ALLIANCE (Descendants Saga)

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ALLIANCE (Descendants Saga) Page 13

by James Somers

  He created a portal in the prison hall. Sadie, Laish and Brody stepped through. They left Redclaw’s ashes behind where he had fallen. But they carried his memory away in their hearts.


  “Again!” Liam said.

  The whip cracked behind the soldier and then came around, striking the man across the back. A line of blood welled upon the new wound, crisscrossing several others which had already been cut into his flesh. The Lycan man gnashed his teeth for pain.

  “You served with Queen Sophia,” Liam stated. “You were a part of the intimate council of your king and queen. Tell me where West might have gone and I will spare you.”

  Lon licked away the spittle foaming on his lips where he had been trying to breathe his way through the lashing. “How can I tell you what I do not know?”

  “Yet you and your family refused to join with the other Lycan council members to hunt down your queen’s murderer,” Liam said, accusing the man. “Therefore, you must be working with him.”

  “I have known Brody West many years as my king,” Lon said. “I have never seen anything in the man that would lead me to believe he killed Sophia or your father.”

  “You still hold on to your conspiracy theories?” Liam barked. “The evidence is overwhelming. I saw him commit these crimes.”

  “You saw someone who looked like West commit these crimes,” Lon reasoned. “How many Descendants have the ability to take on the appearance of another, my lord? Quite a few. And how many would have liked to undo our king?”

  “You dare to accuse me of trying to frame the man? Would you next accuse me of having my own father killed to do it? Strike him again!”

  The soldier carrying out the torture complied, drawing back the whip another time and then letting it fly across Lon’s back. The Lycan councilor cried out this time. His wounds were many now and the pain mounting.

  “We’ll see what you have to say when your wife and children are brought here in your place,” Liam threatened.

  One of the king’s servants arrived in the courtyard.

  “Yes, what is it?” Liam asked, becoming annoyed by the interruption but more by the fact that no one had yet supplied him with the whereabouts of Brody West.

  “My lord, we have received envoys from the Dragon Riders,” the male servant said. “Their leader, a man named Warner, requests an audience with His Majesty as soon as possible. Something to do with the fugitive, my lord.”

  “Very well,” Liam said. “Let them know I’ll come directly.”

  “They are in the north courtyard, my lord.”

  Liam waved his servant away, turning back to Lon who was still chained to a column. Spray from his wounds had dried in red rivulets upon the creamy marble. The soldier holding the whip had been waiting while his king spoke to the messenger.

  “Should I cut him loose, Your Majesty?” the soldier asked.

  Liam gave him an incredulous look. “I can’t imagine why,” he said. “This man is now guilty of sedition.”

  Lon turned his face, looking over his shoulder at the king.

  “Sedition, my lord?” the soldier asked.

  “He accused me of having our former king assassinated,” Liam explained.

  “But I didn’t—” Lon attempted, but Liam cut him off.

  “Twenty lashes,” the king said. “Then we’ll have his trial to see if he should be put to death.”

  He turned without another word, motioning for two other guards to accompany him to the northern courtyard. Behind him the soldier drew his whip up and back. Lon’s cries echoed down the corridor after the Shade King.

  Liam strode behind his escorts onto the courtyard where the Dragon Riders had landed with their beasts. He had never actually seen a live dragon before. Their size and ferocious appearance was alarming to him and he backed away upon seeing them.

  Stopping himself, he looked about to make sure no one had noticed and then called to the riders. “Which one of you is called, Warner?”

  The man standing closest to the king, beside his black dragon, stepped forward. His beast lowered its head protectively, but Warner patted him on the next to assure the creature that he would be fine. “That would be me, Your Majesty,” he replied, bowing as he came near.

  “And what news do you bring?” Liam asked.

  “The Dragon Riders have pledged ourselves to finding the Superomancer, Brody West, Your Majesty,” he said, still kneeling.

