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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 12

Page 7

by Nikhil Parekh


  Placid streams of blood trickled down my nape, f

  orming crisscross patterns; like slithering reptiles,

  I had accidentally brushed against a protuberant nail,

  smilingly bore the aftermath of crimson blood staining crisp arenas of my cotton shirt.

  Volatile springs of blood spewed from my ribs,

  as I bore the savage onslaught of multitudinal knives,

  producing sinister fountains of unseething agony,

  subjecting my tender skin to a plethora of ghastly bruise,

  I stood unperturbed; enthralled by the iridescent light of the moon,

  uttering inaudibly soft groans beneath cabin covers of my breath.

  Segregated globules of blood cascaded down my bohemian hands,

  trespassing subtle barriers of blond hair emanating from my flesh,

  as cluster of sea blue leech sucked cupidly; from the hollow of my arm,

  I sordidly stood my ground; bearing tumultuous waves of agony,

  grimacing my teeth like a mansion with reinforced glass.

  Rollicking blades of the ceiling fan, plucked splinters from my bone,

  as the contraption fell in full speed on my persona,

  there was an canal of blood that oozed from my lips,

  with an unrelenting flow of septic body fluids,

  I still refrained from submerging my eye in tears,

  burying my head deep within crustacean sands of earth. 

  I then witnessed them battering her with boomerangs of serrated metal,

  dismantling hair on her scalp with their plagued hands,

  slapping her cheek with a volley of abuse,

  with faint rivulets of invaluable blood drooling down her luscious lips,

  I couldn’t bear it any longer; the endurance in me dying a stifled death,

  as I leapt in vehement indignation towards the bunch of miscreants; and for the first time cried .


  When I rubbed my nose in finely crushed extract of green chili,

  fumes of opalescent white gas emanated in quick successions from my nostril.

  When I submerged my nose partially in freshly moistened earth,

  the exotic scent of mud sent waves in my brain catapulting to dizzy heights.

  As I pressed my nose against slender slices of piquant garlic,

  obnoxious shivers ran at electric speeds down my spine.

  After caressing my nose with the chrome steel tip of the perfume bottle,

  a host of frivolous desires crept wildly through my persona.

  When I kneaded my nose through a heap of glittering gold,

  ostentatious feelings of opulence flooded penurious zones of my heart.

  As I kissed my nose in the rotten pulp of decaying mango,

  an ocean of sheer abhorrence descended down my soul.

  When I poked my nose in a dense camouflage of brilliant rose petal,

  the mesmerizing fragrance of the flower held me captive for hours on the trot.

  When I held my nose in proximity with paltry pinches of pungent pepper,

  iterative bouts of sneezing exhausted all energy trapped in my chest.

  As I opened orifices in my nose to inhale clouds of disdainful black smoke,

  twin pairs of my eyes started to water emphatically.

  And when I dipped my nose in precious blood oozing from my beloved,

  a cluster of olfactory nerves got nostalgically revived,

  I felt besieged by the overwhelming power of devotion,

  was ready to relinquish all that was essential in order to sustain our love .


  Currently your eyes were just eyes; casting their impeccable blacks and whites to the very places they liked,

  While I was waiting for the moment; when they would ooze poignant globules of empathy; candidly divulge the mysticism hidden in their softness; under the glistening effulgence of the Sun .

  Currently your lips were just lips; tightly pursing every now and then; whenever you were entrenched with bouts of utter frustration,

  While I was waiting for the moment; when they were besieged with a stupendously charismatic smile; enlightening the pathetically morbid atmosphere; with the ingratiating aura that they possessed .

  Currently your cheeks were just cheeks; scowling a trifle; as beads of perspiration and a battalion of flies buzzed incongruously against their rotund periphery,

  While I was waiting for the moment; when they profusely blushed; triggering untamed mountains of sensuous flames; in the bewitching dreariness of the night .

  Currently your hair were just hair; miserably incarcerated beneath a deluge of monotonous ribbon and stringent braids,

  While I was waiting for the moment; when they swept ravishingly with the brazen winds; landed on my flesh; to transit me into a spell of tantalizing delight .

  Currently your belly was just a belly; contentedly snoozing as your consumed the fraternity of food; which tingled your tongue the most,

  While I was waiting for the moment; when it gyrated full throttle under the pearly moonshine; raving me like a shooting star from my den; boundless feet beneath the ghastly grave .

