Hot for the Holidays (21 Holiday Short Stories): A Collection of Naughty and Nice Holiday Romances

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Hot for the Holidays (21 Holiday Short Stories): A Collection of Naughty and Nice Holiday Romances Page 28

by Anthology

  "It's almost Christmas," he murmured against my skin, pushing himself inside me an inch.

  "Yeah?" I gasped, my nails clawing his back when he nipped my earlobe, and then pulled it between his lips, sucking it slowly. What did Christmas have to do with sex, anyway?

  "I want you to remember what day today is," he said, his voice gruffly sexy.

  "I swear I'm going to flip you over and take you myself if you don't fuck me right now, Remington."

  He guffawed, his whole body shaking with laughter, and his cock sliding another inch inside me. I lifted my hips off the bed, my thighs shaking and my body eager to join with his.

  Lately, we hadn't had enough time to enjoy each other. I missed those quiet moments where he and I spent quality time exploring each other's bodies and finally, after the exquisite torture, the reward of heart-stealing orgasm. We never really had time to spoil each other like this since we brought Hope Estelle home from the hospital. Adrien made himself Hope's guardian. He'd burst into our room at random times to announce his sister was awake or needed to be fed. Not that I was complaining. Those two children were the best things to ever happen to me. Adrien, Hope Estelle and Remington had become my life. They filled me like nothing else did.

  "Do you remember where you put all the Christmas gifts?"

  I slid my hands lower, cupped his butt and squeezed him before sighing dramatically. "Why are we even talking about gifts and Christmas? I know better ways to put your mouth to work than this."

  "Mon Dieu, do you know how extremely arousing you are when you get bossy?" He brushed his lips on mine, then sucked my bottom lip between his. "I'm giving you a warning because you won't be able to remember a thing when I'm done with you. Put your legs around me."

  I did as I was told, groaning when he adjusted his body above mine. Torture.

  Remington's hands slid up and down the sides of my body, grazing my boobs in lazy, firm strokes as though he had all the time in the world to torture me with his heated touch.

  "Remington," I whispered, afraid if I said his name out aloud I would end up shouting it and waking Adrien, and probably the neighbors.

  He kissed his way up, his fingers curling around my right breast and his thumb caressing my nipple. "What, ma belle?"

  "I can't take it anymore."

  He rolled my nipple between the tips of his fingers, and pinched it lightly, causing sweet pain to skitter all over my body. "Yes, you can and you will," he growled against my skin. "I haven't been able to enjoy you for a long time. I'm about to take you hard, Selene. I will fuck you from here to next Christmas. And then slide you on the edge of the bed and eat you while you watch me. Do you know how much this turns me on? You watching while I fuck you with my tongue? Do you want that, my beautiful?"

  I nodded quickly, my thighs tightening at the thought of every dirty detail his words had just painted in my mind.

  He did something with his tongue against the space between my neck and shoulder then brushed his nose there. My body jerked, heat slamming inside my chest, making its way between my legs wrapped around his hips. My heels dug harder into his ass. "Oh my god. Holy shit. I missed that."

  Something clattered somewhere in the house. My body stilled, my ears trying to catch any sounds. "What was that noise?" I asked, my heart racing inside my chest.

  The house was silent. The only sounds filling the room were our ragged breathing and the rush of blood in my ears.

  "What is it?" Remington asked, blinking down at me, his eyebrows dipped in a worried frown. "Do you think Hope finally made it out of her crib? I think I can hear her small feet padding down the hallway." His eyes twinkled as he stared at me, his lips pressed tight as if he was trying to contain his laughter.

  That image alone sent a giggle bubbling out of my lips.

  "You're terrible," I muttered between laughs.

  His grin finally broke free, sending heat between my legs. Oh God. That smile was enough to make me come.

  I shook my head, my body loosening beneath my husband's, but not completely. My brain was pushing me to leave the bed and investigate, but I fought the urge to do that. I was finally getting better at fighting these impulses to check on Adrien and Hope every few seconds.

  "I thought I heard something. What time is it?" I rolled my head to the side to look at the clock, catching a glimpse of our wedding photo inside a handcrafted wooden frame on top of the night stand.

