Lead Security (Rouge Security & Investigation Book 3)

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Lead Security (Rouge Security & Investigation Book 3) Page 13

by Evan Grace

  I take a deep breath. “I forgot a condom. I promise I’m negative for everything—it’s been a couple of years for me, and I was tested a while ago. Are you on birth control?”

  Harley shakes her head, and my stomach sinks. “I haven’t really had a need for it, but my period’s due next week so we’ll be fine. Maybe I should go on the pill? Maybe I should get Plan B?”

  “That’s up to you, baby. I’ll buy it since it was my fault. I do love the idea of being bare inside you.”

  She runs her fingers through my hair. “I’ll make an appointment to get on the pill.”

  I smile down at her. “Let me get you cleaned up.” In the bathroom I grab a wet washcloth to wipe myself off and grab another one that I take into the bedroom to wipe Harley off with—even though she tries to smack my hands away from her.

  I toss it into the laundry basket and get us situated in bed so her back is snug against my front, and almost immediately she does that little hitch in her breath right before she softly snores.

  As I hold her, all I can think about is I’m falling in love with her, and it scares the shit out of me, but I won’t run from her ever again. I’m afraid if I do, she’d never give me another chance.

  Chapter Sixteen


  My palms sweat as I stand next to Jack by luggage claim waiting for his parents, whose flight just landed. I’ve been a nervous wreck, but thankfully I finished my book so that’s one thing I’m no longer thinking about.

  Charlie came with us and she holds my hand while twirling around. She’s wearing adorable leggings with unicorns on them, a rainbow tutu, a light purple t-shirt, and hot pink Converse. Delilah warned us that Charlie dressed herself because she wanted to look “bootiful.”

  “Relax, baby. They’re going to love you,” Jack whispers in my ear.

  “Ummm…who is the last woman your parents met?” I know after Becky he hasn’t had any serious relationships.

  “Okay, touché, but you have the glowing approval of their only grandchild. They’re going to love you.” He kisses the top of my head. “Oh, here they come.”

  I see a couple walking toward us with huge smiles on their faces. Charlie squeals, “Nana and Pop Pop!” She lets go of my hand and runs right toward them.

  Jack’s dad is exactly what I expect Jack to look like in about twenty years. His mom is gorgeous: she’s petite with brown hair that hangs down to her shoulders. She definitely doesn’t look old enough to have a son in his early forties.

  They come toward us smiling, his dad with Charlie on his hip. Jack lets go of me and goes to his mom, wrapping her in a bear hug and lifting her off the ground. “Put me down before you hurt yourself.” Jack listens to his mother and sets her down. She pulls his face down, kissing both cheeks. “My boy is so handsome.”

  I smile because Jack—Mr. “Boss Man, ex-Special Forces”—is totally blushing. “Mom, seriously, I’m forty-three. I’m not a boy.

  “You’ll always be my boy.” She kisses his cheek again and lets him go so she can take Charlie from his dad.

  “Hey, Dad.” They give each other the half-hug, half-backslap.

  “Son, you look well.” He looks at me and smiles. “Introduce us to your girl.”

  Jack holds his hand out to me. “Guys, this is Harley. Harley, this is my father, Jerry, and my mother, Kim.”

  I hold out my hand to his dad first. “It’s so nice to meet you both.” Jerry doesn’t take it—instead he gives me a big hug, which surprises me and makes me feel all warm inside. Jack’s mom smiles warmly at me but seems a little distant.

  They only had carry-on luggage, and we’re able to make our way out to the parking lot right away. I shouldn’t have come because they’re all catching up and I feel awkward just standing here saying nothing. Luckily Charlie wants to hold my hand while we make our way outside.

  In Jack’s SUV I sit in back with Jack’s mom, and Charlie sits between us chattering happily to her nana. We head to Delilah and Reece’s place first. While they have their reunion, I excuse myself with the explanation that I need to check on some stuff at home.

