by M. R. Polish
Brady shook his head. Poor girl. She was shaking with all the nerves he created, and he was certain had she not swallowed every five seconds, she’d be drooling over the ancient man, who was a god in the history books.
Flying high over the ocean, Brady couldn’t help but feel wistful. The last time he was in the sea was with Karis, and he’d found a new magical way to make love with her. Something he wanted to do again, for thousands of years to come. His stomach burned. She had to make it.
And then there was the baby. He shook his head and faintly smiled. His child. He never thought Karis could be a more beautiful person, but he was wrong. Just knowing his seed was growing inside of her swelled his heart. Not to mention his pride.
He leaned his head on the window, staring out at the clouds, with small breaks letting him have a glimpse at the water below. Would they have a girl who looked like her mother complete with her caring spirit? Her black hair and eyes so blue he could see into her soul burned into his memory. Or would he have a son, who he could pass on everything his father taught him?
Brady let out a long sigh. He had to find Karis’s necklace first, so her strength and powers would stop being drained. But first, they had to leave Earth.
Most of the portals had been destroyed over the last century or so, but two still remained. One of which was hidden from many of the immortals, so they couldn’t be found. Earth was after all, a refuge world. The other one was a traffic portal with visitors touring the worlds. Using that portal would cause a commotion if supernaturals saw them and recognized the two famous Greek Gods. They couldn’t risk being seen, yet. They still had a task to do before that happened. If word got out that they were leaving earth, whoever had the necklace might disappear.
Brady let the roar of the engines and the wind rushing outside of the plane lull him to sleep. It felt like forever since he’d actually slept. And days of exhaustion caught up to him.
Chapter Two
“Has she awakened yet?” Alexis asked yawning, and stretched to finish working out the kinks in her muscles. Sleeping on the cold hard ground was taking its toll on her body. And with the others gone, and Karis not improving, her small rests were even more fitful.
“Nah. I stayed with her the whole time, but she hasn’t moved.” Evan glanced over at Karis and clicked his tongue. “When I first met her she was so lively. It’s hard to see her like this. I mean, I don’t know her well, but Brady’s been my best mate since forever, and he loves her. Whatever they have is special and I’d protect her with my life for him.”
With Karis growing weaker, time seemed to stand still. As it was, the Fates saw to it that Hade’s wasn’t home when Brady snuck in and slipped Evan out unnoticed. He knew that Brady wanted so desperately to fight and kill Hades for what he did to Karis, he knew there will be a time for that. As far as Evan was concerned, Hades was just lucky, but all gamblers knew that lady luck would run out sooner or later.
Alexis touched his arm and gave him a soft smile. “I know you would. Brady knows that too. I think that’s why he asked you stay behind.” She stared at the petite form lying on the ground.
The shallow, shaky rise of her chest was the only visible identifier that she still lived. Saving Poseidon to find Zeus took more out of Karis than anyone predicted, or thought possible. Alexis’s gut twisted as Karis struggled for another breath. She hoped saving Poseidon was worth it. Zeus had better be the link they needed to win the war, or… She didn’t want to think of the alternative.
“You go ahead and get some sleep. I’ll sit with her, Magnus will be here soon as well. He just went to help the Syrenae get enough food to last for a few days. Brady left us with enough money to feed a small country, thankfully. I’m not sure how long we can keep the Syrenae from being noticed as they disappear into the ocean to eat and return. Not to mention their hair color. I’m just grateful their small patches of colored skin vanish in the sun.”
Evan laughed. “Well, they are a sight, that’s for sure. But, in this day and age everyone has colored hair so they are just making a fashion statement.”
Alexis shooed him off. “Oh you just go. I think you are sleep deprived.”
“Yeah, I think I’ll take a stroll. You never know, some of those Syrenae women are sexy.” He gave Alexis a wink before darting out of the tent barely dodging the spare pillow she threw at him.
Alexis shook her head, although she smiled at the closed door where the pillow she threw landed. He was a nice kid. Maybe meeting a nice Syrenae girl would be good for him.