  Before my eyes could connect with the view I was aiming for, Remington cupped my jaw in his big hand at the same time he slid his fingers into my hair, gripping it. Tugging it.

  "Time for you to loosen up. Relax. Before our children wake up, it’s time for me to spoil my beautiful wife, the mother of those children, and give you a fucking great orgasm you will not forget in a long time, instead of the usual quick fuck."

  I nipped my teeth on the arm strapped across my chest holding me firm to his hard body as he flexed his hips forward. "God, Remington, just…harder. I've missed this so much."

  "Bloody hell!" He pulled his cock out of me, flipped me around, his movements uncoordinated and hurried as he positioned himself between my legs and slammed into me. "Mon Dieu! Je t'aime, Selene."

  "Aahh! Remington.... Moi aussi, je t'aime, Remington," I whispered, wrapping my legs around his hips and pressing my heels on his lower back. He groaned, his green eyes almost dark with need. He lowered his mouth to mine and he kissed me, making my whole body feel as though it was on fire from his touch, his kiss. His intensity. "I need you."

  The baby monitor crackled, a tiny wail seeping through the line. Remington dropped his head to the crook of my neck, his breathing ragged, and whispered, "Hold on tight, ma belle. Looks like we'll settle for that quick fuck after all."

  One arm tightened around me. His free hand bunched my hair in his fist, tugging my head back, and he leaned forward. "Give me your mouth, Selene."

  And I did. He made sure I did as his hand cupped my jaw, angling my face as his mouth came down on me hard. Demanding. Intense, as though he hadn't spent last night kissing me, making love to my mouth and finally fucking me like he was on a mission.

  "We come together, oui?" he murmured against my lips

  "Better hurry up. I don't think I can wait any longer."

  "Together," he growled, and my pussy clamped his cock tighter. He shoved his face into the crook of my neck and groaned.

  He thrust his hips faster, his cock deeper, his arm around me tighter. The monitor crackled again and Adrien's voice filtered through the line as he cooed softly to his sister. He was always the first to get to his sister's room. I knew he'd be barging in any minute now to let us know Hope was awake.

  "Now," Remington growled again.

  Everything went white before bursting into different colors behind my closed eyes. We both came hard, the bed shaking beneath us.

  "We need some time. Alone," he murmured into my skin in a gruff voice, moving his head to my neck, tracing his tongue before kissing me there. "Mother will be coming down for Christmas Eve dinner tomorrow. She will take care of the children, then you and I will have some alone time."

  "What?" I asked, panic replacing the bliss I was feeling seconds ago. The thought of leaving Hope even for a moment made my chest tighten with dread. My breath was sawing in and out of my chest fast. I hadn't had a panic attack since that time in Provence, but now I could feel it. I knew it was an overreaction on my part, but my brain didn't seem capable of processing that. "We can't leave her yet. She is still a baby."

  Remington rolled away from me while gathering me into his arms, my back to his chest, spooning me. He pulled the bed sheet to our shoulders then glided his hand up and down my arm in firm strokes, calming me. "Take deep breaths, Selene." His command was gentle, yet firm.

  I did as I was told, mirroring his breathing, the rise and fall of his chest. When I felt calm enough to talk, I flipped around and cupped his face. "Thank you. I'm sorry I overreacted."

  He raised his head, pressed h
is lips on my temple and stared down at me with a gentle, warm expression. "She is almost eight months."

  "I know. Still." I rubbed my eyes, wondering if it would seem outrageous if I voiced my concerns. "I keep imagining all these bad things happening to her if I'm not around—" I shuddered, snuggling closer.

  Somehow, I had become chained by the demons of my past. I didn't want to live like this, always in fear of something happening.

  "Yes," I finally whispered, and then said it louder. "Yes, baby. Let's do this." I raised my head to look into those beautiful green eyes that belonged to my husband. "I need to beat this. I don't want to end up in a psych ward because I'm terrified of my own shadow. You and I are going to have some quality alone time, mister."

