"You try entering Tel'aran'rhiod while half-asleep in a saddle," Egwene said dryly. She seemed to flicker. "It is morning in the Three-fold Land, and we are on the move. I had to talk Amys into letting me come at all, but I was afraid you would be worried."
"It is a difficult enough task without the horse," Amys said, "sleeping shallowly when you wish to be awake. Egwene has not learned it entirely yet."
"I will," Egwene said with an irritated determination. She was always too hasty and stubborn in her desire to learn; if these Wise Ones did not hold on to the scruff of her neck she would very likely jump into all sorts of trouble.
Nynaeve stopped worrying about Egwene and trouble as the younger woman began to speak of Trollocs and Draghkar attacking Cold Rocks Hold. Seana, a Wise One dreamwalker, among the dead. Rand hurrying the Taardad Aiel toward this Alcair Dal, apparently in violation of all custom, sending out runners to bring more septs. The boy was confiding his intentions to no one, the Aiel were jumpy, and Moiraine was ready to bite the heads off nails. Moiraine's frustration would have been some relief — she had hoped he could escape that woman's influence somehow — if Egwene had not frowned so worriedly.
"I don't know whether it is madness or design," Egwene finished. "I could almost bear it either way if I knew. Nynaeve, I'll admit it isn't prophecy, or Tarmon Gai'don, that makes me anxious right now. Maybe it is foolish, but I promised Elayne to look after him, and I do not know how."
Nynaeve walked around the crystal sword to put an arm around her. At least she felt solid, even if she did look a reflection in a foggy mirror. Rand's sanity. There was nothing she could do about that, no comfort she could offer. Egwene was the one there to see him. "The best you can do for Elayne is to tell him to read what she wrote. She worries about it sometimes; she won't talk, but I think she's afraid she said more than she should have. If he believes she is totally besotted, he's more likely to feel the same, which will not hurt her in the least. At least we have some good news in Tanchico. Some." When she explained, though, it barely seemed to justify "some."
"So you still don't know what it is they're after," Egwene said after she finished, "but even if you did, they are on top of it and still might find it first."
"Not if I can help it." Nynaeve fixed the two Wise Ones with a firm, level look. From what Elayne said of Amys's reluctance to give anything but warnings, she would need firmness to deal with them. The pair was so hazy a strong puff might blow them away like fog. "Elayne thinks you know all sorts of tricks with dreams. Is there any way I could get into Amathera's dreams to see if she is a Darkfriend?"
"Foolish girl." Bair's long hair swung as she shook her head. "If Aes Sedai, a foolish girl still. To step into another's dream is very dangerous unless she knows you and expects you. It is her dream, not as here. There, this Amathera will control all. Even you."
She had been sure that was the way. It was irritating to learn differently. And "foolish girl"?
"I am not a girl," she snapped. She wanted to yank her braid, but clenched a fist at her side instead; for some reason, pulling at her hair felt strangely uncomfortable of late. "I was Wisdom of Emond's Field before I… became Aes Sedai…" She hardly stumbled over the lie at all now. "…and I told women as old as you when to sit down and be quiet. If you know how to help me, say so instead of giving me foolish maunderings about what is dangerous. I know danger when I see it."
Abruptly she realized her single braid had split in two, one over each ear, red ribbons woven through to make tassels on the ends. Her skirt was so short it showed her knees, she wore a loose white blouse like the Wise Ones, and her shoes and stockings were gone. Where had this come from? She had surely never thought of wearing anything like it. Egwene put a hasty hand over her mouth. Was she aghast? Surely not smiling.
"Uncontrolled thoughts," Amys said, "can be very troublesome indeed, Nynaeve Sedai, until you learn." Despite her bland tone, her lips quirked in barely masked amusement.
Nynaeve kept her face smooth with an effort. They could not have had anything to do with it. They can't have! She struggled to change back, and it was a struggle, as though something held her as she was. Her cheeks grew hotter and hotter. Suddenly, just at the point when she was ready to break down and ask advice, or even help, her clothes and hair were as they had been. She wriggled her toes gratefully in good stout shoes. It had just been some odd, stray thought. In any case, she was not about to voice any suspicions; they looked far too amused as it was, even Egwene. I am not here for some fool contest. I just won't dignify them.
