Lonely Moon (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 2)

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Lonely Moon (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 2) Page 10

by M. Katherine Clark


  Mabh snuck in at the back of her cottage attempting not to disturb her parents. They had been resting when she had left earlier and she hoped they still were. Her ladder was in sight and she was about to begin the climb to the top when the hair on the back of her neck stood up.

  “Mabh,” it was her father’s voice and he was stern. “Come here.”

  Swallowing hard, she tentatively walked through the darkened alcove to the main living space that doubled as her parents’ bedchamber. Her mother was sitting beside the fire and her father, his arms crossed, was standing before it. Both of her parents watched her closely. Her mother’s eyes widened as she saw Mabh’s flushed cheeks and rosy lips. Looking down and away from her mother’s knowing gaze she suddenly found her fingernails fascinating.

  “Mabh,” her mother breathed.

  “Where have you been?” Conall demanded.

  “I went out for a walk,” she admitted.

  “Just a walk?” Conall questioned.

  “Aye,” Mabh answered. She could see the grimace on her parents’ faces as they smelled her lie. Wolves gave off a pungent odor when they speak a falsehood.

  “Mabh,” her mother stated. “Tell us the truth… Marrock’s scent is strong on you. Did you mate with him this evening?”

  Mabh looked her mother in the eye and saw no accusation only concern. That concern caused Mabh to break into tears. Eara raced to her daughter as she buried her face into her hands weeping. Her mother coaxed her forward to the chair she had just given up and helped her sit. Mabh heard her mother order her father to bring a cup of whisky and then the sound of Conall moving about, the soft pop of a cork and the sloshing of whisky in a cup. Mabh could not stop her tears even when her mother knelt before and nudged her hands away from her face and offered the cup. With shaking hands, Mabh accepted the drink and swallowed it down.

  Her weeping subsided; she calmed but could not look her parents in the eye.

  “Tell us what happened, love,” her mother coaxed. “Did you go to Marrock?” Mabh did not look up, simply nodded. “Did you mate with him?” She shook her head.

  “Did he hurt you?” Her father demanded.

  “Conall,” her mother snapped. Mabh finally looked up.

  “Nay, he… he stopped before…” she looked away embarrassed to speak to her father about what she had done. She had acted like a harlot, throwing herself at him and he had been so noble, pulling back before it was too late.

  “Tell me what happened, dear one,” her mother soothed and took her face in her hands so Mabh only looked at her.

  Mabh searched her mother’s eyes and only saw love and compassion, no judgement. The story came pouring out, even her most shameful admission of telling him she would be his mistress. Finally, when she finished her tale, she looked down and wiped a couple stray tears from her cheeks. Her parents were quiet for a time until her mother finally spoke softly.

  “You care for him that much?” Eara asked.

  “I love him,” she answered. “I love him so much. I would be anything if only I could be with him but he would nae do it. He said that he kenned Father would challenge him for my honor and he did nae think I would want to cause my mother to be a widow. And he said…”

  “What, love?”

  “That he loved me too much to hurt me and lower me to that. I deserve to be by his side in all things and if I cannae be then I can be nothing to him. He would no’ make me a harlot,” she confessed.

  Eara looked back at her mate. Conall looked down and away from his female’s intense gaze. Marrock could have taken their daughter as his own without their permission and he could have ordered them to accept it, but he did not. He showed them his true wolf by thinking of others over himself.

  Conall huffed a sigh and walked towards his daughter. Bending down to be eye level with her, he wiped a tear away from her cheek.

  “He has proven to me just what sort of a wolf he is,” Conall stated. “To pull away from the attraction of soulmates? That is strength indeed. I will speak with him and beg his forgiveness, but I ask for yours first. I was only thinking of you.”

  “I ken that, papa,” she answered.

  “I love you, me wee darlin’,” he said.

  “And I love you,” she cried standing and throwing her arms around his neck.

