Earth (Harmony War Book 5)

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Earth (Harmony War Book 5) Page 17

by Michael Chatfield

  His augments calmed him and focused him. “Okay, let’s go fuck some trucks up. Young, get us up a floor. Bobbie, stay awesome. Checking flaps.” Yu pressed a button, his seat sliding forward so he was in front of his command console.

  The landing pad that they were on started rising up to the floor above.

  Yu checked the flap controls around him, glancing at different sensor feeds to make sure that they were doing what they were supposed to.

  He moved the engines around and tilted the flight stick.

  “Everything’s looking good,” he said as the landing pad locked to the floor above. They were moved to the edge of the flight deck as other Combat Shuttles rose with them.

  “Flight plan input,” Young said.

  “Landing pad locks disengaged,” Bobbie reported.

  “Let’s go shoot something.” Yu powered the engines, rising off the landing pad. Young retracted the landing struts as Yu powered forward, and his engines accelerated, but it wasn’t enough to get them the lift they needed.

  “I fucking hate this!” Bobbie said as they tilted forward and went into a steep dive, building speed.

  Yu pulled them out of it, the engines coming to full power as they shot away from the citadel, banking towards the edge of the electrostatic wall.

  “Inputting targeting data,” Yu said.

  “Go it,” Bobbie said.

  “I see it,” Yu confirmed. Weaving around the towers that made up Mega City. There were so many of them that they were constantly banking one way or another as Yu curved around their glass and metal faces.

  “Stupid bastards are just sitting at home watching it all,” Young said, sending Yu a feed from the sensors.

  People were standing at their windows, watching the Combat Shuttles pouring out of the citadel and weaving through their city.

  “Stay on task people,” Yu said.

  “Coming on target. Five minutes,” Young said.

  Yu weaved past another tower and banked hard, skimming the surface of the shield.

  “Targets!” Young yelled, and in the same breath Bobbie opened up with the auto-turrets.

  Missiles ripple-fired from their wing-mounted pods.

  With the increased visibility, Young could hit a pin from kilometers away. Heavies mounted on the trucks fired back at the Combat Shuttles, but they were too far away to do any real damage unless Yu flew straight.

  Yu wasn’t about to make it easy for the Chosen, he weaved and spun. Bobbie fired the auto-turrets, raking Chosen and the lightly armored vehicles. Young dealt with the trucks, missiles streaking down to meet the large behemoths.

  “Fuckers are better armored than I thought,” Young hissed as she sent another barrage of missiles down. Explosions followed in their wake. Two Combat Shuttles came down over the towers, moving into position on Yu’s wings.

  “Four-Seven-Two, this is One-Zero-Five and One-Two-Seven-Nine. Thought you could use some company.”

  “Welcome to the party. I don’t know how long we’ll get out here but let’s make it count,” Yu said. He banked hard to his right and then cut over to his left.

  The high-g maneuver threw him around in his seat, but the five trucks that were grouped together were too slow to follow him as One-Two-Seven-Nine came in low and deadly, its auto-cannons ripping through the trucks.

  “Nice shooting, One-Two-Seven-Nine,” Yu said.

  “Ortiz is on the line,” Young said.

  “Patch him in,” Yu said. Young went back to shooting as Ortiz connected.

  “Yu, what the hell are you doing?” Ortiz hissed.

  “Our people can’t handle these trucks with just their Screamers. Combat Shuttles can though, thought we’d help out.”

  “You fucking idiotic bastard. I could kiss you. Though officially this conversation never happened and I didn’t tell you to fly for as long as possible while I try to go tell the rich pricks to shove their shit,” Ortiz said.

  “Yes, sir, I’ll do my best.” Yu laughed, smiling as he weaved around a tower and back out into the fight again. One-Zero-Five took the lead.

  “We don’t have much time, let’s get as many of these fuckers as we can before we get court-martialed,” Yu said.

  Green lights came from all of the Combat Shuttle’s crews.

