Stolen By A Highlander (Scottish Pregnancy Romance)

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Stolen By A Highlander (Scottish Pregnancy Romance) Page 42

by Kaley McCormick

  Each time that he bought his body up, I could see that manual labor was not necessarily the only thing that made his body a work of art. I think he enjoyed putting his body to the test. Maybe he just wanted to look good for the ladies. Either way, it was a benefit in my direction. I could stand there and watch and he would have no idea that I was right there ogling him like a piece of meat.

  He stopped momentarily, lying there flat on the floor and breathing heavily. I thought maybe he was having some sort of attack, but apparently he was just getting a second wind. He got up and put his hand on the overhead part of the door. He put his hands up onto the door, leaving him completely out there for me to see. He began to lift himself up and down with his cock now rising, almost like it knew that I was near.

  “You don’t have to stay hidden, Emma. If you want to see, then all you have to do is walk out here and look.” I looked towards Nancy’s door, but it was closed and there was no way that she could hear anything that was going on outside in the hallway. I took a deep breath, sighed with anticipation and then I walked out to see his smiling face.

  He did not stop doing his exercises and his member did bring new meaning to having piece of wood. I saw it and I wondered if I could fit it into my mouth. Each time that he went up, his feet were dangling in the air. All I would have to do is bend over slightly and I would be able to take a taste of a man that I barely knew. I think it was that feeling of being strangers and not strangers at the same time that was making me all that much more eager to find out what he was like in bed.

  “I don’t know what kind of girl you take me for, Lucas.” I was going to tell him that I would never do anything with him, unless we were officially married. I think he would have understood, but that temptation was standing right in front of me.

  “I would never presume to tell you what to do, Emma. I’m just saying that if you wanted to relieve yourself of some of today’s frustration, I am right here to help you.” That was very nice of him to say, but I understood the hidden meaning behind his words. He wanted my body and I think I knew that from the moment that I saw him getting off the boat. He may have not realized he was doing it or maybe he thought that he was being coy. Either way, I knew that he was looking at me in a not so platonic way.

  “Lucas, I wasn’t brought to your country to be your little english muffin. I was brought here to be a proper lady and to treat you like a man.” He was pointing with his eyes and I couldn’t stop from looking at the appendage that was now pointing towards the ceiling. The plum sized knob was something that I had been missing. I didn’t know how much, until I was standing right here and looking at his large equipment.

  “You do whatever you feel comfortable doing, Emma. I just think that we could help each other. You can relief me and I can do the same thing for you. It doesn’t have to be anything more than just a physical release.” Anonymous sex was never something that I was interested in, at least not until right now.

  “I’m still not sure that it’s appropriate under the circumstances.” He landed heavily on the balls of his feet, walked with insistence and grabbed my hand. He pulled me into the bedroom before I even had a chance to say anything more. He closed the door and now he was leaning against it, like he was protecting his castle and not allowing his queen to find a way out. “I think that you need this more than you can ever say, Emma. You may not want to admit it, but deep down this last month has been killing you. You may have been grieving for your family, but there are needs that have yet to be fulfilled.” He walked towards me and I didn’t try to defend myself or try to put up any kind of a fight.

  “Lucas, you better be right that I need this. If not, then you might be barking up the wrong tree. I guess there’s only one way to find out.”

  Chapter four

  I stood there shaking like a leaf and quite nervous about the prospect of being with this man. He circled me like I was some sort of prey. He put his hand on my shoulders and moved my hair out of the way to kiss the nape of my neck. I felt that fire down below beginning to ignite. It didn’t take much more than the touch of his tongue against my skin to raise the temperature in the room a few degrees.

  “I love way that you were with Nancy. It shows me that you are good mother. I’m glad that I chose right. I never expected anything like this, but I’m not exactly going to shy away from it either. We could talk and get to know each other, but I believe that all talking that needs to be done is with our bodies. I’m not saying that I didn’t notice how beautiful and sexy you are, Emma. I just didn’t think that I had much of a chance with a woman like you. I might be rich and to be honest, I’m not sure what I’m really worth. I believe it might be in the billions. As you know, I won five more properties.” I really didn’t know why he was telling me this. It really didn’t make much of a difference how much money he had.

  “Lucas, I’m not the type of girl that gets caught up in material worth. My husband was quite wealthy, but it wasn’t the money that made us a family. Of course, it helped to live a certain lifestyle. I’m not going to lie and say that I didn’t like the finer things in life. We really didn’t have many worries. My husband was a land baron like you. Unfortunately, being a woman, I didn’t have the same rights to his land than a man would. It’s not fair and I lost everything.” I was trying to find a way out of this and save face at the same time. I was feeling like I was betraying his memory.

  I sat on the bed and he went behind me and started massaging my shoulders. “I understand that this is a very painful time for you. You need to let it go, or it’s going to drag you down and keep you there.” The feel of his fingers kneading my muscles and then moving the straps of my dress to the side was enough to make me flush noticeably. I’d turned a crimson red not only in my cheeks, but along my chest.