"If I cannot enter her dream, can I bring her into the World of Dreams? I need some way to talk to her."
"We would not teach you that if we knew how," Amys said, hitching her shawl angrily. "It is an evil thing you ask, Nynaeve Sedai."
"She would be as helpless here as you in her dream." Bair's thin voice sounded like an iron rod. "It has been handed down among dreamwalkers since the first that no one must ever be brought into the dream. It is said that that was the way of the Shadow in the last days of the Age of Legends."
Nynaeve shifted her feet under those hard stares; realizing she had an arm around Egwene, she held still. She was not about to let Egwene think they had made her uneasy. Not that they had. If she thought of being hauled before the Women's Circle before she was chosen Wisdom, it was nothing at all to do with the Wise Ones. Firmness was what was… They stared at her. Hazy or not, these women could duel Siuan Sanche stare for stare. Especially Bair. Not that they intimidated her, but she could see the point of being reasonable. "Elayne and I need help. The Black Ajah is sitting on top of something that can harm Rand. If they find it before we do, they may be able to control him. We need to find it first. If there is anything you can do to help, anything you can tell me… Anything at all."
"Aes Sedai," Amys said, "you can make a request for help sound a demand." Nynaeve's mouth tightened — demand? She had all but begged. Demand, indeed! — but the Aiel woman did not seem to notice. Or chose to ignore it. "Yet a danger to Rand al'Thor… We cannot allow the Shadow to have that. There is a way."
"Dangerous." Bair shook her head vigorously. "This young woman knows less than Egwene did when she came to us. It is too dangerous for her."
"Then maybe I could—" Egwene began, and the two cut her off as one.
"You are going to complete your training; you are too eager to go beyond what you know," Bair said sharply at the same time Amys said, not the slightest bit softer, "You are not there in Tanchico, you do not know the place, and you cannot have Nynaeve's need. She is the hunter."
Under those iron eyes, Egwene subsided sulkily, and the two Wise Ones looked at each other. Finally Bair shrugged and lifted her shawl up around her face; clearly she washed her hands of the entire matter.
"It is dangerous," Amys said. They made it sound as if breathing was dangerous in Tel'aran'rhiod.
"I —!" Nynaeve cut off as Amys's eyes actually grew harder; she would not have thought it possible. Keeping a firm image of her clothes as they were — of course they had had nothing to do with that; it simply seemed wise to make sure her dress remained as it was — she changed what she had been going to say. "I will be careful."
"It is not possible," Amys told her flatly, "but I do not know another way. Need is the key. When there are too many people for the hold, the sept must divide, and the need is for water at the new hold. If no location with water is known, one of us may be called to find one. The key then is the need for a proper valley or canyon, not too far from the first, with water. Concentrating on that need will bring you near to what you want. Concentrating on the need again will bring you closer. Each step brings you nearer, until at last you are not only in the valley, but standing beside where water is to be found. It may be harder for you, because you do not know exactly what you are seeking, though the depth of need may make up for it. And you know already in a rough fashion where it lies, in this palace.
"The danger is this, and you must be aware of it." T
he Wise One leaned toward her intently, driving her words home with a tone as sharp as her gaze. "Each step is made blind, with eyes closed. You cannot know where you will be when you open your eyes. And finding the water does no good if you are standing in a den of vipers. The fangs of a mountain king kill as quickly in the dream as waking. I think these women Egwene speaks of will kill more quickly than the snake."
"I did that," Egwene exclaimed. Nynaeve felt her jump as the Aiel women's eyes went to her. "Before I met you," she said hastily. "Before we went to Tear."
Need. Nynaeve felt warmer toward the Aiel women now that one of them had given her something she could use. "You must keep a close eye on Egwene," she told them, hugging the younger woman to show she meant it fondly. "You are right, Bair. She will try to do more than she knows how. She has always been that way." For some reason Bair arched a white eyebrow at her.
"I do not find her so," Amys said in a dry voice. "She is a biddable student, now. Is that not so, Egwene?"
Egwene's mouth set in a stubborn line. These Wise Ones did not know her well if they believed a Two Rivers woman would call herself biddable. On the other hand, she did not say anything. That was unexpected. As hard a lot as Aes Sedai, it appeared, these Aiel women.
