Coming in Handy_a Single Dad Romance

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Coming in Handy_a Single Dad Romance Page 7

by Emilia Beaumont

  “What we can do soon is switch over the training wheels to practice the other side,” I explained as she make ready for another length.

  We had just set off again when Derek appeared from the house, with one look he called out loudly.

  “Kadee, what are you doing?” He rushed across the lawn to us.

  “Look Daddy, it’s easy!” Kadee shouted as she accelerated.

  “What on earth are you playing at?” Derek directed at me as he drew near. I halted in my steps taken back by his tone. “I step away for a moment and you—”

  “Just wait. Trust me,” I said, keeping my eyes on Kadee. “She’s doing great, look,” I added in my defense, gesturing to Kadee who was advancing quickly along the driveway.

  Derek was still moving after her, but with a little less urgency than he had at first. He watched her as he slowed.

  “See Daddy, can you see?” she yelled from up ahead.

  “Yes, baby. You look great. But be careful.”

  As if his words had tempted fate Kadee’s front wheel snagged on a small divot causing the handlebars to angle to the side and she tumbled onto the driveway. She landed with a small squeal, slapping her palms down to steady her fall. Just liked I’d shown her.

  “Kadee!” Derek screamed, launching off after her again. I half wanted to hold him back, but he was already gone when I reached out.

  Luckily however, by the time he arrived by her side she had already straightened the bike and was almost back on.

  “Are you okay? Are you hurt? Kadee, sweetie?” he asked kneeling beside her, checking over inch of her little body.

  “I’m okay. It was just a low five,” she said to his bewilderment. “I think I bumped my elbow though.”

  “Let me see.”

  Kadee held up her elbow for him to inspect.

  “Oh well, that’s just a little boo-boo. You’re such a brave girl. I’ll go get a Band—”

  “No, Daddy, it’s just a boo-boo,” Kadee reiterated adorably. “Kiss it better instead.”

  Like any dutiful father he followed his daughter’s instruction and kissed her elbow sweetly.

  “Daddy can we switch the training wheels now?”

  “I suppose we could. You look like you’re getting the hang of it.”

  “Georgie is a good teacher.”

  “Yeah… seems she is good at a lot of things,” agreed Derek looking up at me. His tone warm and endearing again.

  “Maybe we should take her out to dinner, to thank her. Shouldn't we?”

  “Erm, what?” Derek hesitated, with this out of the blue suggestion, “Well, we don’t know if she’s busy honey. Georgie has a life of her own you know?”

  I stood there amused as his little devious and yet totally adorable child threw him on the spot. Practically playing matchmaker. Then I butted into the conversation to rescue him… or add fuel to the flames, depending on your perspective.

  “I’m not busy, I was taking the day off anyway. I really need to recharge after the move.”

  “So you’ll come to dinner with us, Georgie?” Kadee asked, hands already on the handlebars raring to go again.

  “Only if your dad—“

  “Come out with us tonight?” he said, meeting my smile, his tone had a decisive edge to it, and I couldn’t help but glow from the inside out from what this could mean. “There is a new place in town we could try.”

  “I would love to.”

  “Though of course you’ll get the two of us again,” he added, gesturing to himself and Kadee.

  “A package deal? Well that’s even better. How could I resist?”

  “Yay!” came Kadee’s squeal and we both laughed as she peddled off up the driveway.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “So what is this place?” Georgie asked from the passenger seat.

  We were taking my truck into town. Kadee sat in the back quietly watching the buildings go by as we drove down Main street.

  “Nothing fancy I’m afraid, a good old family restaurant as far as I’m aware. The owner is an old friend of my dad’s actually.”

  “Small town, huh?”

  “Yeah. I’ve heard good things about the food. Maybe as good as your mac and cheese.”

  She laughed. “Hey that’s just the tip of the iceberg, I’m a great cook! I just need a functioning kitchen.”

  “We’ll have to see about that then.”