  “I know that I have to get on with my life. It’s just hard knowing that I will never see them again. They’ll always have a spot in my heart, but I figure it might be time to finally let myself feel again.” He was licking my neck and it was a sensation that I hadn’t felt before. He blew warm air and sent shivers up and down my spine in a pleasant way. It wasn’t lost on me that he was still naked and there was something quite pronounced poking me in my back.

  The dress slipped further down over my shoulders, revealing my alabaster skin and then the swell of my bosom. He easily undid the tie on my bun. It flowed freely over my shoulders, my chestnut hair now smelling like lilacs. I did hear him sniffing and then felt the jerky motion of his cock in behind me.

  “I just don’t know if I should…do this.” Having him around and watching him get in touch with his softer side with Nancy was enough to make me see him as a viable suitor. He kissed my shoulder blades and I felt vulnerable and exposed, as he moved that dress down, until I was only wearing the black corset. He got up and went around to the other side of the bed in front of me. His cock was right there, not more than a couple of inches away from my mouth. I licked my lips and waited for the inevitable, but then he surprised me with a gesture that went beyond anything that I could ever hope for.

  “I just want you to relax and enjoy it. You don’t have to do anything.” Having pleasure inflicted on me and not having to return it was something new for me. He was making this all about me and then he kneeled down on the floor with his hands busily getting rid of the corset. The ties were quite intricate, but he was able to make short work of them. My body was now open for his inspection and before long he was flicking at my nipples and making me sigh with a contentment that I had not felt in some time.

  “Oh my…that does feel good. I don’t think I’m gonna be able to stop you.” I think that I’d just said the magic words, because his teeth were now grazing across the surface of that one nipple. He did the same thing to the other, while pinching the one that he currently wasn’t sucking on. I was squirming and there was no way that I could possibly sit still through something like this.

  “Lucas, I have to tell you that this the first time that I’ve been with
the man other than my husband. I’ve never even seen another man naked, until you showed me something that I had not seen before. My husband is pretty blessed between his legs, but nothing compared to you. I’m not even sure if I can handle something like that. It’s not like I’m going to run screaming from the room.” His tongue was now dancing along the inside of my thigh and the lips of my wet pussy were now quivering with a need to feel him. He touched on my clit for a second, making me jump almost out of my skin.

  “I think that you have lost something and now you found something. Grab onto it and never let it go. By this time tomorrow, we will be married and I’ll have your hand in mine with Nancy looking on with pride from knowing that she was going to get a real family.” His tongue made contact with my pussy. He opened me up with his fingers to find the bright pink interior waiting for him. It was already juicy and he easily inserted his tongue, until he began to move in such a way that seemed almost impossible. My legs wrapped around his neck and I pulled him closer with my ankles to make him almost suffocate on the juices that were now squirting out of my hole.

  I was banging my heels on his neck. I just hoped that I wasn’t doing any permanent damage. It was my intention to let myself go, but this was like my entire body was telling me it was waiting for this moment.

  His tongue seemed to have a mind of its own. Whatever woman he had been within the past must’ve been very lucky to have a guy like him servicing her needs. I came and I hadn’t had that pleasure, since my husband had died in that fire. I’d not been with a man, since and it was like I was ready to explode from the moment that I saw him naked.

  He finally pulled his face away from me, showing that he was getting a secret thrill out of giving me oral gratification. I may not drink, but right now I could use a stiff one. Then again, there was a stiff one right there. It wasn’t necessarily the same, as liquid encouragement, but it was already calling my name. He stood on shaky legs and his cock head brushed across my lips only briefly.

  “Emma, I love how you just screamed. I also saw the way that you muffled it by putting your knuckle up against your mouth. That shows not only that you are a woman, but you are a mother that knows how impressionable young children can be. We don’t want her to come calling to find out what all the noise is about.” I didn’t think that was going to happen, but my instincts were to keep things, as quiet as possible. We were on the other side of the house, but that didn’t mean that we were immune to the curiosity of a child that might have come out to get a drink of water

  I grabbed him and pulled him towards my mouth, stopping momentarily to try to justify my actions. I finally said fuck it and I took him into my mouth. I let the feeling of bliss surround me like a warm blanket. I took just a little bit more, feeling that knob pressing up against the back of my mouth and then letting him find entry.

  I knew that it wasn’t right for me to be with him like this. It was only one night. I was trying to tell myself that it would be only this one time, but I knew that I was lying to myself. Once we did get married and find ourselves in each other’s arms, I would never want to be without this kind of loving.

  He allowed me to play with his skin flute, licking it up and down and getting him to the point of no return. He pulled away with a gasp coming from his lips. He pushed me back on the bed. My legs were spread in open invitation.

  He got on the bed with my ankles in his hands. He thrusted with his hips and impaled me on half of that monument of manhood. I moaned, but he planted his mouth over top of mine to make it more of a muffled exclamation of love. I realized just feeling him deep inside of me with his balls swinging back and forth against my ass had made me see him with love in my eyes. I really didn’t think that I would be able to find that ever again, but he had proven me wrong. The bed was moving and my lips were now spread over top of him, drawing him in ever deeper, until he was literally grunting his replies and banging me, so hard that the headboard was hitting the wall.

