Lead Security (Rouge Security & Investigation Book 3)

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Lead Security (Rouge Security & Investigation Book 3) Page 15

by Evan Grace

  I’m wearing a black form-fitting dress that hits me right above my knee, a red blousy shrug, and black heels. My hair is up in a bun on top of my head. He tried to get me naked before we left, but I managed to fend him off.

  Our waiter comes and we order drinks. I order water and a blood orange margarita. Jack orders a beer. “Are you excited for tomorrow?” he asks.

  “Excited and nervous. I feel so awkward when I try to sell my books. Did Del tell you I got tickets for her, Shayla, and Carrie to come?” I play with the napkin in my lap.

  “She did. That’s really sweet of you to do that.”

  “I am pretty sweet,” I say, giving him what I hope is a saucy grin. Our waiter stops at our table to bring our drinks and take our orders.

  When dinner is over, I have a nice little buzz going. We ordered some warm chocolate cake to take back to the hotel and preferably eat naked in bed.

  We enter the Hyatt, which is gorgeous, and hand in hand we make our way to the elevators. On our way, I bump into a man. “Oh gosh, I’m sorry,” I say.

  The look he throws me gives me pause, but then he hurries off in the opposite direction.


  I turn to look at Jack. “I just ran into some guy and I don’t think he liked it.”

  The elevator opens and he pulls me on, wrapping his arms around me. His lips are on mine as the doors slide shut.


  Jack helps me set up my table, and by help, I mean he helped me bring my stuff downstairs. A couple of authors come over and introduce themselves to me and we talk while I arrange stuff on my table.

  Once I’m done, we head back upstairs so I can change into the outfit I’m wearing. I decide to wear the black ballet flats today because last night I’d pushed it a little bit wearing heels. But it was so worth it when we got back to our room last night and Jack had me bent over the mattress—with the heels on, I was at the perfect height.

  My body heats up as I think about it, but I push that away to get changed. When I’m finished, I head back out into the little living room. Jack looks up when I walk in. “You look amazing.”

  “Thank you.”

  Once we get downstairs, it’s a whirlwind of activity. We do a group photo, and then I ask the author next to my table to take mine and Jack’s picture. While I get myself organized, Jack grabs us both a bottle of water.

  “What do we do now?” He wraps his arm around the back of my chair.

  I shrug. “Now we pretty much just wait for it to start.” I lean into Jack. “If you want to go sit in the bar or upstairs until it starts, that’s fine with me. I don’t want you getting bored.”

  “Well, I wanted to come and support you, so how could I be bored? I’m excited to see my girl in action.” He wraps his arm around me and kisses my temple.

  When they announce that the doors are opening, the place is suddenly really loud and busy. My stomach rolls, but I swallow the bile down and pop a peppermint into my mouth. As people begin stopping by my table, Jack becomes the best helper. He poses for pictures, takes pictures for me, and shoots the breeze with husbands and boyfriends who were dragged there by their partners.

  What surprises me the most is when he starts talking to a girl’s husband who just stopped to look at the covers of my books. Jack gives the guy a full-blown marketing pitch and he ends up buying his wife my complete series.

  The girls show up with Erik in tow, and they pose for pictures with me. Then Shayla takes a picture of Del, Jack, and me. They all buy books from me and I sign them. I’ve never had close friends like this before—it feels good.

  Jack looks at his phone and signals to Erik. They look at the screen together and then Jack comes over to me. “I’ll be right back.” He and Erik disappear out into the lobby.

  I look at the girls. “What was that about?” The three of them shrug. “Will you guys sit and watch my table while I go use the bathroom?”

  “Of course,” Shayla says as the three of them sit down.

  I run out the side door to the bathroom that sits across from the main entrance. I quickly use the facilities and then wash my hands. In the mirror, I glance at my reflection and realize I look…different. I look happy—content. I smile like a goon—I know, I just can’t help it.

  Smiling, I reach for the handle of the door and pull it open. I let out a squeak because a man is standing in the doorway. “Umm…this is the ladies room.”