  “Oomph, nae more tears, my dear, all will be well,” he said hugging her close. She nodded into his shoulder and held on to her father, pulling back only when there was a soft knock at the door.

  Conall looked from one to the other and went to answer it. When the door opened, Conall was staring into the blue eyes of his Alpha.

  “Marrock,” he breathed.

  “Conall,” Marrock spoke softly. “I ken ‘tis late, but may I have a moment?”

  “Aye,” Conall answered and opened the door wider for his broad frame. Ducking his head to clear the doorway he did not look up until he was inside the small area, then his eyes locked with Mabh and twitched for a moment when he saw her tears. Immediately looking down and away from her, he nodded to her mother in greeting.

  “You honor us with a visit, Alpha,” Eara said.

  “Would you care for a cup of whisky?” Conall offered.

  “Truly I would,” Marrock replied. Conall poured a cup for him and offered it. Marrock took a drink before he spoke. “I ken ‘tis late,” he said again. “But I could nae rest until I spoke with you once more.”

  “Before you do, Alpha,” Conall said. “May I seek your forgiveness for the words I said to you here but a few days ago? It was wrong of me to deny you and my daughter happiness.”

  “You saw the worst side of me,” Marrock went on. “I was angry and confused. The Druid magic of the wounds still held something over me or perhaps ‘tis who I am deep down. All I can say in my defense is that your daughter,” his eyes locked with Mabh’s. “Is the love of my life. She keeps me grounded. Without her, I fear what I would become. I ask you to please reconsider. I will love her and honor her for the rest of my life and I would be a good mate to her. I ask you to please bestow your blessing on our union.”

  Conall looked at Eara who smiled softly and nodded.

  “Aye, Alpha,” Conall answered. “We give our blessing. You and Mabh may mate.”

  It took Marrock a moment to realize the words had been said. But Mabh’s brilliant smile was all he saw as she raced to him. He engulfed her in his arms, picked her up and kissed her soundly. When he pulled back, she buried her face in his neck and squealed.

  “I love you, Marrock,” she said.

  “And I love you, Mabh,” he replied. “Will you be my mate?”

  “Aye, whenever and wherever you choose,” she stated.



  Kinnon woke suddenly hearing a soft knock at his bedchamber door. His sudden jerking woke Kyna who drowsily looked over at him.

  “Kinnon?” She asked. “Who is it?”

  “I will see,” he eased his arm from under her neck and pulled the furs off him. Finding his tunic, he pulled it on and went to the door. Opening it cautiously, he saw his nephew.

  “Marrock,” he smiled slightly. “Are you well, lad?”

  “Uncle,” Marrock replied grinning. “Forgive me for waking you, I wished to speak with you.”

  “Aye, of course,” Kinnon answered then, turning back to Kyna, he saw her nod and lay back down on their bed to sleep.


  Kinnon followed Marrock down the stairs and into his solar. Closing the door after him, Kinnon watched Marrock head to the side table, bend down and remove the reserve bottle of whisky that he kept for special occasions. They had not opened it since they celebrated Marrock reaching maturity six years ago.

  “What is the occasion?” Kinnon asked as Marrock poured two cups. Carrying it back to his uncle, he handed one of them to him.

  “Mabh and I are to be mated tomorrow evening,” Marrock announced.

  “Och that is excellent!” Kinnon excl
aimed. “My congratulations, lad that is wonderful.”

  “I thank you, Uncle,” Marrock embraced him. “I wanted you to be the first to hear it.”

  “’Tis joyous news,” Kinnon raised his cup to him. “To you, my lad and to your life with your new mate. May it be joyful and may you have peace and love and be blessed with many sons.”

  “I thank you,” they both drank the whisky in the cups.

  “Your father wished to be here on this day,” Kinnon replied softly. “I am pleased to share this special moment with you.”

  “Speaking of my father,” Marrock began. “I wished to speak with you on a personal matter.”

  “Aye, and what is that, lad?” Kinnon asked.