  Once I make my escape, I’m able to breathe a little better. I know why his mom isn’t warming up to me right away. She, I’m sure, watched her son struggle dealing with the shit that his ex-wife had pulled, and Kim probably just wants to make sure I’m not crazy like Becky.

  To be honest, watching the little family reunion made my heart hurt a little bit. I’ll never have that—no family coming to visit me, or coming to check and make sure I’m doing okay.

  “Stop the pity party, Harley,” I whisper.

  I walk through my house, straightening up a little bit before grabbing a glass of water. I swear I’m out of shape.

  I did start doing yoga again, but I need to listen to my body. I get back up and grab some more clothes, but maybe I should just stay here. His parents are staying at his place and I don’t want it to be awkward.

  In my office I open my bottom desk drawer, sighing when I spot what I was looking for. I haven’t looked at the photo album of my family in over a year. Usually I have a bottle of wine nearby as I look at pictures and cry.

  Watching Jack’s parents hug him and Charlie, and then seeing the big reunion when we got to Del and Reece’s house…it all made my chest hurt and filled me with envy. Of course that is so wrong and makes me feel guilty, but do they know just how lucky they are?

  I carry the photo album into the living room and sit down on the couch. Do I look and reopen that wound? A knock on the door stops me, and I set the book down on the couch. I look out the window and find Jack’s mom at the door.

  Pulling it open, I smile. “Hi, Mrs. Mackenzie. I started straightening up, and just kind of went a little nuts.” I laugh, and when I’m nervous I tend to go high-pitched.

  She steps inside. “Harley, please call me Kim. I just wanted to apologize because I know I was a little standoffish earlier. He and Becky were together a long time ago, but it hurt me to watch him—first when they started fighting all of the time, then when he wanted us to have custody of Delilah and Becky threatened to take her away from all of us.

  “Jack has a lot of regrets, and I hated seeing my son hurt,” she continues. “But I can tell he cares about you a lot. Delilah and Reece have told us so many good things about you. I guess I just needed to see what you were like for myself.”

  “I get it, and I’d like to say I’m the type of person that doesn’t need anyone’s approval, but I won’t lie, I appreciate your words.”

  Kim pulls me into a hug. “You don’t need my approval. Now, my son says you write romance novels. I run a bookstore and love to read romance. Can I see your books?”

  Now books I can talk about all day long. I take her back to my office and show her each of my titles. Kim says she’s going to order some copies for the bookstore, and she buys my first series off Amazon for her Kindle. I’m nervous and warn her that my books are graphic in the sex department.

  “Oh…perfect, something to spice things up in the bedroom.” She winks at me and I swear my face turns red like a tomato. “Come on, let’s go next door.”

  I lead her outside and lock the door behind me. She loops her arm through mine, and we walk across our driveways.

  When we step inside, Jack comes to me immediately. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, of course. I just wanted to give you a little time. Plus I just needed to check on things. Your mom bought some of my books.” I look at him and smile. “She’s also going to buy copies for the store—that’s so awesome.”

  Jack wraps his arms around me. “That’s great, baby.” With his arm around my shoulders, we join the others.


  I help Kim carry in the balloon bouquets, the flowers, and the rest of the decorations. Jack and his dad have my car and are picking up all of the food.

  This afternoon is Del’s baby shower. We’ve been up since seven and have been going nonstop. Jack and his dad got into an argument earlier a
bout who was paying for it all. In the end, Jack conceded and let his dad pay, but he was not happy about it.

  Things have been going really well since his parents have been here. It felt really awkward going to bed with Jack knowing that his parents were right down the hall. Needless to say, I’ve thwarted all of his sexual advances and it’s been so hard.

  This morning I’d woken to his head between my legs and had to put my pillow over my head to muffle my moans when I began to come. Then I had to return the favor and blow him until he shot his load down my throat.


  Kim pulls my attention back to her. “Sorry, I was in my own little world there for a second.” I set the bags of decorations on the couch next to the balloon bouquets and turn to her. “You tell me what to do—I’ve never decorated for a party before.”

  “Really?” She gives me a look I don’t understand, but I ignore it.