  “About what, my cooking or my kitchen? I think it’s best to keep you out of there… it’ll only lead to trouble.”

  “I will, if you promise to stop dropping things.” We threw each other a mischievous smile.

  “Are we there yet?” chimed in Kadee from the back.

  “As a matter of fact we are. I hope you’re hungry sweetie,” I answered, finding a parking space a couple of cars down from the restaurant.

  I helped Kadee out of the back, and almost immediately once her feet touched the ground she darted to Georgie’s side, and took her hand. Georgie gave my little girl the most heartwarming smile. She caught me watching and shrugged as if it was nothing… but it wasn’t nothing. Her and Kadee getting along so well was a weird dream come true. I’d hadn’t planned on being with anyone, it had never really been on the agenda while I’d been so focused on flipping houses, and it never occurred to me either while Kadee was around. But this, the three of us, together, was something really good.

  “You look gorgeous by the way,” I offered to Georgie as we headed along the sidewalk. It had felt a little odd meeting up at my driveway earlier and I had been too busy helping Kadee to offer any remark on how good she looked. But now seeing her in the glow of the soft light that spilled from the restaurant I couldn't hold my tongue any longer.

  “This old thing? You’re the one looking fancy, you scrub up pretty well yourself for a man that seems to live in jeans,” she replied with a glint in her eye. Her cheeks had darkened slightly and I couldn’t help but think that her response was a defense mechanism. I made a mental note to tell her more often how beautiful she was, how even the slightest quirk of her lips made my heart race. And how, for some reason, I could barely remember a time before she’d walked into my, no our lives.

  Opening the door for my ladies, the atmosphere that met us inside was somewhere between homely and romantic. Warm red furnishing adorned the place, light sparkled from the wall fittings and candles in tea-light holders. Classic old world photos adorned the walls in ornate frames. I approached the empty pedestal by the entrance as a busy waiter rushed past with two plates in hand.

  “I’ll be there in a moment folks,” he called back.

  The restaurant was surprisingly busy for midweek. Happy chatter bubbled over the place from the numerous occupied tables.

  “I have a table under Varden,” I told him when the waiter returned.

  “Ah, the Vardens, glad you could join us this evening,” he announced cheerfully, “this way please, we have your table ready.”

  I had little chance to correct his obvious presumption that we were all the Varden family. I turned to shrug at Georgie as we followed him, she smiled and led Kadee through the tables.

  We were seated in a nice quiet corner, and I settled down with a warm sense of happiness, despite the nerves accumulating in my belly from the date I’d suddenly found myself taking part in. It’d been years since I’d been out with anyone, and certainly never with Kadee acting as a chaperone. But I needn’t have worried. Georgie was helping Kadee with her menu and the two of them had not stopped talking since she had got out of the car. I had a pang of sadness at how much I missed this togetherness. Kadee’s bright smile made everything a delight, and Georgie’s happy features had an even greater effect on me. She looked even more beautiful in the candlelight.

  We were finishing up our main course when a deep booming voice carried over the table.

  “Ah there he is. Derek, how are you doing?” It was the owner Bernard, or Bernie as folks called him.

  I half stood to
welcome him and shake the hand he had proffered, “Hey Bernie. It’s been a while, great place you have here. It’s about time I came and saw it.”

  “Thank you, thank you, my boy. Heck I haven't seen you for nearly a decade.”

  “Guess so, I heard you’d left town?”

  “Yes, yes, my big plans. I opened up a place in the city. Thought I was going to make it big. Turns out this is what my heart really needed,” he waved his arms around him at the surroundings and occupied tables. “A local, family place. Each customer a familiar face.”

  “Good to have you back, I have to say. The place is just great.”

  “And the food is delicious,” Georgie interjected.

  “Thank you, but not too many compliments to the chef please, they tend to get a big head and soon enough Simon will want a raise,” Bernie chuckled. “However these two lovely ladies deserve all the compliments this evening. You’re a lucky man, Derek.”

