The Pentacle War: Book One - Hearts In Cups

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The Pentacle War: Book One - Hearts In Cups Page 6

by Candace Gylgayton

  "Quite right," her husband chimed in. "We have had a most interesting evening but it is time to bring it to an end. When you have rested, Lady Hollin, you may want to begin working with the ring. I suggest that you start with light trances similar to the one you used tonight. If you have questions or run into problems, send for one of us to help you. In the meantime, I will do some research of my own, to see if anything pertinent is recorded about this ring in the archives."

  "Very good," Hollin said, stifling a yawn and admitting to herself that a soft bed was what she wanted in the immediate future. "I will let you know what I discover as well."

  Walking back to her rooms through the shadowed corridors, surrounded by her escort, Hollin felt the strain of the day's ride, combined with the night's efforts, overwhelm her and she stumbled. Instantly, one of her escort's hands was at her elbow as she recovered herself and acknowledged his help. At that moment, she was astonished to hear a melody, played on a stringed instrument, drifting from the other side of the wall they stood next to. The tune was a lovely one, a song that she had heard before, but changed and reworked into another that was old and yet new at the same time. She waited, enchanted by the music until it ceased. Then, feeling refreshed and cleansed by what she had heard, she made her way to her bed. That night, Hollin slept dreamless with exhaustion.

  Waking late the next morning, she lay in bed examining the events of the previous evening at her leisure. Unused as she was to dealing with the types of arcane energies demonstrated to her last night, she wanted time to assimilate what she had learned. She began formulating her plans for the coming council session and the possibility of a journey to find the prince, anticipating the problems to be incurred, not the least being her protracted absence from Langstraad. At length she stirred from her bed long enough to summon Lady Clowen and order food to be brought to her room.

  Once nourished and dressed she went out into her private atrium, planted with flowers and shrubs native to Langstraad, feeling clear-headed and ready to begin working with the ring. Percamber had mentioned that the first of the other Houses would be arriving at the end of the week, so time was short. She returned to her rooms and, issuing the order that she be undisturbed for several hours, retired into her sitting room. Drawing the curtains, she made herself comfortable on a pile of pillows, and began the preparatory breathing exercises. With a calm mind, she extended her intuitive instincts towards the ring and gradually fell into rapport with it. Exploring the ring she felt a certain disembodiment, as if her mind was being lifted beyond where her body sat. It was not an unpleasant sensation but it did leave her slightly disoriented when she eventually dissolved the trance.

  The shadows in the room indicated late afternoon and cramps in her arms and legs told her that she had been engaged for several hours. She rang for Celia, who entered quickly with a tray of food and the information that inquiries from Lord Percamber had come while she was closeted away. Hollin acknowledged the information and wrote a brief note to the regent telling him that she was progressing with her experiment. She wrote that she was still feeling the effects of the journey and suggested that they meet on the morrow. Celia took the message to be delivered just as Lady Clowen was announced.

  "Your grace has been a bit reclusive today," she noted with a smile and a curtsey.

  "Yes, I have been rather alone," was Hollin's abstract reply. She stretched her arms above her head and continued disarmingly. "Once everyone else is in Pentarin I won't have a moment to myself, so I'm storing up my solitude. Is Benedict around? Send him to me when he comes to report."

  When alone again, Hollin looked at the ring and smiled. The ring itself was fascinating once she had ascertained how the rapport with it worked. The essence or energies that resonated within the ring were most interesting, even overwhelming in some regards. She found herself speculating on the type of person who would create such an imprint. She knew that only the surface structure of the ring had been touched but she was wary of venturing too far, since her training and experience in this instance were limited. The following day was spent in similar fashion. After rising and eating, she strolled outdoors for an hour and then returned to the seclusion of her room to engage the ring in trance. The message from Percamber that afternoon said that he was committed to meeting with palace officials and asked to postpone his conference with her. However, another message sealed with the Treves signet contained an invitation from Lord Colin and his wife to join them for dinner in their suite. Hollin, inquisitive about her fellow conspirators sent an affirmative reply.