Karis groaned and rolled to her side. “Water,” she whispered. Her eyes never opened, but her lips parted.
Wasting no time, Alexis rushed to her side and unscrewed the lid off the water bottle beside the makeshift bed, raising it to Karis’s lips. The cool liquid pooled in her mouth and ran to the ground before Karis realized her request was being answered. Greedily, she swallowed half of the bottle before turning her head to stop from being drowned.
“Karis, can you wake up a bit more? How about some food?” Alexis was ready to shout to have the fire stoked for a fresh meal, but Karis never stirred. She was already in her deep sleep.
Alexis rubbed her hands over her face. What could she do to help from this side of the universe? Her powers had always been weak, and she wasn’t sure she could even use them on Earth. But she would try. She had to. She never told many people about what she could do because they always seemed weak and unimportant, but maybe now she could finally use them to help.
Closing her eyes, she focused on Karis and her mind. At first nothing happened, only a small humming vibration strummed up her feet into her legs. She pushed harder. Then, in warp speed, she saw herself on a beach. It wasn’t like the one they camped next to, it was much cleaner, whiter, softer… Her bare toes squished in the sand.
“Karis?” She hollered out, unsure where to look. Trudging up the shoreline, she stopped short when she heard Karis’s soft voice float on the breeze.
She hurried up into the thick forest. She didn’t know how long she could last inside of Karis’s dream before becoming too exhausted and falling asleep herself so she needed to move quickly.
A small cottage on stilts sat in the clearing. The bamboo type walls and thatched roof looked freshly built. “Karis?”
Karis came out of the house with a small yellow bird perched on her shoulder. “Alexis! I can’t believe you’re here. You just missed Brady. He’ll be back though, he promised.”
Alexis couldn’t help but smile at seeing her happy face. It was quite the turnaround from the unresponsive woman she’d become. And she thought her powers would never be useful. Magnus wouldn’t be able to tease her after this. “Yes, I saw him when he left. How are you doing? We are worried about you.”
She took a hesitant step forward. In a dream she never knew where the next step would take her. Alexis didn’t want to assume Karis wouldn’t take her as a threat and turn everything into a nightmare.
Karis’s head tilted to the side. “Worried? Why? I’m doing fine. I’ve been a little more tired than usual, but I think I’ll pull out of it soon.”
“Can I come up and talk to you?” Alexis took another step but waited for Karis’s response before taking another.
“Oh, that would be wonderful. “ Karis gestured with her arms for Alexis to hurry up the stairs.
Reaching the top of the landing, Alexis gingerly touched Karis’s hand, afraid to scare her. “I need you to see something. You’ve never really known about my abilities so it might seem strange at first. But, I can dream walk, and I have to show you what’s going on. I can only do this if I’m with the person, so we’re lucky we’re together.”
Karis flinched, but nothing around them changed, letting Alexis relax. “Okay, but I don’t understand. Are we in a dream?”
Alexis nodded and smiled. “We are. You’ve been sleeping for a while now and I need you to fight to wake up. That’s what I’m going to show you.”
“How come you never m
entioned that you could dream walk before?” The sky rumbled as Karis spoke.
Dark clouds loomed in the distance, hovering over the ocean in the horizon. “Karis, please don’t do that. I’ve seen what can happen when dream turns. That’s partially why I never tell anyone about my powers. I don’t think I can go through that again. I never told you because I didn’t think it was important. I can’t build portals or have super speed, or anything that makes me special. Dream walking is more a talent than a power. I didn’t keep quiet to upset you.”
Karis stared out over the trembling sea. “I think I understand. But don’t ever doubt yourself again. There is always a reason for our inner energies, and dream walking has a special place in your life, and now obviously mine as well.”
Alexis was in awe over how controlled Karis acted, even in her dreams. “Thank you for understanding.” The clouds pulled back, becoming nothing more than white puffs dotting the sky, relieving her. The last time she was in a dream trying to help someone she nearly died trying to escape the nightmare. Being in someone’s subconscious is a tricky thing and she knew she had to tread lightly, even with Karis.
