Coming in Handy_a Single Dad Romance

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Coming in Handy_a Single Dad Romance Page 9

by Emilia Beaumont

  I considered this, and the prospect of hanging out with him and Kadee as we all worked on a project did sound like a heap of fun and a jolly good mess.

  “I just don’t want him taking control. He’s totally the know-it all type, my way or the highway kinda guy when it comes to his profession, his passion. But maybe you’re right-“

  “Score two for me!”

  I ignored her and continued my train of thought, “I could ask him to help out. I have been helping out with Kadee, god she’s so sweet, and I could do more of that. A small trade. Actually, speaking of which I also wanted to talk to you about something that might give me an edge, what do you know about child custody agreements?”

  “Hmm, family law, a little but not enough. I know a guy, why?”

  “He never gets to see his daughter, and they are great together. She lives with her mom, in California and he’s going to be heartbroken when she has to go home. Which will be soon from what I’ve gathered. Kadee is only here cause his ex got married and dumped the kid on him at the last minutes so she could go honeymooning.”

  Fiona frowned, “I can reach out for sure, this guy owes me anyhow.”

  “Thank you, you’re a star.”

  “How about we fill our faces now. Look at this stuff,” she said, brandishing the menu dramatically, then turned to find the nearest passing waiter. “Please bring us a couple of screwdrivers, a double for me, ‘cause my friend can’t be the only one getting laid,” she said waggling her eyebrows.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Knowing my mother—as well as my father—would kill me if they didn’t get to spend some time with Kadee while she was here, I dropped Kadee off at my parent’s house for some quality time.

  My mom had a day of baking and gardening planned for them both and though Kadee hadn’t really wanted to stay with them, once there was mention of cookies she changed her tune rather quickly. To be fair Kadee didn’t know either of them that well so there was bound to be some nerves. But I had a job that I couldn’t afford to miss out on despite Kadee’s complaints on the drive there. However with the warm greeting and the promise of activities my mom had planned, had finally convinced her the stay was worthwhile. I hugged and kissed my baby girl goodbye, thanked my mom, and rushed off.

  It was just my luck, while I was on route to the job, that they called to cancel. Some other delays in the pipeline meant I wouldn’t be needed for another week. I cursed and pondered my day again taking the turn back to my house.

  I was happy to let Kadee have the time bonding with her gran and pop, and I knew it would mean the world to them both. And I couldn’t help but wish it was always like this, Kadee with me, able to play in the garden, in the fresh air, with the chance to get to know my side of the family. Maybe even meet some of her cousins. But that was probably never going to happen, I thought, resigning myself that I would still need to move out west in order to see my baby girl more than once or twice a year.

  Deciding to let my parents have their time with their youngest granddaughter, the thought of Georgie crossed my mind. Though in all honesty, I had not really stopped thinking of her. The memories of our times together seemed to ease my worries, making me hopeful. There was something about her that I craved and couldn’t shake. Her stubborn attitude drove me insane and yet I wouldn’t have her any other way.

  I pulled into the driveway thinking I would love to do something nice for Georgie while she was away, to show my affections for her, to say thank you for making me stop and enjoy the simple things, and not be so consumed by worry all the time. I glanced over at her empty house, an idea taking form. Maybe the greatest way for me to do that was with what I knew best. Nodding, I promptly jumped out the truck, retrieved my supplies from the garage, strapped on my tool belt, and got to work.

  I was well underway tearing out the steps of the porch when my phone rang.

  “Derek, hey, can you hear me? God this line is terrible.”


  “Yeah, okay I have to be quick. We’re cutting the honeymoon short. There’s a hurricane on the way, we have to get out of here, fast.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “So the only flight we could get lands us on the east coast tomorrow, but that works out so that we drive down to you and pick Kadee up before flying home.”

  “What? But I have another week with her.”

  “You don’t if we are taking her home. I’m escaping from imminent danger here and you’re worried about another week of babysitting?”

