Stolen By A Highlander (Scottish Pregnancy Romance)

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Stolen By A Highlander (Scottish Pregnancy Romance) Page 45

by Kaley McCormick

  She heard the man beat against the door with both fists, yelling for her and screaming terrible names. She muffled her breathing against the blankets on the bed and dug her hands into Lady’s soft fur.

  She heard another deep voice, William’s, and the beating on the door suddenly stopped as the two men screamed at each other. She and Lady looked at each other and Lady licked Opal’s nose as if to reassure her.

  The scuffle outside paused and it seemed that the whole world went silent. Then Opal heard the shot of the rifle. It echoed throughout the house and deep into her bones. She and Lady both whimpered and clung to each other.

  Then in the silence, there was one soft knock on the front door, and William’s tentative voice.

  “Opal? It’s me.”

  She rested her palm against the closed door and took a deep breath before opening it.


  His face had seen the angry side of the man’s fist and his eye was starting to blossom purple.

  “Ohhh…” she gasped, tentatively reaching up to lay her palm against his cheek.

  He rested his large hand over her cool delicate fingers.

  “I’m okay, it will heal. But I’m afraid his injury was fatal.”

  She looked past William’s broad shoulders to the body on the ground. It was that horrible greasy man from town, the one that had been so nasty towards them.

  “William! What is he doing here?”

  “Apparently he thinks you would be worth a bounty, or at least a good sale price. He was going to come take you.’

  “What? Can he do that? Can he steal me?”

  “No. Not in my house. Not from me.”

  Her knees weakened and he caught her just before she fell to the cold ground.

  “Opal,” he said softly.

  “Yes sir?”

  “I was… I was not just angry at him, I was scared. Scared to lose you. Scared of what he would do to you and what anyone else might have done to you.”

  “William…” her voice trailed off into hesitant bewilderment.

  Chapter Nine

  William pulled her back into the house and set her down in one of their homemade wooden chairs. He carefully eased his bulky frame into the other one.

  “Opal, I am afraid I have a confession to make.”

  Her eyes fell to her lap, afraid of what he was going to say. That she was not worth the trouble she seemed to be causing, and that as soon as it got warm enough, he was going to turn her out. She had so enjoyed staying here with him, playing house, and developing a certain affection for the large gentle man and the way he was so kind to her and to Lady.

  “W-W-What is it William? Have I done something? Am I in trouble?”

  “Oh heavens no, please don’t think that for a moment. It’s not that at all. Quite, ah, the opposite.” He covered her hands with his.


  “I like having you here, and I enjoy your company. But I’m afraid I can no longer employ you.”

  She sighed deeply and again looked down at her hands in her lap.

  “You see, when he threatened to take you away, it was not like he threatened an employee or a friend. He threatened my family.”

  Opal’s lips parted in a silent gasp.

  “I would like very much for you to be my family. Opal, would you marry me?”

  The corners of her mouth turned up in a tiny smile and then her face broke into a grin.

  “William! To marry you? I never… Of course!”

  This kind sweet bear of a man felt about her as she felt about him. He grinned and popped up out of his chair, dragging her to her feet as well. He held her close to his chest and could not even feel the pain of the bruise that quickly developed on his eye. In the warmth of their kitchen and affection of his embrace, Opal felt at home for the first time in her life.

  Within a few days, William had made arrangements to have the traveling chaplain stop by their homestead and wed them. They received an odd look from the older gentleman, but he could find no reason not to wed the two of them. Opal had no fine lacy dresses but felt perfectly content marrying William in her button down shirt, trousers, and work boots. And in the cool stillness of the spring evening, William shared the bed with Opal for the first time, and showed his bride just how much he loved her.

  Spring eventually gave way to summer, and the happy couple had settled into their routine. She tended the garden until it overflowed with the vegetables that he had so ineptly tried to grow. He would often watch her bent over the plants, her long dark hair plaited back away from her face, and smile at the future he had been given.

  William carefully monitored all of his expectant bovine mothers, and it looked like their herd was growing exponentially. It was shaping up to be a very profitable year all the way around.

  Opal had never asked any more questions about the man that had showed up that night, and William made sure that he would never be found. In fact, he was probably not even missed by anyone except perhaps the bartender at the saloon.

  One warm summer night, Opal stretched out her bare feet in the front yard and wiggled them in the dewy grass as she looked up at William in his chair.

  “Mr. William, I have been meaning to speak to you about the growing herd in your backyard over there.”

  “Yes, Ms. Opal, how can I help you?”

  “Whatever shall we do when our herd expands similarly?”

  He smirked down at her, “We will make room as they do.”

  “Well then sir, I believe it is time for that addition to the house that we’ve been talking about.”

  He grinned down at his blushing bride and cupped his hand under her chin.

  “Yes ma’am, I will surely build you that nursery.”