  We spend the next couple of hours decorating Jack’s place until it is absolute perfection. We decided on a baby jungle animal theme for the upcoming addition to the Meyers family. The men have been in the kitchen prepping the burgers and hot dogs they’re going to grill. It’s so funny watching them work together.

  Jerry is hilarious and loves giving his son shit, but Jack gives it right back. “My boys have always been like that,” Kim explains. “When Jackson was in high school, we hit those hormonal years, and Lord help me, those two fought all of the time. But Jack grew out of that phase, thankfully. Do you have any siblings?”

  I shake my head. “No. I mean, I have a brother, but I haven’t seen him in a very long time. He was not a good person.”

  “I’m sorry. What about the rest of your family?”

  “Umm…well, my mom died when I was five. My dad couldn’t handle it, so he dumped my brother and me with our grandma. I haven’t seen him since. My brother is a criminal, and could be in jail or dead for all I know. I’ve been on my own since my grandma passed away when I was eighteen.” I avoid looking at her while I tie a green ribbon around the little bag of colored M&M’s.

  Kim places her hand on my arm. “It takes a lot of strength to keep taking hits like that and to keep getting back up.” She reaches out and brushes a strand of hair out of my face. My eyes begin to burn and I blink back the tears that want to escape.

  “Thank you for saying that. I don’t always feel strong.” She squeezes my hand, giving me a reassuring smile.

  “What’s going on?” I turn to find Jack standing in the opening of the kitchen, his brow furrowed as he takes us both in.

  Kim sighs. “Oh Jackson, relax. We were just talking.” She looks at her phone and then back at me. “It’s probably time to get ready. Reece’s parents should be here soon with the cake.” She disappears upstairs.

  I need to do the same, and I head up to Jack’s bedroom. I throw on a pair of worn denim capris, a black ribbed tank top, and a royal blue cardigan. After brushing my hair, I’m just putting my hair in a braid when Jack comes in.

  “Hey honey, is the food all ready?”

  He wraps his arms around me. “Yep, the grill is ready to go too.” Jack kisses my neck. “Thank you for helping with this today.”

  “I’m happy to do it. I love your family.” It’s the truth; they’re sweet people.

  Jack turns me in his arms. “I—fuck, I don’t know how to say this.” Oh God, is he dumping me right before the party? He scrubs his hand over his head. “I thought I was falling in love with you, but the truth is I love you…there, I said it. I love you.” He blows out a breath.

  No man has ever said that to me. My heart swells. My mouth opens and closes, but no sound comes out. In my head I’m screaming the words back at him. Instead, I do the only thing I can think of to show him I feel the same way.

  I grab him by his face, pulling him down until I can reach his lips. I kiss him with everything I have. Jack takes over the kiss, forcing my mouth open and thrusting his tongue inside. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and he lifts me until my legs are wrapped around his hips.

  He carries me through his room until my back is against the wall. The doorbell ringing causes us to stop. Jack rests his forehead against mine, and a giggle slips past my lips. He kisses me quickly.

  “I’ll go downstairs and help them finish up,” I tell him. Jack sets me down on my feet. I wrap my arms around his waist, giving him a quick squeeze.

  “I’ll be down in a minute.”

  Downstairs, I find both Reece’s and Jack’s parents in the kitchen. “Harley, these are Reece’s parents, Elizabeth and Rich. This is Jack’s girlfriend, Harley.”

  Reece looks like his dad, and his mom is beautiful. They both stand up to greet me and seem very nice. She shows me the cake and it’s so cute: It’s a jungle scene with fondant animals.

  Jack joins us a few minutes later, and then everyone starts to arrive. Del and her family arrive first, and it is chaos while hugs and kisses are exchanged. Then other guests start to arrive, and I get to meet Del’s best friend Brandon and his husband, Jose. Erik and Egan come with their wives and kids.

  The only person that didn’t come was Reece’s sister, Rachel. Her oldest is sick and they didn’t want to risk getting anyone else sick. We decided against games, but Jerry did get bubbles and chalk to keep the kids occupied.

