Reckless Abandon (The Cave Series Book 1)

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Reckless Abandon (The Cave Series Book 1) Page 13

by Teri Kay

  “Baby are you sure you want to taste me?”

  “I can’t fucking wait,” she mumbled against my cock.

  Moving my hands from her tits to her hair, I gripped fists full of her and started to move faster, fucking her mouth. Fuck, she felt so good wrapped around my cock. With one long push, I exploded in Ryann’s mouth. The look of her licking her lips when she was done, made me hard again almost instantly. My dick just couldn’t get enough of this woman.

  “Turn around,” I ordered. She did as I told her to. Bending her over, I grabbed another fist full of her hair and gently placed my cock right on the edge of her clit, moving back and forth. I wanted to make sure Ryann was ready when I took her again.

  “Fuck me, Nathan,” she begged. Hearing her say my name was I all I needed. I put my hardening cock inside her wet pussy and continued to fuck her until we both exploded.


  We were driving to my sister's house for the barbeque, when Ryann asked, “So who was the last girl you brought over to meet your sister?”

  “Umm…honestly. Jordyn.”

  “You're kidding me right? No pressure or anything,” she let out a nervous laugh.

  Ryann was quiet most of the drive to my sister’s. I guess it was to be expected with the events of the last twenty-four hours. Her nerves seemed to get worse the closer we got. I could see it on her face. We hadn’t discussed how I would introduce her since we hadn’t really discussed her being my girlfriend. But in my mind that's what she was. I haven’t told my sister much about her, except that we met at the club, and that she’s fucking beautiful.

  When we pulled up I could see Ryann shaking. Placing my hand on her shoulder, I sought to reassure her. “It’s okay, butterfly. They don’t bite.”

  “How old is your nephew?” I thought it was an odd question, but I answered anyway.

  “He just had his sixth birthday. Why?”

  Before she could answer, my nephew, Jackson came running out the door, and tried to jump on my back. “Uncle Nate! Uncle Nate! You made it!” he yelled jumping up and down.

  “Of course I would buddy. You know I wouldn’t miss swimming with you,” I said as I spun around and picked him up.

  “There’s a surprise for you in the house too,” Jackson whispered.

  “I don’t think you are supposed to share surprises, buddy,” I told him. “Hey, I want you to meet my girlfriend…”

  Jackson jumped out of my arms so quick I practically dropped him. “Ms. McKennan! Mom, look! Uncle Nate’s girlfriend is Ms. McKennan.” My nephew ran into Ryann’s arms giving her one of the biggest hugs I'd ever seen him give anyone.

  “What. The. Fuck,” I whispered under my breath. I remembered the night that I first saw Ryann, I recognized her from somewhere. Seeing her hanging out with all the girls from The Cave, I just assumed I'd seen Ryann around the club. But holy fuck, I remember now, Ryann McKennan was Jackson’s kindergarten teacher last year.

  Then out of nowhere, Ella came up and put her little arms around my waist. “Well, I was supposed to be your surprise, Daddy, but Jackson knowing your girlfriend looks like a bigger surprise.”

  Angels Fall

  As Nathan pulled off the freeway, my mind started reeling. What were the chances that his sister would live in the same neighborhood where I taught? There were not very many schools in this area of North Las Vegas, so if his nephew was elementary school age he would attend the school I worked at. Maybe I’d get lucky and his nephew would be in middle school or better yet, not even in school yet. I couldn’t believe we’d never talked about it. When we pulled up to the house, my body started shaking uncontrollably. Something in my gut told me this was going to be bad.

  Opening the door to exit Nathan’s truck, my entire body froze when I saw a little blonde haired boy poking his head out of the door. NO! NO! NO! I screamed in my head. Nathan’s nephew, Jackson, was in my kindergarten class last year. And to make matters worse his sister, Cristina, volunteered in my class and worked closely with the PTA. My whole fucking world was about to blow up.

  Jumping into my arms, Jackson gave me one of those hugs only he could do. Throughout this past school year, I'd grown close to him. I knew his father was deployed overseas which caused me to give him that little bit of extra attention. He often talked about his Uncle Nate coming over to play and swim with him, but never in in million years would I have thought that my Nathan would be my student’s Uncle Nate from class.