  “Very good,” Liam replied. “You may rise.”

  Warner stood but kept his place. The guards remained between him and their king. They had lost one monarch in recent days and did not intend on losing another.

  “We thought you should be aware that West’s daughter was with us two days ago, accompanied by the young vampire, Cole, and his friend Adolf.”

  “And where are they now?”

  “There was a convergence that took place, Your Majesty.”

  Liam frowned. “A convergence? What do you mean?”

  “It was like one realm colliding with another,” Warner said, attempting to explain an event that none of them had ever witnessed before. “The Valley of the Dragons now extends into this spiritual realm. That is where Cole and the others went. They were supposed to investigate what had happened and return, but they never did.”

  “If his daughter is there then that’s where we will find West,” Liam said. “I want you and your riders to lead the way for me and my army.”

  “You’re taking an entire army?” Warner asked.

  “Of course,” Liam said. “I have no intention of letting West get away. Justice will be done, and if that requires an army to accomplish it then so be it.”

  “Yes, my lord,” Warner replied.

  “In the meantime, I want you and your riders to scout ahead. Find the place where they have gone. Once you return with this information, my spell casters will create a portal to teleport my army to that location.”

  “Of course, my lord.”

  “We’ll take them by surprise,” Liam added. “With our overwhelming numbers, not even West’s Angel Fire will be able to save him.”

  Warner climbed back into the saddle of his beloved Thorn. The great black dragon rumbled affectionately at having his rider back. His massive wings spread in readiness to fly aloft. The two dragons behind him did likewise, waiting for Thorn and his rider to be away first.

  Thorn was the alpha, making Warner the automatic leader of their group. The green and blue dragons, and their riders, gave them preeminence. He beat his wings, sending dust and debris into a churning cloud across the northern courtyard of the palace.

  The king had already gone, but his remaining servants and soldiers were buffeted. They turned their heads, trying to keep the worst out of their eyes as Thorn and the other dragons launched into the air. In seconds, the trio was away, flying in formation out over the pools of water and the royal gardens.

  The city of Rockunder worked furiously beneath them, attempting to form the army that King Liam required. Most were eager to see Brody West brought to justice. His heinous crimes would not be tolerated. Not to mention that it had been rumored that wealth untold would be given to the ones who managed to kill West. A grateful Shade King would surely open his vast treasury to the fortunate soldier.

  Practically the entire city was on the move. Every able bodied person, both male and female, wanted their opportunity to bring in the accused murderer of their former king, Brian Shade. Weapons were being sharpened and supplies were being packed as thousands made ready for the new mixed army of Leprechauns and other Descendants to move at their king’s command.

  The dragons flew on at speed toward the entrance to the valley these men called home. They lived apart from the city, preferring to remain close to their beasts. It had proven to be the perfect method for making a strong bond with the creatures—rider and dragon functioning as much as possible as one unit.

  Rockunder quickly fell behind as miles sped by in the vast cavern where the cit
y had been built. Ten of cities like it could have been built in the mammoth chamber. A vast underground lake passed beneath them now—the dragons skimming over just above the surface of the water.

  Sunlight came to them now. The same sun that shone upon the surface of the earth. This great light shone within the spiritual plane as it did in the mortal. Yet it was a star shared by two worlds—realms overlaid upon one another and yet each unaware of the other.

  The Valley of the Dragons came into view. This place of beauty had been discovered by the Dragon Riders even before they had the name. These adventurous Leprechauns had explored the tunnel beyond the underground lake and had found this place where dragons dwelled on the spiritual plane.

  At some time long ago these creatures had retreated across the boundary between mortal and spiritual realms, escaping the killings taking place by human hunters looking for trophies. Unfortunately, the news of dragons among the Descendants had caused the same problem. Hunters had come to the newly discovered valley early on in order to harvest the creatures for sport and merchandise.

