Endless Shores (The Ageless Series Book 2)

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Endless Shores (The Ageless Series Book 2) Page 11

by M. R. Polish

  Magnus joined them. His jolly demeanor half way restored. “She was, too.” He shook hands with Hermes. “Thank you. Do you know where Atty and Azul are?”

  “They shouldn’t be too far behind us.” Hermes nodded out to the water. “So what’s the news?”

  Atty pulled away from Karis and wiped her face clear of tears, then sniffed. “Brady’s been gone for two days. I don’t know what to do.”

  Karis’s heart plummeted. There was no way Brady would survive that long in the water. Was there? They had never been submerged longer than a few hours. They only had the gift of the Syrenae, they weren’t born to it. She tried to breathe, but couldn’t. Nothing but short gasps filled her airways.

  “Oh, sweetie, you should sit down,” Alexis coaxed, helping to hold Karis up.

  “No, I can’t. I need to help him.” Karis couldn’t think of anything but Brady. Her soul felt ripped in pieces thinking her forever mate could be taken from her.

  Magnus flanked her other side. “I don’t think you’re thinking rationally. You can barely hold yourself up.”

  Karis held her chin high and shrugged them both off. “I have a lot more strength than you know.” Especially when it came to someone she loved. She didn’t need magic. She had an inner power that fueled her.

  The soft roll of the waves called to her. It was as if she heard Brady beckon her with each swell endlessly crashing to the shore.

  The others talked to her, but she didn’t hear them. Her mind was focused on the sea. Even with little energy, she left everyone to holler after her as she ran into the surf.

  “Great, now I guess we just wait for her too,” Magnus said, throwing his arms in the air.

  Alexis leaned her head on her husband. “Well, what did you think was going to happen? Brady might be in trouble and she’s the only one who can go after him.”

  “I’ll go and try to find Azul and Atty,” Hermes said over his shoulder, walking away from the surf.

  They couldn’t be too far. But, he wanted to make sure he found them before they did something stupid, like barge in on Hades at his home.

  He decided using his speed would help, and with the clouds rolling in, the sound he made while traveling would be assumed as thunder. He wanted to laugh at how naive the mortal humans were. They thought “Mother Nature” was responsible for their “natural disasters”.

  Last year’s snow-apocalypse along the east coast? Yeah, he was fairly certain Persephone was depressed. Although being married to the cheating, low life Hades could do that to a person. No matter how many times she left him, he’d find her and make her life hell for months until he got bored and left her alone again. Her world was cold and icy, so it stands to reason that she would make winter storms, even bizarre summer snowstorms, when she’s upset. It comforted her.

  He wished she were here now. Hermes always liked her. And, she had a way with Hades. Maybe she knew what was up his grimy sleeves.

  Hermes neared the casino, where he last saw Atty and Azul. Most of the cars were gone, leaving the parking lot vacant. That only meant one thing to him; he would have a harder time blending in without so many people to hide behind.

  The aura inside the building wasn’t the same as the night before. A calm, sleepy, quiet reverence filled the once boisterous space. He tried to keep to the walls and weave in and out of the machines, all the while searching for any sign of his comrades.

  A hand clamped down on his shoulder and he spun around, kicking whoever grabbed him in the family jewels, dropping his intruder to the ground. Oh, shit.

  “Azul, are you okay?” Atty bent down to touch Azul’s shoulder as he curled up on his side.

  He groaned and gasped for breath. “I’m gonna kill that little gnome when I can stand up.”

  Hermes took a step back. “In my defense, he grabbed me without letting me know who he was.”

  Atty raised her hand. “Not now, Hermes. Help me get him up so we aren’t seen. Lying on the middle of the floor is going to draw too much attention.”

  He bent over, gripped under Azul’s shoulder, and pushed up. Atty had to take him from there. “We should leave before Hades sees us,” Hermes said.

  “We can’t,” Atty said as she hefted Azul’s dead weight to her arm. “We have to get Karis. She’s here, with him.”

