Loving Avery (Bearville County Book 2)

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Loving Avery (Bearville County Book 2) Page 9

by Katie Hamstead

  I try to smile. “I’ll be fine.”

  He grasps the tissue from my hand and wipes my nose and tears. Then, he kisses me. It’s soft, warm, and so tender. I melt into his arms. I don’t want this to end.

  He pulls away, leaving my heart aching. “I’ve gotta go. I’m sorry, Ave. Work hard so you can get that transfer, and throwing yourself into it will help the time fly.”

  I nod, clinging to his arms. “Don’t you dare forget that I love you.”

  “Never in a million years.”

  I watch him drive away, fighting to hold back my tears. Mom and Megan wrap their arms around me, giving me quick kisses on the cheeks.

  Then, I throw up all over the Clarks’ front lawn.

  “I think you need to see Doc,” Mom says. “This stomach bug has been holding on for a while. He should be able to give you something to help you get over it.”

  I nod, shaking from the vomiting.

  “Maybe it’s just nerves,” Megan says, stroking my hair. “With Rhett leaving, and soon she will be too. There’s a lot going on.”

  Mom looks into my face, concern knotting her brow. “We’ll get her checked out to make sure.”

  That afternoon, I’m sitting in Doc’s office in his tiny clinic. He enters and smiles kindly. He’s helped me through all my childhood illnesses, and all the bumps and grazes that come along with growing up. He knows all of us Davis, Clark, and Blake kids like his own.

  “So you’ve been vomiting,” he says as he sits in front of me. “Tell me what’s going on.”

  I tell him when it started, how it comes and goes, and how I just can’t seem to hold anything down. He frowns and looks to his computer. “Well, I’m going to ask you the normal questions. Have you eaten anything unusual lately?”

  I shake my head.

  “Do you feel feverish?”

  I shake my head again.

  He continues down a list of questions, then takes my blood pressure and temperature.

  “Well, there’s one more thing,” he says, hanging up the blood pressure armband. “Is there a chance you’re pregnant?”

  I freeze. “Excuse me?”

  “It’s just a standard question.” He raises his hands. “Are you sexually active?”

  That makes me so uncomfortable. But he’s the doctor. He can’t tell anyone. “Yes.”

  He nods and pulls out a small container. “Let’s run a quick test to mark it off the list.”

  I slip into the bathroom and pee in the container. I then throw up again, worried that maybe I might be. What would I do? I couldn’t drag Rhett back up here. I couldn’t tell my parents.

  Don’t panic yet, Avery.

  Doc takes my pee and runs the test. I sit, my knees jiggling, as I wait for him. When he comes back, he sits in front of me, holding out a piece of paper. I take it.

  “It’s positive.”

  I feel like the world collapses around me. “What?”

  “You’re pregnant.”



  I call Avery when I arrive at my dorm. She doesn’t answer, but texts back that’s she’s not feeling well. This sickness is kicking her in the butt. So once I set up, I order her a bunch of flowers. Hopefully that will cheer her up.

  I meet with some of my friends that night and I tell them about her. I show them her picture and they’re quite impressed and congratulate me. I couldn’t be prouder.

  Classes start soon after, and I throw myself into them and my job. I gotta save up to pay for a nice apartment for when Avery comes. I want her to know I’m going to take care of her like she deserves.

  When she starts college, I ask to Skype her. We set up a time, and I’m eager to see her face again.

  Three weeks in, I’m out with my friends. I head to the bathroom, and on my way out, Anne steps in front of me. I pause, glancing around her.

  “Hey, Rhett. You look good.”

  “Thanks.” I move to step away.

  She catches my arm. “I’ve been thinking about how we broke up and I feel terrible about it.”

  I shrug. “Don’t. It’s no big deal. I’ve forgotten about it.”

  She smiles sweetly. “We had fun though, right?”

  I look at her. She flutters her eyes as she strokes my arm. I swallow. “Yeah. But you broke up with me, remember? I’ve moved on.”

  “Aw, come on.” She pouts. “I was stupid. Let’s try again.”

  “I have a girlfriend.”