  Chapter 63


  Earth, Sol System


  Nivad had stayed in his office, it was secure in the bottom of the tower with security that rivaled the citadel’s.

  Dalia had set up in his office, on the large couches behind the two chairs in front of his wide desk.

  “The Combat Shuttles are making an unauthorized run against the Chosen,” Dalia said.

  Nivad had been honestly wondering what had kept them waiting this long.

  “Good, now that they are fighting the Chosen we can keep the corporation types interested in watching the video instead of how they think the Troopers will rip their city apart. Have Wallace give Ortiz quiet authorization, but make it look to the people like we disapprove. The only condition is that they do their runs at the electrostatic barrier,” Nivad said.

  “Yes, sir,” Dalia said, bending to work.

  Nivad looked down at the report that had arrived in his personal mail. M was making progress, but it was slow going. Admiral Hall would reach Mars in two weeks, then it would be decided one way or another.

  The security contractors are waiting till the last minute, when we’re desperate and they can drive the price up.

  Nivad had seen it all the time between rival corporations.

  The longer the security contractors waited, the better their bargaining position.

  “Have your people on Mars been able to find out anything of importance about the security contractors?” Nivad looked at Dalia.

  “They think that the security contractors will back our play. We have a few people ready to put pressure on the larger players.”

  “We need to know what they’re thinking,” Nivad said.

  “We have agents within all of the security contractors. I could activate them if needed.”

  Activating them meant that they might be found out by their fellows.

  “For now we wait; if we get to the last week and they have not made their decision, then it might be of use to activate them,” Nivad said.

  “Yes, sir.” Dalia made a note on her surface.

  Chapter 64

  Mega City

  Earth, Sol System


  “Prepare to move back to secondary positions,” Mark said.

  The Chosen were closer than Mark liked, and they were moving faster than anyone had expected.

  Those fucking trucks and them using cars to get past our first lines is a pain in the ass.

  No one had predicted that the Chosen would use vehicles to move forward. Now it made sense to Mark. The Troopers had used them, after all.

  Hindsight is always twenty-twenty.

  Green lights on his HUD showed units that were pulling themselves together and preparing to move back.

  It was slow, as they were under fire, and making sure everything was checked was no small task.

  Mark fired his own Repulsor at a vehicle that was rushing right for his position on the second line. Ortiz and his own captains had made him promise to keep his ass off of the front line.

  Well, it looks like the front line is coming to me.

  A Combat Shuttle came down, its auto-cannons ripping the vehicle apart.

  Mark looked for new targets. The front line was just a few hundred meters away with the Chosen not much further beyond.

  Like in the Slums, they couldn’t get stuck in long drawn out fights. Here was not where they would hold. Their positions could be swarmed and they had little ability to support one another.

  The last light went green.

  “Dominguez, get that fire support going,” Mark said.

  Artillery fired into the Slums as Combat Shuttles that had been holding back su
rged forward, throwing the Chosen off balance.

  “Pull back!” Mark yelled. Troopers rushed for their exit plans, some racing to the roofs, others to zip lines, hurtling through the air. Mark heard them landing a few floors above his own position.

  Chosen that had made it to the second line in their vehicles, fired up at the zip-lining Troopers.

  Those on the second line opened up on them with everything they had.

  The Combat Shuttles’ and artillery fire slackened, scared to hit their own people.

  Combat Shuttles picked Troopers off towers and pulled them back to their next positions.

  The Chosen moved into the first line buildings, moving through them to attack the second line positions.

  Here and there explosions could be heard or dust and debris were thrown out.

  “Well looks like they found our surprises,” Dave said, his face a cold mask as he checked the information on his HUD.

  The Chosen weren’t just running across open ground, but had holed up in towers to bring fire down on the Troopers.

  They were greeted with the overwhelming fire power of the entrenched Troopers.

  “Look at this,” Dominguez said. She was several buildings away, just in case Mark got hit, because then she could take over easily.

