Renegade Reprisal (The Renegade Series)

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Renegade Reprisal (The Renegade Series) Page 17

by J. C. Fiske

  Rake easily sidestepped and blocked Cyrus’s first strike with a brush of his right hand and kicked Cyrus in the rear to regain distance before spinning effortlessly to the right, avoiding the charging cougar. Cyrus regained his composure and eyed Rake with utter fury.

  “Do not attempt such a wanton attack again. It will be your last,” Rake said.

  “Shut your mouth, freak!” Cyrus bellowed and, again, he rushed toward Rake with a wild run. Rake eyed his cobra and gave it a nod. With a hiss, the cobra rushed forward on its belly, past the moving Cyrus, and opened its hood with another hiss that bared its fangs. The charging mountain lion stopped in its tracks and began to take wary steps backward.

  Meanwhile, Cyrus continued his attack and let out another wild swing. This time, Rake deflected the fist easily with an outward block, but he wasn’t finished. Rake let Cyrus’ momentum carry him forward, grasped onto the boy’s wrist with his blocking hand, and grabbed just below the boy’s elbow with his left. With an upward thrust of his left arm and a downward push with his right, Rake broke Cyrus’ arm and flung him to the ground on one knee. Still, Rake was not finished with his attack.

  While holding Cyrus’ arm, he allowed all his weight to drop onto the back of Cyrus’ downed leg, brought himself back up again while raking his fingers against Cyrus’ eyes and thrusting out with both fists to Cyrus’s back. The boy convulsed and Rake ended the boy’s consciousness with a knee to the back of the Strife’s head. Cyrus hung for a moment, supported by his own crushed knee, and faltered, face-forward, on the unforgiving stone floor. Cheers erupted from the Renegade side of the crowd.

  “Holy hell . . . what kind of move was that?” Gisbo mouthed aloud.

  “Winner by knockout, Rake Lokin!” Frank hollered and, again, the crowd cheered. Rake didn’t look at all pleased with the fight as he shook his head and walked toward his cobra, who slithered up his leg, about his body, and rested across his shoulders as the mountain lion walked forward to her defeated partner and began pawing at his unconscious form.

  Rake calmly made his way back to his group of fellow Renegaras, who all patted him on the back and hooted and hollered for him.

  “Cripes, man! That was incredible!” Grandfield said.

  “No kiddin’! That kid’s done! He won’t be able to fight with a broken arm!” Kinny said.

  “Oh, Rake! You’re amazing!” Glinda said as she jumped forward and embraced him a tight hug. An awkward pause ensued as Rake stood there, arms by his sides, eyes darting back and forth.

  “Uhm, thank you, Glinda . . .” Rake said as he gently raised a hand and patted her on the back.

  “Oh, you are so welcome!” Glinda said as she still did not release her hug.

  “Ugh, creepo, let the guy go,” Kinny said.

  “Oh! I’m . . . I’m so sorry!” Glinda said as she released him and gathered herself.

  “It’s fine,” Rake said, and he turned and sat himself against the wall and closed his eyes. Glinda looked at Kinny with a huge, stupid grin and spoke in a low, yet squeaky voice.

  “He . . . he said my name! Ahhh!” Glinda said as she gripped her fists and did a little dance, her long hair bouncing all about.

  “You’re hopeless, girl . . .” Kinny said.

  “What can I say? I’m just a hopeless romantic. Someday, Rake and I will be together,” Glinda said.

  “You know, there is a difference between a hopless romantic and being just plain hopeless,” Grandfield said.

  “Not even you could ruin this moment, fat boy,” Glinda said.

  “Seriously, what can I even say to that!? The hell!? I know I’m fat! If you really wanted to get me upset, tell me Renegade Joe’s Steakhouse was closed,” Grandfield said.

  “That would be a terrible day . . .” Gisbo said.

  “It’s spinning again,” Kinny said.

  Everyone looked to see who would be up next. Eventually it slowed down, and the results were revealed in the usual floating, crimson letters.

  “Next up: Randy Rasgard versus Grandfield Groggo! Make your way to the center of the ring!” Frank bellowed. The crowd cheered loudly at the prospect of another Renegade versus Strife battle.

  “Well, looks like I’m up . . .” Grandfield said, taking a deep breath.

  “Which guy is Randy?” Gisbo asked. Randy made his way onto the ring, answering Gisbo’s own question.