  He beamed at me, flashing those impossibly sexy dimples. "I'll make arrangements as soon as possible. I will make use of my mouth to ea—"

  "Papa!" Adrien burst into the room, jumped on the bed, and quickly scrambled to sit on his knees. "Papa! Maman! Hopie is awake and she stinks. Ew! I think she pooped. And guess what? Oncle Luc is downstairs, too. Under the Christmas tree." He flashed a grin at us, his green eyes flashing with laughter and something like anticipation.

  Remington and I exchanged a look.

  "Under the Christmas tree?" I asked.

  Adrien nodded, grinning. "Sleeping. He's snoring, too."

  "Wasn't he and Dom supposed to arrive tomorrow evening?" I asked no one in particular, turning my head to peek at the calendar on top of the night stand.

  December twenty-second.

  Yep. Too early. Dom had gone skiing with his friends in Kitzbühel so we were expecting the brothers tomorrow in time for dinner.

  I'd seen Luc party before. He was a party animal kind of guy, but even then, he wasn't really smashed enough to crumple on the floor. Something must be wrong. "I will go check on him."

  "Maybe he wanted to be Père Noël this year but fell asleep, oui?" Adrien asked in a hopeful voice.

  Remington chuckled. "It's too early for Père Noël." Adrien's face fell. Remington cleared his throat and asked, "Is he wearing a red suit and a hat?"

  His son shook his head, frowning.

  I grabbed the robe from the chair and moved to sit up, one hand holding the bed sheet against my chest. Remington's fingers around my hip tightened. A warning. I turned to look at him, but his eyes were on his son. His lips twitched and I knew he was suppressing a smile.

  "Adrien, keep an eye on Oncle Luc for us, oui? We will be down in a minute. Make sure he doesn't topple the Christmas tree."

  Adrien's eyes grew wide and his mouth tightened in determination. He had been looking forward to spending this Christmas again as a family and had made sure to protect the tree. He planted a kiss on Remington's cheek before doing the same on mine. Then he bounced off the bed and dashed to the door, ready to undertake his assignment. He skidded at the threshold, then turned big, green eyes in our direction, looked down the hall toward Hope Estelle's room and back to us. His brows dipped a little and his mouth pursed as if he was contemplating something.

  "I will check on Hopie," Remington said, understanding his son's conflict.

  Assured by Remington's words, he flew out the door, his small feet padding down the hall, then thumping down the stairs in six-year-old boy steps.

  "Little angel," I said in a quiet voice, falling back on the bed and closing my eyes, taking in the overwhelming love I felt for the man, boy and the girl in my life.

  Remington remained silent. I opened my eyes and met his, staring down at me intense, warm. He leaned down and brushed his mouth to mine and then pulled back and said, "Thank you."

  "For what?"

  "For making me the happiest man on Earth."

  Chapter Two


  My foot hit the last step with my daughter in my arms, who was sucking on the collar of my shirt. She had managed to tug it, bunch it in her little fist, and was gnawing on it with determination. She grunted in frustration when it didn't do the job she wanted of soothing her gums, bent her small head and began nibbling on it in earnest.

  I kissed her hair and murmured, "Ma jolie fille," while running a hand down her back and she calmed down as she always did, settling her small head at crook of my neck.

  Adrien was sitting on the couch next to the Christmas tree, his elbows propped on his knees and head in his hands as he studied the floor in front of him. I walked closer and the view of what he was looking at came into focus. Luc sprawled on his back, one hand thrown over his head and the other outstretched on the floor. Pine tree needles were scattered around him, indicating the damage he had caused during his descent and probably figured out he couldn't get back up and had remained there. There were bruises and small cuts on his jaw and hands.

  Mon Dieu, was he all right? Was he breathing? I pulled my phone from my pocket, ready to call the ambulance. He let out an earth-shattering snore, sending Adrien into fits of laughter.

  I rolled my eyes, fighting a smile and slipped the phone back.

  Luc's shirt was wrinkled, his jeans torn around the knees. His feet—merde! His boots were covered in filth. I glanced down, following the prints of dirt and water on the floors; snow from outside that had since melted. One of his legs was inches away from knocking down the crib, standing on the little platform we had built below the wide windows. Now all I could see in my head was what Adrien's face would look like if all our efforts went down into pieces of wood and hay if my brother moved his leg.

  Bloody. Fucking. Hell.