  “I got her last night. She’s already in the ocean, swimming after Brady.” Hermes led the way to the front doors.

  “Hey, you, stop right there. Hades wants to see you,” a security guard closed in on them.

  “I know you’re in a bit of pain, but we need to move faster. Like now,” Hermes urged them. They were only a few steps from the door. They could do this.

  “Easy for you to say,” Azul said as he tried to straighten up. With a small sideways limp, he darted with Atty to the door.

  With the door open, Hermes watched the guard call something in to his radio. “Yeah, not fast enough I’m afraid. Hold on to Atty.”

  Azul gave him a quizzical stare but didn’t argue. He grabbed Atty around the waist and held on tight. Hermes rushed forward seizing Azul’s free arm. He hoped Azul didn’t let go of Atty, because her fate would be worse than hell if she was caught by Hades or his men.

  This time, Hermes knew exactly where to go. And hopefully, Magnus and Alexis had news of Brady—and Karis.

  Chapter Twenty

  Karis flicked her tail in steady motions, pushing herself father out into the ocean. She passed a pod of killer whales that made her pause. With her energy all but gone, she waited for them to pass, giving her a moment to rest. All she could think about for miles of swimming was Brady, and if he was okay, but each flick of her tail she slowed down.

  Her dark tresses floated out around her as she watched the orca family leisurely swim past her. A baby came over to her and nudged her with his nose. Karis became lost in the moment, reaching out to touch the animal.

  The pink in her tail, and the blue sparkles of her dress, made the black in the orca look even darker in contrast. All too soon, the baby gave her one more nudge and swam off. Karis smiled and then sped off in the opposite direction. The only thing that would have made that moment perfect would be if Brady were there to share it with her.

  The afternoon sun gave an orange glow under the water. Karis slowed to look around. Her body hurt, all the way down through her tail. But, she had to keep going.

  “Karis.” She heard Brady’s voice in her head. Stopping, she spun around.

  “Brady?” Her heart sped up. She was close. “Brady, where are you?”


  She started swimming again, but this time much slower, scanning everywhere in sight.

  “Brady, I’m here. Where are you?”

  “Karis. Help.”

  Karis’s arm burned deeper the farther she swam. Or was it the closer she got?

  “Stop right there.” A Syrenae guard swam out of the shadows of a rocky cliff. His blue and green patchy skin glistened under the last rays of the sun.

  Karis did as he said. “I’m looking for Brady. He came looking for Poseidon a few days ago.”

  “The half Syrenae?” The man came closer.

  “Yes.” Her tail gently waved back and forth, letting her tread the same spot.

  “Come with me.” He turned and swam off, leaving Karis to follow.

  As exhausted as she was it was hard to keep up, but she matched his speed. Finally, he slowed. They overlooked an underwater city. Syrenae swam everywhere, in and out of dwellings, weaving through sea plants, and floating in groups talking with each other.

  Karis felt like an outcast with her black hair among all the white, pink, green and blue hair. Even an occasional bright orange head dotted the metropolis. Although she was happy she only had the glittery marking on her neck and chest of the Syrenae, and not the scaly patches of colored skin.

  The guard led her to an abode, gesturing for her to go inside. She hesitated, not knowing what waited for her—or who. She wanted it to be Brady, but she
had the feeling that he wasn’t inside this particular house.

  Shells and green plants lined the entryway. She swam slowly into the dwelling. Her body shook with each flutter of her tail. What if it was a trap?

  “Are you here about the half Syrenae?” a man’s deep voice rumbled in her head.

  She stopped. “I am. His name is Brady. I’m also here to find Poseidon. I am Karis, Queen of Shamike.” She held her chin high and hoped he couldn’t see her weakness, or her anxiety.

  An older man, who maintained the perfect sculpted body, emerged from around the corner. His blue eyes shimmered like Roman pools. His physique was hard and chiseled. Karis gulped and flicked her tail to swim back.

  “You have found one of us. I am Poseidon.”

  Well, that explained the God like body, she mused. Her arm burned, reaching her bones. She gripped it and cried out. “Please, I must find Brady. He’s hurt.”

