You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 12

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 12 Page 5

by Nikhil Parekh


  When I first saw her; I felt tremors of unparalleled excitement euphorically enshroud me; till the very last bone of my spine,

  While today when we had perpetually coalesced in threads of immortal love;  I had not even the most infinitesimal iota of fear; as I willingly surrendered myself to the most ghastliest of death .

  When I first saw her; I felt unsurpassable torrents of ecstatic rhapsody tingle me till times beyond blissful eternity; as I uncontrollably slithered in the clouds of timelessly endless desire,

  While today when we had perennially bonded in flames of impregnable love; I philandered without even the tiniest of circumspection in my eyes; ready any instant for the most torturously truculent of death .

  When I first saw her; I felt unfathomable infernos of exuberance envelop every ingredient of my scarlet blood; as I unrelentingly envisaged the compassionate

  magic of her sensuously ravishing caress,

  While today when we had invincibly bonded in mists of bountifully unassailable love; I smilingly invited the corpse of traumatic death; unflinchingly bonding my spirit with the Omnisciently divine .

  When I first saw her; I felt like the most majestic prince on this colossal earth; fabulously romanticizing in the realms of stupendous aristocracy and tantalizing passion,

  While today when we had unshakably blended in the entrenchment of mesmerizing love; I trespassed even the most acrimonious fires of hell barefooted; liberating my mind; body and spirit; in wholesome entirety .

  When I first saw her; I felt as if all enchantingly blooming goodness of the gigantic planet; had been sumptuously bestowed on my impoverished lap,

  While today when we had irrefutably intermingled in the tunes of gorgeously everlasting love; I selflessly relinquished every organ of my body for all bereaved

  humanity; asking the devil to squelch me instead .

  When I first saw her; I felt insatiably untamed whirlpools of longing profusely encapsulate my nimble flesh; with the yearning embrace her voluptuous body;

  overwhelmingly towering over every other thing on this Universe,

  While today when we had unequivocally united in the fortress of unbreakable love; I had not the most capricious of apprehension; in imparting bone of my body to the valley of sadistic death .

  When I first saw her; I felt as if I had just discovered my truest identity in vibrant existence; astoundingly spell bound by her regally Omnipotent footsteps,

  While today when we had intransigently mated in the swirl of heavenly love; I wholeheartedly welcome morbid death on my doorstep; bid adieu to this planet

  with grateful contentment aligning the contours of my diminutive face .

  When I first saw her; I felt that the fathomless horizons were a fraction too short; as the paradise of empathy in her marvelously enthralling eyes; stretched till boundless kilometers even beyond infinite infinity,

  While today when we had irrevocably melanged in the ocean of vivacious love; I altruistically bestowed every speck of my breath to all those despicably thwarted; before handing my penurious body to the scavengers of vindictive death .

  And when I first saw her; I felt that the beats of my passionately thundering heart made me the most priceless scintillating entity alive; as I embarked on an expedition of impeccable truth on every step that I tread,

  While today when we had divinely fused in the fragrance of symbiotically philanthropic love; I handsomely saluted the chapters of life and inexplicable death with equal equanimity; was duly prepared for both any instant; whatever the Lord had

  in store for me .




  Every bit of fabric in this remorsefully dilapidated room; reminded me of your fabulously enchanting grace; the way you sensuously wrapped yourself in resplendent

  cotton; at the first rays of ethereally marvelous dawn,

  Every bit of mirror in this treacherously solitary room; reminded me of your bountifully embellished lips; as you poignantly adorned yourself like a newly embarrassed bride; replenishing the astounding parting of your hair with; spell bindingly crimson vermilion,

  Every bit of paper in this desolately forlorn room; reminded me of your regally articulate fingers; as you inundated fathomless landscapes of barren canvas; with

  the gregariously enamoring beauty of the Universe around,

  Every bit of wall in this drearily stabbing room; reminded me of your unflinchingly intrepid solidarity; the impregnably compassionate swirl of your philanthropic shoulders round me; when the planet beside had become a ghost town,

  Every bit of mysticism in this horrendously lonely room; reminded me of your unrelentingly blissful fantasies; the voluptuous garden of piquant breaths that you emanated; well past the heart of enchanting midnight,

  Every bit of toy in this perniciously sullen room; reminded me of your ecstatically jubilant stride; the wonderfully benign smile on your glorious lips; as you philandered beyond the lanes of timelessness with the angels divine,

  Every bit of plant in this maliciously dolorous room; reminded me of your magnanimously miraculous caress; as you stupendously quelled all traumatized agony

  around; with the celestial melody in your voice,

  Every bit of candle in this obdurately obstinate room; reminded me of your profoundly unbelievable dexterity; as you marvelously molded threadbare clay into silken apostles of peace; with ravishingly unending euphoria in your palms,