  My Cowboy Savior

  Chapter one

  “I don’t see the reason why I have to do this, Colin. This is something that you should leave to one of your underlings. It’s not like we don’t have enough of them hanging around all the time at the ranch.” I was trying to put up a united front and make him see that I was not the woman for the job. “These guys are loyal to you to a fault. Why not give them this duty and leave me out of it. You know that I’m not much for business.” I liked my lifestyle and I could afford the finer things in life. It was nice to have people waiting on me hand and foot.

  Sometimes, I feel guilty for all the good fortune that has fallen into my. I look around at how the old west had been keeping the little guy down for too long and I wonder if I’m contributing to that or not. All I know is that I grew up with nothing and to catch the eye of Colin was like a godsend to me and my family. He allowed them to live on his acreage. They were maybe a mile away and came by every, so often to make sure that their little girl was safe and being taken care of.

  “Normally, I would be more than happy to give it to one of my underlings. Merriam, but this is very important and these documents have to be in the hands of the sheriff by 5:00 tomorrow afternoon. I can’t trust anybody with this assignment. They may have loyalty for me, but underneath it, I never know what somebody’s agenda really is.” My husband and I had never seen eye to eye on his business practices. He was always cutting out the middleman and finding ways to do things that were not exactly legal. “It’s the year 1845 and the gold rush is going strong. Those documents will give me a stranglehold on a mine that is just ready to be plucked clean. If I were to give this to anybody else, they might see it upon themselves to take what is rightfully mine. You have a good heart and would never to something like that to me.” He grabbed my chin and I could see the punishing for disobeying.

  “Colin, if you really feel that way, then why don’t you do it yourself? That way you know that it’s going to get done and if anything happens it’s on your head and nobody else’s.” I thought it was a pretty obvious solution, but apparently I’d opened a hornet’s nest.

  “I hate to say this, but you are a bit naïve. I can’t do it myself, because I’m deal
ing with a land dispute with the sheriff in this town and a man that thinks that he owns what I have. I can’t leave those negotiations. Let’s just say that I’m hedging my bets and making sure that I come out on top.” He moved his fingers along his finely groomed mustache, while looking at the reflection of himself in the glass of the shop window. He was vain, but he did have every right to be. He was after all a sought after commodity and any girl in their right mind would have been right where I was, except that I had beaten them to it.

  I’d heard all about Colin and I knew that he was the perfect way to get out from underneath the poverty that had now become like a part of me. I still remember those days where I struggled and fought for everything I had. My parents did their best, but they barely had two nickels to rub together. I was glad that I was able to take us away from that life. If anything, I was using my sexuality and a carefully revealed ankle to my advantage.

  “I really don’t want to be out there. There’s no telling what I will find. It’s not safe for a woman and I think we both know that.” He began to laugh at my expense and people were now staring and making me feel like I was this spectacle to be watched for their amusement. “Stop that… stop that right now.” I was having a tantrum and he suddenly took me by the shoulders and began to shake me.

  “I’m laughing, because of the person that’s saying these things to me. Merriam, you’ve always been able to take care of yourself. I guess in some way I don’t think that you need me anymore. You could easily go your own way and you may say that you are not business minded, but I know the truth.” I didn’t consider myself to be a business thinking kind of girl, but apparently being in his presence had made it easier for me to become acclimated to his business. I began to see all the shortcuts that he was taking and I found the secret fund that he was using to squirrel away his ill gotten gain.

  “I don’t know what you see in me, Colin. I’m certainly not business savvy like you.” I think what I was trying to say was that I could not be, as underhanded, as he could be on any given day. He had this charming smile that made most people believe that he had their best interest at heart, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I had to admit that getting away from him for even a few hours might not be a bad thing. He was full of himself and there were times that I thought that I made a mistake in marrying a man for convenience, instead of love.

  “Merriam, I don’t have time for this. Either you’re going to do this, or I’m going to be very cross with you.” The last time that he was like that, I felt the coldness in not only his words, but in the way that he looked at me. I didn’t want to contend with something like that, so I believed that it was the best for everybody concerned that I take on this assignment.

  “I hope I don’t regret this, but I think a little distance will do us both good. You can fight the good fight here and I can do this for you and be back in two days.” He passed me tan hide leather bag. It was snapped closed and I was tempted to look into it, but I did see in his eyes that it wasn’t the best use of my time.

  “I’m glad that you finally see reason, Merriam. I’ve been beating this thing to death for the last hour. I could be over at the sheriff’s pleading my case, but instead I’m here convincing you to do something that would be considered a wifely duty to her husband.” He turned and stomped off with his leather high boots smacking against the walkway. When he jumped onto the road, he crossed it, while looking at his watch at his waist. He picked up that timepiece and he was not only looking at the time, but he was looking at a legacy that had been passed down by his father.

  The stagecoach was brought around to the side of the saloon. Thomas stopped the two horses right in front of me. I could see that he was sheepishly looking at his feet the entire time that he was preparing things for me. I knew in the back of my mind that he had a crush on me and that he would’ve done anything I wanted within reason.