Her hour was slipping away, and impatience bubbled to try this method now; if Elayne woke her, it might take hours to get back to sleep. "In seven days," she said, "one of us will meet you here again."
Egwene nodded. "In seven days, Rand will have shown himself to the clan chiefs as He Who Comes With the Dawn, and the Aiel will all be behind him." The Wise Ones' eyes shifted slightly, and Amys adjusted her shawl; Egwene did not see it. "The Light knows what he means to do then."
"In seven days," Nynaeve said, "Elayne and I will have taken whatever Liandrin is hunting away from the lot of them." Or else, very likely, the Black Ajah would have it. So the Wise Ones were not more certain the Aiel would follow Rand than Egwene was of his plans. No certainty anywhere. But no point in burdening Egwene with more doubts, either. "When one of us sees you next, we'll have laid them by the heels and stuffed them all in sacks to cart to the Tower for trial."
"Try to be careful, Nynaeve. I know you don't know how to, but try anyway. Tell Elayne I said so, too. She isn't as… bold… as you are, but she can come close." Amys and Bair each laid a hand on Egwene's shoulder, and they were gone. Try to be careful? Fool girl. She was always careful. What had Egwene been about to say rather than bold? Nynaeve folded her arms tightly in lieu of pulling her braid. Maybe better she did not know.
She realized she had not told Egwene about Egeanin. Perhaps best not to stir up Egwene's memories of her captivity. Nynaeve could remember all too well the other woman's nightmares for weeks after she was freed, waking up screaming that she would not be chained. Much the best to let it lie. It was not as if Egwene need ever meet the Seanchan woman. Burn that woman! Burn Egeanin to ash! Burn her!
"This is not using my time wisely," she said aloud. The words echoed through the tall columns. With the other women gone, they looked even more foreboding than before, more a hiding place for unseen watchers and things that jumped out at you. Time to be away.
First, though, she changed her hair to a tassel of long narrow braids, her dress to clinging folds of dark green silk. A transparent veil covered her mouth and nose, fluttering slightly when she breathed. With a grimace she added beads of green jade woven into the thin plaits. Should any of the Black sisters be using their stolen ter'angreal to enter the World of Dreams and see her in the Panarch's Palace, they would think her only a Taraboner woman who had dreamed herself there in more ordinary fashion. Some knew her by sight, though. Lifting a handful of bead-strung braids, she smiled. Pale honey. She had not realized that was possible. I wonder what I look like. Could they still know me?
Suddenly a tall stand-mirror stood beside Callandor. In the glass, her big brown eyes widened in shock, her rosebud of a mouth fell open. She had Rendra's face! Her features flickered back and forth, eyes and hair flashing darker then lighter; straining, she settled them as the innkeeper's. No one would know her now. And Egwene thought she did not know how to be careful.
Closing her eyes, she concentrated on Tanchico, on the Panarch's Palace, on need. Something dangerous to Rand, to the Dragon Reborn, need… Around her, Tel'aran'rhiod shifted; she felt it, a sliding lurch, and opened her eyes eagerly to see what she had found.
It was a bedchamber, as big as any six at the Three Plum Court, the white plaster walls worked in painted friezes, golden lamps hanging from the ceiling by gilded chains. The tall posts of the bed spread carved limbs and leaves in a canopy above the mattresses. A woman well short of her middle years stood stiffly with her back to one of the posts at the foot of the bed; she was really quite lovely, in that pouty-mouthed way that Nynaeve herself had adopted. Atop her dark braids sat a crown of golden trefoil leaves among rubies and pearls with a moonstone larger than a goose egg, and around her neck hung a broad stole, dangling to her knees and embroidered along its length with trees. Aside from crown and stole she wore only a glistening coat of sweat.
Her tremulous eyes were fixed on the woman lying at her ease on a low couch. The second woman's back was to Nynaeve, as misty as Egwene had been earlier. She was short and slight, dark hair flowing loose to her shoulders, wide-skirted gown of pale yellow silk definitely not Taraboner. Nynaeve did not have to see her face to know it had large blue eyes and a foxlike shape, or see the bonds of Air holding the woman against the bedpost to know she was looking at Temaile Kinderode.