  The Dragon Riders had been formed to protect the beasts. Now, the dragons had seen their numbers grow once more. Only very few were taken from the valley or killed by poachers. The Riders and their mounts saw to that.

  Thorn and the others bore their riders into the valley. It opened up before them, sunlight beaming down upon them as they flew over outcroppings of rock, scattered wild flowers growing upon hillsides above and below the caves. Pools of water fed by the hot springs running through the rock bubbled and steamed.

  Passing between rock walls that stood far apart, Warner and the other riders waved to their fellow Dragon Riders who stood upon the ledges with their beasts. Many waves and cheers came back to them. They continued on.

  The place where the convergence of realms came into view miles ahead. At their swift pace, they would pass into the other place in less than a minute. Up until now, none of them had gone over.

  The dragons had initially been very skittish of approaching the place. Their valley had been invaded by something foreign, something unexplained. None of them knew what lay ahead there. Still, Cole and his companions had gone through. But they had never returned.

  Perhaps the Shade King was correct. They had gone to find a place of refuge with the fugitive, Brody West. Maybe they were even responsible for the other place coming into contact with the valley, disrupting its calm. Warner had no idea. But there was only one way to find out.

  The moment passed as swiftly as his next breath. They were beyond the former boundary of the Valley of Dragons. This was the other place.

  Yet, the same sun shone upon them. The wind had not changed. In fact, other than a noticeable change in topography from rock and pines to open fields of grass and flowers, there was nothing so strange about this other realm.

  For lack of any bearing, Warner and Thorn drove on straight ahead. There was no use in deviating unless something new or unexpected presented itself. As far as any of the Dragon Riders had seen, Cole and the others had kept a straight course until they were completely out of sight.

  Miles passed in seconds. Before long, the grassland with its herd animals and predators fell behind, giving way to a vast forest. Flowering trees bearing blooms of endless variety and color filled the landscape below. Warner thought how it was very much like flying over a rainbow. As the wind passed through the tops of the trees it seemed that they were passing over a spectral sea.

  The dragons, which often could be found hording precious gems and metals, soared low over the trees enjoying the colors. It was not merely myth and legend that these beasts enjoyed gold and silver and the like. Much as ravens collecting bright and shiny objects, dragons delighted in radiant color and the sparkle of reflected light. Gems and precious metals naturally pleased them.

  Warner laughed, patting Thorn at the base of his neck. The great black dragon’s eyes flitted here and there, everywhere taking it all in, purring with deep rumblings throughout his ponderous form. The other dragons were just as eager and interested.

  However, it did not last. Before too long the forest passed behind them in favor of a stretch of desert sand and piled dunes—all of it completely bland and uninteresting to the beasts.

  The dragons rumbled unpleasantly, bemoaning the loss of their favored scenery. Warner laughed again, patting Thorn to comfort him. “I can see we’re going to have to make many more visits to this place, so that you may content yourselves flying over that forest of color,” he said.

  The dragon mewed in deep tones, trying to convey its feelings on the matter.

  “When our job is done, old friend,” Warner said, and the dragon seemed to be comforted by this.

  The stretch of sand, however, did not go on nearly so long as the grasslands had, or the forest which had followed. Very quickly they came upon a city made of polished stones standing out of the sea. A perimeter wall hemmed it in.

  “That must be where they are, Thorn,” Warner said excitedly. “We’ve found their hideout!”

  He motioned to the others, pointing toward the city upon the sea. They all saw it immediately, for it was as plain as day, the only real landmark in the entire realm, the only sign of inhabitants in this land.

  Warner pulled on his dragon’s rein, causing Thorn to turn about. The other dragons followed him, coming around in a sweeping arc that set them flying back the way they had come. There was no use giving away the game.

  The king had wanted him and his riders to find where West and the others might be hiding. Certainly, if they were anywhere in this realm, they had to be in that city. It was fortified and not overly large. But it looked to be a well built stronghold.

