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Alcatraz Page 78

by David Ward

  in battle of Alcatraz

  book of

  on Branch’s murder

  changes in behavior of

  on disciplinary segregation

  encouragement for

  escape attempt of

  parole of

  postrelease success of

  on Stroud

  transferred to McNeil Island, then San Quentin

  on treatment of Alcatraz transferees

  Quinn William J.



  Radkay, William “Willie”

  Raiford (FL) Prison

  rape. See also sex offenders

  Rapid City (SD) Journal

  Ray, Garold (U.S. probation officer)

  Real Detective Magazine

  recidivism: expectations of

  statistics on

  by subgroup. See also inmates, post-Alcatraz failures

  inmates, post-Alcatraz successes

  recreational activities

  Red Rock Island

  Reed Otto

  Reed, P. F.

  Reed, Richard “the Shoe-bomber”

  Reese, Charlotte P.

  rehabilitation philosophy: at Alcatraz, applied

  at Alcatraz, discarded

  S. Bates on

  emergence of

  emphasis on

  failures of

  questions about

  Reis fred

  religion: access to services

  description of programs

  inmates’interests in. See also Clark, Joseph M.

  Reno Gazette

  resistance: convict code and

  motivations for

  organized vs. individual

  plotting escape as

  prison control vs.

  resistance, individual: acts not tolerated in

  forms of

  motivations in

  overview of

  patterns of

  persistence in

  self-destructiveness in

  suicide as

  specific examples of: Butler






  Waley. See also coping mechanisms writ writers (inmates)

  resistance, organized: categories of

  overview of

  participants in

  spread of. See also hunger strikes

  protests and strikes

  Rice, J. H.

  Richardson, Scovel

  Richberger, Fred

  Ritchey (doctor): on Butler

  on escapees

  on Giacalone

  on good time forfeiture board

  on Hensley


  on Phillips

  Waley’s suicide attempt and

  Roberts, Frank

  Robertson, Robert

  Robinson, Thomas

  Robinson Crusoe (Defoe)

  Roche, Michael: Giles’s escape trial before

  post-trial evaluation of

  Young’s murder trial before

  The Rock (film)

  Roe, Ralph: Capone on

  correspondence courses of

  criminal activities of

  escape of

  solitary confinement of

  Stamphill’s reading about

  Rolph, Thomas

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.: appointees of

  circle of

  public-enemy mythology countered by

  sentence commuted by

  Rorer, William (FBI agent)

  Rosenberg, Ethel

  Rosenberg, Julius

  Roucek (doctor)

  rules and regulations: book of

  on cafeteria behavior

  contraband defined in

  exploitation of

  function of

  on good time forfeiture

  on isolation and solitary

  lax enforcement of

  on letter writing

  on movies for inmates

  no-nonsense approach to

  operational guidelines and

  on parole

  resistance to

  on silence

  on solitary confinement

  trial testimony on

  on visitors. See also daily routines


  Runyon, Damon

  Russell, Bertrand

  Ruth, David E.


  Rychner, Emil


  Saga magazine

  Sanders, Thomas J.

  San Francisco: Alcatraz protested and criticized in

  bootlegging in

  curiosity about Alcatraz in

  earthquake in

  news of battle of Alcatraz in

  parole rules and concerns of

  releasee’s suicide in

  search for escapees in

  transport to Alcatraz from

  WWII fears in

  San Francisco Bay: bodies fished from

  searched for escapees



  swimming in

  as ultimate barrier

  WWII concerns about

  San Francisco Call Bulletin

  San Francisco Chronicle: Alcatraz conditions sensationalized in

  Alcatraz citing protested by

  on battle of Alcatraz

  on Capone

  on escapes

  on Spanish dungeons

  on Young’s murder trial and prison conditions

  San Francisco Examiner: on arrival of first inmates

  on battle of Alcatraz trial

  call for Alcatraz’s removal in

  defense attorney hired by

  on escapes and escape attempts

  on food protest

  on Lucas and Franklin’s trial

  on Waley’s testimony

  on Young’s murder trial and prison conditions

  San Francisco News: on Alcatraz conditions

  on Capone’s transfer

  on Waley’s testimony

  on Young’s murder trial and prison conditions

  Sankey, Verne

  San Quentin prison (CA): Alcatraz compared with

  death row of

  executions in

  guards from, in battle of Alcatraz

  Santa Fe Railroad

  Saturday Evening Post

  Savage, Lem

  Sawyer, Harry

  Scarface (film)

  Schmidt, Annesley K.

