TANAK: Sci-Fi Romance (Star Fall Series Book 1)

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TANAK: Sci-Fi Romance (Star Fall Series Book 1) Page 21

by E. A. James

  Kira blushed, feeling humbled by his words. “It was the least I could do. You were always right there at my side, never shying away from a fight. That’s a great feat, you know. Not many people can keep up with me.”

  “And I’ll never be the same again,” Bron said with a laugh. “Don’t let this woman’s small size fool you. She’s a hell-raiser. I’m still shaking from the memory of the last mission we went on together—we went head to head with a fleet of Vorion and we had no business winning that fight, yet here we are.”

  “Oh please,” Kira said, glaring at him. “You’re fine. You’re still breathing aren’t you?”

  “Maybe, but sleep comes less frequently thanks to flying with you,” Bron said jokingly.

  “I can fix that,” Dr. Marner spoke up. Everyone turned to look at him, chuckling slightly. “Really, I can.”

  “We know you can,” Thor said, “but that was a joke.”

  “Oh, forgive me, I’m afraid I’m not one for humor,” Dario admitted, looking down at his drink dejectedly.

  “Dario is a very talented doctor and researcher,” Kira explained. “It’s because of him that we’ll be able to stay one step ahead of the Arcanum.”

  “Speaking of which,” Thor said, swiveling around to face Dario. “Did you get it?”

  “It’s right here,” Dario said, grabbing hold of the leather bag still hanging over his shoulder and lifting it gingerly to the table.

  Everyone leaned in to watch as Dario reached down into the bag to retrieve the ever important item they all risked their lives to get back. They all pulled back in surprise when they saw what the contents of the bag actually were – a small black cat emerged from the bag.

  “A cat?!” Thor yelled. “We went back to that ship for a damned cat?”

  Dario set the small, black, furry creature down on the table and nodded.

  “Are you kidding me?” Thor asked, slamming his fist down on the table. “You risked our lives so you could get your pet back?”

  “This isn’t just my pet,” Dr. Marner said, stroking the cat. “This is Zola.” She mewed affectionately at Dario when she heard her name.

  As he continued to pet the cat, he pushed it closer in Thor’s direction. Resting his thumb on Zola’s neck, he pushed back a clump of fur, revealing a small cybernetic implant.

  “What’s that?” Kira asked, hunching in to get a better look at the small, metallic device.

  “This,” Dario said, detaching the implant and lifting it up for all to see, “is the communication device I use to keep in contact with Thane. I figured with all the running around we’ve been doing, it would be best that I left Zola in possession of the most important piece of technology on our ship.”

  Dario, still holding onto the small, metallic device, pushed himself up and began initiating the communication channels. “I’m going to check for any new messages,” he informed the group as he paced around behind them.

  “You have to admit,” Kira said, nudging Thor with her elbow, “that was pretty smart of Dario to hide the communicator on a cat.”

  Thor sighed, calming down and grabbing for the drink in front of him again. “I suppose,” he admitted.

  “Nothing new,” Dario announced, returning to the table and taking his seat next to Alaria, who had reached out and taken the cat in her arms.

  Zola purred contentedly as she nestled close to Alaria. It seemed like, for once, they had found a moment of peace. They all relaxed back in their seats, sipping their drinks and laughing, recounting stories of the lives they had left behind and the adventures they had shared.

  The peace was short-lived, however, when the hangar’s alarm sounded, informing them with an ominous, shrill cry that someone was just outside. The group instantly fell silent as the alarm continued to ring out, followed by a heavy banging on the large metallic entrance.

  Thor and Bron jumped up and prepared their weapons. Vinnie was up in an instant and positioning himself behind cover with his assault rifle trained on the entrance to the hangar.

  Alaria and Dario followed suit, readying their weapons and finding cover.

  A chill ran up Kira’s spine as the pounding on the door reverberated through her, causing her pulse to accelerate and her ears to ring.

  “We know you’re in there!” a deep booming voice called out from the other side of the door. “We’ve come for what you’ve stolen, Bandurian!”


  Kira, Thor, Alaria, and Dario all looked back and forth at each other nervously.

  “Who is it?” Alaria whispered. “Roughnecks? Arcanum?”

  Kira shrugged. “Whoever it is, they know we’re here.”

  “They’re not here for you,” Bron said, pushing himself up and walking towards the pseudo office space he had set up in the front right corner of the hangar.

  He grabbed hold of the screen connected to the camera hanging over the door outside. He spun it around so the group, following close behind him, could see who was there.

  The rage-filled eyes of three large Vorion males were slicing through the screen, piercing into them as if they could see them all huddled around, looking back at them. Their scale covered faces and green skin shone in the lights of the market outside, and their massive, imposing frames consumed the image completely.

  “We know you’re in there, Bandurian!” the largest of the three continued to yell. With his eyes fixed on the camera he pushed himself up, pressing his face closer, and the image of his grizzly countenance nearly filling the screen. “No more delays, our patience has worn thin.”

