Hot for the Holidays (21 Holiday Short Stories): A Collection of Naughty and Nice Holiday Romances

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Hot for the Holidays (21 Holiday Short Stories): A Collection of Naughty and Nice Holiday Romances Page 53

by Anthology

  How could he bear the risk of losing her?

  The very thought sent him into a panic, yet he had been stupid enough to Google what had happened to her, to talk to her doctor about whether or not it could happen again.

  It could—especially since it had happened before. Her chances were so much greater. Not something he wanted to hear. Not something that eased his anxiety. No, it scared the hell out of him.

  So even though Mia carried his daughter, he couldn’t even think about baby Stella sometimes … all he could focus on was his wife—reducing her stress levels, forcing her to take it easy, and probably annoying the living hell out of her—and making sure she stayed with him for a long, long time.

  Ethan did his best to shake the negative thoughts away as Mia entered the room. She was right there, and he needed to focus on that.

  "Ready for me to order you around?" she asked, exaggerating the lift of her eyebrows.

  A chuckle escaped his lips, but he fell silent as she purposely strode further into their master suite, peeling off her clothes along the way, revealing her round belly and those breasts that he hadn’t ever been able to get enough of.

  This pregnancy, unlike the first one, sex hadn’t been missing. Sex had been a big part of their lives—of their reconnection, helping them get that solid foundation under their feet. Their bodies spoke to each other, and then Mia and Ethan spoke, letting out the words that needed to be said.

  Things were not perfect, of course not. Sometimes, Mia needed a little prodding to talk, to share what was going on in that beautiful head of hers, but he could tell that she was really trying. As was he. His M.O. before had been to let her distract him, push things aside. Instead, now he pushed and reminded her that they needed to talk, to share, to communicate. And that made her smile because he was fighting for her. For them. For their family.

  As much as he was nervous for Mia and her very life with the pending delivery, Ethan was ecstatic to finally meet his daughter. His Stella. His little girl who he knew was going to look just like her mama. Three more weeks. So soon. But it didn’t seem soon enough.

  Yeah … he was a tad impatient. A big part of him wanted to hold that little girl in his arms, and another part wanted this pregnancy over so he could stop worrying about Mia. It wasn’t just worry; it had become a full-blown panic that his wife and mother of his children could die.

  "Ethan … where are you?" his wife asked, pulling him yet again from his dark thoughts. He focused his eyes on the woman before him. Resting his hands on her waist, he pulled her to him and placed his lips on her bare stomach, holding them there, loving what was beneath. His wife. The woman he’d almost lost way too many times.

  "I love you, suga," he said, his lips still on her stomach, his eyes locked on hers which lit up at his words.

  "Don’t think your smooth talking is going to make me forget that you said I could boss you around."

  Ethan stifled the laugh that bubbled in his chest. His hands moved up, cupping her heaving breasts. "I wasn’t … Boss away," he said, leaning up and sucking a nipple in his mouth, his teeth lightly scraping, feeling it harden. Her fingers dug into his shoulder, steadying herself as he assaulted her breast.

  "Please … Ethan …"

  "Please what?"

  "More. I need more."

  "Is that an order?" he asked as he rolled her other nipple at the same time as nipping the one his mouth was on.

  "Yes! Yes!" she shouted. Her long fingers threaded themselves through his longer hair, tugging at him, her lush lips sliding over his forehead as he switched to the other breast.

  "Suga, any more orders?" he asked, then snaked his tongue up the valley of her breasts to the tip of her chin.

  "Do whatever to take care of the ache you’ve created."

  "Lucky for you, taking care of you is one of my favorite things to do."

  "No one is luckier than me."

  He wanted to do so much to her, but she was pregnant … very pregnant. So instead of quickly spinning her and pushing her to the bed, Ethan took her hips and turned her slowly, giving her the opportunity to move without stumbling. When she faced the bed, he gently pushed her forward and her hands shot out to support her weight.

  "I’m gonna take care of that ache now."

