Secrets in Battle: Secrets of Savannah Series Book 3

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Secrets in Battle: Secrets of Savannah Series Book 3 Page 9

by S. M. Donaldson

  Ryder speaks up. “Judd, you okay?”

  I shake my head and get off on the closest exit. “I need you to drive, Ryder. The traffic is too much for me.”

  He nods. “Okay, man. No big deal.”

  We get back in the truck with me in the back seat. Ryder looks back at me. “Just take your breaths, man.”

  Dad looks back at me. “Let’s talk about something to keep us occupied for a few minutes.”

  I nod. “Yes. Please.” I say as I’m working on my breathing.

  Dad looks at Ryder. “So, do you think you and Scarlet will start a family soon?”

  Ryder shrugs. “Not on purpose. I mean if it happens, it happens. She’s on birth control, so we aren’t planning anything for right now. She’d like to get finished with school.”

  Dad nods. “Sounds smart.” He glances back at me. “So how are things going for you and Annabelle?”

  I nod, still working on my breathing and trying not to notice all the traffic. “We slowed things down a little. I’m working on my issues with Luca, and Beau is helping me a lot.”

  “He seems like a good dog. I had a blood hound when I was a kid. He lived until I’d just married your momma. She loved that dog, I think she likes having Beau around.”

  Finally catching my breath a little and being more successful at blocking out the traffic, I motion to dad. “So how’s all the stuff going with your new diet?”

  He flops his head back on the seat. “No sweet tea is for the damn birds and I tell you, none of that artificial sweetener shit is worth a damn.”

  “Don’t use that shit, Nelson, they say it gives you cancer and most importantly leads to impotency or something like that.” Ryder practically screams.

  Dad and I both die laughing at Ryder’s worries. I pat his shoulder. “Ryder, I think it’s safe from giving you limp dick. I’m pretty sure the men on this planet would have rioted by now if it did. It’s not salt peter, for God’s sakes.”

  My dad and I continue to laugh while Ryder grumbles.

  My big fear is I just hope I do okay at the game tomorrow. I know there’ll be a big crowd. A crowd I can’t control. I need to do this for myself as much as Ryder.

  Chapter 22

  “Oh my God! That was awesome, Nana. Thank you.” Scarlet screams as she practically falls into the stretch Hummer Nana rented for us.

  I shake my head and laugh. “I know, I can’t believe Lady Chablis got us up on stage to do a shot of pussy juice with her.” Pussy juice is her very own brand of shot.

  Nana waves us off. “Honey, I remember when that show first got started here. It hasn’t changed a bit and still funny as hell for a drag show. She’s a hell of a comedian.”

  I look around the Hummer. We are a mixture of old ladies and people our age. We are a motley crew, that’s for sure.

  Scarlet jumps up and down in her seat like a kid. “Where are we going now?”

  I laugh because this is the girl who was so depressed when Ryder left yesterday that she wanted to call tonight off.

  Nana looks at her seriously. “We’re going home.”

  Scarlet frowns a little. “Okay.”

  She doesn’t know about the party at home. We made sure to tell everyone to park out by the barn so she won’t see the cars.

  Once we are back at the farm and walk in, Scarlet screams. “Oh my God!”

  There is red chiffon hanging down the walls. A variety of the toys from the red room in the books is around the room. I can’t believe Nana found a planner to put this on.

  Wendy is set up over in the corner with her products. When the waiters walk out, I think Scar is going to flip. They are shirtless and shoeless with faded ripped jeans on.

  She grabs my arm. “Holy balls. They are hot. Not as hot as my man, but they are hot.”

  Nana walks over and hands her a card. “Here, this is from your momma. She wanted to be here but she couldn’t get here two weekends in a row.”

  Scarlet opens it and it’s a gift certificate for two hundred dollars to the Pleasure Palace.

  “Nana, did you and Annabelle set all of this up?” Scarlet asks.

  We both nod. She smiles. “Y’all are crazy. Thank you so much for this whole night. It’s been just crazy wonderful.”