  With quick movements, he shoves me back inside. I lose my balance and fall, hitting the wall on my way down. He grabs me and pulls me up to my feet. My body shakes from fear—I don’t know who this man is, or what I did.

  He leans in close so I can smell his rancid breath. “I told you that you’d be punished.”

  My eyes widen as I struggle to find words, get my body to move…anything. Oh God, it can’t be.

  “I caught my wife with one of your books, and I read that piece of whorish trash,” he snarls. “You should be ashamed of yourself.” His hand flies out and he slaps me across the face. Pain explodes in my cheek as I whimper and cover it with my hand.

  I vaguely recall Jack and Egan telling me to respond to Martha’s emails by apologizing. This man is out of his mind, but I’ll gladly agree with him if it’ll save my life. “Y-Yes, you’re-you’re right,” I whisper, and I don’t have to fake the wobble in my voice. “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry?” He grabs me by the shoulders and slams me into the wall. “You’re a whore, and God punishes whores. 1 John 1:9: ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’ It’s too late for you to repent now. It’s time for me to punish you for your sins.”

  It’s so fast I don’t even have time to react—the pain is hot and blinding, and I fall to my knees. I look up as he pulls the knife from my gut and sneers at me before he kicks me in the ribs. Then in a flash, he’s gone.

  My hands tremble and my legs wobble as I push myself up to stand. I clamp my hands over my stomach and feel the warm blood flowing between my fingers.

  I feel like I’m about to pass out, but I force myself to take one step at a time. I need to get to Jack. I open the door as the tears start to flow down my cheeks. I use the wall for support as I step out into the hall. “O-One f-foot…in front of…the o-other,” I whisper.

  My vision swims and I fight the urge to collapse.

  More blood seeps through my fingers…it feels like so much. My vision tunnels, but I force myself to take step after step. I open the door to the event hall and propel myself through it. Each step is getting harder and harder…I start coughing and it tastes metallic, causing my stomach to roil.

  I hear someone yell, and then my name is being called. I look up and see Erik and Jack. Jack’s head whips in my direction and his eyes widen before he comes running toward me. My legs can no longer hold me up and I drop to the floor.

  Jack appears above me. I can see his lips moving, but I can’t hear him. I open my mouth: “I love you.” I’m not sure if any sound comes out, and finally my eyes flutter shut.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Erik and I step out into the hall. Cobi’s been blowing up my phone—hopefully he’s got information for me. “What’s up, Cobi—do you have news?”

  “Jack, it’s the husband,” he blurts. “I broke into their house to get on the computer and I found Sara beaten—she was barely conscious. He’s there, Jack—he’s going to make his move.”

  Without a word, I hang up and turn to Erik. “Martha’s a guy—it’s a man that’s been messing with Harley. He beat his wife and then he came here.” My phone dings and it’s a text from Cobi with a picture of Justin. I show it to Erik. “This is the guy; keep an eye out.”

  We rush back into the event hall and we’re a foot from Harley’s table when I hear commotion and look to the side. In all my life, I will never forget the moment that I see the love of my life holding her stomach with blood dripping from between her f
ingers, staining her shirt, and coating her lips.

  I bark at Erik to call 9-1-1 while I run to Harley. “Baby, stay with me…we’re getting help.” Her eyes keep fluttering closed. “Harley, stay with me!”

  Shayla gets on the floor next to me, holding her sweater to Harley’s stomach wound. Carrie, Delilah, and some others keep people back. It feels like forever before the paramedics finally show up. They get her on the stretcher and I ask Carrie, Shayla, Del, and Erik to get my and Harley’s stuff together.

  They let me ride in the ambulance with her, and I’m barely aware of what they’re saying—my eyes are only on her, my mind is only on her. We finally reach Rush Hospital and they make me go out to the waiting room while they rush her into triage.