  Two steps and I was standing in front of Luc.

  "Papa?" Adrien called out cautiously.

  I didn't look at him as I said, "Guard the stairs? Yell if you see Maman coming down." I had to do something before Selene saw the current condition of the floors after she'd worked hard to clean up yesterday.

  "Bon." He shot to his feet, tugged my arm down so he could kiss Hope's cheek, and ruffle her hair. Then he dashed from the room. I could hear him padding softly as he paced the hallway.

  I crouched on the floor, balancing Hope in one arm and shaking my brother with my free hand.

  "Luc," I bit out.

  My idiot brother didn't move. In fact, his snores grew louder, startling Hope. She jerked back, turned to look at her uncle for about three seconds, then dropped her hands from my face and squealed. Her hazel eyes similar to her mother's twinkled in excitement.

  I chuckled. "You like that, oui? Those terrifying noises from Oncle Luc don't scare you?"

  She let out a cute giggle and cooed, her hands stretched out toward Luc. I heard Adrien, not one to miss out on any action, running into the room. He skidded to a halt beside me.

  "Maman is going to be angry." He pointed at the tracks of dirt on the floor. "Should we pour cold water on him? I am sure it will help wake him up."

  I glanced at my son who was staring at Luc as if contemplating the world's most difficult math equation, and fought a smile.

  "You think that will work?" I asked him.

  He shrugged. "I saw it on TV one day. The boy woke up running. It is worth a try."

  I cleared my throat twice, my smile almost breaking free. Adrien swung his gaze to mine. "That is not a very nice thing to do to someone."

  He straightened, glanced from Luc to the couch and exhaled. "Can you carry him to the couch?"

  I shook my head.

  His face fell as he lifted his shoulders and let them fall. "Then I am out of options. It has to be the water, Papa."

  I heard what sounded like choked laughter coming from behind us. I sensed her before I turned around; smelled her perfume and my scent on her before she took a step in our direction. The feeling that always unfolded in my chest bloomed as I turned to face her. I forgot I was trying to wake up Luc, forgot the mud on the floor, as my thoughts, eyes and body narrowed in on the curvy, beautiful woman sauntering toward me with swaying hips.

  My wife.

  My bloody beautiful wife.

  My ear was sudden
ly grabbed and yanked, followed by a shriek, snapping me out of my Selene-induced haze. Hope wiggled in my arms, growling like she always did when she wanted to be fed.

  Selene laughed. "God, that growl. The apple didn't fall far from the tree, did it?" She stopped beside me, leaned to run a hand over our daughter’s curly hair, pressed a teething ring in Hope's little hands before noticing Luc on the floor. "Oh my God! Is he okay?"

  I frowned at my brother, starting to feel worried again. "Take the baby. I will help him up."

  She stared at me for two seconds and whatever she saw on my face made her shake her head.

  "Go feed her. I will deal with your brother."

  "No. Take Hope. I will deal with his arse."

  "Language, baby. And leash that growl. Adrien's hair is already going up in smoke." She turned to Luc. "I know you, Remington. You will probably throttle him in the process."

  I glared at her, then Luc. She was right. Selene knew me. She'd know what I was thinking with just a look.

  "It's okay, Remington. It's only a little mud. I will clean it up within seconds. Luc, on the other hand…I've never seen him like this. Go, baby. Feed the children." Then she muttered softly, "Jesus, how much did he drink, an entire barrel of moonshine?"

  I choked back a laugh, softening the irritation I felt at that moment.

  Luc passed out on the floor wasn't a good sign. He must have been completely drunk if he couldn't get his arse to the guest room upstairs, or the one on the ground floor. Two things could make him drunk like this. One…his cars. Luc loved his cars with a passion unrivalled by anything else. The only thing that came close to his toys was women. He had to have liked a woman so much to get drunk over her. The only time I'd ever seen Luc this way was three years ago after he lost a race to his nemesis.

  My eyes followed Selene's hand as she touched Luc's arm gently and my stomach tightened.

  Merde! I would never get used to seeing her touch another man.

  "Adrien," I ordered softly, motioning for him to follow me to the kitchen before I took his advice and poured cold water on my brother.


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