  Nana hugs her. “I’m happy you’re happy, baby. Now, go take that gift certificate and buy some goodies to surprise that boy with.”

  Scarlet turns red. “Nana, God. You could act a little bit shy about it.”

  Nana looks over rolling her eyes. “Child, when have you ever known me to shy?”

  We all laugh. I grab us a couple of glasses of wine. “Scarlet, let’s go shopping.”

  She laughs. “Hell, I’m kinda afraid Ryder will want to start using this stuff. I don’t know what’s going on with him, but he’s been locking himself up in the bathroom reading. I found a copy of the Grey books in there the other day.”

  I grin. “Damn, lucky girl. Maybe he’s studying.”

  With that we make our way over to Wendy’s table.

  The rest of the night has gone by in a blur with old ladies looking at vibrators, hand cuffs and other items that would make their church choirs blush with shame.

  Finally, I make my way over to Judd’s apartment with Beau following me inside. “Come on, boy. Let’s go to bed.”

  He whines and hops up on the bed with me. He snuggles into my side and I rub his ears. “Beau, you better not tell Judd I let you sleep with me every night.”

  He huffs and my eyes get too heavy to hold open.


  Waking up with a slight hang over isn’t too bad, considering the amount of alcohol I consumed last night. I stand in Judd’s shower thinking about his hands on me. I run my hands over my body, imagining they are his.

  I stop myself, shaking my head. I can’t get lost in thought, I have to go help clean up in the main house before the guys get home, as well as get myself ready to deal with my family.

  As I walk out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around my hair, the door swings open. I scream and Beau barks. Judd steps in. “Sorry to startle y’all. We got back early.”

  My heart is still racing in my chest. “Fuck. You scared the shit out of me, Judd.”

  He laughs. “It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before.”

  “I know that. I had the door locked, I wasn’t expecting someone to come barging in here.”

  He shakes his head. “Sorry.”

  I grab my clothes, sliding them on. “Shit, I gotta go help clean up in the main house.”

  “Why?” He looks at me confused.

  I sigh. “From the party last night.” I snatch the towel off my head and run my fingers through my hair.

  He laughs. “Oh, I’m coming over to see this.”

  He follows me out the door and across the yard.

  As soon as we go in the back door I can hear Ryder freaking out. I stop Judd so we can listen from the kitchen. We both laugh, listening.

  “What in the hell happened here last night? Why is every food shaped like a dick? Hand cuffs. A dildo. Nana, what the hell?”

  I peek around the corner. She looks at him. “We were coming to clean this mess up, you just got home early. Now you leave Scarlet out of this, she had nothing to do with it. She’s up there sleeping the night off right now. Plus, she got some neat gifts for you and her to try out.”

  “Holy shit, Nana! Don’t say things like that to me.”

  Judd and I make our way into the living room. Judd is laughing so hard he can’t talk when he sees the left over mess from the party.

  I smile at Ryder and he looks back at me. “I can’t believe my grandmother threw a sex toy party in my house.”

  Chapter 23

  Once we finish getting the house back in order, I get Ryder to go out back and have a beer with me. He’s still a little freaked out.

  Princess left to go to her parents. I’m still not thrilled about that. I don’t trust her parents.

Scarlet finally made her way downstairs. We have figured out that Nana took them to a show at Club One and then had a Grey themed party here. Old ladies and sex toys, not something I want to picture.

  I wonder if Princess got anything. I may need to ask her when she gets back.

  I look over at Scarlet. “So Scar, you want something to drink? A little hair of the dog that bit you?”

  She shakes her head. “No. I need bread, lots of bread. Ryder, can you please get me some toast and a Coke?”

  He nods. As he walks in the house, I hear him grumbling about never leaving her in the care of his Nana again.

  She looks over at me. “So did you guys have a good time at the game?”

  I nod. “Yeah. It was a little intense for me, but I worked through it. There were just a lot of people in one place. Ryder kept me in check, though.”

  She smiles. “Good. I’m glad. I’m also happy that you have Beau. He’s such a sweetie. I told Ryder that I want to get a girl blood hound to be his girlfriend.”