  “That I am. Sorry, where are my manners? This is Georgie, my…” I trailed off, unable to define our relationship. What were we? We hadn’t nailed anything down and I didn’t want to presume.

  “His friend,” Georgie said rescuing me from embarrassment. Though that was quickly short-lived.

  “His girlfriend,” Kadee added with a giggle.

  A quick look at Georgie and I found although she was biting her lip, she didn’t seem to mind the new title bestowed upon her.

  “And this is my darling daughter, Kadee.”

  “Pleased to meet you all. Derek you have a lovely evening with such delightful ladies. I will let you all get on with your meal, and if there’s anything you need you only have to ask.”

  Bernie bowed and took his leave.

  With our main course cleared it was time to debate dessert. The debate however was rather short lived when Kadee spotted a chocolate gateaux being delivered to another table nearby. Thought she did describe it at “ga-tux” and a few hilarious minutes followed as we practiced the proper pronunciation with her. Georgie sounded rather sexy as she surprisingly fell into a fake French accent with ease.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” she said laughing.

  “Like what?”

  “So I took some classes,” Georgie said with a wave of her hand and spent some time in France.

  “They certainly paid off, ma chérie,” I said and caught her hand, meeting her eyes. We stared at each other, lost for a second as the noises from the restaurant melted away. But then she blinked and reclaimed her hand, placing it back in her lap. I wasn’t the only one nervous tonight…

  “I don’t think I could eat a whole portion though. I could get a kid’s one like Kadee, unless you want to share?” said Georgie.

  “Yeah, that sounds perfect. I’m pretty full too.”

  I shuffled my seat round closer to Georgie as the dessert arrived and she slid it over between us. Kadee was happily tucking in, though I had a feeling there would need to be some sort of napkin intervention required when she was finished. More of the cake seemed to make it onto her cheeks than in her mouth.

  Georgie started in on our portion, and she gave out a moan of appreciation at the first spoonful.

  “That good huh?” I inquired.

  “Mmm, you should try this,” she said as another spoonful found her mouth.

  “If I get a chance,” I joked, I covered her hand with mine again, this time not letting her get away so fast, as she went back for more.

  She paused as our warm hands rested on top of each other on the table. There was that electricity again, our eyes met longingly for an endless moment. I so badly wanted to kiss her, to lean over like it was an everyday occurrence. Instead my nerves got the best of me, I didn’t think I was ready for it to be real, or to kiss someone in front of my daughter. Not when I didn’t have it all figured out yet. Because this wasn’t in my plans. Georgie coming along when she had, had thrown a spanner in the works in more ways than one.

  “If you’re not careful I’m going to bite your hand so I can get more cake.”

  I tsked with a teasing smile. “Do you not have any table manners?”

  Quickly, I wrestled the spoon from her distracted grip. She pouted and stuck her chocolaty tongue out at me then turned to Kadee.

  “Do you like it Kadee?” she asked.

  “It’s yummy! I want more!”

  Using Georgie’s spoon I scooped up a bit of cake.

  “That better be for me,” Georgie giggled then gasped when I stole a bite.

  “Nope, all mine,” I declared, keeping my eyes locked on hers.

  It was all so heartwarming, and it pained me think of the disastrous plans with the house that had fallen through and how my time together with Kadee and Georgie was slipping away. Soon enough Karen would want Kadee to go back to her, and I would follow too if I kept to my plans. I needed to be close to my daughter. I needed to see her grow up. That was no longer negotiable. But that would also mean leaving Georgie behind.

  There couldn't be many more nights like this however much I wanted it. Or Georgie.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I was in a dreamy mood as Derek drove us home, it had been such a great night, a wonderful atmosphere surrounded by good people. I began to feel hopeful about the little town I’d decided to plant my roots. And as if to prove the point, Bernie’s farewells when we’d finished at the restaurant were accompanied with big friendly hugs, calling out that he couldn’t wait to see us all again.