  She raises an eyebrow, then says, “Is she cute?”

  I pull free of her. “Yeah. We’re in love and we’re gonna get married.”

  “Aw, how cute.” She strokes my arm.

  My eyebrows shoot up. “No. I’m not for sharing. I’m a one-woman guy. I would appreciate it if you let bygones be bygones. We had fun, yeah, but we’re over now.”

  I push by her, my protective urge for Avery flaring. She’s the most beautiful girl in the world and I’m going to take care of her.

  As I sit, I think about Avery. I need to buy a ring. I need to seal the deal. I don’t have much money, but she deserves it. She deserves to be loved and respected, and I’m going to give it to her.



  I’m lying on the bed in my dorm room, examining the small bump forming on my abdomen. I almost aborted it. Doc and I talked long and hard about it, but I just couldn’t. This is Rhett’s child. It’s a piece of him and me.

  But I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to drag him into it. Not yet. He’s got just under three years of school left, and that’s just to get his bachelors. He wants a masters. If he knew, he’d abandon everything and come to me. I can’t let him do that.

  I haven’t told Mom and Dad either. They’d freak out. Dad and Clint would probably start fighting again.

  I’m so lost.

  My laptop tinkles, the sound of an inbound Skype call. My heart skips as I leap over. Rhett. I’m smiling as I answer.

  “Hey, beautiful girl,” he says, smiling broadly. “Man, are you a sight for sore eyes.”

  I giggle, forgetting all my worries. “It’s good to see you too.”

  “Are you all settled?” he asks as he leans back.

  “Yeah. Check it out.” I glance around behind me to make sure there’s no hint of baby stuff, then show him my little room.

  “Very cute. I love what you’ve done with the place.”

  I set down the laptop. “I’ve done nothing.”

  “The purple bedspread is very you.”

  “I’ve had that forever.”

  He grins. “I know. Didn’t you get it for Christmas in eighth grade?”

  “Yeah.” I rest my cheek against my hand, loving how well we just know each other.

  “Here’s the grand tour of my place.” He lifts his laptop and I see a room equally as plain as mine. Then he turns the camera back to him. “Don’t worry, I’ll find something much nicer for when you come down.”

  I smile, but then I have a sinking sensation. I’m due early next semester. I don’t know if I could be so far from home having the baby.

  “Ave, what’s up?” His smile his gone. Okay, maybe the knowing-each-other-so-well isn’t always great.

  “I just miss you.”

  A smile dances across his face again. “I miss you too. But hey, I’m doing well in classes already. Do you need help with anything? Math? Are you doing any Science?”

  I take a deep breath. “Yeah, actually I do need some help with my math.”

  We go through my math work and he explains it in a way that makes things so clear. I wonder how I got through my senior year without him. He’s so smart. Much smarter than me.

  “So, did you sign up to be in any choirs or performing arts classes or clubs?” he asks.

  “Um, yeah.” I slide out a sash. “I joined an a cappella group.”


  We speak for several hours before I feel too tired to keep talking. My head hangs, my eyes heavy, but I don’t want to say good
bye first.

  “Avery,” he says softly. “You should go to bed.”

  “Mmm?” I force my eyes open.

  “Go to bed.” He taps on his keyboard. “We can talk again soon. I’ll call you tomorrow. How about we plan on Skyping this time every week? Then try to slip other times in when we can.”

  “Sounds good.”

  He chuckles. “You’re about to pass out. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  We disconnect, and as soon as the light is off and I hit the pillow, I’m out.



  Something is up with Avery. She hasn’t been herself since starting at college. I’m concerned she’s not coping and is too embarrassed to say anything about it. So, after my shift, I call Mom from the car.

  “Hey, Rhett,” she says brightly.

  “Hey, Mom. How’s things going?”

  “Oh good.” She then proceeds to tell me everything the twins are doing and all about Ruthie’s giant crush on Brad. It makes me laugh, but it’s not what I’m looking for. As I head into my dorm, she talks about Dad and how he’s struggling with Donny.