  The men all gather around the grill like they’ve never seen meat cooked before. I walk around refilling or getting everyone drinks, trying to be a good hostess. I’ve never thrown a party before, so I want to make sure that everyone is having fun.

  I step outside. “Do you boys need a beer?”

  Erik wraps his arm around my shoulders. “What are you doing with this old man?”

  “His mom is paying me,” I say dryly. He barks out a laugh.

  “Jack, she’s quick. She’s going to keep you on your toes.”

  My man looks at me and winks.

  “Jack, did you just wink at her?” Reece shakes his head. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wink before.” The men all start razzing him, and he takes it all in stride.

  On that note, I head inside.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I hold the door open to the coffee shop and follow my parents inside. I wanted Harley to come with to take my parents to the airport, but she got edits back so she was in my office when we left working on them. My mom cracked up and took pictures of Fifty asleep on his little bed on my desk.

  Surprisingly, my dad loved the bunny and was always holding him. Fifty was my dad’s buddy in the mornings when he’d sit outside drinking his coffee—forever snoozing in my dad’s lap.

  The hostess seats us. “I wish Harley would’ve been able to come,” my mom says with a smile as she slides into the booth.

  “I know, and she wanted to come, but she said she usually has a short amount of time to work on her edits before she has to send them back.” We order our coffees. “Do you guys think you’ll be able to come back up when Delilah has the baby?”

  “We’re definitely going to try.” My mom reaches across the table and grabs my hand. “We really like Harley. I love the way she looks at you, the way she treats you, and the way she is with Delilah and the kids.”

  Our waitress interrupts us to bring our coffee and take our orders. When she walks away, I look at my parents. “I think she’s the one. I know I always swore that I’d never go through with getting married again, but she makes me want to.”

  My mom gives a little squeal; I can only shake my head. “Your mom’s happy, if you couldn’t tell,” my dad chimes in. “I’m happy for you, son. We’re just happy that you didn’t let the she-devil completely ruin you.”

  My dad refuses to ever say my ex-wife’s name. When we first got divorced, my dad referred to her as “the fucking whore,” “the she-bitch,” and other names that I don’t care to repeat—no matter how much I hate her, she’s still Delilah’s mother.

  After we finish eating, we head to the airport. My parents have me drop them
off curbside in front of the gate for the airline they’re using. I hop out, wrapping my arms around my mom when I reach her. She sniffles and I know she’s crying. “How about once Delilah has the baby Harley and I come down to see you?”

  “Oh, that would be wonderful. She’s never seen the ocean.” I know Harley and my mom bonded during this visit, which makes me glad since Harley’s mom is gone. Mom kisses both my cheeks. “Take care of my babies for me, and you call me the minute my great-grandson is born.”

  “I will, promise. I love you.”

  Mom lets go so I can hug my dad. “Take care of yourself, old man.”

  “You too, son, and give Harley our love.” I watch as my dad grabs my mom’s hand and they make their way toward the doors.

  Airport security gives me a look, so I hop in my SUV and then head to the office. Cobi’s meeting me to discuss some information he’s discovered about the couple whose IP address was used by Martha.

  After I pull into the parking garage, I hop out and make my way up. Carrie greets me when I step off the elevator. “Good morning, Jack.”

  “Hey, darlin’. How are you?”

  She stands up and runs a hand over a barely there bump. “We’re having another baby.”

  I come around and give her a huge hug. “That’s wonderful news. What does Leif think about being a big brother?” Their son is just a few months older than Charlie.

  “He wants the baby out now so they can play, and Egan’s over the moon.” Carrie smiles up at me.

  “I’m sure he is.” I kiss her cheek and then head into the back.

  Cobi is sitting in my office when I step inside. I sit down. “I appreciate you staying in Indy and doing more digging. Is Sara really Martha?”

  He opens the folder in front of him. “Sara’s father is the pastor at the church they attend. Her father is the one that introduced her to Justin when he joined their congregation six years ago. I attended a service as someone looking for a new church and used my charm…had some of the female parishioners very eager to share information with me.”


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