  At past sessions of the Pentacle Council Hollin had seen and noted Lord de Chantalcalm Viscount and head of the Minor House of Treves, but until now had taken little opportunity to become more than passingly acquainted with him. He had succeeded his father two years ago and usually ventured little during council sessions; seeming content to merely listen to the proceedings. Social life during a council session was mostly devoted to banquets and entertainments, not conducive to intimate conversation. Apart from formal introductions and social pleasantries, Hollin had really never spoken to the man before this week.

  The quarters she was ushered into lacked the grandeur of those of the Great Houses but were notably comfortable and well furnished. She was greeted by Lady Dinea who appeared genuinely pleased to see her. Dinea explained that Colin would be joining them shortly and took her to a pleasant room with a small balcony that looked over the palace walls into the city. Below them the city's lights began to appear as lamps were lit in the grey dusk. Hollin and her hostess sat amicably drinking wine and talking. Dinea was charming, with a well-informed and intelligent mind. In a short time her husband arrived and sat down with them. They continued talking together throughout the meal in a surprisingly easy and unaffected manner.

  To Hollin, used to the formal and stultifying atmosphere of the royal court in session, this evening was both unusual and welcome. Neither Colin nor Dinea had ever been to Langstraad and were interested in descriptions of her duchy. In return, they told her of the Scholastium Arcana in Dacara, a city of mystery to Hollin. The subjects of the ring, the council and the missing prince were left aside as they became better acquainted with each other. It was only after dinner, when they sat looking out over the city, that Colin inquired as to how she was progressing with the ring.

  "I have an idea, maybe more of a feeling, about where the prince is and how to get to him," she began. "Something or someone is definitely linked to the ring but I can't see him. There is no picture in my mind. Is that how it should be?"

  Colin nodded. "How deeply have you probed the ring?"

  "As far as I dare at this stage. I have not used my powers in this way before and I still feel constrained when I am in rapport with the ring."

  "But you can achieve rapport with it?"

  She nodded affirmatively. "Yes, that part is easy. It's exploring the ring that becomes difficult. There is an enthralling quality to it that is sometimes hard to break away from."

  "If it is as old and powerful as Percamber hinted, then that is not too unlikely," Dinea told her. "Would you be uncomfortable if Colin or I tried to link minds with you to see what you do in the ring? We might be able to help interpret the information you are receiving."

  "How do you link minds? Hollin asked.

  "It's a fairly simple procedure. We did it the other night with Percamber. The light trance you were in when we performed the energy transfer is the first step. What we would do is have you enter into a rapport with the ring, then one of us would reach our minds towards yours and mentally join you in the ring. It would be a very surface connection, just within the ring."

  Hollin looked slightly ill-at-ease. "I have always understood mind-linking to be something only arcane adepts are able to do."

  "It is an ability that is refined at the Scholastium, but many people experience brief instances of it, especially those that are very close and perceptive to one another," Dinea explained smiling.

  "I am wil
ling to try," was Hollin's answer as she held up the ring to begin the rapport. Dinea came and stood behind her, placing her finger-tips on Hollin's temples as she mentally extended herself. Almost at once she drew back, perplexed. Breathing evenly she forced her own mind to a deeper level and reached out again. As before, her hands leaped back and she was out of her trance.

  "What's wrong?" Colin asked as he came around the table to where his wife stood.

  "There is a barrier." Dinea was plainly confused. "You try," she suggested.

  With Dinea standing beside him, Colin performed the same movements and received the same response. His mind sought out his wife's and drew her to him. Together, working as one mind, they reached for contact with the duchess and were met by the unassailable image of fire. The mental picture of fire completely surrounded Hollin, allowing nothing to enter, keeping her mind totally hidden. They withdrew and stood looking at Hollin.

  When Hollin dissolved her own trance it was to ask, "Where were you? I thought I would be aware when you joined me?"

  Colin laughed. "You would have, if we could have. Your mind has a rather unique defense system."