  I collapse on my bed as I listen to her, sensing the distress in her voice. It turns out Donny was into more than just weed. He’d use whatever he could get his hands on at parties and things. Dad has him on lockdown and he can’t leave Papina. Luckily Paul has his back, and helps him drag Donny through.

  Finally, she sighs. “So that’s it, I guess.”

  “Wow.” I need to know about Avery, but I don’t want to ask outright. “H … How’s Donny taking everything? Is he talking to Jack again yet?”

  “No.” She sighs again. “But Jack is so great about it. He’s going to come up next weekend to see him. Hopefully that will help Donny see some sense. He’s just so mad at the world right now.”

  I swallow. “Is … is he still mad at me?”

  Mom hesitates. “Well …” She sniffs. “Yes, son. He is.”

  “Because of Avery?”

  Her breath trembles. “Yes.”

  “Mom.” She’s getting emotional. This has to be so hard on her. She loves us all so much. “I didn’t know.”

  “It’s not your fault,” she says softly. “Avery chose you, and honestly, I’m glad she did. Donny wouldn’t have done right by her, and she adores you. He’ll get over it.”

  “I hope so,” I say weakly.

  “He will, so don’t worry. We’ll work things out with him.” She draws a deep breath. “So, how are things with Avery?”

  I get the feeling she’s not the one to ask about Avery, so I tell her things are great, that we talk every day, and I’ve built up a nice savings for when she comes down. It cheers her, and when I hang up, I feel like I improved her day.

  But I’m still concerned about Avery. A myriad of thoughts run through my mind; is she cheating? She’s sweet and cute, so guys could easily take advantage of her. That makes my blood boil.

  I shake my head. No, she’s tougher than that. She’s not helpless. She can definitely hold her own, and she’s not the cheating type.

  It has to be her classes. That’s the only thing that she wouldn’t admit to me she might be struggling with. She always found my academic achievements a little intimidating, and I had to remind her she’s better at things I can’t do. We balance each other.

  Then I remember what Mom said; Jack is heading up next weekend. Jack’s the only other person who gets Avery to open up like she does to me. If she’s embarrassed to admit to me she’s struggling, she’ll tell him.

  So I call him.

  “Rhett!” he says enthusiastically. “What gives me the pleasure?”

  “Hey, Jack. How’s it going?”

  “Pretty good. I’m just chillin’ with my girl. Say hi, Lauren.”

  I hear a bright hi in the background.

  “So, what’s up?” he asks.

  “Mom says you’re heading up to Papina next weekend.”

  There’s a pause, then he speaks solemnly. “Yeah. I need to check on Don. He’s pretty pissed off at me.”

  “Yeah, me too.”


  We fall quiet, then I say, “Could I ask a favor of you?”

  “Sure,” he responds, brightening.

  “Can you drop in on Avery? I think she might be struggling with her classes and is too embarrassed to talk about it.”

  He chuckles. “That sounds like her. No problem. I can definitely do that. I kinda want to see her anyway. She hasn’t been answering my calls.”

  “Wow, that’s weird.” Now I’m really worried.

  “Yeah. Don’t worry. You’re probably right. You’ve got a sixth sense for her. I didn’t even think of that. She’s probably embarrassed to admit that to me as well. You know, Awesome Older Brother syndrome.”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, you are a little too cool for school.”

  “Hey, don’t worry about a thing. I’ll drop in and kick her butt in gear. You just keep at it down there, okay? You need to get that degree so you can marry her.”

  “I sure do.”

  He pauses, then laughs. “You’re planning on asking her to marry you?”

  “I sure am.” I grin like an idiot.

  “Well, good. End the back and forth. It’s been infuriating watching you two over the years.” He clucks his tongue. “I should go. Lauren has made popcorn. See ya, dude.”

  We hang up, and I feel relieved. Jack will make things better.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I’m trying to do my English assignment, but the baby keeps moving inside me. It’s so distracting. Then, it kicks my bladder. I wince, the sudden urge to pee making me uncomfortable.

  I grab my nightgown and pull it over my tank and pajama pants. The girls in my dorm have had a good feel of my belly, so walking around with it so obvious in the tight top doesn’t bother me, but the hallway is cold. The gown is purely for warmth.