  As ever, her blasé tone instantly irritated me. “I’m not babysitting. She’s my god damn daughter!”

  “Well I’m sure you’ve had a fine time hammering nails together, but it’s all arranged. I’ll let you know the times on the day. Listen I have to go, things are complete mayhem here.”

  Infuriated I slammed down the length of wood I still held in my other hand before I was tempted to smash it over something. As I stood, squeezing the life out of my mobile, I tried to absorb the news. I had always wanted Kadee in my life, but this past week had been so amazing it choked me up thinking of her leaving again so soon. We had already been making fun plans for next week, I couldn't bear to think of her face when I told her that we had to cancel.

  There had to be a better way.

  I threw myself back into the work as I struggled with my thoughts, what if I couldn’t get my plan together and move out west? What about Georgie if I did? Getting custody of my little girl was a long shot and it felt like time was running out. Things felt such a mess when only yesterday it all felt like a wonderful dream.

  I lost track of time and my progress on Georgie’s porch steps was slow as my mind bounced from problem to problem, and typically as if echoing my mood, the weather turned and it started to rain heavily. Water washed over the porch and puddles began to form in the dirt I had exposed. It quickly began to look like an unpleasant swamp with rotten wood and mud all around.

  Just marvelous. I wouldn’t be able to set the concrete footings in this weather and the rain would set the work back for a few days. This was not going to be the best welcome home for Georgie.

  “What the hell are you doing?” came the sudden loud challenge from behind me, followed by the slam of a car door.

  I hadn’t noticed Georgie driving up while I’d stood in the rain inspecting the half-finished job. But now she was here, she was advancing up her path with a bewildered and angry look on her face.

  “Georgie, hey. I hadn’t planned for things to look like this, I thought you’d be out longer.”

  “Oh I’m sorry, did you need more time to rip my house apart?”

  “Wait just a second. This is going to be great when it’s finished. And you know these steps are a hazard, I was only trying to help.”

  “Yes I’m very well aware of that. What do you think I have in the truck there? I bought supplies. I’m on this, I don’t need you to intervene. What did you think, we sleep together and you have free reign over all my affairs? To think, I was trying to help you out today with Kadee, but that was only because you knew about it. I didn’t go around your back.”

  “Maybe I don’t need you interfering in my affairs either. Hell, if you hadn’t thrown your money at this house, I’d be okay! Things were just great before you arrived!” I spat back, the accumulation of all my frustrations sharpening to a point, aimed directly at her.

  Her angry brow furrowed once more. “What the fuck is that suppose to mean?”

  “It means, you kind of ruined everything, okay? Like women always do!”

  “I’ve had enough.” She didn’t want to hear another word, holding out her hand she stormed off furiously toward her back door. I didn’t watch her leave this time, too angry to take the words back, I snatched up my tools and headed home instead.

  Seriously, how come every time I tried to help out things turned bad? Was I best staying out of it? If Kadee was leaving again I knew I wanted to desperately turn my mind to my mov
ing plans. I didn’t even know how Georgie could fit into that… But I couldn't worry about Georgie, or how she blew everything out of proportion, right now. It was getting late and I needed to pick up Kadee. If tomorrow was going to be my last day with my daughter, every hour with her counted even more.


  My mom opened the door and Kadee rushed out into my waiting arms.

  “Hey baby, how have you been? Did you have fun?”

  “She’s been a darling,” Mom replied.

  “I like my new nana. She let me eat cookie dough, then I had two warm cookies, but we saved some for you, Georgie too.”

  “Well that’s sweet, you wanted to share huh?”

  “This Georgie sounds nice. Anything I should know about? I have been hearing about her all day. She sounds a darn sight better than, you know who.” My mom’s poorly veiled venom for my ex reared its ugly head as ever and I swallowed a groan.

  With Kadee held in my arms I turned her away from my mother’s sour tone, giving her a look aimed to curb any onslaught. Georgie was not the best subject for me this evening. And neither was Karen, come to think of it.