  I pace back and forth after texting Erik and letting them know where we are. I look down at my hands that are covered in blood—Harley’s blood—and they begin to tremble. Clenching my fists, I stare blindly out the window.

  I’m not sure how much time has passed, but I sip at the bitter, disgusting brew that my daughter brought me a while ago. It sits like acid in my gut.

  “She’s going to be okay,” Delilah says as she hugs my waist. I nod and wrap my arm around her shoulders, hugging her to my side.

  My whole team is here waiting. Cobi feels like shit and keeps apologizing for not making a move earlier, but this motherfucker was really good at hiding how evil he truly is.

  Luckily someone was watching over us, because hotel security saw Justin on tape. The guy obviously has never done something like this before because he drove his own car, and security was able to get the make and model as well as the plates.

  The last update I heard was that the guy wrecked his car running from the cops. He’s not at this hospital—otherwise I would probably try to kill him. At this point, they don’t know if he’s even going to make it, and after what he did to Harley and his own wife…if that motherfucker dies, then he’ll be getting off too easy.

  “Harley Sanders’s family?” I turn to the doors that lead into the back. A man in scrubs is standing there.

  I jump up. “Yes, that’s us.” He leads Delilah and me through the doors.

  “I’m Dr. Torres, and I’ve been treating Harley. I’m not sure if she’s got a guardian angel or what, but the blade missed every vital organ. We closed her up and started IV antibiotics. We’re going to keep her overnight to make sure that infection doesn’t set in, but you’re welcome to stay. I’ll send someone once we get her admitted.” He disappears down the hall.

  “Dad? That’s great news.” I turn to look at Delilah, and then back down the hall.

  I nod, but I need to get out of here—I need a second to breathe. I walk past my daughter, out into the waiting room, and past my team. I don’t stop walking until I’m at least a block away. I lace my fingers behind my head and squat down, taking a deep breath.

  I stand up and run a hand over my head and close my eyes, saying a little prayer of thanks.

  “Jack.” I open my eyes to find Reece walking toward me. He pulls me into a back-slapping hug. “Del said Harley’s going to be okay?”

  “Yeah, man. Fuck, I’ve never been so scared in all my life.” I look down at my hands and see that I still have dried blood under my fingernails. “I thought she was dead, man. Her eyes closed, her lips were blue, and she was so fucking pale.” I look at him. “I’m never letting her get away. She’s going to have to accept the fact that I’m going to marry her and give her the babies she says she doesn’t want, because she’s a terrible liar.”

  “I’m happy for you, Jack. You’re both lucky to have found each other.” Reece slaps my back again and we walk back to the hospital, where we find out that they’ve got Harley settled into her room.


  Harley hasn’t woken up yet, but they have her on heavy pain meds at the moment. The nurse assured me that she was healing while she slept and she wasn’t in any pain. Luckily during her surgery they didn’t have to give her a blood transfusion—they just pumped her full of saline.

  I sent everyone home earlier. Cobi didn’t want to leave, but I knew he was itching to check in on Sara. I just hope he’s careful with that situation. My mom also called earlier asking about Harley; she offered to come up and help her during her recovery, but I assured her I have it taken care of.

  I stand up to stretch and walk around the room to close the curtains, then sit in the little recliner with my feet resting on the end of her bed. I meant what I said to Reece—I’m going to make her my wife and give her at the very least one or two of my babies.

  While I listen to the steady beep of her machines and watch the rise and fall of her chest, I think about one of the books she told me she loved; when the heroine was hurt and in the hospital, she woke up to a ring on her finger.

  I send Delilah a text asking her to get the ring box that was in my duffel bag and bring it in the morning. I had planned on—or had at least thought about—proposing to Harley after her signing.

  Delilah: Really???? Okay either Reece or I will bring it.

  Closing my eyes, it isn’t long before I fall asleep.

  “Jack?” Harley’s hoarse voice pulls me from my sleep.

  I get up and grab her hand. “Hi, baby. How are you feeling?” I brush her hair out of her face.