  My bump is a fairly average size, and at twenty weeks, it’s definitely noticeable. The girls all think it’s cute, and I don’t mind it most of the time. I’m going in for an ultrasound on Tuesday to find out what I’m having. I think I’ll tell Mom tomorrow, to see if she’ll come down for it. I’m not sure how she’ll take it.

  I make it to the bathroom and pee with a sigh. I’ve never enjoyed peeing so much as I have the last few weeks.

  I head back into the hallway, twisting my hair up into a bun. I glance up when I see someone step out of the stairwell. I freeze. He freezes. Oh crap.

  Jack’s jaw falls open as his eyes widen, staring right at my belly. I grasp my gown, pulling it around me in vain.

  He doesn’t move.

  I rush toward him. “Jack—”

  “Please tell me it’s Rhett’s.”

  I can’t look at him, but I nod.

  He grabs my arm. “Where’s your room?”

  I hurry into my room and he shuts the door behind us. “Avery, this …” He grabs his hair, cussing like crazy.

  “Jack, please don’t freak out,” I say softly, grabbing his hand.

  “I didn’t even know you two had had sex.”

  I clear my throat, running my hands over my belly. “Well, we did. This wasn’t planned, but I couldn’t get rid of it. It’s Rhett’s. I couldn’t snuff out a piece of him.”

  “I’m going to rip off his testicles.”

  My head snaps up. “Jack!”

  “He just left you here?” His voice rises.

  “No.” I gaze firmly up at him. “He doesn’t know.”

  He lets out a long breath, then shakes his head. “This explains a whole lot.” He steps over and collapses on the bed. “You realize he knows something is going on.”

  I look away, leaning against my desk.

  “You can’t hide this, Avery. This …” He waves at my belly. “… Is pretty obvious, and in a few months will be even more obvious. It’ll be screaming its lungs out.”

  I step over
and sink onto the bed beside him. “I’m freaking out. I don’t want to mess with people’s lives. If Dad finds out, he and Clint will start fighting again and he’ll kill Rhett. If Rhett finds out, he’ll be up here in a flash.”

  “Yeah, he will.”

  I shake my head. “He needs to stay where he is. He’s so brilliant. I can’t have him giving up everything because of me.”

  “Avery, everything he does is because of you. He works so hard with his schooling to impress you, to be able to take care of you.”

  Tears run down my cheek. “He can’t give it all up because of me. I’m thinking if I keep it hidden, I can give it to Mom and Dad until Rhett is ready. Then I can keep it in my life and he’ll never know.”

  “Avery.” Jack shakes his head. “You can’t do that.”

  I rub my belly as tears roll freely down my face. “I’m so torn up about this. I love this baby, I love Rhett, but he can’t sacrifice everything for me. I’m afraid if he doesn’t …” I take a deep quivering breath. “If he doesn’t finish his schooling because of me, he will resent me.”

  “Ave.” Jack wraps his arms around me, pulling my head to his chest. “Not Rhett. He can take care of you and do his schooling. You have to tell him. He’s worried about you. He asked me to come here on my way to see Don. He thinks you’re embarrassed about struggling with your classes.”

  “If only that were it,” I say.

  The baby moves again, stretching and making itself quite comfortable. My hand rests over it until it settles. When I look to Jack again, he’s watching me closely. His hand rests over mine, gently pushing.

  “Don’t do—” I gasp as it pushes him back.

  He chuckles. “That’s awesome.” He pushes again. It pushes back. He laughs, then looks at me seriously. “You have to tell him.”

  I nod, looking away. “I will, but not yet.”


  “Not yet.” I stare him firmly in the eyes. “He doesn’t need to be worrying about this before exams. I’ll … I’ll tell him soon.”

  Jack’s jaw clenches. “Don’t leave it too long. He won’t want to miss this.”

  My heart breaks. He wouldn’t, but he can’t come for me. I can take care of myself for now. He needs to be at school.


  Jack takes me with him to visit Papina. I’m so nervous, but I’m glad he’s with me. If anyone can keep Dad from losing his mind and hunting down Rhett with his shotgun, it’s Jack.


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