  “Mr.’s August. The horses have been well fed and they have recently been shoed. You should have no problem getting to your destination and back. Just remember to stay on the main road and don’t deviate into those smaller paths. They are ripe with dangers, including wildlife and Indians that would scalp you and take what you have without a second thought. Don’t tell, Colin, but I stashed the shotgun underneath the seat up front. If you need it to scare off those that are getting a little too close, then fire a few rounds over their heads and they should run the other way.” I knew my way around a shotgun, but only enough to use it in self defense. I was not much of a shot and if push comes to shove, I would probably end up shooting the broadside of a barn.

  “Thomas, I really do appreciate you looking out for me. It’s more than I can say for my husband. I know that he has a lot on his mind, that doesn’t mean that he can treat me like one of you.” I didn’t mean anything by it, but he apparently took great offense to what I had to say. I think that Colin was rubbing off on me. “Don’t give me that look, Thomas. You know what I mean. I’m his wife and I should be given the same respect that anybody in that position would find themselves in.” I had my parasol and I carried it with a bonnet on my head, climbing up into the saddle with my hands on the reins.

  “I think that we both know that your husband is not a good man, Mrs. August. He steps over people to get what he wants and has no problem undermining a man’s right to his own land. He hasn’t told me anything about what you are taking to the next town over, but I can only assume that he’s got his eye on a parcel of land that is not easily acquired. Those documents will force the sheriff to act on his behalf. Just don’t look at them. Pass them off to the Sheriff. It must be nice to have the Mayor in his pocket. All he has to do is snap his fingers and he’ll do anything he wants. I don’t know what he has over him, but it has to be something very bad.”

  I’d already gotten that inkling from Colin. He wouldn’t speak of what it was that he had over the Mayor, but I would say that it had something to do with a woman. The Mayor was happily married and if Colin had gotten wind of some affair, then that would be something that he could lord over his head for favors to be given later.

  “Do me a favor, Thomas. Keep an eye on him. I feel like he’s trying to hide something from me and I don’t like that feeling. I just want to make sure that he’s not trying to get me out of the way to replace me with somebody else.” I snapped the reins and the horses took off, leaving behind a trail of dust that was being stirred up in their wake. I actually kind of enjoyed getting my hands into manual labor like this. It reminded me of the hard work that I had to do to keep the farm from falling into the bank’s hands in foreclosure.

  “Mrs. August, I will do as you ask. I don’t know why you’re worried. He couldn’t do better than you. They broke the mold when you were born.” He was a sweet talker, but I really didn’t feel anything towards him except the sort of kinship that I would find from a brother. He was a good friend and I may have taken advantage of his feelings for me, but it was the only way that I was going to get the upper hand on my husband.

  As I rounded the corner to leave town, I saw my competition walking with her own parasol and white dress that was almost virginal. The one thing that she wasn’t was a virgin. I’ve heard the rumors and apparently she gave aid and comfort to anybody that gave her the least bit attention. I had no interest in speaking ill will of anyone, but she was another matter altogether. She was the one that was constantly coming around and flirting with my husband right in front of me. There were times that I thought that we were going to come to blows, but it never did amount to all that much.

  Sheila waved to me, as I moved past her in a wild gallop. I had the satchel with the documents inside secured underneath the seat in a hidden compartment away from prying eyes. I had no interest in going toe to toe with bandits. I had to look like I was unarmed, although being a single girl going into these paths was tantamount to taking my body and my life in my own hands.

  Chapter two

  I had been riding for over 3 hours and the horses were sho
wing that they could go the distance. They weren’t slowing down, but I knew that eventually I would have to find a watering hole to give them that necessary nourishment to go on.

  I heard the crack and that feeling of the stagecoach out of control. It didn’t sound good and I pulled back on the reins to slow the momentum of the horses. It took a moment to get them to come to a complete stop. When they finally did, I climbed off and I went to see where the damage had occurred. I saw the axle leaning to one side. I could see that it was cracked. I must’ve hit something pretty damn big for that to happen, but I don’t remember going over anything that would cause that kind of damage.

  I heard a shot in the distance and the echoing blast caused the horses to become spooked. They reared up and suddenly snapped out of their harness and began to take off at a breakneck speed.

  I watched with my hands on my hips, not quite believing my own damn luck. I not only didn’t have the horses, but I had a broken axle on the carriage, which left me pretty much stranded and my only option was to walk. That shot didn’t sound like it was too far away and I had a bone to pick with the person that had made my horses take off without me, as a passenger.

  I reached up and took the saddlebag with the documents inside. I strapped them over my shoulder, although it did make me feel like I was a target with a bull’s eye on my back. I made my way down that dusty trail, looking behind me to make sure that I wasn’t going to have any unwanted visitors that would find my pleasing form something to their liking.


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