  He tensed. “He is not hurt. I have him in a cell. I wasn’t sure if I could trust him. But now that you are here, I see no reason not to. He made a great impression on me, but I can’t be too careful. I have too many lives counting on me to keep them safe.” Poseidon gazed over her body. “You look like your mother, but even better with that tail.”

  She folded her arms across her chest, trying to ward off the uncomfortable stare. “Funny, most people say I look like my father.”

  “Maybe that’s because they did not know your mother?”

  Her stomach jumped into her throat. “And you did?” No one knew her. She was a princess from Grintair who married Karis’s father, King Perious. She died not long after giving birth to Karis.

  “I knew her. She was a special lady. You have the same color of eyes. I’ve always loved blue eyes. But yours, they’re not just blue. They are like deep sapphires drowning in pools of cerulean crystals.” He swam closer, never letting his gaze stray away from her eyes. “I’d know you and your mother’s eyes anywhere. King Perious was very lucky.”

  She reached out and touched his forearm. “Actually, that’s part of why I’m here. He might still be living, and I need your help. The war is growing and I can’t fight it alone.”

  “I’ve been waiting thousands of years for you to come and say that.” He turned so his back was to her. “Is it true, what Brady said, about Perditus and Coron?”

  What did Brady tell him? She didn’t want to be wrong and cause any conflictions. “I killed Coron. And, Perditus needs a leader, they need a king. They need you.”

  “So it’s true.” He hung his head. “I’m grateful that you killed Coron. He was the one who killed my father, King Peronious. No one here on Earth even knows about him.” He chuckled. “We made up some story about Cronus being my father. It was just too painful for me to relive my father’s memory. I didn’t want his name thrown around like a random piece of fish.”

  She swam to meet his face and smiled. “So you’re the Prince of Perditus. Or should I say King?”

  He shook his head. “The title of king has to be earned, not taken. We shall see what the people want, when I return.”

  She sighed in relief in her mind. “So, you’ll help us then? You’ll fight with us?”

  He smiled, making his eyes twinkle. “Aye, I’ll fight with you.”

  With Poseidon on their side, the war was evening out. They might stand a chance if they could find Zeus too. But, not before she found Brady. “Please, can you take me to Brady? Neither of us are full Syrenae like you and I fear for him.”

  Poseidon nodded and swam out through the front door. Karis quickly followed, keeping close to his tail. He stopped outside of a small dwelling with bars for a door. She gasped. Small air bubbles floated up past her lips.

  She darted to the door. Poseidon unlocked it, letting it swing open. Karis rushed inside and fell to Brady who lay on the rocky floor. “Help me. He needs to get to the surface. He needs air.”

  Poseidon lifted Brady’s limp body and torpedoed through the water, all the way to the surface. Brady gasped, coughing and spitting, once his face hit oxygen. His eyes were wide as he struggled to break free of Poseidon’s hold.

  What was going on? How did he get to the surface? Arms held him tightly around the waist.

  “Brady, calm down. It’s okay. Poseidon was just trying to help you.” It was Karis. He’d know that voice anywhere.

  “Karis?” He twisted to see her.

  Poseidon let go, letting Brady swoop Karis into his arms. He pulled her close and kissed her. His lips were demanding as they savored what he thought he’d lost. Her body filled with warmth as his arms wrapped around her. He was what her body needed even more than air—even more than the energy she so desperately wished she had.

  Poseidon cleared his throat. “I’ll be below when you both are ready to talk again.”

  Brady pulled back just enough to look at her. The dusk light with its orange, pinks and purples gave her skin a honey tan. He winced as he gazed over her swollen cheek and dark bruising. He should have been there to help her. Even with the first stars starting to show themselves, and the moon taking over the light of the sky, he couldn’t have seen a more beautiful sight. “I love you.”

  She smiled, glad to be back in his arms. “I love you, too. I was so worried about you.”