  I felt the bile rise up in my throat as this adorable little boy gripped tighter around my neck. I was about to throw up. “Jackson, honey could you show me to the restroom?” I asked him.

  “Of course, Ms. McKennan. Oh my goodness. I'm so happy my favorite teacher is here to go swimming with me,” he bounced with joy.

  Jackson took my hand and led me into the house. For completely different reasons, I couldn't bring myself to look at either Nathan or Cristina. I dug through my purse and found my phone and set Rose a text.

  Me: I have never needed my best friend more. Come get me NOW! No joke.

  Rose: Are you ok? Are you hurt? Where are you?

  Me: No I am not ok. No I am not hurt. Things are bad. Pick me up on the corner by Rock Canyon Elementary.

  Rose: WTF? Where’s Nathan?

  Me: Just come get me please.

  Rose: Give me 20 minutes. I’m on my way.

  I walked out of the bathroom to see Nathan waiting for me in the hallway. “Care to explain, Ms. McKennan?” he asks.

  “Please, Nathan. Not here. Not now. Rose is coming to get me so you can spend time with your family. I need to go now,” I cried.

  “Let me take you home, Ryann.”

  “No. I can’t be around you. Or anyone for that matter. She’s meeting me at the school on the corner,” I told him.

  “Ryann,” he softly said my name.

  “Ms. McKennan,” Jackson came running in the hallway where Nathan and I were talking. “Are you ready to go swimming now?”

  “No, sweetie. I’m sorry, I'm not feeling very well. My friend is coming to get me so I can go lie down for a while,” I kneeled down and explained to him.

  “Okay. I understand,” Jackson said sadly. “Uncle Nate, are you leaving too?”

  “For a few minutes, buddy. But I'll be right back after Ms. McKennan’s friend picks her up.”

  Nathan guided me out the front door with his hand on the small of my back. I couldn’t bring myself to make eye contact with Cristina. I had no idea what Nathan had told her about me. And yet at the same time I hadn’t told Nathan the truth.

  As soon as I was out of sight of Nathan’s family, the tears started running down my face. I didn't want to have the conversation with Nathan about me being a broke ass teacher in middle of the street in the neighborhood I taught in. I needed to get the fuck out of there.

  “Ryann, stop, please, baby,” Nathan said placing his hands on my shoulders. “Talk to me, butterfly.”

  “What, Nathan!” I yelled. “What the hell do you want me to say right now? My show that is on hiatus for the summer is right there. Rock Canyon Elementary School. I teach kindergarten. Last year, my divorce, left my life pretty well fucked up. At the beginning of the summer I made the choice to move home with my mother and her nudist boyfriend because I was that damn broke. But then my wonderful best friend convinced to strip and now my entire life is fucked up and going straight down the drain.”

  “I don’t understand, Ryann. Is this because of Cristina and Jackson?” Nathan asked. I could see the utter confusion on his face.

  “Nathan, where did you tell Cristina we met?” I asked, my frustration obviously growing.

  “Fuck. At the club,” he answered.

  Before anything else could be said, Rose’s truck pulled up, but it wasn’t Rose driving. Jeremy had come to get me. He rolled down the window. “Get in, Ryann.”

  “Jeremy, I would never hurt her,” Nathan assured him.

  “Dude, that’s between you two. But when Rose gets
that upset it's best not to let her drive, man,” Jeremy answered. I closed the truck door and we drove off. My phone chimed a few minutes later.

  Nathan: I will see you tonight at the party butterfly.

  Seriously? Did he really think I was still going to the Red, White, and Boobs party? I didn’t know what to do anymore. My life had seriously just blown up before my eyes. I was sure that Cristina had already texted the entire mom tree to let them know the new teacher moonlights as a stripper. I guess, I would no longer be moonlighting and this might become my full-time job. Where the hell did my life go some damn wrong?

  I could see Rose pacing in the driveway as soon as Jeremy and I pulled up. “I’m sorry to ruin your plans today,” I apologized to her as I jumped out of the truck.