  Kadee was such a joy, so well behaved and funny, and she was only overshadowed by Derek’s eyes, his looks of longing. It had felt so right with the three of us together despite the short time I had known them both. It was like we were already becoming a close-knit unit, and I was very sure I didn’t want the night to end. Though I didn't think asking to come in for coffee was appropriate in front of Kadee, so I bit my tongue.

  “How about a movie?” Derek asked me to my relief and delight when we got out of the truck. “What do you say Kadee?”

  “Yes, please stay, Georgie,” Kadee implored.

  “I’d love to honey.”

  Derek offered me an arm for support as I made my way over the stepping stones on the lawn in my heels, then kicked them off once we got inside. Derek instructed Kadee to get changed into her pajamas before we could watch the movie.

  “Come see my room, Georgie!”

  “I’ll give her a hand,” I offered, heading upstairs with her as Derek got busy tidying up a little, shifting some paper work and his laptop from the coffee table.

  When we returned downstairs Kadee dragged me to the sofa.

  “Can I get you a drink?” Derek offered as he headed into the kitchen.

  “Hmm what have you got?”

  “Well, actually only beer. Or coffee…”

  “Beer is fine with me.” I had only had a small glass of wine at dinner, I would happily have another drink.

  He returned with two nice cold ones and settled into the sofa as well. Kadee leaned into him as she sat between us. He ruffled her hair lovingly.

  “Question is what do we want to watch, cause I’m easy.”

  “Oh really?” I immediately said followed by a mischievous glance at him.

  “Nemo!” Kadee squealed out as Derek flicked through the options.

  Pausing he looked over to me, seemingly for my opinion. “Just keep swimming!” He frowned at my response and Kadee wiggled pretending to be a fish. “Sure, I’ve always loved it, I’m sold,” I added for clarity.

  We all snuggled down to the movie and listened to Kadee’s giggles. She got steadily sleepier and before we were halfway through she was sound asleep, her head resting on my lap, her feet pressed up against Derek’s thigh.

  “I’d better get her to bed,” Derek said, scooping up the sleeping darling.

  “Need any help?”

  “No you stay, I won’t be a moment.”

  My mind wandered as the movie continued while Derek was upstairs. He was the perfect fathe
r, maybe a little over protective but he had a such a sweet endearing quality to him that made my insides yearn, an ache for this simple, yet charming life he led. I wanted to be a part of it.

  Biting my lip, unable to stop my train of thought, I wondered if maybe I would be scooped up next.

  A second later I dismissed the wayward thought. I was getting ahead of myself. Involving myself with a single-dad had not been what I came here for. I was supposed to be taking care of myself not falling head over heels in…

  Distracting myself, I got up with the sense that the night was over and looked around the immaculate room. The interior was all crafted beautifully, but on further inspection it was all a little bare. There was no real color or personal character to the place. Where were all the soft-furnishings, the art on the wall, the little knickknacks? It needed a woman’s touch to become a proper home, maybe more kids toys too. I shook my head again. Wanting the thoughts to stop, but not having the heart to completely push them away. And then the thought I’d spun around in my mind became more literal. Would Derek like a woman’s touch tonight? My touch…

  As I strolled the room I glanced over the papers that he had shifted to the sideboard. There were some letters regarding mortgages and a stack of listings printed out. It seemed rather private, but I glanced through houses with curiosity, I couldn’t resist looking at great houses. I just caught the street name on the last one when I heard Derek heading downstairs. Quickly, as if I’d been caught robbing a bank, I dropped the papers back where I found them.

  That was our street. Chestnut Grove. Why was he looking at houses on our street? The only house that had been put up for sale recently, as far as the agent had told me, was mine.

  “I should probably get going, I have plans early tomorrow,” I said as he came into view.

  “Really? But—” he replied not finishing, unsuccessfully masking the disappointment in his voice. He stepped toward me where I stood beside the sofa.

  “It was a pretty great night though, thank you. We should do it again. It was lovely being with you two. All three of us…”


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