  Mark looked at the image coming from a Combat Shuttle.

  Chosen were moving in larger numbers, and groups of them were running with Heavies.

  “They were just trying to push us back, to get a foothold. Now they have it, the real fight begins,” Mark said.

  “I fucking hate Chosen,” Dominguez spat.

  Mark grunted in agreement, cutting down a Chosen who was firing around a planter.

  A tower in front of him exploded outwards in smoke. Someone had tripped the Troopers’ booby traps and every piece of ammunition and usable gear had gone up in an explosion around the Chosen.

  Fucking pricks. Mark spat into his dip bottle.

  It was oddly quiet compared to the frantic firing of just moments ago. Combat Shuttles and groups of Troopers were still engaged. For Mark and the people on the second line, other than fighting the vehicles that had got between them and the first line, there was suddenly a distinct lack of targets.

  “Sir, Captain Ko was stuck on the first line with a half section of others,” Ngyuyen, his regimental sergeant major said.

  Mark felt his blood go cold, then he heard the screams.


  Fusaro walked into Mega City. It had been ripped apart in the fighting, entire sides of the closest towers had been cleared of glass. Bullet holes showed through the windows and walls. Trucks and other vehicles lay burning across the cermite pad.

  Even with all of the destruction, and the PACs lying across the ground, Mega City was beautiful and powerful.

  All of the Colonies’ towers put together didn’t make up half of the towers in Mega City. None of them had the variety. They curved and weaved, some more art than building.

  This was where the richest and most powerful people in the universe called home.

  And it showed, every building was a massive palace, a declaration of the powerful demonstrating their power.

  “Sir,” Baashir said, breaking Fusaro out of his thoughts and moving him forward.

  “It’s quite a sight,” Fusaro said.

  “Capitalism and the rich showing off their wealth to one another. It’s nothing more than a painted spaceship. It looks good, but none of it can hide the truth underneath. Corruption and brutality built this place and we will tear it down,” Baashir said.

  You are more naive than you know.

  Fusaro entered a tower, there were holes through the wall and the Troopers’ spray-ite covering it. Weapons positions had been destroyed by the Troopers, and mangled metal and empty casings littered the area. Chosen were quickly putting together Heavy guns on their large tripods.

  Blood and dust covered the floor. There might not be any Trooper bodies, but it was clear it had been a hard fought battle. From the blood and gore, Fusaro knew that more than one Trooper hadn’t survived.

  “We have captured some of the Troopers. We will make a display of them for the others. Teach them a lesson,” Baashir said, following Fusaro’s gaze to the blood.

  “A display?” Fusaro asked.

  “As we have been cleansed of our sins through Harmony’s purifying and uniting fire, we will now cleanse humanity of the Trooper dogs,” Baashir said, his smile cold and ugly.

  Fusaro could tell them not to, though it would make him look like he was sympathizing with the Troopers. It would also make it look like he was going against Harmony scripture.

  They might have twisted the words to their needs, but their fanaticism is why we picked them. What are a few Troopers to keep the Chosen happy?

  “Of course,” Fusaro nodded. “See to the arrangements.”

  “It will be my pleasure, sir,” Baashir said, bowing. “For the sake of Harmony!”

  “For the sake of Harmony,” Fusaro said, relieved to have the man out of his presence.


  “Sir,” one of the Troopers pointed up at another tower, sounding as if they couldn’t believe their eyes.

  Tyler followed their finger, using his scope to follow it.

  Tied up to desks were four Troopers, they were naked, their bodies scarred and bleeding. Their genitals and chest were bleeding. Two had had their eyes gouged out.

  One was missing all of their limbs, and had had their jaw pulled out. Their head was pulled back to show their face.


  “Mark,” Tyler said.

  “I see it. Let’s put them out of their misery, there isn’t anything else we can do,” Mark said. Tyler had heard that voice before when he’d rescued Mark from Osdal’s Mining Camp.

  A fire started under the Troopers’ feet, the desks catching on fire.