  Schmidt, Dutch Louie

  Schmidt, Ludwig

  Schultz, Dutch

  Schweickhardt, R. G. (FBI agent)

  Scott, John Paul

  secrecy: about prisoner transport

  consequences of

  cracks in regime of

  deliberate fostering of

  sensationalization in face of

  set aside in 1947

  security: enhancements of

  evaluations of

  FBI concerns about

  gangster era context of

  Hamilton’s reentry into prison and

  implications of foiled escape attempts for

  lax enforcement of

  weaknesses in

  WWII military presence as. See also escape attempts and escapes

  sentence length: average stay on Alcatraz

  behavior based on

  longest continuous at Alcatraz

  transfers to Alcatraz based on. See also good time forfeiture

  Severson, Alden

  sex offenders: Butler as

  inmates’ attitudes toward

  limited number at Alcatraz

  military prisoners as

  Shannon, Ora: criminal activities of

  imprisonment of

  Kelly on

  release of

  sentence set aside

  trial of

  Shannon, R. G. “Boss”: criminal activities of

  Kathryn’s letters to

Kelly on

  trial of

  Sharpe, Edwin

  shaving routine

  Shockley, Samuel: in battle of Alcatraz

  behavior of

  death penalty for

  implicated in escape attempt

  mental issues of

  named as participant

  planned prosecution of

  protest of

  trial of

  Shumway, Leslie A.

  Shuttleworth, C. J.: dungeon cells used by

  prisoner identification by

  role of

  on security and discipline

  work strike faced by

  silent system: abandoned

  impossibility of enforcing

  isolative impact of

  reimposed after battle

  resistance to

  solitary confinement for violating

  Silloway, Frederick D.

  Simpson, Joseph H.: in battle of Alcatraz

  battle of Alcatraz testimony of

  disability retirement of

  suspension of

  Waley’s hostility toward

  Sink, George

  Six Against the Rock (film)

  Smith (FBI agent)

  Smith, Adam

  Smith, George

  Smith, Herbert B.

  “Snoopervision” (operation)

  Snow, Cecil

  Sobell, Morton


  solitary confinement: cells used for

  coping mechanisms in

  daily practices in

  death in

  escape attempt from

  at Fort Leavenworth Annex

  hunger strike and force-feeding in

  Johnston on

  lengthy stays in

  meals in

  quiet time in

  rage in

  security recommendations for

  testimony on conditions in

  types of

  frequent use of

  reasons for: attack on warden or staff

  escape attempts


  list of



  protests and strikes

  refusing to talk

  refusing to work

  resistance to regime

  security. See also disciplinary segregation

  South Dakota: crimes in

  state penitentiary of (Sioux Falls)

  Southern Pacific Railway

  Spagnoli, Ernest

  Spark, Welton

  special treatment unit. See also disciplinary segregation

  solitary confinement

  Spencer, Al

  spies as inmates

  Spokane (WA) Spokesman-Review

  Springfield medical center. See Medical Center for Federal Prisoners (Springfield, MO)

  St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Washington, DC)

  St. Joseph’s College (Mountain View, CA)

  St. Louis (MO) federal probation office

  St. Paul Pioneer Press

  St. Valentine’s Day Massacre

  Stadig, John

  Stamphill, Dale: alcohol problems of

  behavior of

  criminal activities of

  escape attempts of

  post-Alcatraz drift back into crime

  post-release success of

  protests and strikes of

  recommended transfer of

  sentence of

  solitary confinement of

  transfer of

  Steere, Joseph

  Stevens, Olin

  Stevenson, Ray

  Stewart, Clifford

  Stites, Harold: in battle of Alcatraz

  death of

  escape attempt and

  Lucas’s account on

  memorialized in media

  testimony of

  Stoops, Clyde

  Strange Cargo (film)

  Stroud, Robert “Birdman”

  Stucker, Edward: in battle of Alcatraz

  escape attempt and

  suicide attempts and suicides: inmates’

  testimony on

  releasee’s view of

  as resistance

  self-mutilation as or not

  threats of

  of specific men: Bowers






  Sullivan, Richard G. (U.S. probation officer)

  Sullivan, William A. (FBI agent)

  Sundstrom, Carl

  super and supermax prisons: Alcatraz vs. current

  assumptions about, contradicted

  inmate conduct and

  lessons of Alcatraz for

  as minimum-privilege regime

  murder of officers in

  as new form of imprisonment

  opening of

  psychological effects of

  questions about

  rationale for. See also Administrative Max (ADX, Florence, CO)


  Marion (IL) federal supermax penitentiary

  Swift Company

  Swope, Edwin B. (warden): Bates’s case and

  executions reported to

  Karpis’s case and

  Kelly’s case and

  Waley escorted by

  as warden

  Sykes, Gresham M.

