue. Jerome is very much a genius, no doubt, but one that has past his prime," Said Julia.

  "I see," Said Mr. Somers. "And how would you propose we fill his shoes?"

  "We already have," Said Julia.

  "Who?" Asked Madam Chairman.

  "Not who, what. Jerome used the technology on himself; he was the first brain every scanned in the NR core and has been updated. We have the essence of his so called genius. It might take a few months, but I am sure it would make up for any shortcomings quickly and surpass him," Said Julia.

  "You are of course aware that to do that the last safety protocols would have to be lifted. A task that Jerome has not yet been able to do. How do you propose to do that?" Asked Mr. Somers.

  "That sir is not my problem," Julia said.

  "That is exactly what it is Julia, your problem. I note that you're quite keen to get rid of Jerome, and I quite agree but this attitude stands in the way of what we all want," said Mr. Somers.

  The room was quiet again for some time when finally the speaker came to life again.

  "We have noted as of late that you have been somewhat curt with Jerome," said the voice.

  "We feel that perhaps Jerome's motivation is somewhat lacking due to these actions. Perhaps it is time you suggested a more extended relationship?"

  Julia did not like the turn this had taken her face flushed, she had no intention of extending her relationship. She wanted to interject that this had gone too far as it was, but it would fall on deaf ears.

  "If you could find it in yourself to assist in these final tasks, we would be more than grateful," Said Madame chairman.

  Mr. Somers motioned to Julia, and they left the room.

  "What would you have me do next?" Asked Julia.

  "First, go to the clinic and pick up Jerome. While I finish the negotiations with Mars colony. I will make your excuses that a family member requires your assistance," said Mr. Somers.

  "And then?" asked Julia.

  "Then? You incentivize Jerome, or your usefulness will have come to an end. That would not do for your family on the lower platforms. Would it," Said Mr. Somers.


  Matters Julia rode the tram to the outer rings; her thoughts floated to the gas giant that loomed in the distance. It had been her companion all her life. But for most of it, she had been much closer than she was today. She was born an ice rat, her mother and father mined the rings for water, rare earth, and heavy metals, as did her grandparents. They were good people, strong people, who sacrificed everything to send her to school on the station. They believed in the cause that they were working for a better world for humanity, it was a hard life. When she was introduced to Jerome she liked him, he seemed to be a good man and believed. She even thought she saw her father in him. But she had been wrong. He was self-absorbed and craved recognition. The product of a privileged upbringing on the Saturn station. What a waste of time it had been. But as her father once told her, don't keep making the same mistake, just because you spent a lot of time making it. The tram shook as it crossed the atmo field and it jarred her back to more practical thoughts. She picked up her phone and dialed the clinic.

  "Hello," She said.

  "Yes, I am looking for a patient, a Dr. Jerome Atkinson. Can you tell me his status?" she asked.

  "Yes, we live together," she said.

  "Yes, put me through to his room, thank you," there was a pause, Julia signed and looked at the time.

  "Hi, Jerome. My god, are you OK?" she asked.

  "They called me at work and told me you had an accident, that you had collapsed, I'm on my way to get you now," she continued.

  "OK, I will be there is a minute, and we can spend the rest
of the day together, like you wanted, OK?" she said. "see you soon."

  She hung up as the tram stopped in the outer ring station. She felt like sushi and wondered if Jerome would go for it or if would insist on some picnic again.


  Jerome poured out a bag of clothes and proceeded to get dressed. His hands still tingled a bit from hyperventilating. Julia had just called, and she was on her way, he didn't want to keep her waiting when a man walked into his room.

  "I see you're up Doctor Atkinson," Said the man. He wasn't wearing hospital attire; he looked more like a visitor.

  "Do I know you?" Jerome asked.

  "No, Just looking in on you," he said.

  "Why? Who are you?" asked Jerome.

  "What did you think about your visit to the core today?" He asked.

  "How do you know about that? Are you with the Benefactors? A representative?" Asked Jerome. He had stopped getting dressed now; the man had his attention.

  "No," said the man. he pulled out an envelope and put it on the bed.

  "Let's just say we all have a role to play, including Julia," He said.

  "What's that supposed to mean," Jerome said.

  "Let me ask you, how many protocols are there, to safeguard the core? do you know?" asked the man.

  "I, I don't know I have found four, I think,"

  "There are seven," He said.

  "How do you know? The core is over two hundred years old. No one knows for sure," said Jerome.

  The man started reciting some sort of passage.

  "And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him."

  "What? Oh, I get it you're one of those down world prophecy nuts, end of days and all that sort of thing," said Jerome.

  "I'm supposed to believe that some ancient prophecy foresaw all this, absolute rubbish. I imagine that's why we have discarded all of these absurd notions long ago. Except for old relics like you," said Jerome.


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