  Tyler stepped out of his Powered Armor and grabbed his AMR. He used a desk to steady himself, dialing in the range. He saw one of the four Troopers sag as a shot rang out. Mark had hit one, and their head dropped forward.

  Tyler breathed out, stroking the trigger on his AMR. It slammed back, putting another Trooper out of their misery.

  He fired again, hitting another who was smiling, knowing what was coming.

  He looked at Ko. Despite his appearance, he looked proud.

  A Trooper to the end, Tyler thought, as Mark’s round tore a hole in Ko’s chest, the man’s body slumping against his restraints.

  A Combat Shuttle came in, its missiles ripping into the tower, all of its guns tearing through the floor.

  It unleashed the full fury of the Troopers. Trucks tried to fire on it with their Heavies, and Screamers were let loose, even if they were at an obscure angle.

  Tyler lowered his rifle, looking to the Trooper beside him.

  There wasn’t anger or determination in those eyes, there was pure fury.

  “No mercy.” Ortiz’s voice was like cold steel.

  “No mercy,” Tyler agreed, with resolute promise.

  Chapter 65

  HC Tempest

  Mars, Sol System


  Quinn sat back in his seat, rubbing his face. Choi, who had been lying on the bed, rubbed his shoulders, easing the tension between them.

  “Anything a problem?” she whispered into his ear.

  “Security contractors, they love to try and one-up each other and get the better contract. Finally secured their services. They’ll begin loading in a week. Admiral Hawking says that he is confident we will destroy the two Earth Carriers headed for us, and then we can finally claim our place on Earth. I do hate dealing with the small details,” Quinn sighed, Choi’s fingers were working their magic.

  “Soon it will be over, my dear,” Choi said, nibbling on his ear.

  “Oh?” Quinn asked, pulling her onto his lap as she started kissing his face and neck.

  “We will have to be proper corporation elites when we arrive on Earth. It will not
do for me to show up with a hickey,” she teased, kissing him.

  “Oh, and it will be fine if I do?”

  “A woman must claim her territory,” Choi said playfully.

  Chapter 66


  Earth, Sol System


  Moretti was drained, he had finally got the contract with the security contractors. He sent it to Nivad.

  Moments later he got approval. He sent it back to the four different contractors.

  They’d been lower than he’d feared. They knew that their services were in high demand, but they weren’t stupid enough to try and piss Nivad off.

  Moretti felt his head loll to the side in a need for sleep, but a ping woke him. It seemed that the security contractors were as efficient as Nivad.

  Moretti sent a message to Nivad and opened a channel to Admiral Hall.

  Hall came to the screen a few minutes later, pulling Moretti out of his tired loll. His head ducked and weaved as he fought to stay awake.

  “Moretti?” Hall asked, sounding as tired as Moretti felt.

  “Contract is ratified and agreed, if the contractors take it.” Moretti shrugged, using the seat rest on his chair.

  Whoever made this thing is a genius.

  “When will we know if it worked or not?” Hall asked.

  “A week.”

  “You look like shit,” Hall said.

  “I’m going to bed,” Moretti stood. He’d done his duty, and he was practically asleep in his chair.

  “Thanks for seeing this through, Moretti,” Hall said.

  Moretti could tell he meant it, and smiled. “Your idea, but I’ll take you up on that beer.”

  “You sly devil, you,” Hall smiled. “Fine, I’ll get you a beer. If we pull this off, then I’ll pay for all the beer you can drink in a night.”

  “That I will hopefully take you up on. Good luck, Hall.” Moretti gave a tired salute.

  “Night, Moretti,” Hall said, turning off the screen.

  Moretti sank back into his chair.

  I need to go to bed, but this is so comfortable.

  Finally, he felt someone shaking him awake. He’d dozed off.

  “Time to get you into bed,” Daher, his on again-off again lady friend outside of work, said.

  “Only if you promise me a date,” Moretti replied, sleep-drunk.


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