  “What did you do?” Kira asked in a whisper, eying Bron curiously.

  “We’ve come for our ship,” the Vorion man answered her question.

  "Oh, that figures," Kira said, nodding and leaning back away from the screen. The reptile-looking man continued to stare through the screen with the same furious expression, and his intense gaze was beginning to make her feel uncomfortable.

  When it became clear that Bron was not going to answer their demands, the lead Vorion inched away from the camera slowly. He could be seen issuing orders to the other two in his company, and soon after he finished speaking, each of them dispersed and went off screen, leaving their apparent leader staring down the door to the hangar.

  “Can they break in?” Kira asked Bron.

  “Not without a great deal of difficulty,” Bron replied. “They’ll prefer to wait us out, but I’m not even sure they’re convinced we’re inside. It could just be bluster.”

  “It seems like we’re not the only ones with enemies on Vandor,” Kira noted, crossing her arms over her chest.

  Bron shrugged and began walking back towards the table. “It’s nothing. I’m sure it’ll just blow over when they realize that what they’re looking for has been chopped up and sold for parts.”

  “Blow over?” Kira scoffed as she and the others slumped back in their chairs. “Seems more like it’s about to blow up. I think you’ve finally stolen the wrong ship, Bron.”

  “I can take care of them,” Bron said, grabbing his glass and refilling it.

  The bottle passed around the table again. Despite the desire they all shared to once again create the jovial atmosphere they had enjoyed before, the nervous tension hanging in the air was too great to shake.

  Vinnie was pouring over the security footage and keeping a close eye on the Vorion right outside their compound.

  “What now?” Kira asked after taking a long drink from her glass.

  "We can't forget our mission," Dario said firmly. "We need to find a way to stop Grimm."

  “I agree,” Thor said, slamming his glass down on the table forcefully. “We have to stay focused. We knew we would be facing dangerous enemies when we united in our cause. We have to stop Grimm at all costs.”

  “I’m with you,” Kira spoke up. “But, how do we plan on going about doing that when we have no ship? No ship means no way back to Earth. No way to Earth, no way to stop Grimm.”

at’s our second biggest issue at the moment,” Thor replied.

  “Vinnie – what are they up to out there?”

  “Looks like they’re taking up surveillance positions at each corner of the building,” Vinnie replied to Thor.

  “Unfortunately, Vorion mercenaries and Arcanum soldiers aside, our most pressing issue is transport,” Dario chimed in.

  “As long as we’re trapped here on Vandor, our mission is futile,” Dario added.

  A dejected silence spread through the group. The only sound was Zola’s soft purring, spurred on by Alaria’s constant coddling.

  “I may be able to help,” Bron said after a long pause.

  Everyone turned to look at him, with wide-eyes and skeptical hope. “Really?” Kira asked.

  “If we can get you all out of here in one piece, I have access to a ship,” Bron continued. “I don’t know Colonel Grimm, but by all accounts, it would seem like his life should be forfeit.”

  “Where is it?” Thor cut in.

  “It’s in a remote district about an hour away from here, stationed at a dry dock and well hidden,” Bron explained.

  “Please don’t tell me it’s stolen as well,” Kira said.

  “Only parts of it,” Bron said, a mischievous smile rippling through his already rigid face. “But, I think you’ll find it suitable for your crew. It’s a small but heavily armed freighter, able to support about 8 crew members. It doesn’t have a name yet,” Bron added. “I constructed it myself from parts of various vessels, that I, uh, came to possess over the last two years.”

  “Hey! I think you meant we built it,” Vinnie chimed in from across the room, still locked on the security monitors and watching the Vorion closely.

  Bron grunted in acknowledgment. “It’s not the prettiest, but it’s well built, and she’ll take a beating if it comes to it.”

  “Okay, this is our only option, let’s figure out our more immediate problems,” Kira responded, referencing the Vorion sentries stationed outside.

  “It seems like we have a ship!” Dario exclaimed excitedly. The jovial light crept back into his eyes as he wrapped his arm around Alaria and squeezed her tightly.

  “Bron, this is a lot to ask and even more to give. Are you certain you can do this for us?” Kira asked.

  “Vinnie and I don’t have a great deal of trouble in the ship department,” he said wryly. “We’ll be back on our feet in no time.”

  “Thank you, Bron it looks like I’m the one in your debt now,” Kira replied.

  “We still have to find a way get to the ship—safely,” Thor said.

  Thor was lost in thought for a moment and then turned his attention to the group. Dario, Alaria, and Thor immediately dove into a fast-paced discussion, plotting their route to the ship and planning for each and every possible scenario that could arise.

  “Will you come with us?” Kira asked Bron as their conversation began to slow.

  “No,” Bron said shaking his head. “I have my business here on Vandor and I need to tend to it.”

  “You’ve been talking about wanting to get off this depressing rock for ages,” Vinnie piped up. “This is the perfect chance!”