  Making our way up the stairs, Rose said, “Honey, you didn’t ruin anything. C’mon to my room. Let’s talk. Looks like you need me.”

  “So I’m busted,” I told her.

  “What the hell does that even mean?” Rose asked.

  I explained to her that I met Nathan’s sister and nephew and that they just happened to know me as Ms. McKennan, kindergarten teacher extraordinaire, and that Nathan had already told his sister we met at the club. I also mentioned that Cristina is sweet as hell but has been known to be the PTA gossip mom.

  “So pretty much my career is over when this gets out. And secrets always have a way of getting out,” I reminded her.

  “Maybe Nathan could ask her not to say anything?” Rose said trying to sympathize with my situation.

  “Really? Gossip always happens. Trust me. And the moms around school are hella bad gossipers. You should know that.”

  “So, now what?” Rose asked.

  “I have no idea. Nathan sent me a text as soon as I left telling me he’d see me tonight at the party, but I'm going to skip it.”

  “Ryann, tonight would be big money for you.”

  “Yeah, I know but I think I may disappear for a few days. Can you take me home please?”

  Without any argument, Rose took me home. I told her I wouldn’t be answering any calls or texts, but she had my permission to track my phone to make sure I was okay. Rose was always the mom in our group of friends. She offered to explain to Damon why I wasn’t there so that I didn’t have to. She was definitely that one person who was always looking out for me.

  Not long after I got home, Roxy and I got in my Challenger and just drove. I headed east and figured I would find someplace along the river for my dog and I to crash for the next couple days. I had no idea what was going to happen next in my life. Was I going to lose my job? Would I have to become a full-time stripper? What was going to happen between Nathan and me? Fuck, it honestly was all just too much to handle.

  I wasn't normally a heavy drinker, but when shit gets too messed up I have a tendency to down a few bottles of wine. Slightly drunk and definitely lonely, I grabbed my phone and started to scroll through my social media sites. Seeing nothing exciting in Facebook land, I decided to check the Vaughn Haley Instagram for anything new. Not that I expected there to be. Oh, one new follower and a couple of direct messages. Curious. Who the hell is RG87NEP? Oh holy hell, it was G.

  RG87NEP- Hi baby girl. Sorry I had to leave. Family thing.

  RG87NEP- Don’t think I have forgotten about that dinner invitation. I still have every intention of taking you out.

  Shit, I didn’t know how this whole Instagram thing worked. Did he know that I'd seen the messages? Did that mean I was obligated to respond? Did I want to respond? What about Nathan? My best answer to everything was to finish the bottle of wine and pass out until the next day. And then call Rose.

  The next morning, I woke up with a headache the size of Montana. Now I remembered why I don’t drink wine. As much as I wanted to run, being by myself was not the best of ideas. I needed to go home and figure this mess out. I sent Rose a quick text telling her to meet me at the pool in a couple of hours. I took a few aspirin, grabbed a quick shower, and hoped like hell that yesterday was just a bad dream. Even though I knew it wasn’t.

  A few hours later, Rose and I were basking in the mid-day heat of the Las Vegas summer. “Has Nathan tried to contact you since you left yesterday?” Rose asked.

  “Yeah, a couple texts and voicemails telling me he’s worried about me and to please call him,” I told her.

  “And have you?”

  “No, Rose, I haven’t.” My real bitch attitude was coming out. “What am I supposed to say? Sorry I didn’t trust you enough to tell you about my real job? It doesn’t matter either way because we’re done. I do need to call and tell him that.”

  “Excuse me, but why?” Rose was practically yelling at me.

  “Really? I can’t show my face around his sister or his family. I was fricken mortified. Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Sims. Why yes, I was Jackson’s kindergarten teacher and now I'm Nathan’s stripper girlfriend. C’mon! Give me a break, Rose! And plus dating my boss was never a good idea in the first place,” I explained, getting upset.

  “Boss? What in the hell are talking about? Are you still on a wine drunk?”

  “Shit. Yeah. Well, Nathan is a silent partner in The Cave. Oh! And to make matters worse, G has sent me a couple messages on Instagram thanks to that lovely Vaughn Haley account.”

  “Wow, girl, things really are fucked up for you at the moment,” she laughed sarcastically.

