For Us (Broken Promises #3)

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For Us (Broken Promises #3) Page 4

by M Dauphin

  “You alright for your interview today?”

  “I’ll be fine. I’m meeting Alden for lunch in a couple hours to go over a few things, and then the interview is afterwards.” Taking a sip of coffee, I watch him as his eyes fixate on my mouth, noticing how his jaw clenches as soon as he hears Alden’s name. “Problem?” I grin, and him eyes snap back to mine. He takes a moment before speaking, like he’s composing all of his thoughts.

  “That’s good. Good, that’s… that’s good.” He stands and takes his trash to the trashcan before walking back to the table. But, he doesn’t sit. Instead he shoves his hands in his pockets, and looks at the floor. “So, uh… listen, I’m going upstairs to get cleaned up. You need a ride today?” He’s finally looking at me, and I think I see sadness in his eyes, but I can’t tell. Braydon’s been so hard to read lately, and, as much as I want to dive into trying to analyze and fix him, I have to start getting ready for this interview.

  “Nah, I’m good. I think he’s sending a car to pick me up.” Wiggling my eyebrows, I see him roll his eyes and shake his head.

  “Have fun with Mr. Bigshot. Call me after the interview. I want to hear how it all goes.” Leaning over the table, he kisses me, lingering on my lips longer than usual, and then turns and heads out of my apartment like there’s more on his mind than just my interview.

  What the hell was that all about, and why do I feel like I’m chasing the emotions of a teenage boy?

  By the time the car gets here to pick me up, I’ve primped and made myself look as professional as I can, and I feel stupid. Working with Lane, I rarely had to get dressed up like this, but Alden’s company is huge, and I want to make a good first impression, even if it comes down to wearing jeans every day. I don’t want them to think badly of me.

  The closet door slides open, so I can grab shoes and I my eyes catch my collection of high heels in the back of the closet… shoes that I’ll never be able to wear again. I stare longingly at them until I feel the rage building, then grab my flats and slam the door, leaving the terrible memories of that night locked away in the back of the closet.

  “Alexis, you look fantastic.” Alden’s voice meets me as I close my door. Spinning on my heel, I notice him waiting just inside the building.

  Alden McVee… the man that every other man in college was jealous of, and every girl wanted to snag. Old money from the south, his family moved here when he was in grade school and, as legend has it, he started his first business at the young age of fourteen. He’s a brilliant man, and devastatingly handsome. The crisp white button down is a stark contrast to the pitch-black dress pants. A shaved head and eyes so dark they could be black, he definitely has the looks to go with the stature.

  “Alden,” I say, smiling and walking towards him. “I expected to meet you at the diner.”

  “I had a change of plans, and was able to come pick you up.” He flashes his brilliant white smile at me, and the fangirl in me wants to faint because Alden McVee just smiled and it was directed only at me. “I hope that’s okay.”

  “Yes, that’s… that’s great, thank you.” I smile and turn to follow him out the door when I hear Braydon’s door upstairs slam, and his footsteps start coming down the stairs. I hold my breath that maybe it isn’t him, but, before Alden and I are outside, Braydon rounds the corner and stops in his tracks. I notice Alden go stiff near me, and, if I’m not mistaken, his chest puffs out just a bit.

  Braydon’s brilliantly bright eyes flick from Alden to me, then trail down my body and slowly make their way back up me, making me feel like a rare steak that he wants to devour, and I immediately get that warmth between my legs that I get when I’m around him.

  “Al,” he blurts, eyes wide. “Holy shit, you look great.” He’s walking towards me, and I can’t move from my spot. I need to introduce these two men, but the testosterone in the room just amped up, and I’m kind of afraid to move.

  “Oh, uh… thank you.” I smile, looking down at my outfit. It’s not provocative or sexy, but I guess he’s seen me in sweats more often than not lately so any type of dressing up is probably better than that.