  Currently your hands were just hands; lying in timid unison on soil; as the Sun silently transcended over the horizons,

  While I was waiting for the moment; when your royal fingers united together in splendid harmony; making me soar like an impregnable bird over the land of infinite infinity .

  Currently your voice was just a voice; rhythmically rising and falling in the air; as you inevitably unleashed the chords of your dwindling throat,

  While I was waiting for the moment; when you sung the song lingering deep in your soul; inundating my baselessly hopeless life; with the tenacity to exist beyond my time .

  Currently your footsteps were just footsteps; nimbly caressing the mud as you sloppily commenced your journey; to search for indispensable fodder for your life,

  While I was waiting for that moment; when you philandered barefoot through the rhapsodically romantic hills; splashed your divinely countenance in water; freshly tumbling from the carpets of blue sky .

  Currently your life was just a life; unveiling lackadaisically with the fading times; trudging pathetically through a land which was sinking with the gloomy second,

  While I was waiting for that moment; when it blissfully blossomed into a perpetual relationship; exultating in the full fledged flavor of celestial existence .

  And Currently your heart was just a heart; palpitating to the tunes of survival; as you aimlessly groped into a tunnel of gruesome blackness; while the rest of the world marched outside,

  While I was waiting for the moment; when your sacred chest immortally radiated the beats of love; bonded with the person it yearned for and cherished; galloping towards the rays of a fantastic beginning .




  Your eyes made me the best poet in this Universe; penning down unsurpassable lines of mystical verse; profoundly lost in the tunnel of their majestic enchantment,

  Your cheeks made me the best artist in this Universe; sketching the mesmerizing outlines of your shadow as you royally walked,

  Your hair made me the best dancer in this Universe; gyrating enigmatically under the milky moon as they swished; drowning myself profusely in the exuberant energy that radiated from their countenance,

  Your eyelashes made me the best sculptor in this Universe; molding ingratiating magic out of threadbare bits of clay; capturing the beauty of the wind in my

  myriad of vivacious shapes,

  Your lips made me the best musician on this Universe; diffusing an incomprehensible battalion of melodious tunes; wholesomely drifting with the divinely aura

  lingering around your demeanor,

  Your scent made me the best Doctor on this Universe; efficaciously treating the most heinous of di
sease with nonchalant ease; instilling in me insurmountable fortitude to rise upto every occasion of life,

  Your fingers made me the best magician on this Universe; as I cast my astounding spell on every entity who encountered me in my way; tumultuously inspired by your magnetic senses,

  Your palms made me the best astrologer on this Universe; prognosticating the most inconspicuous of disaster likely to happen; remembering the rhapsodically tinkling sound of your footsteps,

  Your leap made me the best athlete in this Universe; exploring every corner of the planet; with untamed euphoria engulfing the most remotest corner of my dreary bones,

  Your speech made the best philosopher in this Universe; advocating the most sacrosanct ideologies of humanity; blending with the uninhibited philanthropism

  which flowed handsomely from your visage,

  Your tenacity made me the best devotee in this Universe; supremely realizing the irrefutably invincible results of conviction in the inner self,

  Your charisma made me the best achiever on this Universe; rising from a traumatized mountain of ashes; each time I tripped like a pack of devastated cards on obdurate ground,

  Your soul made the best scholar on this Universe; disseminating all that I had imbibed since the first cry of nascent birth; to the most obsoletely neglected parts

  of this colossal earth,

  Your stride made me the best conqueror on this Universe; marching unrelentingly with an unflinching glimmer in my eyes; to keep escalating even after the absolute summit of success,

  Your spirit of unity made me the best humanitarian on this Universe; embracing even the most alien around me; as my revered garland of brothers and sisters,

  Your smile made me the best optimist on this Universe; incinerating a sky of dazzling light; in the midst of satanically savage and despairing darkness,

  Your conscience made me the most truthful being on this Universe; relinquishing the tiniest trace of evil; drifting into a paradise of impeccable righteousness,

  Your breath made me the best person existing alive on this Universe; having the astronomical resilience to take birth an infinite times; till the time I metamorphosed my dreams as well as those of my mates; into an immortal reality,

  And your heart made me the best lover on this Universe; bonding with the threads of perpetual belonging; riding and sharing the wave of ebulliently swirling  passion; in every form; that I took birth again and again and again .