  Tahash, Ralph

  Tamm, E. A. (FBI agent)

  Tanner, Willie May

  Taylor, John C.

  Taylor, Laurie

  Teamsters Union

  Teeters, Negley K.

  Tennessee: crimes in

  state penitentiary of. See also Brushy Mountain Prison (TN)

  Terminal Island Federal Correctional Institution (Los Angeles)

  Terre Haute (IN) federal penitentiary

  Terry, Patty

  Texas: crimes in

  federal correctional institution in

  Public Enemies 1 and 2 of

  reformatory of

  state prison of. See also Dallas County Jail

  Texas Border Patrol

  Texas Department of Corrections

  Texas Habitual Criminal Act

  Texas Parole Board

  Thayer, Earl

  Thomas, Lafayette

  Thompson, “Big Bill”

  Thompson, Charles

  Thompson, Erwin N.

  Thompson, Miran “Blackie”: in battle of Alcatraz

  criminal activities of

  death penalty for

  escape attempts of

  explanation by

  named as participant

  planned prosecution of

  trial of

  Three Prisons Act (1891)

  Time magazine


  Tolson, Clyde (FBI agent)

  Torrio, Johnny

  Touhy, Roger

  Touhy gang

  tours: current visitors


  transfers from Alcatraz: adjustments made after

  BOP questions about

  of “corrected incorrigibles”

  for exemplary behavior in battle

  former and non-Alcatraz guards’ treatment of

  good time issue in

  for improved conduct

  for medical reasons

  requests for

  testimony on

  transfers to Alcatraz: absence of right to review

  as achievement

  for being strange

  for being unreformable

  criteria for

  for escape attempts

  as event of interest

  for failure to conform

  for length of sentence (and desperation)

  for mental difficulties

  of military prisoners

  for murder of cell mate and long sentence

  requests for

  for writ writing

  transportation of prisoners: to Alcatraz

  of Capone

  conditions on train in

  consistent handling in

  cruel and unusual conditions in

  DOJ concerns about

  escapes and escape attempts during

  of Kelly

  lack of public attention to

  of lesser stature inmates

  railroad cars for

  secrecy about

  sites viewed in

  to Terminal Island

  True magazine

  trusty passes


  Tucker Prison Farm (AR)

  Turano, Anthony

  Underhill, Wilber

  Underwood, Thomas

  Unger, Robert

  Union Station massacre: events of

  Karpis linked to

  legacy of


  scholarship on

  United Press International

  University of California: correspondence courses of

  electrical engineering contact at

  University of Illinois

  University of Minnesota

  Urbaytis, Joseph: criminal activities of

  escapes and escape attempts of

  postrelease success of

  release and death of

  resistance of

  solitary confinement of

  transfer of

  Urschel, Charles F.: Bates’s letters to

  Kelly’s letters to

  kidnapped (See Urschel kidnapping)

  parole for Bailey recommended by

  staff of

  Urschel kidnapping: affidavit concerning trial of

  Bailey’s disclaimer of involvement in

  context of

  description of

  detainers related to

  government victory in

  participants in

  ransom money in

  U.S. Army. See also military prisoners in Alcatraz

  U.S. War Department

  U.S. Coast Guard

  U.S. Congress: call for Alcatraz’s removal and

  inmate’s appeal to

  kidnapping legislation of

  supermax prisons question before

  U.S. Courts, Administrative Office

  U.S. Department of Justice: Alcatraz requirements of

  Alcatraz site selected by

  deterrence aspect of Alcatraz for

  escape-proof mythology and

  prisoner transport concerns of

  public-enemy mythology countered by

  public relations concerns of

  security concerns of

  super prison rationale of. See also criminal justice system

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  penology and penal policy

  U.S. Federal District Court, Northern California

  U.S. government: Chicago’s appeal for assistance from

  public-enemy mythology countered by

  response to kidnapping epidemic

  U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service

  U.S. Marines

  U.S. Parole Board: Alcatraz visits of

  expectations of misconduct and change

  Johnston promoted to

  letters read by

  limits on

  specific cases and: Bailey







  U.S. Public Health Service. See also medical care

  U.S. Supreme Court

  U.S. War Department: Alcatraz Island used by

  dungeon cells used by

  prisoners of. See also U.S. Army


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