  To an equally surprised Hollin, Colin explained the image of fire. "Fire is the House Gift of Langstraad. It is logical that it should protect you. I have known of mental barriers to prevent contact but yours is the strongest that I have ever encountered. There is no way for us to get through. My suggestion is for you to continue on your own. I suspect that your House Gift is sufficient protection from enthrallment, but I can teach you some techniques that might make working with the ring a little easier for you."

  "I would be appreciative of any help." Hollin looked at the ring on her finger and shook her head in wonder.

  "I have thought of another way in which I might aid you..." Colin put forward his suggestion with a glint of humour. "Dinea and I have talked it over and I wish to offer my assistance on your journey. I am well-versed in arcane matters, which may prove useful to you."

  Hollin sat with a grave face. Essentially a private person, she had deliberately isolated herself from her peers by spending so much of her time at Castle Lir. Her trips to Pentarin had been restricted to attending council sessions, with little or no time devoted to socializing, and thus she had made few friends within the city. While she was undaunted by the possibility of facing the council members and proposing to go in search of the prince herself, she could see the advantage of having Lord Colin on her side, both here and on such a journey. She had been favourably impressed with the viscount's conduct during past council sessions, and her experience with him the last few days had confirmed her respect for his abilities. Intuition told her that she was going to be in need of friends in the days to come.

  "Well," she finally replied, "the Pentacle Council has yet to accede to the idea of a quest for the prince. But, if and when they do, I will gladly accept your offer."

  Colin sketched a respectful bow. "Thank you."

  "To finish our evening on a less serious note," Dinea interjected with a smile, "I have arranged for a musician to entertain us." While Colin went to the doorway to summon the musician, Dinea continued comfortably chatting. "I think you will enjoy Daffyd's playing. He came to Pentarin with us two years ago as one of our retinue; but, as he is very talented, we gave him leave to study here. His abilities have proven to be so commendable that last year he was sent to Gwenth at the behest of the Duchess of Creon to teach her daughter. He is back now in Pentarin studying and when we are in residence he frequently plays for us." She spoke in tones of great affection and greeted him as an equal when he entered the room. "Your grace, may I present Daffyd ap Blewyns, apprentice to the Bard Auric de Varennes of the Royal College of Bards."

  "Your grace does me honour," was his reply as he knelt before her.

  When he looked up, Hollin found herself regarding a man of about her own age. Her initial impression of him was a mass of curling, soft brown hair. He wore a short beard and mustache, so that his bright hazel eyes seemed to be peering from within a thicket. There was an infectious good humour in the set of his mouth that made him at once very attractive. He wore the blue and silver livery of House Sandovar and carried both a small harp and a flute of carved wood. She judged him to be not as tall as his lord but much broader through the chest and shoulders. Looking at him, Hollin mused that without his instruments, he was built more along the lines of a warrior than a courtier.

  Laying his two instrument bags on a nearby table, he announced: "I have recently learned a new song that I thought might please your ladyship. Actually, it's an old melody that I have tinkered with." He flashed them an engaging smile as he pulled a small harp out of its leather bag and quickly checked its tune. When he began to play, Hollin recognized the song she had heard a few nights before as she walked back to her own rooms after her first meeting with the de Chantalcalms and Lord Percamber. Listening to it again, she remained impressed by it; and by the young musician who had arranged it. After the song concluded Hollin told him how much she enjoyed it. Pleased by her warm reaction, he picked up his flute and played another tune, this one brisk and lively. He continued to play for his patrons for well over an hour, utilizing both his harp and flute and occasionally singing in a pleasing baritone. The atmosphere engendered was so congenial that Hollin inadvertently sighed when she realized how late it had grown and that she must make her farewells. The leave-taking was less constrained than their greetings and there was a genuine sense of friendship as they parted for the evening.

  "At first, I thought that she was very aloof," Dinea told her husband later that evening, in the privacy of her own bedchamber. "It was as if that ring of fire in her mind surrounded her person as well. But I've reassessed my initial reaction to her, and now I find that I rather like Lady Hollin."