  Every bit of friction in this manipulatively morose room; reminded me of your insatiably augmenting nubile beauty; as you blazingly ignited a trail of unsurpassable excitement; even in the most lividly frozen nerve of my impoverished body,

  Every bit of clock in this bizarrely abandoned room; reminded me of your incredulously impeccable meticulousness; as you symbiotically blended your

  Omnipotent soul; with all benevolent goodness of the earth around,

  Every bit of darkness in this dogmatically lambasting room; reminded me of your seductively titillating footsteps; the thunderously streaks of ebullient lightening that you wafted; under the curtainspread of the Moonless night,

  Every bit of sound in this insipidly dithering room; reminded me of your Omnisciently humanitarian voice; the heartfelt empathy that you harbored for all

  organisms one and alike; in each sentence that diffused from your eternal mouth,

  Every bit of dust in this preposterously sordid room; reminded me of your boisterously bubbling visage; as you voraciously cleansed each ingredient of dirt;

  before bowing down your nimble head in front of Lord Almighty,

  Every bit of sharpness in this invidiously rotting room; reminded me of your vivaciously vibrant alacrity; as you emerged resurgently victorious; even in the most devilishly sinister situation of uncouth life,

  Every bit of scent in this diabolically debasing room; reminded me of your everlasting fragrance; as you sparkled into a sky of heavenly freshness; a fairy of harmonious goodwill; every unfurling minute of the day,


  Every bit of bed in this salaciously demoralizing room; reminded me of your rhapsodically tantalizing sleep; as you relentlessly fomented a whirlpool of

  never-ending excitement; with your uninhibited nudges and turns,

  Every bit of air in this vengefully asphyxiating room; reminded me of your indefatigable elixir to exuberantly surge ahead in life; tenaciously determine

  yourself to holistically exist for a countless more lifetimes,

  And every bit of light in this murderously neglected room; reminded me of your immortally Omnipresent love; as you perpetually bonded your sacrosanct spirit

  forever and ever and ever; with mine,

  So wherever you are; please come back O! Beloved; as each beat of my impoverished heart and this room misses you; as the roof of this dwelling would pathetically collapse without you; as without you we all were a ghastly corpse with artificial breath; as without you
life would never be life; ever again .



  My love for her was like raindrops pelting in torrential frenzy from crimson sky; as I unrelentingly fantasized about her charismatically voluptuous contours; all sweltering day and even way beyond the ghastly night,

  While she nonchalantly brushed the excess water from her skin; spuriously suckling sleazy wine with her extravagant bunch of; vagabond friends .

  My love for her was like the Omnipotent rays of Golden Sun; as I perceived the radiance in her impeccable eyes to be the most holistic panacea to perpetually


  While she disdainfully shrugged the excess light from her persona; flirtatiously eloping beyond the surreptitious hills; everyday with a different man of her choice .

  My love for her was like the vibrantly fragrant flower; as I uninhibitedly wafted the scent of my eternal passion; all around her magnificently sacred visage,

  While she dogmatically shut her nose in utter abhorrence to the excess aroma; sensuously cuddling the capriciously fragile chest of a man; who would leave her soon like a piece of dilapidated shit .

  My love for her was like the fathomless undulating sea; having not the slightest of boundary; having not the most evanescent of end,

  While she lugubriously preferred to walk infinite miles away on the bombastically arid land; with a man who capriciously adored her only for her embellished jewelry and tantalizing flesh .

  My love for her was like an overwhelming avalanche of unending beauty; as I wished all unsurpassable goodness of this planet to magnanimously descend upon her till times beyond eternity,

  While she dolorously spat on all excess enthrallment with vindictive malice; preferring worthlessly manipulative men; who could take her for fugitive rides; in their silver Mercedes .

  My love for her was like the unfathomably melodious beehive; relentlessly consecrating every step that she transgressed with all the unconquerable sweetness of

  this colossal Universe,

  While she pathetically lambasted all the excess harmony with her stray apron strings; partying with men who devilishly desired her; only to whet their appetite .

  My love for her was like the fervently mesmerizing mists; wonderfully titillating every ravishing nerve of her famished countenance; for boundless more births yet to unveil,

  While she pugnaciously neglected all the excess enigma with a remorseful frown on her lips; frigidly dancing to the clatter of currency coin; as brutal demons ogled down her spine .

  My love for her was like an ardently ingratiating inferno of breath; that triggered fireballs of insurmountably unending desire; even in the heart of the morbidly deadened night,

  While she half-heartedly kicked on the excess exuberance; letting her spirit drift towards a man; who incessantly viewed her only through the clouds of his derogatory cigar smoke .

  And my love for her was like an immortally euphoric heartbeat; perennially bonding with even the most infinitesimal of her senses; even as; diabolical hell took a vicious stranglehold of the earth divine,

  While she insidiously squelched all the excess romance infiltrating her soul; leading her entire life like a puppet chained to the tyrannical devil; just because he changed the chain every moment with meaninglessly glittering gold .