  “Hey man, Braydon Simms, Alexis’ boyfriend.” He reaches out his hand to Alden and, at the same time, his free hand rests on my hip as I stand in between the two men. Jesus, why didn’t he just fucking piss on me to mark his claim?! I’m starting to get pissed at this battle of the brute that I’m stuck in between, and, if I had it my way, I’d turn around and go back to my apartment while Braydon makes his point.

  I’m with him. I know it, he knows it… no, there aren’t any titles, and we haven’t talked about it, but I hate that he thinks he needs to make himself known to every good-looking man that talks to me. That, and the fact that he just put a title to us without even talking to me first has me fuming on the inside and putting my acting skills to the test as I try to remain calm on the outside.

  “Alden McVee. Nice to meet you, Braydon.”

  “Same. Have a good interview, babe.” He leans in and kisses me softly before heading out the door towards the back of the building where his car is parked.

  Alden’s eyebrows are raised, and he’s staring at the door Braydon just walked out.

  “Sooo….” I don’t know what to say right about now, but I know I feel like crawling in a hole and not coming out for a while. How embarrassing!

  “Your boyfriend lives upstairs? In his own place?” He’s smiling that beautiful smile at me again, as we walk outside, and I suddenly wish I‘d declined this lunch date.

  “Yes,” I sigh. “It’s a long story.”

  And it is, but he makes me tell him the whole thing during lunch and somehow there’s not once while talking to him that I have to fight back tears. I talk of Lane and our life together, happily, and without regret. I tell him about the accident, and the following weeks very matter of factly, but I’m able to get it all out without crying. He asks about Braydon, and how that all happened, and I was able to be completely honest with him about everything without feeling guilt, and that’s when I know it.

  I know I love him.

  I think somewhere deep down inside my brain is trying to tell me I need to feel guilty about moving on, but isn’t that what Lane wanted? He wanted me to be happy. I’m happy with Braydon. I love love him… not just the infatuation type of love. The type of love that you rearrange your whole life just to be with the one person that makes you happy.

  I’m still not certain what did and didn’t happen between us last night, but I’m sure of one thing… I’m ready to be with him finally. Just the two of us.

  The interview goes pretty smooth. There was a little to no talk of the accident, or Lane, and lots of talk about working with more models since it’s where my specialty lies. I’d love to stay in the scene, but, really, at this point working a desk job is better than nothing. They did ask once about my ability to be on my feet all day, and I may have stretched the truth a bit, but I would get used to it again. I did it once, I can do it again. By the end of the interview, I’m comfortable with my ability to act professional still. It’s been a while since I’ve been in a situation like this, so it’s awesome to feel back in the game; like I’m getting my shit together finally.

  Bray texted during lunch, and asked if he could pick me up since I don’t have a ride home and I, of course, said yes. I love that he’s so attentive and caring. He’s not the man I thought he was; he’s way more. I’ve known the playboy Braydon, but he’s much more intuitive than I ever knew him to be. He’s either a really good actor, or he’s finally decided to change his ways.

  For us.

  “Hey, babe, how’d it go?” Kissing me softly before letting me buckle in my seat, I feel like I should be mad at him for the pissing contest he had before lunch, but I’m so pumped from this interview and potentially getting a new job that I don’t want to be angry right now. I want to be happy.

  For everything.

  “Great! Everything was awesome, Braydon. I’d be working in the same
industry as before. I’ll probably see some of the people I used to know. Things in the industry move fast, and I’ve been out for a while, so I’m sure I’ll have new shit to learn, but it’d just be perfect if it all works out.” I smile and sigh, looking over at him.

  “That’s awesome, Al. I’m happy for you.” He smiles, but I see he’s holding something back from me. I reach over and take his hand, thumbing the tattoo that wraps around his wrist.

  “How was your day?”

  “Good good. We uh… We signed on with Lappel today.”

  They what?! My jaw drops, and eyes practically bulge out of my face.

  “You signed on with Lappel!” The scream that comes out of me is insanely loud, which makes him break his concrete posture and laugh right along with me.

  “We did.” He’s smiling brightly now.