  “Ah, that bug-eyed little creep who came onto me. Little bastard is randy, all right. Grandfield, kick his scrawny ass!” Kinny said, slapping Grandfield on the back.

  “You got him, pal. Bring in another win for the Renegades! Tell you what, you win, I’ll buy you two boxes of dounts!” Gisbo said. Grandfield’s ears seem to perk up like a cat’s.

  “Wha? YOU GOT IT!” Grandfield said. With that, he lumbered out onto the ring with his boar bounding behind him.

  “As much as I mock him, Grandfield is indeed powerful, if lacking in stamina,” Glinda said.

  “Well, you could have at least offered the guy some encouragement, jeez,” Gisbo said.

  “He’ll do fine. We finally get to see a Berserker do battle with a Nazarite. This should prove interesting,” Glinda said.

  “Still, I don’t like the looks of that Randy guy. There is something creepy he’s hiding, I can feel it. It’s only fitting he has a chameleon for a Boon. Damn things creep me out,” Kinny said.

  “Grandfield’s gonna crush him,” Gisbo said.

  Both Grandfield and Randy now stood facing each other with hardened eyes. Frank ordered them to bow and touch fists and the battle began.

  Immediately, Randy leapt back to keep distance from Grandfield, who charged forward, both fists lowered and tightened as he charged.

  “Guy looks like a charging bull! Get that creep, Grandfield!” Kinny cheered.

  “Still, look at Randy, that guy is so quick on his feet!” Glinda said.

  Grandfield continued forward and caught up with the retreating Randy and sought to grab him with a wild lunge forward. He succeeded. Grandfield smiled as he twisted Randy’s arm behind him and threw his immense weight forward.

  “He’s not messing around at all! There wasn’t even any exchange of blows! He’s putting all his weight forward onto Randy’s arm! He’s going to snap it like a twig!” Glinda yelled, an impressed tone to her voice.

  Both boys began their descent to the ground, Grandfield on top. The crowd behind Grandfield’s massive frame could not even see Randy as they began to fall.

  “Sorry, buddy, but I don’t like you Strifes much,” Grandfield stated as they fell.

  Suddenly, in a quick maneuver, Randy raised his ring to the sky and shouted his Boon’s name.

  “SCRILL!” In an instant, Randy’s chameleon, perched upon his shoulder, exploded into essence and absorbed into Randy just before impact. In a spray of dust, Grandfield pushed all his weight on Randy’s arm and cocked it up, but there was no snapping noise. Grandfield couldn’t believe it as he held Randy’s forearm past its bending point. His whole limb felt like rubber in his hands. In fact, Grandfield felt as if he were atop a mattress, rather than somebody’s body.

  Then, in an odd move, Randy forced his arm free from Grandfield’s grasp, stretched both arms out, and wriggled himself free from under Grandfield, leapt up at least two stories in the air without effort, and, just like a lizard, stuck himself against the wall of the diamond mass with his hands, kicked off his boots, and planted those against the mass, as well. Lastly, he turned to face Grandfield with eyes that looked even more lizard-like than before.

  “Ugh, so gross! He’s double jointed now in his Boon form. Grappling won’t work on him. Only hard, heavy strikes will be able to penetrate his body now, if Grandfield can even catch him! If he’s taken on a chameleon’s attributes, then Grandfield won’t need to worry about being poisoned, but he better watch out for the . . .” Glinda started.

  Like a rubber lightning bolt, Randy opened his mouth and shot out a thick, slimy tongue with a fat, boxing glove-like e
nd. Grandfield did not even have time to react as he took a shot directly to his face, and Randy arched his head around, swung the tongue like a whip, and shot another directly to the same spot, knocking the large boy off his feet.

  “Damn! Come on, man, get him!” Gisbo yelled.

  Randy was taking full advantage of his Boon form, keeping up with his tongue strikes as he slammed his weapon of choice down upon the ground Grandfield now laid upon. Grandfield took one strike to his stomach, managed to roll out of the way of the next two, and got upon his feet.

  “Keep your distance, Grandfield! His tongue can only reach so far!” Glinda shouted. Grandfield cocked an ear and heard Glinda’s suggestion. He leapt back just in time as the tongue struck the ground before his feet and could go no further. Grandfield stood with a bloody nose, smiled, and wiped it clean. Randy coiled his tongue back in his mouth, raised his ringed hand into a fist, and began to power up his Flarian essence for a shot.