  “You told me a little while ago that if I had any need of your council you would nae turn me away.”

  “Never,” Kinnon replied.

  “Well… ‘tis glad I am, though you may no’ be after you hear my request.” Kinnon chuckled already aware what it was Marrock was going to ask. “As much as I ken about the act of love making, I have nae experience in it.”

  “Nay, I would imagine no’,” Kinnon replied. “I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.”



  Nightfall could not come fast enough for the two lovers. As the sun slowly slipped behind the mountain bathing the entire woods in darkness, Marrock’s pulse quickened. He had stayed in his rooms for most of the day after speaking with his uncle. He had ventured out once to the training arena, but thoughts of Mabh besting him and the enjoyment he felt as he thought about that evening’s activities was too much.

  Marrock stood at his balcony resting his hands on the railing as he gazed out to the rising moon. So enraptured by his thoughts, he did not hear the soft knock at his door until his uncle called to him. He jumped and turned, his eyes flashing to yellow.

  “’Tis only me,” Kinnon held up his hands smiling. “I knocked but you must no’ have heard me.”

  “I am afraid I did nae, Uncle. My thoughts were no’ my own,” Marrock stated.

  “I do understand,” Kinnon replied stepping closer to him. “I wanted to come to you before you left. It was something your father did for me before I went to Kyna,” he looked intently at Marrock and smiled. “He gave me something and now I give it to you.” Kinnon pulled out a small, sheathed knife and offered it to Marrock. “It was our father’s and his father’s before him. ‘Tis made of the gold of the earth. The jewels are from our mountains and the engraving says, ‘as my body is of the earth and the earth and I are one, so shall, on this day, we become one’. My great grandfather made it on the eve of his only heir’s mating. It has been passed down from father to son ever since. I ken your father wished to be here to give this to you himself, but I ken he is watching and smiling at the Alpha you have become.”

  Marrock looked up from the knife to his uncle. “I wish he was here,” Marrock finally muttered, “both he and Mother.”

  “I ken, lad, and I am sorry for it,” Kinnon replied touching his nephew’s shoulder. “But now, you must nae keep Mabh waiting. Run a comb through your hair and change into your finest tunic.”

  “Will you…” Marrock cleared his throat. “Would you help me?”

  Kinnon’s smile turned tender. “’Twould be an honor,” he replied.


  Mabh slowly made her way to the place she and Marrock had agreed to meet. The moon was high and lit her path. She changed her eyes to the yellow of her wolf-form to see her way through the dense wooded area. Following Marrock’s scent, she rounded a tree and her gaze fell on his back as he stared up at the lonely moon. He was so handsome. His raven black hair fell past his shoulders and was not tied back. His body was sculpted like the warrior he was; broad shoulders tapering down into a lean waist, every muscle of his body was well defined and she remembered in vivid detail feeling his weight and power as they nearly made love the night before.

  Marrock, having caught her scent, turned to look at her. His blue eyes lit with a fire she felt echoed in her soul. For a moment, she could not breathe. It was finally happening. He was her heart, her soul, her everything and the look of pure and unadulterated love and desire that shadowed his face was almost too much for her. Years of watching him from the side of the arena as her brothers trained, and now he was to be hers.

  “You look stunning,” he breathed.

  “So do you,” she answered then realized as soon as the words were out of her mouth that they were perhaps, not the best choice to describe the Alpha Wolf before her. “Handsome. Magnificent.”

  Taking a step towards her, Marrock’s imposing figure did not scare her. He extended his hand out to her and electricity akin to lightning sparked between them. Looking up at him as his eyes flashed blue to yellow and back again, Mabh gently cupped his face.

  “I love you, Mabh,” he said softly.

  “And I love you, Marrock,” she answered.

  Rubbing her hand in his, he looked down. “I want you to be absolutely certain you want me. I want you by my side but I am no’ going to be selfish. The choice is yours.”

  “I believe I made myself clear last evening when I came to you.”