  “I hurt. I’m thirsty.” I get the nurse, letting her know that Harley’s awake. She comes in and checks Harley over before disappearing to get her a cup of ice chips. I elevate the head of her bed enough for me to slip ice chips between her lips. “I’m sleepy,” she whispers, and I put the head of her bed back down and Harley falls right back asleep.

  I don’t sleep much through the night. Nurses periodically come in to check her vitals, her IV, and her dressings.

  Reece shows up with the ring box; he leaves us alone and I open it. It’s a platinum band with a princess-cut diamond. I grab her left hand and slip it on her ring finger—it fits perfectly.

  I stare out the window and shake my head. In a million years I never thought I’d get married again, but she makes me want to do a lot of things I said I’d never do.



  I open my eyes and stare up at the plain white ceiling of the hospital room. It feels like someone jammed a hot poker in my gut; I can still feel the blade sinking into my flesh. My heart starts to race. “Harley?” Jack appears above me, and I immediately relax. “Are you okay? You were starting to pant, and your heart rate increased.”

  “Yeah, I was just remembering everything.” I lick my chapped lips. God, even exhausted—which I know he is—he’s still a beautiful man.

  He grabs my hand, bringing it up to his mouth. “He can’t hurt you ever again.” I can only nod. He says it with so much conviction that I believe him.

  Something sparkling on my hand catches my attention, and I bring my hand up to my face. I look at Jack, forgetting all about the pain. “Ummm…did we get engaged?”

  He grins. “I’ve had it for a little bit. I remember you telling me that in one of your books, the heroine got hurt and while she was in the hospital recovering, she woke with the engagement ring on her finger. And I thought, what better way to ask you?” He leans down, holding my hand in his. “What do you say?” He kisses me right over the ring.

  My eyes burn. “I thought you didn’t want that?”

  “I didn’t, until you.” Jack kisses me on the lips. “Marry me? Please.”

  I nod, smiling. “Yes, I’ll marry you.” He kisses me again. “I love you, Jack.”

  “I love you too, Harley.”


  Two weeks later

  I move slowly through Jack’s bedroom—or I should say, our temporary bedroom. After our little honeymoon we’re taking, he’s moving into my home and we’re making it ours.

  I was released from the hospital two days after I was attacked. I’m not sure how I got so lucky since the knife didn’t hit any organs. It’ll take some time to completely heal, though. Jack’s been
the one to change my dressing every day, and again, trying to carry me everywhere.

  He’s been wonderful to me, and when I have nightmares he holds me until I’m able to fall back asleep. Cobi has been a fixture at Jack’s—heck, his whole team and the spouses have been over, cooking or bringing food, helping with whatever we need done.

  Jack’s told me Cobi still feels guilty and that he thinks he let us down. I finally got him to sit down and talk with me, and I made it very clear that no one blamed him for anything. When he’s not with us, he’s usually looking in on Sara, even though she always refuses to see him.

  We did find out the whole story: Sara had bought a paperback copy of Release You, and her husband grabbed it from her and read it. He’d slapped her around and then made her stay on her knees praying for hours. Then he began emailing me and digging until he found out more about me.

  When I wouldn’t respond to his emails, he got pissed. He made his wife watch as he shredded my books.

  “Martha” was the name of the preacher’s wife at the church Justin had attended as a child. He’d watched his mom be preached to by his father over and over; his father would make them both kneel while he read scripture after scripture.

  I guess he’d just finally snapped, and beat Sara badly before coming after me. Justin’s still in the hospital, but as soon as he’s able, they’ll transfer him to jail where he’ll face multiple charges, including attempted murder.

  But now I’m focusing back on today: the day I’m marrying Jack.

  Earlier, Delilah braided my hair in one of those thick fishtail braids, sticking flowers throughout my hair. She even did my makeup, giving me a slight glow. I hugged her tightly. “Thank you for doing this.”

  While she hugged me, she whispered in my ear, “Can I call you Mommy?” We laughed and then she kissed my cheek before disappearing downstairs.


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