  “Gee thanks.”

  “Stop. You're being typical, Ryann. Stop overthinking things that haven’t even happened yet. You've already played out the worst case scenario in your head and decided that your life is over. Talk to Nathan, and figure out what you two really are and what you want. Talk to him about what’s going on with Cristina, and see if there’s anything you can do to keep her mouth shut. And as far as G goes, I don’t know what to tell you. He doesn’t have the best rep, but his tips could set you up for the rest of the year.”

  “Well, that helped none.” I laughed.

  “I do have one really important question for you. Is Nathan as good in bed as he looks?” Rose cocked her head to the side waiting for me to actually answer her. What the hell?


  On Tuesday morning, I mustered up the courage to at least send Nathan a text. I figured I’d be safe since I knew he had a tournament at the Bellagio for the next couple of days and shouldn’t be coming to the club. At least I hoped he wouldn’t with Ella being in town. She seemed like such a sweet young girl. It sucked that I wouldn’t actually get to meet her. Especially since I was genuinely starting to have real feelings for Nathan. It all just felt so fucked up.

  Was Rose right? Was I just being typical Ryann? Overthinking, speculating the worst case scenario, running for cover when the bombs haden’t even been launched yet. I mean I had no idea if Cristina would say anything to the school or to the other mothers, but I was acting as if she'd already ratted me out. Maybe Nathan and I could get past all this. But the real question was, could I? With that lurking question, I sent Nathan a text.

  Me: Nathan - I have enjoyed the time we have spent together but I can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry.

  It only took him two minutes to respond.

  Nathan- Really? A text Ryann? This discussion isn’t over butterfly.

  When Nathan showed his assertive side, I became completely aroused. The way he was able to take control of a situation, take control of me. All of me; body, mind and heart started a slow fire within me that I yearned to have stroked to flame. Yes, as much as I couldn’t admit it to myself, Nathan had stolen my heart. I knew long ago that he possessed my body but I struggled with wanting to give him my heart. The night we laid together and talked about my tattoos, my angels, that was the turning point for me. And now I was breaking both our hearts.


  I needed to get back to The Cave and get my mind off of my real life troubles. It was one of those nights where I just needed to have a few drinks, dance with my friends and make some fucking money. The drama-llama was not wel
come. Vanessa and I would be doing our Hot for Teacher routine, which continued to bring in buckets of cash for us, and we had a crazy group performance to the new Meghan Trainor song. I needed to just forget my life for as long as I could.

  I had on my naughty school girl outfit but opted to go with my fiery red wig and green contacts. That combination gave me an Irish look that guys seemed to go nuts for. The club was packed for a Tuesday. As we got into the summer months it was all about the weddings in Las Vegas, which meant bachelor parties, and more money in my G-string.

  As I sat at the bar having a drink, I stole glances up at Nathan’s booth to see if he had snuck in without me noticing. Part of me really wanted to see him even though I knew it would not be a good thing. The other part of me wanted to run. Run and never look back. My mother used to tease me, saying I had "lots of parts."

  “Did you ever talk to him?” Rose came up from behind me and asked.

  “I sent him a text,” I sadly answered.

  “Really? As close as you two were becoming and you took the chicken shit way out? That’s kind of low,” she scolded before she walked away from me.

  Wow. My best friend of the last twenty years was giving me shit about this? I should be pissed off at her. If it wasn’t for Rose and her wonderful suggestion of me working here at The Cave I wouldn’t be in this predicament. I’d be back in California looking for teaching jobs, not wondering if I would still have one in a month. But as much as I wanted to, I couldn’t blame Rose for all the mess I was in. Ultimately the responsibility all fell on me.

  “Hey, girl. How are you doing tonight?” Vanessa asked as she joined me.

  “I’m fine. Why? What’s up?” I asked.

  “Well, there’s a bachelor party going on in the sports bar tonight. Have you been there yet?” I shook my head. “The best man has requested a private dance for the groom and asked for the saucy redhead student. You up for it?”

  “Of course!” I faked my enthusiasm. “That’s what I'm here for right?”

  “Good. He’s waiting for you in private room number six.”


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