  “You know she’d be a darn sight better off here, with family. I mean just look at you two.”

  Trying to keep the swelling emotion out of my voice, I coughed before I could reply. “It’s going to be okay Mom, don’t worry. We should get home,” I said cutting off any debate.

  Softening somewhat, she handed over the box of cookies, I thanked her and kissed my mom’s cheek farewell.

  Getting Kadee home I set about the task of relaying the news of her mother’s arrival and her early departure. With a heavy sigh I sat her down and began.

  “Kadee, honey. We’ve had a great time this week haven’t we?”

  “Uh huh,” she replied with a smile, though I could see her childlike intuition already knowing that daddy had bad news. “I don’t want to go back. I want to stay here. Forever.”

  Her small little remark struck me like a sharp arrow in the heart, I didn’t want her to go back either I wanted to keep her and hold her forever too.

  “I know, sweetie. The thing is your mom is going to be picking you up the day after tomorrow.”

  Kadee’s expression dropped as did my heart under the weight of another painful volley.

  “No, no. I don’t want to. Can’t I stay here with you, Daddy?” Her tears were already forming while I fought mine back, the lump in my throat begging me not to say another word.

  “You’re going to be fine honey. You’ll be back home with your friends, you’ll have your real bedroom again with all your toys.”

  “This is my home too. I like it better here. Georgie is my friend,” Kadee sniffed through her tears.

  “She is yes, and she really likes you. But Georgie has her life, and you have to go home. I promise I am going to be with you as soon as I can, I love you so much baby girl.” I hugged her close as she began to sob. “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay,” I said, wondering if I was lying to my little girl. How could it ever be okay when I was thousands of miles away from her?

  “Can we see Georgie?” Kadee asked after what felt like a lifetime of tears.

  “I don’t think we can see her tonight. But I promise you’ll see her tomorrow, though.” Somehow…

  Chapter Eighteen


  What a turn my day took, I’d arrived back from my lunch all ready to make the most of my life. I was ready to get to work on the house, I was ready to sort things out with Derek, and it sounded like I would be able to point him in the right direction for custody.

  But what turned out to be our roughest meeting yet out there in the rain had left me stunned. I certainly wouldn't be going over to his house as arranged tonight. I even steered clear of the front of the house avoiding looking over to his and ignoring the mess he’d left outside my front door.

  Maybe it would be best if he was moving away. We weren’t right for each other, too different, wanted different things. Too hot, clashing when things got heated. And he should be with Kadee if that was what he wanted, and really there was no question about where he stood on that. Though I still couldn't quite shake the gnawing feeling that I wanted him to despite the way we argued.

  Needing some outlet for my pent up rage, I went about demolishing the drywall in the back bedroom that needed replacing. I wouldn’t be replacing it completely today but whatever, I needed to be doing something. What better than doing something destructive? I worked for hours, fairly pleased with my productivity, the anger slowly draining out of me.

  I stood back and even allowed myself a moment of hope as I imagined the improvement to the room and considered colors for the new wall.

  With my arms tired and the evening drawing in, I retrieved what food I could snack on from the dilapidated kitchen and a tub of ice cream then retreated to my bed with my laptop for some comfort TV. Though the shows did little to distract me from the thoughts of Derek and the little girl I’d become so fond of. Somehow though, I’d managed to drift off to sleep. But that wasn’t much comfort, what with Derek making appearances in my dreams.

  Morning arrived with a chorus of bird noises accompanied by a clattering from downstairs. The sun was barely up and the world outside seemed peaceful and yet there was that noise again. Coming from inside my house. I listened carefully incase I’d just dreamt it, but no, sure enough there it was again the unmistakable sound of things being moved in the kitchen below.

  The sudden panic and realization that someone was in the house made me sit bolt upright in bed. Adrenaline rushed through my body, growing intense, as I thought about what I would do with an intruder prowling my house. My phone was regrettably downstairs, but I had to do something. I couldn’t just stay in bed, hiding.