  The entire Universe satanically manipulated; while their impeccable eyes unrelentingly stared at eachother; with an ardor unconquerable and till times beyond eternity,

  The entire Universe lecherously sucked blood; while their voluptuous lips uncompromisingly kissed each other; exploring the sweetness of God’s Omnisciently

  divine creation,

  The entire Universe brutally discriminated till fathomless miles beyond the gallows; while their sensuously intricate feet nudged each other; igniting inferno’s of spell binding infatuation; in the heart of the insidiously dolorous night,

  The entire Universe murderously massacred; while their immaculate palms perpetually interlocked with each other; compassionately warming even the most

  infinitesimally frigid iota of; frozen ice,

  The entire Universe tyrannically worked from nine to nine; while their tantalizing bellies ravishingly titillated each other; eternally bonding with thunderbolts

  of unendingly ecstatic desire,

  The entire Universe invidiously rebuked all goodness; while their seductive eyelashes incessantly tickled each other; ebulliently philandering in the mists of innocuous newness; for centuries unprecedented,

  The entire Universe disdainfully counted spurious bundles of currency; while their scarlet cheeks perennially blushed with each other; nervously fidgeting like a freshly embellished bride; under Omnipotent rays of the mid-day Sun,

  The entire Universe dreadfully wandered in the aisles of commercial hell; while their exuberant voices unassailably bonded with each other; in the spirit of harmoniously United existence,

  The entire Universe woefully sledged the essence of peace; while their poignant streams of blood burgeoned in blissful solidarity; ubiquitously disseminating the

  principles of mankind; on every path that they tread,

  The entire Universe mercilessly lambasted into realms of obsolete oblivion; while their pristine necks innocuously caressed each other; vividly painting the panoramic landscape of this planet with astoundingly eclectic color,

  The entire Universe savagely groped after dungeons of penalizing greed; while their sacrosanct shoulders stood holistically abreast each other; confronting the

  most acrimoniously torrid storms; with irrefutably supreme faith in the; Almighty Lord,

  The entire Universe remorsefully sulked 24 hrs a day; while their resplendently twinkling chins gloriously coalesced with each other; as their spirit of sacred

  togetherness metamorphosed all evil; into  a bouquet of heavenly fragrance,

  The entire Universe ominously plotted against weaker living kind; while their magically mesmerizing shadows forever amalgamated as one; benevolently blessing all

  humanity; one and alike,

  The entire Universe sadistically orphaned humanitarian goodness; while their impregnably truthful souls timelessly coagulated in an entrenchment of celestial

  bliss; perpetuating the symbol of mankind to the most fathomless quarter; of this gigantic earth,

  The entire Universe disdainfully abhorred intrepid adventure; while their miraculous footsteps unequivocally marched towards the path of scintillating righteousness; alleviating mother earth from the hands of the hideous devil,


  The entire Universe spent the remainder of their lives in bombastic society meets and worthless cigar smoke; while their enthrallingly robust tongues intransigently discovered each other; triggering fires of bountiful belonging; even in the center of the morbidly soggy lake,

  The entire Universe asphyxiated their nostrils with vindictive pollution; while their Omnipresent breath beautifully exhaled out as one; graciously consecrating a civilization of optimistic hope; on every path that they traversed,

  The entire Universe insidiously cheated in graveyards of maligned castigation; while their divinely untainted brains relentlessly fantasized together; fabulously inundating the complexion of this planet with unfathomable happiness,

  And the entire Universe existed worthlessly in webs of prejudice and eventually died; while their immortal heartbeats lived forever and ever and ever in flames of unshakable love; harboring its majestic goodness as the sole panacea to survive; for infinite more births yet to come .


  24. JUMP 

  Don’t jump into the acrimoniously blazing fires; you’ll get gruesomely charred to infinitesimal chunks of barbarically threadbare ash,

  Don’t jump into the unfathomably deep ocean; you’ll mercilessly drown; become an overwhelmingly succulent bait for the diabolically menacing shark,

  Don’t jump from the epitom
e of the precariously pernicious mountain; you’ll disdainfully crumble into a stack of capriciously insipid bone and mud,

  Don’t jump into the sleazily grimy whirlpool of mud; you’ll abominably slip towards the aisles of obnoxiously disappearing oblivion; like a cavalcade of debilitating dominoes,

  Don’t jump into the sonorously ghastly well; you’ll asphyxiate yourself to a brutal death; with discordantly croaking frogs and treacherously heinous snakes; being

  your only soul mates,


  Don’t jump into the tumultuously marauding lion’s den; you’ll be ruthlessly pulverized to evanescent mincemeat by his satanic jaws; for just a tantalizingly appetizing starter; to his midday meal,

  Don’t jump into the web of savagely derogatory lies; you’ll be unsparingly lambasted into realms of torturously tyrannical hell; with each ingredient of your impeccable blood ominously metamorphosing into the gory devil,


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