  "Mmhmm …" she moaned.

  He loved that noise—the way she gave herself over to pleasure. He heard her anticipation. Her desire.

  With his dick in his hand, he slid the tip through her wetness, teasing her clit with a few quick passes. "Get on the bed. Hands and knees, suga."

  "Hell yes," Mia said, her voice barely audible, but he heard her excitement.

  His pregnant wife was surprisingly nimble following his orders. Her beautiful ass before him captured his attention. His hands had a mind of their own and dug into her cheeks. "I love this view," he said as he spread his fingers over the breadth of her ass.

  "It’ll look a hell of a lot better when you’re inside of me."

  Lining up his cock, he replied, "I love the way you think," and pushed into his home.

  Her moan mingled with his groan. They didn’t move, savoring the feel of their joining. Oh-so-slowly, her pelvis began to move and his body automatically responded. He just instinctively knew, and there was nothing like it in the world.

  His ring finger traced the tattoo on her back up towards his favorite on her neck. Pushing aside her hair and exposing the two stars, he placed his lips on it, sucking until Mia was continually moaning and her body collapsed down to the mattress.

  "No, suga. Stay up. I’m not done with you yet," he ordered, pulling her back to her hands and knees. Then he focused on taking care of her ache. Grabbing her heavy breasts, Ethan thrust into her over and over, his rhythm getting them to the brink in no time.

  "So close, Ethan," Mia whispered.

  Sliding one hand down over her belly to between her legs, he found the spot she wanted touched and with a few sure strokes, she cried out his name as her pussy spasmed around his cock.

  "Fuck," he said through clenched teeth, his hips thrusting a couple more times before he drained himself inside of her.

  "Damn, suga. Those Kegel exercises you’re doing are gonna kill my cock," he spoke into her neck, his breathing heavy and erratic. She giggled and squeezed him one more time.

  "Get off me," she ordered, laughter still lacing her voice. "I have to go to the bathroom."

  "Aww … no snuggling?"

  "Give me a minute. Geez. I’ve got an elbow or a knee pressing hard on my bladder. I can’t help it."

  Pushing off, Ethan helped her from the bed. Once her feet were on the floor, she hurried off to the bathroom. He collapsed on the mattress and waited for her to join him.

  "Oh shit!" he heard Mia exclaim, the surprise in her voice had him pushing up to his elbows.

  "Ethan …"

  That had him sitting up quick and scooting off the bed. "Suga?" he asked as he strode towards the master bath.

  "My water broke," she answered right as he opened the door, finding her standing in the shower stall, clear liquid running down her legs.

  "Seriously?" he asked.

  Now? Did she not realize there was a fucking snow storm outside right now? Why the hell had he had to have those thoughts about having her pregnancy over? Totally jinxed himself, that’s what he did.

  A smile lit her face as she nodded. "Stella is ready to meet everyone!"

  "Fuck," he cursed, letting his cool slip. Her smile immediately followed suit. Shit! That couldn't happen. He needed that smile on her face. This was happening whether he wanted it or not. He needed to be her support. Closing his eyes briefly, he took a deep breath. "Guess this means no snuggle time," he added, hoping it changed her mood.

  And it did. A chuckle burst through her mouth before her smile returned.

  "That is correct! Time to enact the phone tree!" she ordered, grabbing a towel and wiping herself off.

  "You’re beautiful," he said.

  She blushe
d and a smile teased her lips. "Thank you. Now, go!"

  Ethan rushed back to the bedroom and grabbed his phone. It was quicker to call her than go all the way down to the basement to wake Bree up. While he waited for her to pick up, he threw his clothes back on.

  "Ethan?" came her sleepy voice.

  "It’s time."


  "Yeah. Can you wake Bekah? I want her to check on Mia before we leave," Ethan asked, so damn thankful that Marty married a doctor and they both just happened to be here.

  "Okay," she said, now sounding fully awake. "I’m on it. Meet you in the kitchen in ten minutes."