  “Bray that’s fan-fucking-tastic!” I want to lean across, and kiss him senselessly, but I don’t because he’s obviously driving. Instead, I make him tell me everything about it. This is the day he’s been waiting for forever since college started, and he started this band. Him and Gabe have gone through a few bandmates, but the two of them have stayed true through the whole thing. This is huge!

  “The initial contract is for a new, original record and California tour. If that goes well, we’ll be signing on for more next year.”

  “Tour?! You’re going on tour?!” I can’t stop squealing. This is just too awesome!

  “We will be, yeah. First we have to crank out ten new songs.” His mention of songs reminds me about last night. About the song. About the meaning behind the song.

  When we park at home, he gets out of the car, and lets me out, before walking ahead of me to open the door for me. Always the gentleman, that Braydon Simms.

  “Come on, I’ll make us a celebratory drink.” I wink at him, and do the best sexy walk I can to my door, praying to god that I’m not making a fool out of myself, but all of the awesome news today is just too much to handle and I really just want to dance with excitement.

  I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time, and it honestly warms my heart, knowing that he’s finally getting exactly what he’s always wanted, everything he deserves, and more.


  It’s wild knowing that we actually signed with a label today, but we did, and now here I sit with my girlfriend (whom hasn’t brought up the song from last night, nor the fact that I called her my girlfriend today, but it’s bound to happen), toasting and laughing like the drama from the last eight months never happened.

  “So, Braydon,” she says, setting her glass on the kitchen island and walking towards me. This fucking outfit she has on is covering way too much skin and, if I could, I’d rip if off, and feast on her right here in this damn kitchen. Seeing her laugh and smile like this is even sexier than I thought it would be. Sure, she’s laughed and smiled a lot in the last few months, but something clicked in her today, and it feels like she’s opened up more to me than she ever has before.

  I know I used to give her a hard time, but I never knew why. I think now it was because I love her feisty side. I love the side of her that isn’t afraid to start a war… and I see that side coming back, slowly, every day she’s back in LA. Hopefully, she gets this job and she’ll be able to find that spark again.

  “Where’d you go in there?” She taps my temple, and laughs when I swat her hand away.

  “Stop. I’m thinking.” Watching her cock her head at me, and grin, I seriously am losing all self-control the more she scrunches her nose at me.

  “Does it hurt?” she whispers, holding back a smile.

  “Does what hurt?”


  Raising my eyebrows at her, and loving the banter coming from her, I have a few different ways I could respond to that jab.

  Of course, I’m a man… so I chose the one that ends up with me on top of her.

  “Run.” One word, whispered low, with a menacing look on my face is enough to get her moving.

  She takes off as fast as she can towards the bedroom, but I’m right behind her. Immediately, she gives and calls truce but I pretend not to listen. Throwing her on the bed, my fingers find her sides, and start tickling her, until she screams that she’s about to pee.

  “Staaaahp!” She laughs and tries catching her breath but, with my weight on top of her, that may be a little hard. Bracing myself on my elbows on either side of her, she pushes the hair out of her face and laughs.

  “Jerk.” She smiles and sticks her bottom lip out in a pout.

  “I’ve been called worse.” I smile, and notice her eyes flick to my lips. Before she can get another word out, I press my lips to hers hesitantly, because this is the closest to sex we’ve come yet, and, being above her like this, all I can think about is how amazing it’d feel to be inside her… finally.

  She’s not pulling back, but she’s not quickening the kiss. She’s enjoying it, reveling in it, and her hands slowly make it to the bottom hem of my shirt. She tugs up and grins at me.

  “Al-” Her finger finds my lips, and stops my words dead. Her eyes are bright and her face, for once, looks at peace and truly happy. The Al that I first met is starting to come back, and she’s feisty as hell.

  “Shh. No talking, Bray.” I let her lift my shirt over my head, trying the whole time not to lose composure that this is actually finally happening. It’s taken a long time to get to this stage, but I wouldn’t fucking trade it for the world.

  It’s like my lips are on a conquest of their own as they start making their way down her neck. Her arms wrap around my shoulders, her hands fingering my hair, and then she moans.