  The boy's clear thirst for adventure was also playing into his urging that Bron join the crew on their mission back to Earth. His eyes sparkled as he pressed his guardian and his hands seemed to shake with pure excitement.

  “Come on you grumpy bastard,” he begged.

  “No,” Bron said firmly. “You and I, young man, have to stay here and look after the Hangar. But,” he turned to face Kira and smiled, “we will help ensure that you and the others get to the ship safely.”

  “We could use some extra firepower where we’re going – are you sure you won’t reconsider?” Thor asked Bron.

  “I have worked hard to carve out some semblance of normalcy, and I don’t feel like giving that up just yet,” Bron replied.

  "I understand. That settles it," Thor said. "We will head to the ship tomorrow. The plan is simple, but it should work. We will move in two groups. The first will be led by Bron and will consist of himself, Vinnie, and Dario. Alaria and Kira, you will come with me. We will keep a low profile and always stay within earshot of each other."

  “All of you should get some rest, Vinnie and I will keep an eye on our Vorion guests and tidy up this mess of pirates,” Bron said, scanning the group. “Thor and I will discuss our route too, in case we do get separated, I want to make sure you have a way there without me.”

  Everyone agreed and began shuffling around. Vinnie ran to the front of the hangar and returned with an armful of blankets. Dario and Alaria began preparing their make-shift beds while Kira hung back with Thor.

  “Is it smart that we split up?” she asked, watching Alaria crawl under the blankets on the cold, hard, metal floor panels and tug Zola in after her. Bron was off dragging pirate bodies and depositing them into a large trash receptacle, likely used for large mechanical parts.

  “The larger the group, the more likely we are to draw attention to ourselves,” Thor explained. “We divided the groups up the best we could. Bron and Vinnie are both able fighters, and I feel confident having you at my side.”

  “You know, oddly, we seem to work well in combat” Kira replied.

  Thor shifted, turning to face her. The expression on his face was the same he had the night they spent in the hotel together. It was sincere and serious. When his eyes locked on hers, she felt the unfamiliar tension suddenly form in her stomach again.

  She smiled up at him and said, “I never thought I’d feel safe around a wanted criminal.”

  Laughing slightly, he patted her on the shoulder and responded, “That makes two of us.”


  The night passed without incident and the next morning, they woke early. Kira wasn’t sure that Thor or Bron had slept. Their heavy steps rang out, startling Kira awake. The two men had huddled together in front of the screens at the front of the hangar. They were panning the camera around, checking the streets to make sure the coast was clear.

  “How are our Vorion guests doing?” Kira asked.

  “They tired of their watch halfway through the night and moved on,” Bron replied, looking slightly relieved.

  “I’m not sure how long we have before they come back, and I’m sure the next visit won’t be so amicable,” he continued.

  “Alright then, while the advantage is on our side, are we ready to move out?” Kira asked, walking up behind them.

  Neither of the men turned to face her, but Thor responded over his shoulder. “As ready as we can be.”

  Alaria and Dario began to move around slowly, waking up and stretching their muscles from the night of rather uncomfortable sleep on the hard floor. Vinnie, however, popped up with more energy than the five of them combined. He raced around the room, checking weapons and making sure they were all fully functional.

  “Let’s do this!” the boy cried out, hurrying over to them, juggling the eclectic collection of weaponry.

  Everyone took their weapon, locking them into the loaded position and tucking them under thick, bulky brown robes Bron had provided them.

  Kira tucked her Phantom in its holster and buried it under a mound of fabric, clearly intended to be worn by someone much larger.

  When there was nothing left to do, they all walked with purpose towards the large metal doors at the front of the hangar.

  “Wait thirty seconds,” Bron instructed as he entered a series of codes into the doors control panel. “Then follow behind. Dario, behind me, Vinnie you have our six.”

  The door’s locking mechanism retracted with a thud, and Bron slowly crossed the threshold from inside the hangar back out into the crowded streets of Vandor.

  Kira, Thor, and Alaria nodded in agreement as Bron, Vinnie, and Dario, carrying Zola in his leather pouch, ducked out of the building. The instant the door closed in front of them, Alaria ran back to the security view screens and anxiously watched as Bron led the group
down the block.

  When thirty seconds elapsed and the time came, Thor stepped forward and pressed the door release button. Without a word, he slipped out, pressing his back to the building as he waited for his companions to follow behind.

  As soon as they were out in the open, the group began to move, slowly so as not to draw attention towards themselves, through the streets. Up ahead, Kira could see Bron’s large frame bouncing through the crowd.

  Shifting her gaze to Thor, who was walking directly in front of her, she focused on keeping a low profile and not letting the feeling of panic that was building in her stomach bubble over. She hated these situations. She hated laying low and keeping her head down. She felt more in control when she was locked in combat. That’s when her senses kicked in and the adrenaline filled her veins, driving her to attack with fervent, calculated strikes.


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