  “You already have Button, your pet cow, Scar.” Ryder says as he comes out on the pool patio.

  She looks at him sharply. “Are you saying that I can only have one pet?”

  “No, I’m not. I’m just saying you’re busy and-.”

  She cuts him off. “I’m going to find a girl dog and I’m going to name her Dixie.”

  Ryder rolls his eyes. “How original.”

  “Asshole.” Scarlet says as she goes to get up.

  He grabs her around the waist. “Sorry, baby. You can have whatever you want and you can name it whatever you want.”

  I shake my head. “You two are so damn cute it makes me a little queasy.”

  They laugh. Scarlet smiles. “I’m gonna go back in for a minute.”

  I look at my watch and Ryder shakes his head. “Man, she’s been gone less than an hour. She’ll call one of us if she needs us. Okay? Don’t stress.”

  “It’s driving me crazy. If she comes home with a busted lip again I may go to jail.”

  He nods knowingly. “Trust me, if that happens, you may be there right beside Nana.”

  I stare out across the back forty. “I’m sorry that you had to kind of babysit me at the game yesterday. I really wanted it to be fun for you.”

  He shakes his head. “Hey man, I had a great time. So what, you had to do some breathing exercises and take a break every now and then. You did better after you had a couple of beers. You’re doing great. You realized while we were driving that you were going to have an episode so you stopped and gave it over to me. You admitted that you needed help. That is a big step.”

  I nod. “Thanks, man. I really am happy for you.”

  He looks over at me and pretends to wipe his eyes. “Are you gonna loan me some tampons now? We really sound like pussies.”

  I laugh. “Sorry, maybe should’ve had Nana throw you a bachelor party.”

  “Fuck, I’m like Annabelle. I don’t know that we could hang.”

  I slap his arm. “So did Scar say if she got anything good last night?”

  “From what I’ve been able to piece together, her mom gave her a gift certificate and Nana gave her some money to spend. I know there are bags of shit in our room.”

  “She know you’re reading the books?”

  “I think she found them in the bathroom. She hasn’t asked me about them, though. I guess I’ll find out more when I see what all is in those damn bags.”

  “I wonder if Princess got anything.”

  “What’s the status with you guys? I mean Scarlet and I haven’t really wanted to ask.”

  “We are taking things slow. No more sleep overs for a little while. No serious make out sessions. Just trying to get my head on straight and she’s trying to get through some personal stuff.”

  He nods. “Sounds good. Her family, they aren’t good people. You guys are right to try and get your personal shit straight first. She loves you, man. That day we got the call, she fucking fell apart.”

  I sigh. “I know. I love her, too.”

  Nana steps out the back door. “Y’all come on in. I fixed us some tomato sandwiches for lunch. The tomatoes are fresh, I just picked them. Y’all come on.”

  I look down at my watch again. He grabs my hand. “It’s only been an hour and a half now. Chill out.”

  I sigh. “Okay. I’m going to try. I just worry.”

  Chapter 24

  Sitting between Chris and Vic at my parents’ table, I’m listening to my father talk about family. How our family has grown apart and how we should be sticking together.

  I pick at my summer salad. Really, Heaven forbid my mother actually cook a meal. I zone out thinking about the food I’d be eating if I were at Nana’s. If we were doing a family lunch, we’d have fried chicken, some fried okra, squash, butter beans, maybe some greens and fried corn bread.

  “Annabelle, are you paying attention?” My father grabs my attention.

  I look up. “I’m sorry.”

  “Ugh. Why must I be surrounded by idiots? We are concerned that you are working too hard. These long hours at the hospital seem to be taking a toll on you from the looks of things. You should really find someone who’ll provide for you, take care of you.”

  Okay, it’s my turn I guess for the insults. He, Greg, Shane and Mom have went over Chris and Vic’s faults. Now on to me.

  Greg looks up. “Yes, those dark circles under your eyes are just horrible.”

  My mother looks up. “Yes dear, how do expect to find someone suitable to marry if you don’t take better care of yourself?”

  Shane looks at me. “Have you gained weight? Probably, living in that hospital like you do, eating garbage from the vending machines.”