  Ethan took faith in the fact that Bree would call Allie, and then their family. While she did that, Allie would call the doctor, and everyone would get to their battle stations, hopefully faster than his running backs could score a touchdown. His job was to take care of Mia and get her bag to take to the hospital. When he went to the closet to get it, he noticed her sitting on her dressing bench. She seemed a little tired. He hoped she wasn’t stressing out and was doing her best to conserve her energy. It was going to be long night.

  Thirty-seven weeks and BAM! He should’ve known this was coming with all the nesting she’d been doing and her almost-obsessive need to get her friends and bandmates together on short notice to do these songs. He realized right then that she had known this had been coming.

  As Mia got dressed, he called down to the nanny to let her know what was going on. She'd be staying with the boys. He and Mia had agreed that they didn't want them at the hospital while she was in labor. They would come after Stella was born.

  When he and Mia exited the closet, Allie and Luke were in their sitting room. Luke looked a little pale at the sight of Mia standing in the doorway in the middle of a contraction.

  "Twice I've had to see this," he complained.

  She didn’t respond for a long moment, letting out a big puff of air and standing up straighter. "I've just been preparing you for the third time," Mia said with a wink.

  "Ugh!" Luke groaned and Ethan laughed. His friend was so not ready to go through the birth with Allie. But he’d better get ready. Fast!

  As should he.

  His daughter would soon be in his arms.

  Chapter Four


  Where the hell were the damn coffee machines? On every hospital show he’d ever seen, machines and vendors were all over the place, ubiquitous for the hospital’s sleep-deprived population. He seriously needed caffeine and as he walked the halls of this hospital, he couldn’t believe that he was coming up empty.

  All he wanted was a simple cup of coffee to help him stay up after his two days straight of being awake. Stupidly, he had stayed up all night playing a damn video game. He hadn’t realized the time until it was too late and he had to leave to drive to Mia’s. He’d left his place equipped with multiple cans of Red Bull.

  When he got to her place, Clark thought he’d be able to relax, but then he saw Mia’s personal assistant, Bree. While on tour earlier that year, he and Bree had gotten to know each other quite a bit. He’d been excited to find someone that loved superheroes and video games about as much as him. He’d thought they were friends. Then it felt like more. Their time together had become sexually charged, and then before their last show in Chicago, that charge exploded in the most passionate, hottest kisses he had ever had. He’d asked her to meet him after the show, but she never showed. And since that night, he hadn’t seen or spoken to her, though not for the lack of trying.

  And earlier today, in that studio, Bree had acted like he didn’t even exist. Blank space.

  He, on the other hand, couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. There was just something about her that kept drawing him towards her like some goddamn gravitational pull.

  After they had finished eating, he had figured he’d crash instantly, just fall straight into the sleep he was dying for, but no—he kept thinking about the fact that she was only a few doors down from him, lying down on her bed, in her pajamas. Then his mind switched gears and started picturing taking off those pajamas.

  And just as the daydream had started to get good, his brother, Marc, was banging on the door, yelling at him to get up. Mia was in labor and was heading to the hospital, putting that daydream on hold.

  All of them had formed a caravan around the vehicle Mia was in as they drove the treacherous roads to the hospital. There was no way in hell that they were going to let Mia and Ethan do this alone.

  But now that the adrenaline had waned, their long wait demanded coffee.

  Turning another corner, he slammed into someone. Eyes moving downward, he took in the uniquely dressed person in front of him.


  She was dressed in a vintage, blue Captain America shirt with a too-long, red and black plaid shirt. On her legs, she wore a pair of Captain America leggings. And somehow it didn’t read as costumey. Just quirky.

  Hmm … looks like she’s a Marvel girl. Clark’s inner geek didn’t know if he could overlook that, but he’d try because this woman was under his skin.

  "Oh, sor—" She stopped when her eyes landed on his face. Her cheeks flushed and she tried to take a step back, but Clark held on to her hips. This was the closest he’d been to her in months, and he wasn’t backing off without a good reason.