Karis pulled Alexis inside her little hut. “I’ve lost so much since first coming here. I don’t know why I decided to come back here. I guess maybe I hoped to start over again. It seems like I’m always failing.” She sat on the bed and looked up at Alexis. “The Syrenae, they are still with us, aren’t they?”
“Yes, they are just outside your tent.”
“Good.” Karis went silent as she stared out the window and over the sea.
Alexis shifted her weight, getting impatient. She really didn’t want to be there any longer than she had to be. Her anxiety grew with each second she stayed. Her stomach rolled, twisting into knots. “Karis, I’d like to sit with you and show you what’s happening. Are you okay with that?”
“Yes. I’m sorry. I think I dazed off watching the sunset.” She turned to Alexis and smiled.
Grabbing her hand, Alexis squeezed it and locked her eyes with Karis’s. In a swirl of motions, their spirits hovered above them in the small tent beside the ocean, on Earth.
Karis gasped, covering her mouth. “So this is really a dream. Where’s Brady? Why isn’t he with me? Why did you enter my dream?”
“Karis, you need to wake up. If you don’t I don’t know how to help you until Brady returns with your necklace. You need to, for the baby. You must eat and drink.” The tears in Alexis’s eyes dripped down onto her head below as she hovered over her body. “Please. Brady will kill me if I let something happen to you.”
Wrapping her arms around her stomach, Karis nodded. “I’ll try.”
Alexis let go of Karis’s hand and they returned to the hut on Terposona Island. “I must leave your dream now, but I’m still with you. Come back to us.”
With that, she let herself escape the subconscious realm in Karis’s head. Gasping, she filled her lungs with much needed air in steady pants. She forgot how sometimes she held her breath while dream walking.
She gripped Karis’s hands tighter and silently pleaded with her, willing her eyes to open. “Come on, please,” she whispered.
A slight flutter lifted her eyelashes, revealing glazed sapphire irises. Alexis’s heart pounded like thunder in her chest. It worked.
Don’t stop now…
One click Timeless Tides to keep reading!
Other books by M.R. Polish
Use your one click finger to take a look at these other awesome books!
Wolf Spell – Book One in the Wolf Trilogy (FREE on Kindle, Nook, and iTunes)
Wolf Dream – Book Two in the Wolf Trilogy
Wolf Fate – Coming November 11, 2014 – Pre Order now!
Wolf Love – a Wolf Trilogy Short Story
Ageless Sea – Book One in the Ageless Series (FREE on Kindle, iTunes and Kobo)
Endless Shores – Book Two in the Ageless Series
Timeless Tides – Book Three in the Ageless Series
Change of Possession – a Romantic Suspense novel
Mark of the Dragon – Book One in the Mysts of Santerrian Series, co-written with Bill Morgan
Stay tuned for upcoming books (dates not yet released)
Changing Carma
Mermaid Tears
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About the Author
M.R. Polish was born in Idaho, a long, long, long, well, maybe not that long time ago.... Writing has always been there for her. Growing up, her mind was filled with stories, some she shared and others she filed away to write down later in life. It wasn't until 2011 that she decided to publish her stories for everyone to enjoy. Her first award, and when writing became more than just an idea, was in the 5th grade. She won the scary story contest for the school newspaper. It is one story she still has tucked away for memories. Her teacher told her she could be anything she wanted and that she had a talent for writing, being creative and drawing people into her stories. M.R. took that to heart and continued to write, although mostly in secret until recent years.
Now you can find her enjoying life with her family - wrangling her four kids, setting traps in the house with toys for unsuspecting victims (aka, her husband) and writing down all her crazy and fun stories.
"Life is too short to stand by and watch everyone else live your dreams. The bigger the dream, the bigger the adventure!" ~ M.R. Polish
You can contact M.R. Polish here:
Facebook: M.R. Polish
Twitter: @_MRPolish_
Amazon: M.R. Polish