  I stand up. “Really? Okay, I look like shit because I’m hung-over. I went out last night for Scarlet’s bachelorette party. Nana took us to Club One and then we had a sex toy party at the house. Guess what? It was a blast. Now, I’m not eating this summer salad because I really need some carbs to calm my stomach and this dressing tastes like shit.”

  My father stands up. “Young lady, don’t you talk like that at my dinner table.”

  Vic stands up. “Why? Because you prefer her weak and defenseless?”

  My father throws his glass against the wall. “Where did I fucking fail as a parent? I had two wonderful children and then somehow I ended up with three fuck ups. Well, I know how Vic ended up a fuck up, he’s not even mine.”

  That stops everyone in their tracks. I grab Vic’s hand. My mother is looking at my dad like she could murder him. Shane and Greg look like the freaking Cheshire Cat.

  Vic sits down beside me. “What are you talking about?”

  Dad looks down at him. “Your mother had a bit of a problem back then. She couldn’t seem to keep her legs closed when it came to my business partner. You are not my son.”

  I stand back up. “This is bullshit. You are all crazy.”

  Vic starts laughing hysterically. I think he’s finally losing it. I slide back down in my chair, trying to figure out if Vic’s about to lose his shit. He stands up. “You know what? This is the best fucking news I’ve had in my entire life. Thank God I’m not related to you. I’m out of school, you have nothing to hold over my head, Winston. Just pray to God you never get brought into my ER because I’m not sure I can abide my oath with you.”

  Okay, shit officially lost. Vic walks out. Chris and I sit there stunned. Chris looks up. “What about us?”

  My mother rolls her eyes. “You are both his. My God, what do you think of me?”

  I look around. “I think this family is fucked up beyond belief, that’s what I think.”

  My mother stands up. “Annabelle, quit acting like those hillbilly rednecks you’ve been living with!”

  I walk over to my mother, who I stand a good five inches taller than, and look down at her. “Those hillbilly rednecks, as you say, are more my family than this shit storm will ever be, and they have more money than you’ve ever dreamed of
. You are so damn jealous of them you can’t see straight. So go screw yourself, Mother.” I turn to walk away. “Wait, maybe you can get another one of dad’s business partners to do it for you.”

  My father shouts as I’m walking from the room. “Annabelle, you get your ass back in here.” I’m about to walk past the keys to my Camaro. “Don’t think about taking that car young lady!”

  I laugh grabbing up the keys. I run out to the garage and fire up the car. They want hillbilly rednecks, I’ll give the lying, cheating bastards one. I squeal tires backing out of the garage. I see my brothers and parents run outside. I see my parents perfectly manicured lawn, complete with a bird bath that probably cost more than this car. They spend over ten thousand dollars a year on this lawn.

  I slam the car into gear and drive across their lawn, spinning grass and making doughnuts all across it. Then I floor it, heading for the all mighty, expensive ass bird bath. I slam into it. Of course airbags deploy and everything else.

  I get out laughing. Shane comes running over, grabbing me by my shoulders. “What the fuck is your problem?”

  Vic shoves him away. I take the keys, walk calmly over to my dad and hand them to him. “Keep the fucking car. Park it up your ass for all I care, or maybe in mom’s vagina. It would probably fit.”

  He attempts to slap me but Chris grabs his hand. “Old man, don’t do it. I’ll spill your business all over town.” My dad looks at him oddly, like he’s hiding more. “Yeah, I fucking know, that’s right.” Chris turns to me. “Annabelle, care to know why they wanted you to marry creepy Patrick? It was a business arrangement. Dad’s company needs money and the Wilson’s were his means to do it. You were just a pawn, he just needed you to play the part of a stepford wife.

  I’ve stopped laughing. I glare at my parents and then turn to Chris. “I’m ready to go home.” I start walking across the lawn to Chris’s car, Vic is walking behind us. I turn around, looking at my oldest two brothers and my parents. “Oh and you guys can go to hell.” I look at my mother. “See ya in the welfare line since Dad’s business deal isn’t working out for ya.”


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