  "She is the Duchess of Langstraad," her husband replied, kissing her forehead. "It is not easy to be the Head of any of the Houses, especially one of the Great Houses, and she is young and essentially alone. I don't blame her for whatever barriers she must stand behind. She is in a potentially vulnerable position and we will need all our wits, along with whatever extra she can provide, to negotiate this council session successfully."

  Dinea looked closely at Colin, a frown of concern on her face. "I thought that we had a good plan for dealing with the other Houses?"

  "We do, my dear lady, we do. However, we don't know what bag of tricks Niall is bringing with him, or anyone else's response to our plans. However, we shall be dealing from a position of strength, and that singular young lady will be their biggest stumbling block. I will be very surprised if she doesn't carry the day." He embraced his wife reassuringly. "Come to bed now, it is late and House Creon is due to arrive tomorrow."

  Chapter 4

  There was a burst of feverish activity in the private apartments of the Duchess of Langstraad as her attendants sought to complete their lady's toilette. Lady Clowen, splendidly garbed herself, stood in the center of the dressing chamber issuing orders like a general. Inara, finishing with the last hairpin, reached for the ducal coronet of state, a heavy circle of linked golden dragons encrusted with diamonds and emeralds. Hollin felt the weight of the precious object settle on her head and automatically shifted her shoulders to help balance it. It was not quite as heavy as the crown she wore to conduct her own ducal court, but she did not have to try to eat in that one. She sat, quiescent, in a sea of green fabrics; some closely encasing her body while others drifted and swirled away from her. A gold necklace brilliant with emeralds encircled her throat, and emerald earrings dangled from her ears. On her right forefinger she wore the massive gold signet ring of state. The only departure from the colour scheme of green and gold was the red glow of Sandovar's Heartstone on her left hand.

  To stand she needed the assistance of two of her ladies-in-waiting. It took her awhile to accustom herself to the weight and restraints of the formal gowns of state, and she had given herself an hour before she was to make her appearance. Inara clucked to
herself and made little adjustments in the folds of material. Hollin slowly walked across the room and turned to look at herself in the mirror of burnished metal. It was always a shock to see how much older she looked when dressed for a formal ceremony. On the other side of the room a regal figure in green and gold looked imperiously back at her.

  "Oh, your grace!" Celia breathed reverently. Hollin smiled indulgently at the girl.

  "Inara, take Celia with you, and tell Sir Benedict to have the honour guard ready in half an hour’s time." Lady Clowen was crisply authoritative. After the ladies had gone, she turned a critical eye on Hollin. "That Inara hasn't the brains of a rabbit, but she certainly knows how to dress you."

  Hollin suppressed a laugh. "Lady Inara is exceptionally good at what she does," she admonished.

  "Yes, but that's all she is good for," was the acerbic reply. "Did you hear that House Gresha only arrived this afternoon?" Clowen went to pour the duchess something to drink from a tray set on one of the tables.

  "At least they arrived. From what I've heard, Lady Maire is a very poor traveler. It's a wonder Lord Lewys didn't just leave her at home."

  "Poor traveler or not, I'm sure Lady Maire would rather die than miss such a prominent social occasion. Everyone is here, and from the buzzing you'd swear we were living in a beehive."

  Hollin took the cup from the older woman and drank thoughtfully. "I haven't seen many of my peers as yet. Lady Laurin came by to talk and give me letters from Genvra, but aside from Lord Colin and Lady Dinea, I've been left to myself. Do you know if there have been any communications between the Houses here?"

  "Lord Aidan and his wife dined with the Duke and Duchess of Creon last night, but Lady Caitlan is the duchess' sister, so there is nothing odd there. Someone told me that the Earl of the Inner Ward visited House Mirvanovir on his arrival but I don't know if that's true." Clowen stood in thought for several minutes. "There do seem to be more people here than is usual, even for a council session. I think that the rumours have piqued a lot of people's interest. Lady Anya, who is attached to House Sandovar, says that the increase in minor nobility in the city has put a strain on the local residents to provide space and services for them."


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