  "You all right?" he asked.

  With downcast eyes, she nodded.

  "I can’t hear you …"

  "I’m fine. You can let me go now," she answered, her small hands traveling to his chest. He didn’t know if she wanted them there or if she was about to push him away.

  He didn’t understand all the mixed signals from her. It had seemed as if she liked him—hell, the kisses they’d shared before his last show in Chicago had him wanting to forget the show and take her back to his house. She’d seemed of the same mind … but since standing him up, she had been doing an above-par job of ignoring him. And he had no idea why.

  No more.

  As Clark moved his body closer, the movement forcing her to slide her arms further up his chest, he wanted answers but then her scent filled his nose, and he couldn’t help shutting his eyes and basking in this longed-for closeness. His head fell forward against hers. He needed her to hear him, hear how he felt for her.

  With his eyes locked on hers, he waited for Bree to lift them to his gaze. When those dark eyes finally found his, he saw it—her want, her need … her fear.

  He had to reassure her.

  "You're beautiful," he said quietly, cupping her cheek.

  "No. I'm not," she replied. She believed that? How?

  "Bree …"

  "No! I’m just a plain Jane with awful fashion sense. I’m nothing special."

  "God, Bree, you are so much more."

  "I've got to go …" Bree said, pushing against him.

  "No. You don't. Not yet," he said, pulling her back, locking his hands together at her waist, his face nuzzling her neck, his breath hot on her skin.

  "God, why do you do this?" she exclaimed as her body fell into his and he took that opportunity to bring her even tighter to him.

  "Do what, Bree?"

  "This! We don't work. You're this hot rock star …"

  "I'm not hot … far from it. I'm a nerd who happens to play bass—the most boring instrument in a band. I look at Marty and Todd, and I'm nothing like them—they've got tats, they're tall and buff. I'm definitely neither tall nor buff. But I realized I don't need to be like them. That the only thing I need to like me for is me. And I do. It's okay that I'm slightly obsessed with books and superheroes and Star Wars. There's nothing wrong with the fact that I'm thirty-seven and I love to read and play video games. There’s nothing wrong with us wanting each other."

  "Clark …"

  "Bree," he spoke back, his voice pleading with her. "I look at you and see someone like me. Someone to share these things with. I've never had that. I want your intelligence, your loyalty, your quirkiness. I don't care about the packaging it's wrapped
in. Well … let me clarify. Captain America? Seriously? Superman’s so much cooler than that old frozen man."

  And then the sweetest sound hit his ears … her laughter, followed by a sentence that put a big damn smile on his face. "The only thing Superman has going for him is his name."

  "It’s a great fucking name."

  "It’s not bad," she agreed, her chuckle vibrating through his body.

  "Bree, is it possible for us to go back to the time when we were friends? Whatever the past half year has been, I don’t want it anymore. I miss you …"

  "I …"

  "Please. Just come and sit with me while we wait for news about Mia. That’s all it has to be right now. Nothing more. We can be silent or we can talk, okay?"

  "Okay," she said with quiet hesitation.

  Clark stepped away from Bree, wrapped his hand around hers, and began the walk back to the waiting room. Though she was skittish about this, he was still taking this chance because he needed to show her what she meant to him. He was tired of ignoring what he felt for her. She was his Lois fucking Lane and he wouldn't stop until she was his.

  Chapter Five


  She’d forgotten how quickly contractions came on after the water broke. Gripping the railing, Mia lowered herself to the step and did her best to breathe through the pain.

  The wave of people excitedly jabbering penetrated the haze of pain, and Mia looked up to see everyone at the bottom of the stairs. Bekah made her way over in full doctor mode. She took Mia’s wrist, checking her pulse.

  "So, your water broke?"




  "Feeling okay besides that?"

  "I think so … just different … probably just the difference between twins and a single baby," Mia answered, though she didn’t really believe her words. She felt off.


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