  He raised a brow. “Me? I nearly had a heart attack when Hades’ men took you. I wanted to find you, I swear. But I was the only one who could swim to find Poseidon. We thought he could help find you if Atty and Azul couldn’t. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you when I should’ve been.” He gently touched her cheek, cursing himself under his breath. “I should have been there,” he repeated.

  She kissed his forehead. “You were right where you needed to be. I’m sorry you’ve been locked up in the water for so long.”

  “Well, I can honestly say I’m ready to get some land legs. This water stuff is for the fish.” They both laughed.

  Brady picked her up slightly, letting her slide down to kiss him. Her body pressed against his, warming his soul. They sank under the surface with their lips still locked. His tail wrapped around hers, creating an urge inside both of them to get even closer.

  Fins, arms, and hands intertwined as they urgently touched each other, reclaiming what was theirs. A typhoon couldn’t tear them apart.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “The only way I see it working is on land. Zeus can’t swim under the ocean, and you both can’t stay out underwater for much longer. Each day, Brady gets worse. Yesterday after you arrived he was so oxygen deprived that if you hadn’t got here, he might not be alive. We don’t know since you are not full Syrenae what would happen after so long,” Poseidon said, his head bobbing in and out of the water.

  Karis and Brady sat perched on a sand hill with one lonely palm tree. It was the only thing around for miles, but it gave them a chance to dry off and breathe for a while. The clothes issue wasn’t as bad for Karis as it was Brady. Her sapphire dress that she wore to the fight with Hades still covered most of her body, with only the bottom half ripped.

  Brady pulled wide leaves off the tree and covered himself the best he could.

  Karis nodded. “I agree. Land will be the best place to try anything.”

  Brady stared at her. His eyes found her cheek each time he looked at her, making her uncomfortable. She loved when he looked at her, but not this way. She could feel that the swelling of the welt had gone down some, but it wasn’t fast enough. As long as it was there, Brady had a reminder of how he failed.

  The memory of waking up on the floor of the hotel and finding Karis gone tore at his soul. He should have been more alert. He should have been more precautious and checked the halls before letting her out. So many what if’s and should haves flooded his conscience.

  “It’s been so long since I’ve been on land.” Poseidon dipped his head below the surface of the water, and then came back up. “And, it’s been even longer for most of the Syrenae here.”

  Karis drew her legs over to the side a
nd she leaned forward, so she could speak directly to Poseidon. “I know this is a hard decision that you have to make, but Shamike, Perditus, Aridam, and all of the other worlds are counting on us. I don’t know how many are out there, or how many are living in fear, but I do know that we can stop this. We can make it right. The prophecy is older than you are, and it clearly stated that when many came together the battle would be won. Our little group is feisty, but not many.” Her words were filled with conviction so much that even she believed them. She would help those on Shamike, and everywhere else. And to do so, she needed to make Poseidon understand that she could do it.

  “It’s decided. We will meet on land tomorrow. I just need to prepare everyone. We have families here now.” He glanced away, his heart heavy. “By asking them to come with me, I am asking them to risk losing loved ones. Fathers, mothers, sons, daughters…”

  She reached out, and Poseidon took her hand. Her own heart mimicked the burden she saw in his eyes. So many people that she could lose, and she was the one asking them to go to war. “I understand. I hate that I am asking the same thing. I have loved ones at stake as well. Brady, Magnus, Alexis, Azul, Atty, and now possibly even my father. We sent Diana over already, and I worry constantly about that decision.”

  Poseidon tensed, letting go of Karis’s hand. “Diana? You mean Artemis?”

  Brady nodded. “Yeah. She wanted to help, and we needed someone on our side over there. She volunteered.”

  “I know that war is war, and casualties are a given, but when you love someone and they are chancing their lives to essentially save others, it doesn’t make it any easier. When it’s someone you love, it’s no longer a casualty, it becomes personal,” Poseidon said, staring off at the endless horizon.

  The once steady and calm sea began to surge in small waves, then larger. Dark clouds blew in as the wind picked up. Karis and Brady dived back into the safety of the water, hiding from the storm.

  “What’s going on?” Brady asked.


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