  33. NEUTRAL 

  Neither did she grin flirtatiously towards my countenance; winking at me intermittently to let her playful intentions known,

  Nor did she scowl in utter disdain witnessing my facial contours; shrugging me off like a baseless mountain of matchstick .

  Neither did she languish in the astoundingly seductive scent that wafted from my arms; clinging passionately to my shivering persona,

  Nor did she kick me ruthlessly with her feet; prosecuting me to ash like an ungainly trespasser .

  Neither did she appreciate the tunes that I melodiously sung in the dolorous atmosphere; noddingher head in the cadence of the alluring sound,

  Nor did she push me off guard; hurtling me down the treacherously truculent slope of the deep valley .

  Neither did she stare at me as the Sun unveiled magnificently from behind the horizons; absorbing my untamed passion in her eyelashes,

  Nor did she cast an overwhelmingly cold shoulder as she lingered beside me; making me wholesomely disappear in the cloud of dust which emanated when she kicked .

  Neither did she empathize with the agony that poured from my eyes; the whirlwind of inexplicable desire that engulfed my demeanor all night and day,

  Nor did she tell her pet to lick the tears that lay disheveled on my shadow; strangulating the breath out of me with her dingy broomstick .

  Neither did she realize the unprecedented river of infatuation that besieged my blood; the fulminating volcano of attraction that I harbored for her every unleashing instant,

  Nor did she neglect me like paint miserably peeling from the walls; battering me into realms of absolute submission .

  Neither did she ever caress me with her nails; never understanding how much I wanted to hear her whisper in my ardent ears,

  Nor did she discard me in the very instance she sighted my rubicund lips; shunting me perpetually from the tiniest iota of her ingenious memory .

  Neither did she bond with the beats of my turbulently pulsating heart; exploring its unfathomable dormitories of love; which wanted to be solely her slave,

  Nor did she ever divulge any hatred for my diminutive stature on this boundless planet; burying me infinite feet under my corpse; when I was blissfully breathing

  and alive .

  And neither did she love me till the time I existed; not comprehending the compassion in my soul to be reborn a countless times; for being immortally hers,

  And nor did she possess any intention to kill me like an pertinently irascible mosquito; nor did she want that I left mother earth in an incredulous hurry .

  Its definitely startling; but true; God had made several relationships like ours which were neutral; yet unique relationships bonded by invincible threads of humanity .




  As much as it overwhelmingly separates,

  It bonds you immortally beyond the most passionate realms of your enchanting imagination .

  As much as it rises like a fulminating volcano; infinite kilometers above the clouds,

  It uninhibitedly embraces even the most impoverished of entity; enlightening the gloomy corridors of desperation with its glorious festoon of optimistic rays .

  As much as it pacifies like white ice; to the most ultimate of the hearts content,

  It ignites untamed infernos of turbulent desire; metamorphosing pathetically dwindling souls; into entities with an infinite lives .

  As much as it absorbs the overwhelmingly poignant emotion lingering in the atmosphere,

  It disseminates the spirit of friendship; indefatigably all across the surface of this

  fathomless planet .

  As much as it strikes inexplicably like torrential downpours of vivacious lava,

  It promises you a life more blissful than the divine; fortifying its foundations of benevolent humanity astoundingly by the unveiling minute .

  As much as it makes room for every conceivable fantasy to circulate intriguingly in the mind,

  It harnesses your every goal into a perpetual reality; catapulting you to the most astronomical summit of scintillating success .

  As much as it perseveres unrelentingly all night and each instant of the uncouthly sweltering day,

  It transits you into a land of stupendous care and empathy; a paradise where you experience the most enthralling ingredients of a complete life .

  As much as it tantalizes the most pragmatic beyond the dormitories of sagacious control,

  It makes you believe in every step you take; propelling you to intrepidly defend the unsurpassable battalion of obstacles that confronted you; insidiously in your way .

  As much as it bequeaths upon you a tenacity of having wholesomely led countless lives,

  It takes you back to the first cry of your infantile life; making you bounce rhapsodically in the sacrosanct lap of your mother .

  And as much as it melts you in the enigmatic trail of profusely charismatic seduction,

  It unites you with every tangible and intangible element on this gigantic earth; granting you the ultimate status of being addressed as a human; granting you the right to love; to being loved; and being possessed by it; the spearhead of love .





  The rays of flamboyant Sun; sizzle me beyond the threshold of ultimate ecstasy,

  The rays of the resplendent stars; reinvigorate my dolorously dreary night with stupendous charm and vibrant


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