  My legs were flailing and I was coming all over him, squeezing and pulling at his appendage to get him to give me that creamy center. I raked my nails down his chest, making him arch his back and thrust out with a more determined expression on his face. He was moving quicker and the friction of his shaft warming up my little friend was more than enough to send me into that orgasmic moment.

  He held on to my ass and drew me to him over and over again with a wet smack of our skin. I could feel his knob swelling. He turned me and fucked me from behind, while pulling my hair and giving me deep and hard strokes that were meant to touch parts of my body that had not been touched in some time.

  “Yes, Lucas… Give it to me.” I didn’t have to ask twice. His loins were now a slave to my desire and he was soon squirting like a dam that had burst from its seams. I felt the product of his love enveloped within me and then he pulled free and let me catch my breath. He needed time to catch his as well and then he moved, until he was lying flat beside me. We had been going at it for almost an hour. I had a feeling from looking at his half erect member that this wasn’t going to be the end of the evening.

  We continued into the wee hours of the morning, lying there with happy little smiles on our faces. He easily gave me one orgasm after the other. He didn’t have to think about it and it was almost like our bodies were attuned to how we felt for one another.

  “Oh yeah, we are definitely going to have to do that again, Emma.” I slapped his chest playfully and then we slept, until morning.

  We married that afternoon with Nancy standing there smiling. I think that was the one thing that she wanted more than anything…a family that loved each other. I found out after that that I was pregnant and that Nancy was going to have company in nine months. I guess Lucas was a very virile young man in his twenties. He was elated by the prospect of being a father. He never had that chance, but now I was giving him that and the love a good woman.

  I lie here seven months pregnant and Nancy has her ear to my stomach and listening to the little one kicking up a storm. Exhausted but happy, Lucas was sitting in a chair with his arms crossed. This was what life was all about and I couldn’t be any happier


  The Cowboy’s Dark Love

  Chapter One

  William strapped his rifle to his back and climbed onto the back of his horse with the ease of someone who had been riding since he had been walking. He had just finished his breakfast and was ready for his morning ride across the property. Every morning he made it a point to check the herd and the fence. He could not afford for someone to make off with any of his cattle, nor could he afford to chase them down if the fence got broken and they got loose.

  In the wind of the open plains, his shaggy dark hair tried valiantly to escape the cowboy hat but he gave it his best effort to keep it in check. His sun-touched face creased pleasantly around his deep blue eyes as he scanned the horizon for any signs of foul weather, stray cows, or unwelcome visitors of any kind.

  William’s broad shoulders and strong arms were made for the tough manual labor of his plains living, but even he got nervous when the winds started to blow the dust into swirling clouds and he lost his visual range of the ranchland.

  He had grown up in the east, but knew from a very early age that he was not designed for city living. The cobblestone walkways and scheduled afternoon tea just seemed like a waste of time and effort. His parents had been hoping to find him a suitable young wife, but with almost no warning, he had informed them he was headed west into the uncharted territories of the open lands.

  Luckily, they were well off so that they could afford to set him up a little bit. The unclaimed territories were available for homesteading, and he had been able to buy sufficient supplies for a small one-room house as well as a few animals to get the farm and ranch started.

  The property he had staked ended up being quite large; and he had had very few challenges to his claim. He did have infrequent issues with roaming cattle thieves and Native Americans, but he had learned to deal wi
th the issues with as little violence as possible. He did not see the need to cause more problems than necessary; life on the plains was hard enough without making enemies.

  There was a small town trying to survive nearby, and he was able to get supplies for day’s roundtrip journey on horseback. The saloon had taken a few of his dollars, but the attached house of women had not seen any of his time or money.

  After he spent is morning riding the perimeter of his ranch, he returned to the one room house next to the pond and contemplated his options for lunch. The chickens provided sufficient eggs for breakfast and any baking; and the cows were usually willing to share their milk. A few times a year, he would butcher one of the cows to stock his freezer for several months. He had been attempting a vegetable garden, but it seemed to always fall on the bottom of his to-do list, so it was a hit or miss whether it provided him with anything worthwhile. But every year, he bought a variety of seeds and gave it an effort.

  He was very proud of being self-sufficient in the house and on the ranch, despite the constant urging from his mother to find himself a wife. She had been so certain that her son would marry a nice girl from a good family and settle into the family business back east. Now all she could do was prod and pester him from afar, which was much easier to manage. He laughed to himself whenever he pictured any of those girls he grew up with trying to manage on his ranch. They would not even know which end of the water bucket was up. He, on the other hand, not only ran a successful cattle ranch with a semi successful garden, but also lived in a house that he built with his own hands, and managed to feed and clothe himself.

  His bed was lonely and cold; and he had every desire to find a wife and have a family. But the options were few and far between. Most of the women he had encountered in this uncharted open land were either wild Native Americans or working women from the house next to the saloon, and he really had no interest in either one.


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