"…learn so much when you use your dreams instead of wasting sleep," Temaile was saying with a Cairhienin accent, laughing. "Are you not enjoying yourself? What shall I teach you next? I know. 'I Have Loved a Thousand Sailor Men.'" She waggled an admonishing finger. "Be sure you learn all the words properly, Amathera. You know I would not want to — What are you gaping at?"
Abruptly Nynaeve realized the woman against the bedpost — Amathera? The Panarch? — was staring straight at her. Temaile shifted lazily as though to turn her head.
Nynaeve clamped her eyes shut. Need.
Letting herself sag against the narrow column, Nynaeve gulped air as if she had run twenty miles, not even wondering where she was. Her heart pounded like a wild drum. Speak of landing in a vipers' den. Temaile Kinderode. The Black sister Amico had said enjoyed causing pain, enjoyed it enough to have made one of the Black Ajah comment. And her not able to channel a spark. She could have ended up decorating a bedpost beside Amathera. Light! She shivered, seeing it. Calm yourself, woman! You are out of there, and even if Temaile saw you, she saw a honey-haired woman who vanished, just a Taraboner who dreamed herself into Tel'aran'rhiod for a moment. Surely Temaile could not have been aware of her long enough to sense she could channel; even when she could not do it, the ability was there to be felt by one who shared it. Only a moment. Not long enough, with luck.
At least she knew Amathera's situation now. The woman was certainly no ally of Temaile. This method of searching had already repaid use. But not enough, not yet. Controlling her breathing as best she could, she looked around.
Rows of the thin white columns ran the length and breadth of a huge chamber nearly as wide as it was long, with smooth polished white floorstones below and gilded bosses on the ceiling high above. A thick rope of white silk ran all the way around the room on waist-high posts of dark polished wood, except where it would have blocked the doorways with double-pointed arches. Stands and open cabinets lined the walls, and the bones of peculiar beasts, with more display cases out in the floor, also roped off. The main exhibition hall of the palace, from Egwene's description. What she sought must be in this very chamber. Her next step would not be as blind as the first; there were certainly no vipers, no Temaile, here.
A handsome woman suddenly appeared beside a glass case with four carved legs out in the middle of the floor. She was no Taraboner, with her dark hair falling in waves to her shoulders, yet that was
not what made Nynaeve gape. The woman's dress seemed to be mist, sometimes silvery and opaque, sometimes gray and so thin as to show her limbs and body clearly. From wherever she had dreamed herself here, she assuredly had a vivid imagination to conceive that! Even the scandalous Domani dresses she had heard of surely could not equal this.
The woman smiled at the glass case, then continued on up the hall, stopping on the far side to study something Nynaeve could not make out, something dark atop a white stone stand.
Frowning, Nynaeve released her grip on a fistful of honey-colored braids. The woman would disappear at any moment; few dreamed themselves into Tel'aran'rhiod for long. Of course, it did not matter if the woman saw her; she was certainly no one on their list of Black sisters. And yet she seemed somehow… Nynaeve realized she had taken hold of a handful of braids again. The woman… Of its own accord her hand pulled — hard — and she stared at it in amazement; her knuckles were white, her hand quivering. It was almost as if thinking of that woman… Arm shaking, her hand tried to yank her hair out of her scalp. Why under the Light?
The mist-clad woman still stood in front of the distant white pedestal. Trembling spread from Nynaeve's arm into her shoulder. She had certainly never seen the woman before. And yet… She tried to open her fingers; they only clamped down harder. Surely she never had. Shivering from head to toe, she hugged herself with the one arm she had free. Surely… Her teeth wanted to chatter. The woman seemed… She wanted to weep. The woman…
Images burst into her head, exploding; she slumped against the column beside her as if they had physical force; her eyes bulged. She saw it again. The Chamber of Falling Blossoms, and that sturdily handsome woman surrounded by the glow of saidar. Herself and Elayne, babbling like children, fighting to be first to answer, pouring out everything they knew. How much had they told? It was difficult to bring out details, but she dimly remembered keeping some things back. Not because she wanted to; she would have told the woman anything, done anything she asked. Her face heated with shame, and anger. If she had managed to hide any scraps, it was only because she had been so — eager! — to answer the last question asked that she passed over earlier.
The Shadow Rising twot-4 Page 97