  “Crap! Grandfield, get out of there!” Kinny yelled.

  Randy fired five rapid-fire shots directly toward Grandfield. Surpisingly enough, Grandfield planted his feet and, instead of running away, he ran toward the orbs of fire, ignited his ring, and raised it to the sky.

  “BURGER!” Grandfield yelled.

  Instantly, his Boon’s essence absorbed into him and his eyes changed to match his Boon’s, as well as thick tusks spouting from under his upper lip. The shots collided with Grandfield in a huge explosion that rocked the arena.

  “NO! Grandfield, you idiot!” Glinda yelled.

  “No! He’s fine! Look!” Kinny yelled with a big smile.

  Before the smoke could clear, Grandfield charged through it as if the blasts did not faze him whatsoever. A surprised Randy raised his ring and continued to fire direct shots, but to no avail. Each shot exploded onto Grandfield’s body as he charged forward, burning his clothes and leaving the boy shirtless, but still he continued on.

  “Incredible! So that’s Grandfield’s ability!” Glinda said.

  “What is?” Gisbo asked.

  “His boar and he discovered a way to increase force and density while maintaing forward momentum. In other words, as long as Grandfield continues to move toward his opponent, only a force greater than his velocity and denisty can hurt him! Randy’s blasts are not greater, so therefore they can’t! Plus, with his minor frame in comparison to Grandfield’s, strikes won’t hurt him either! Amazing! If he keeps up such training, eventually he could pass even through diamond mass like butter!” Glinda exclaimed.

  “Whoa, Grandfield . . .” Gisbo muttered to himself.

  Even so, Grandfield was not at that stage yet. He slammed headfirst into the diamond mass with a staggering force which caused the diamond mass to vibrate and let out an immense whining sound. Grandfield was forced to stop his charge as he backed away from the impact of the mass and shook his head back and forth to regain his composure. With such vibrations, Randy could not keep his feet entirely upon the surface of the mass, and fell toward the ground. Grandfield, however, was not rushing forward, and Randy took full advantage of the Renegara’s dazed state and lashed his tongue toward Grandfield’s face. There was a loud snap, but not in Randy’s favor.

  Grandfield raised his arm to block at the last possible second, and Randy’s tongue now snapped around it. Randy gagged as Grandfield pulled it toward him to maximize its tenseness.

  “Hah! This guy’s in for a world of pain! Go, Grandfield, go!” Kinny said.

  “He would have been safer firing off fire blasts at this point. It’s his own fault for taking such a risk. Idiot,” Glinda said.

  With his other hand, Grandfield locked his hand over the tongue wrapped about his arm so he could not recoil it back, and began swinging both of his arms round and round atop his head. In his Boon form, Grandfield’s strength was also increased, and Randy had no choice but to go along for the ride. Within moments, Randy was in the air and spinning all around Grandfield’s head by his own tongue, and soon he took on the form of a pink and green propeller.

  “Do it, Grandfield!” Gisbo cheered. The crowd cheered along, too. Hating to disappoint them, Grandfield arched his swing downward and literally bounced Randy’s frame against the hard ground.

  “No, Grandfield! Didn’t you learn your lesson already!? The ground isn’t hard enough to cause him damage!” Glinda screamed. Grandfield looked surprised as the impact had no effect on Randy, and now the impact literally bounced him into the air and the resistance of Grandfield’s pulling was gone, Randy let his tongue guide him back to Grandfield with a flying kick toward his head.

  “NO! Not gonna happen, freak!” Grandfield screamed as he charged forward to meet the kick head-on. The foot bounced off Grandfield and had no effect against Grandfield’s rushing velocity.

  “Whew, he had me worried. He’s dumb, but he recovers well. Let’s see what he does next . . .” Glinda said.

  Grandfield again began to swing the light weight Randy around with little effort, and soon he was back to being a green and pink propeller.

  “Alright, you creep, obviously the ground isn’t hard enough to beat you, so I just need something harder . . . How about head-first into diamond mass?” Grandfield screamed.

  “YES! It’s over . . .” Glinda yelled.