  Jesus Christ, that moan.

  Without words, I slowly strip her of her top and bra, then sit up. Nude only from the waist up, my girl is one of the damn hottest chicks I’ve ever seen. She’s watching me silently, as I grab my cell and take a picture of this… there’s no way I’m ever forgetting this look on her face. If I could make that my background, I would.

  “Crude,” she laughs, then takes my phone and tosses it on the ground before her hands reach for the button on my pants.

  “I can’t promise I’m going to be able to stop once you take those off, Al…” I warn her, but she doesn’t slow down. If anything she speeds up, and, within seconds, all of my clothes are gone, just like that, and I’m sporting some seriously hard wood for this beautiful woman in front of me.

  I know this next step is going to be the hardest for her, but she needs to push past it, so we can get to the fun shit. Her leg doesn’t define her; it’s merely an extension of her beauty. My fingers go to the waistband of her pants, my eyes never leaving hers, and, the minute I get them unbuttoned and start to pull them off of her, she sucks in a breath and closes her eyes. Clenching her jaw, I see her holding her breath so I stop, scared that I did something wrong.

  “Alexis?” I whisper, lying on her side, waiting for her to open those beautiful green eyes. When she does, they aren’t quite as bright as earlier, but I can tell she’s trying. “You okay?” My hand instinctively goes to her stomach, tracing lazy circles. I just can’t seem to keep my hands off her.

  “It’s… yeah. Yes, I’m fine.” She shakes her head and laughs nervously, then turns to her side and rests her hand on my face. Looking into my eyes, she smiles then leans in and kisses me softly. “It’s all fine,” she says against my mouth, then her hand takes mine and leads me to her jeans again as she lays back on her back.

  Never taking my eyes off hers, I go as slowly as I can because I seriously don’t want her to freak. Her body is so damn beautiful, and I can’t help but lay kisses along every damn inch of her perfect skin just to let her know that.

  I would worship this woman if I could.

  “Lift,” I whisper, then slide her pants down over her ass and lay kisses around the edges of her matching lace panties. I hear her let a breath out when I lay soft pecks in the apex of her leg, but she doesn’t move. There’s a tremble in her legs as she
lets herself back down on the bed.

  I feel it too, Al. I do, and I’m just as damn nervous.

  With my eyes still locked on hers, I push her pants down a little further before laying kisses up and down both thighs. When her jeans make it down to her knees, I have to close my eyes and revel in her scent for a moment. Fuck me. The lace panties she’s wearing is doing nothing for my self control right now; that, and the fact that I can see just how aroused she is through the dampening of the lace… Fuck. Me.

  “It’s okay, Braydon… I can-” She starts to wiggle away from me.

  “Stop.” It’s the most domineering voice I could conjure, because I know, if it were anything less, she wouldn’t relent. With my hand flat on her stomach, pushing down ever so gently, I look her in the eyes and wait for her to lie back down. “Good. Stay. This is my job and my job only.”

  “What’s your ‘job’? Struggling to see what I’ve turned in to?” Her lips are flat, and I know I’m losing her, so I pull out the only thing I know to do; the only thing that will turn my stubborn Alexis into putty into my hands.

  “No, Al. To remind a smart, strong, beautiful woman just how perfect she is. To show her that the man in front of her loves her not only for her feisty as shit attitude, but for her sexy as fuck body, too. To teach said woman that one injury doesn’t define her.” The L word slipped, and I’m not sure if she didn’t catch it or if she’s too turned on to care, but the look in her eyes has gone straight to aroused, and she’s back to my level.

  The level of wanting to screw until we can’t see straight.

  “Good, now that we have that squared away,” I say, then turn my attention back to her pants. Slowly striping them off her, all that’s left on her is her panties.

  “So. Fucking. Beautiful.” I lay kisses up and down her body, then let my hands take on a mind of their own, sliding under the lace of her panties while my lips crash into hers. She moans, arching into me, and my fingers slide inside her easily.


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