  The king would need his army in order to take it. Naturally, the Dragon Riders would lend their aid. They too had heard rumors of riches from the king’s treasure that might be given to those who helped him find and destroy West and his followers.

  Already, he could imagine a heap of gold and precious stones in Thorn’s cave for his dragon to bed down upon. He could see himself, sprawled out among the gold coins, sliding down the great pile, splashing about as though in some golden pool.

  “Faster, Thorn,” he yelled excitedly. “We don’t want to keep the gold, I mean the king waiting!”


  Brody and the others stepped from his portal outside of the great coliseum that dominated the city of Trinity. Brody looked around for Cole and was surprised not to see him. Something had prevented them from reaching him.

  “What happened?” Brody asked himself.

  Laish studied the coliseum looming ahead of them. “He must be in there. Powerful wards protect this arena. No wonder we couldn’t pass through. But I’m sure Malak-esh can pierce even the cherubim’s strongest wards. We’ll just have to walk through.”

  Brody nodded, and Sadie began to step toward the great edifice. Her father caught her by the arm. Before we go, Sadie, I have to explain what’s happened.”

  Laish cast him a sidelong glance. He sighed. This wasn’t going to be pleasant for her.

  “What do you mean?” Sadie asked.

  The tears she had shed for Redclaw only a moment ago were still fresh, clinging to her lashes like beads of dew. He didn’t want to have to tell her about her mother, but there was no avoiding the matter. He had to let her know before she found out some other way.

  He started to speak, but the words wouldn’t come.

  Sadie gazed into her father’s eyes, growing anxious now. “Daddy, what’s happened?”

  “Your mother is dead,” he said. Tears were streaming down his face again. He felt like he was experiencing her death all over again.

  Sadie simply stared at him for a moment before speaking. “Who did this?”

  Brody was beyond speaking.

  “We don’t know who did it,” Laish interjected. “Whoever it was tried to frame your father with her murder. They also killed Brian Shade. Your mother was a bystander who tried to intervene and wa
s killed. Liam has taken control now and he’ll be hunting us. Apparently, whomever did this came in disguise as Brody and had the ability to manipulate fire.”

  Sadie remained remarkably calm considering the news. “That limits the possibilities,” she said. “Southresh?”

  “He comes to mind,” Laish answered uncertainly. “Are you all right, Sadie?”

  “Yes, of course, why?”

  Brody was still trying to get his emotions under control.

  “Your mother has been murdered,” Laish said. “You seem remarkably composed.”

  Sadie considered this for a moment. “I can cry later, I suppose. For now I want whomever has done this to die.” She extended her hand. Malak-esh appeared. “Angel or no, this will do the job.”

  Brody and Laish looked at one another, but said nothing.

  “We should save Cole,” she said, beginning to walk toward the entrance to the Coliseum with Oliver’s former weapon in her hand.

  “We should watch her,” Laish said. “She’s repressing her feelings.”

  Brody nodded.

  He drew his own Angel Fire sword, and they followed after his daughter.

  Their approach, however, had not gone unnoticed. Vampires began to appear in the street. They moved toward Sadie from the coliseum, drawing broadswords. Others moved in from behind.

  Brody put up his extension shield instinctively, leaving it invisible to others. His daughter, though a spell caster, did not. She would rely upon her prowess and Malak-esh. Sadie hadn’t even bothered to make the transformation into her werewolf form.

  Before Laish or Brody could catch up to her, she launched herself into battle with the approaching vampires, taking them five to one. However, her ferocity and Malak-esh quickly overwhelmed her opponents. Their weapons were cleaved in two before her. She struck them down furiously before they could escape and kept moving toward the entrance to the coliseum.

  Brody and Laish were now backing up after her, facing the vampires who had come in from the rear. Seeing Malak-esh and what Sadie had just done with the sword’s twin, they kept their distance. Lightning crackled across Laish’s fingertips, warning them off.


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