  “Aye, you did,” he answered. “But I need to be sure. Say the words please.”

  She slid her hands up his chest, over his shoulders and into his hair; locking eyes with him she began speaking.

  “Marrock, son of Riok, Alpha of my pack and King of my heart, I love you more than words can express. I am here tonight to become one with you. I pledge to you my unending love, loyalty and fidelity. I gift my virtue to you and I swear to be a good mate to you, Queen to our pack and mother to our pups. Tonight, under the moon, I pledge myself to you forsaking all others. I leave the protection of my father’s roof to join you as your mate. I will love, honor, and cherish you until my last breath. I swear to all of this by the moon’s light and seal it with a kiss.” She raised herself up and kissed him gently.

  “Mabh,” Marrock began. “You have possessed my heart since I first saw you. You intrigued me, challenged me and proved yourself better than me. Since that time, I have been unable to get you out of my head. You are there every waking minute and I dream of you every night. You have possessed my soul and I love you with a passion deep within me. The thought of ever losing you tears me apart. So, I cleave myself to you so that I will never be parted from you. Tonight with the moon as my witness, I swear my undying love, loyalty, fidelity and honor. With you by my side, I will strive to no’ only be a good leader to our pack, but the sort of wolf you would be proud to call mate. I will protect you and our pups. I will love you until my last breath. All this and more, I swear by the light of the moon and seal it with a kiss.”

  “Good,” she whispered after he pulled back from their kiss. “Now make me yours.”

  “Och with pleasure,” he answered.

  End of Part one

  Part Two



  Heledd woke to the tapping sound of rocks hitting her loft floor bedroom windowsill. Pulling on a cape to cover her nightgown, she went to the window and pushed open the shutters.

  “Heledd,” a whispered voice called from below.

  “Faolán?” She whispered back unable to see him in the darkness, then his yellow eyes appeared. Changing her eyes to the yellow of her wolf, she watched him. “What are you doing here? ‘Tis past the witching hour.”

  “Come down,” he asked. “I want to show you something.”

  She looked back inside to see her younger brother and sister sleeping on the other two hay-filled mattresses near hers. Her parents slept soundly down on the main level.

  “Please, Heledd,” Faolán begged.

  “All right, I am coming,” she replied.

  Faolán was slightly older than she, but she was attracted to him even at her wolf age of fifty-five. Still many years before she reached maturity, she already knew he was the wolf she wanted as a mate. He
was kind and sweet, a warrior but a gentle soul.

  Heledd closed the shutters of the window and pulled her cape closer around her. Silently she climbed down the ladder and went to the door. She opened it and stepped into the night. Faolán met her outside her front door and took her hand leading her into the woods near her cottage, still well within the walls of the village.

  Once they reached a specific spot, in an abandoned area of the village, Faolán stopped.

  “What is it, Faolán?” She asked. “What did you want to show me?”

  “Something, but first, I wished to tell you that I cannae stop thinking of you, lass,” he admitted. “I wanted to… I wanted to ask if you would consider, when we are of age of course, but…”

  “You desire to be my mate?” she offered.

  “Aye,” he answered. “I ken ‘tis silly considering we are many years from being of age, but I…”

  She giggled. “In the dead of night, you pull me from my bed to tell me you desire to be my mate? Have you spoken to my parents yet?”

  “Nay, I wanted to ask you first,” he answered. “And I wanted to see if you would permit me to kiss you.”

  Her entire body tingled at his words. Nodding slowly, she agreed to his request but did not know what to do. Tentatively his face drew nearer and slowly and gently, he innocently brushed his lips over hers.


  Weylyn and Faolán sparred together in the training field early the next afternoon while Weylyn’s cousin Heledd stood outside the ring of small stones watching them. Noticing that Faolán could not keep his eyes from her, Weylyn took the opportunity and reveled in the satisfying oomph that escaped Faolán’s lips when he knocked him down.

  “I yield,” Faolán laughed. “Well done. But my distraction will nae happen again.”


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