  Steeling myself I crept to the landing to listen. The house was quiet again. I grabbed up my discarded hammer from the back bedroom and edged my way down step by step, carefully avoiding the loose creaky boards I’d come to know. Peering over the banister, my heart jolted as I saw who it was.

  “Kadee! What are you doing here?” I exclaimed with shock as well as complete relief when I spotted her in the kitchen doorway.

  “Morning, Georgie,” she called out in her typically charming manner.

  “Where’s your dad, Kadee? You shouldn't be here, should you?”

  “He’s asleep. He promised I could see you today.”

  “Okay, but you shouldn't go out on your own,” I said trying to decipher Kadee’s explanation. His promise surely hadn't involved Kadee alone in my house at this time of the morning.

  “Can we make pancakes for him? It will be nice. I think my daddy is sad,” she said, clutching a bottle of syrup she must have brought with her.

  I wasn’t ready for the swell of emotion this triggered. Why was he sad? Was it because of me and my stupid outburst, that I was starting to regret? I couldn’t believe this little girl had gone out of her way in the obvious hope of mending things. Maybe it wouldn't hurt, the idea of her waking up her father with pancakes would be great. Derek obviously had a lot on his plate and it seemed to be affecting Kadee now too. I could put aside my disappointment with him for just a moment, what mattered now was this helpless darling girl before me.

  “Okay, I think I have the stuff. But we have to quick so I can take you straight home. He’ll worry if he knows your gone. He’s still asleep you say?”

  “Uh huh,” Kadee nodded confidently, “still snoring.”

  I was quickly wrapped up in the delight of Kadee’s company as we set to work. She giggled at the mess I made as we rushed the mixture, then laughed even more as I promptly dabbed a little bit of mixture on her nose. When we were plating up the batch she quietened and threw her arms around my legs tightly. Was she crying?

  “Hey Kadee, come now. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she replied unable to look at me.

  “Don’t worry he won’t be mad, but we better be quick. Are you ready to take these ba
ck to your dad?”

  She nodded, wiping her face. As we made our way out of the back door we could already hear the yells from across the street. My heart sank. We hadn’t been quick enough.

  “Kadee! Kadee!” It was Derek and he sounded frayed with panic.

  I gripped Kadee’s hand firmly and increased our pace. “Come on.”

  We rounded the house into view to see Derek venturing across the street. The look of relief immediate on his face, his tense shoulders slumped and he was rushing toward us in his bare foot disarray.

  “Kadee, you can’t do that. I was terrified.”

  “We made pancakes. I wanted to surprise you.”

  “Well thank you honey, but never go off like that again,” he implored, hugging her.

  “I’m so sorry, she just turned up. Then wanted to make pancakes… I thought it would be okay. I was bringing her back, she was safe with me I hope you know,” I said, rambling with sudden guilt at the obvious distress I’d caused.

  “It’s okay, thank you. I’m glad she’s safe. Pancakes huh?”

  The panic in his voice had dwindled but he now sounded distant, he never once looked up as he spoke. His manner produced a heavy sinking feeling of sadness in the pit of my stomach that I wanted to flee from.

  “Yeah,” I hesitated, suddenly aware of the slight absurdity of the three of us stood in the middle of the street in our pajamas with a plate of pancakes.

  All I wanted to do now was escape the awkwardness of the moment, Kadee was safe. I felt like a complete outsider imposing on them. I handed over the pancakes, there was no way to avoid this with Kadee watching.

  “Aren’t you joining us, Georgie? Please,” Kadee asked sweetly grabbing for my hand.

  I withdrew my hand more abruptly than I had planned to Kadee’s dismay. The bright smile on her face faded as I tried to settle my emotions. But I had to remember they weren’t mine. They weren’t my family. And I couldn’t get attached any more, not when they would both probably be gone soon enough.


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