  With a snapping motion, Grandfield re-directed Randy head first into the diamond mass with shuddering force. The Strife’s eyes immediately went back to normal, the tongue wrapped about Grandfield’s arm shrank, and a small, staggering chameleon materialized itself and flayed about from its hanging tongue wrapped about Grandfield’s arm. He quickly unraveled the thing, tossed it atop its unconscious Strife partner, and pumped his fist to a delighted crowd. The diamond mass rose and Grandfield rushed back to his Renegara companions.

  “That’s two and nill for the Renegades, baby!” Grandfield said as he met his friends in a rushing bear hug and picked them all up with ease.

  “ACK! Gah . . . Gah . . . Grandfield! You’re . . . still in Boon form!” Gisbo choked.

  “Oh . . . whoops!” Grandfield said. In an instant, Grandfield’s eyes and tusks receded and his boar materialized by his side. Kinny, Glinda, and Gisbo all fell to their feet and tried desperately to retrieve their breaths.

  “I . . . didn’t ask for a hug from you, you lummox!” Glinda said.

  “You enjoyed it more than me, admit it,” Grandfield said.

  “And here I was about to congratulate you! You are getting nothing from me now!” Glinda screamed.

  “Hey, just knowing you at least thought of it is good enough for me. I wasn’t expecting nothing,” Grandfield said. Kinny, however, jumped forward and hugged Grandfield again.

  “Thank you, Grandfield, thank you for putting that creep in his place!” Kinny said with deep adoration.

  “Hey, no problem! Don’t need to thank me though. I’m sure you could have beat him on your own,” Grandfield said. Kinny looked up.

  “They waste no time in spinning that thing. Here we go again,” Kinny said. The group, as well as the crowd, all looked up to see who was next and they were again surprised at what their eyes saw.

  Chapter Ten: Malik’s Wrath

  “The next fight: Malik Strife versus Kinny Kalloway!” Frank bellowed over the crowd. The small group of Renegaras all looked at one another.

  “So, it’s me versus ass face. Good, I’m glad I gets to take on the Strife prince first,” Kinny said with an excited grin as she knocked her fists together in anticipation. Gisbo touched her shoulder.

  “Kinny, I want you to be careful. Something about that guy isn’t right,” Gisbo said, genuine concern in his voice.

  “Yeah, he’s a Strife, of course there’s something wrong with him, and stop belittling me, Gisbo! Damn it, I thought we had this . . .” Kinny started and Gisbo interrupted her.

  “KINNY! Stop and listen, damn it! Want to know where this scar on my cheek came from? Want to know why he’s got that gaping one across his face? I did it to him!” Gisbo said
, shaking with rage. Kinny was taken aback.

  “Gisbo is right,” said a cold voice behind them. Kinny turned, seeingRake there. “There is something rather off about him. I’d listen to Gisbo on this one.”

  “You’ve . . . fought him before?” Kinny asked. “When?”

  “That doesn’t matter. Be careful of him, Kinny, all I’m saying. This guy has no filter to him. I’m worried about you, is all,” Gisbo said. Kinny placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “Okay, I can see you are genuinely worried, but don’t be. We’ve been here, done this. I’m a fighter, too, damn it, and I can handle myself. If I can beat you, I certainly got him in the bag. After all, you gave him the bigger scar, didn’t you?” Kinny said with a wink as she made her way out to the arena to meet the Strife prince in battle.

  “Rake, you sense it, too, then?” Gisbo asked. Rake walked up and stood next to Gisbo.

  “I sense lots of things. Shininjas need such skills. But I believe you. One killer can always recognize another without needing to say a thing. I’ve felt an odd presence here and have been waiting to discover the source. I have now found it,” Rake said, arms crossed as he stared at Kinny’s back.

  “It takes another killer to beat a killer. I should be in there or . . . you, Gisbo,” Rake said. Gisbo cocked a look toward Rake.

  “Excuse me?” Gisbo asked.

  “A killer always recognizes a killer,” Rake said, without looking at Gisbo.

  “Ha, I’m no killer, Rake,” Gisbo said.

  “Not yet, but you will be. I sense a cage about you, something holding back such desires. It cannot be helped. Soon, your beast will be set free; then, like us all, it is up to you to tame it or . . .” Rake started.

  “Or?” Gisbo asked.

  “Let it consume you,” Rake said. Gisbo looked around at his other Renegara companions. They were both too interested in the fight to pay attention to their conversation.


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