Loving Avery (Bearville County Book 2)

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Loving Avery (Bearville County Book 2) Page 11

by Katie Hamstead

  “Rhett.” She caresses my face and kisses me.

  I brush away her tears as I kiss her, my heart full. I have Avery, and she’s fine. My fears have turned into a miracle. We’re having a baby.


  I am sufficiently terrified of Paul at this very moment. He’s walking beside me like a dark storm cloud. Avery and I agreed that her staying home while I break it to my parents would be best. Seeing her the way she is would be a disaster unless I break it to them gently first.

  So, after talking with her parents about it, Paul decided he needed to be the one to come with me. He could keep my dad from losing it. But he hasn’t looked at me or spoken to me once. He does keep stroking his gun, though.

  We step onto the front porch of my house. I take a deep breath. Inside, I can hear my parents and siblings talking. They sound happy. Even Donny. I need to give this pregnancy a positive spin, so they know I’m happy, that Avery and I are working out the details. They don’t need to worry. We’re adults.

  Paul opens the door and motions for me to go in. He doesn’t look at me, though. It’s going to take a while to get back into his good graces.

  I enter and Mom peeks through from the kitchen. “Hey, honey. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” I say smiling.

  “Oh, Paul.” Mom smiles. “Come in. Clint is out the back digging a pit for the fire. Rhett, you should go out and help him.”

  Telling Dad first would be bad. Very bad. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

  Her smile falters. “Is Avery all right?”

  Paul shoots me a fierce glare.

  Mom’s smile vanishes. “What’s wrong?”

  Paul tilts his head and walks to the living room. We enter and he shuts the sliding door. The silence of the room is suffocating. I can feel Paul’s contempt radiating from him as Mom glances between us.

  I focus on her, sitting her down. Clasping her hands, I look into her eyes. “Mom, you know I love Avery very much, and she loves me too.”

  Mom nods, her brows furrowing.

  “Well, I want you to know that I’m going to marry her.”

  Mom’s face lights up as she gasps. “Rhett! That’s so wonderful! Can we do it here in town? Oh, we haven’t had a wedding in that church in years. Avery will make such a beautiful bride. When are you thinking? After the semester? Early summer is so beautiful here. Oh, summer would suit both of you.”

  “Yeah, maybe.” I squeeze her hands. At least she’s excited about that. “But she won’t be coming down with me to Phoenix for the semester.”

  Her smile fades. “Why? Is she sick?”

  “Not exactly.”

  Paul clears his throat. He’s so pissed at me.

  “We talked for quite a while about it, and she doesn’t want to distract me from my schoolwork. It’s really important to her that I do the best I can. She believes in me in a way I can hardly understand.”

  A soft, but wary smile appears on Mom’s face again. “That’s great, honey. She definitely loves you then.”

  “Yeah.” I can’t look at her anymore. “But I won’t be going back next semester, either. I’m going to look at doing online courses and stay here.”

  “What?” She cocks her head. “I’m confused. You just said she wants you to keep studying.”

  “She does, which is why she insisted I do courses online if I have to stay here, and I definitely have to stay here.”

  I take a deep breath. I need to spit it out.

  “What’s going on?” she says in a soft, tense voice.

  “Mom …” I swallow, forcing myself to look at her. “Avery is pregnant.”

  Her face turns white. “What?”

  “We’re going to have a baby. A little girl.”

  In the silence, Paul’s knuckles crack as he clenches his fists.

  I clear my throat again. “It’ll be great. It’s not exactly planned, but I want a family with her. She’s my world, and I’ll be staying here so I can be here when she goes into labor in February—”

  The door bursts open and suddenly Donny has me by the throat. “I’m gonna kill you!”

  Mom screams.

  I struggle against him, kicking his shins and knees while trying to pry his hands from around my neck. Paul grabs him by the shoulders and tears him from me, throwing him against the wall. There’s a crash as things fall and hit the floor, including Donny.

  We stare at each other; me tense, bracing for another attack, him heaving, with blood shot eyes.

  He pushes up and I stand, ready to defend myself. He glances at Paul, sizing him up quickly, then looks back to me. “I guess the perfect son wins. He gets the perfect life with the perfect girl. At least I know you screwed up at least once.”

  He marches from the room.

  “Donny,” I call, but he doesn’t stop. It hurts. I always thought we were tight; I worshipped him.

  As he steps through the door, the twins peek through, eyes wide and frightened. I sigh, rubbing my eyes.

  “What’s going on?” Dad says.

  Paul’s the one who responds. “Clint, let’s go grab some beers.”

  Dad scans the room, and I can see in his eyes that he knows he should go with Paul. That he’s going to need those beers. He nods, and he and Paul leave.

  Mom wraps her arm through mine. “Can we see Avery?”

  I look into her eyes. “Yeah. She wants to see you all.”

  She motions for the twins to follow, and we head back to the Davises’.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Rhett is leaving tomorrow, and I’ll be heading back to finish the semester soon after. We stroll down Main Street together, enjoying the peace while we can. When people greet us, and congratulate us, Rhett stands a little taller, a proud sparkle in his eyes.

  We reach the end of the street and I stroke the nose of the pony in the small corral there. Snow covers everything, and as I remove my glove, the cold air nips at my fingertips. There aren’t many places that have snow by Thanksgiving, but Papina is one of them.

  Rhett wraps his arms around me, sliding his hands under my jacket to feel my belly. He kisses my ear, then nestles his face against my shoulder. This is how things should be. Him and me, forever. A happy family.

  “I can’t wait for Christmas,” he whispers in my ear. “Then I’ll never have to leave you again.”

  I smile, loving the thought.

  That night, I sit in bed, reading over some notes as our baby, whom we decided we would call Dakota Braydon Clark, squirms around inside me.

  Someone taps on my window. At first, I think it’s Rhett, but the silhouette is too broad in the shoulders to be him. I hurry over, grabbing a jacket before I open the window. “Donny?”

  He smiles, but with pale skin and puffy eyes, he looks terrible. “It’s cold. Let me in.”

  I step aside and he climbs in. He trembles as I close the window, then slips off his jacket and gloves to warm beside the heater. He looks me over. “So it’s true. You and Rhett are having a brat.”

  I frown. “Don’t say it like that. I know you have never approved of us being together, but we want this.”

  He scoffs.

  “Don’t.” I fold my arms. “I know what you’re thinking; that I did this deliberately to ensnare him. But you’re wrong. He’s free to go whenever he wants. I’m not going to force him to take care of us. But he wants to, and I’m happy to let him.”

  He picks up a pink teddy bear sitting on top of a pile of baby things. “A girl, huh?”


  He squeezes the bear so tightly I’m a little frightened. “Donny, please go. I don’t need to explain my relationship with Rhett to you.”

  He chuckles, and I notice his bloodshot eyes. He’s still struggling with his rehabilitation. Now I’m really scared.

  “Donny, please, go.” I hurry toward the window.

  He grabs my arm and spins me around. “Did he just blow your mind in bed? Why on earth would you open your l
egs for a geek like him in the first place?”

  “Stop it.” I push him back. “Get out!”

  “You smell so good.” He inhales deeply. Now I’m creeped out. “Like vanilla cupcakes.”

  “Get away from me.” I try to move away, but he grabs my wrists so tightly they hurt.

  “Why Rhett? Huh? Out of all the guys out there, why him?”

  “Because I love him!” I say, my voice rising.

  “Shut up!” He covers my mouth. “Come on, Avery. You could do better than him. You’re hot, and he made you look like this.”

  He pulls me tighter against him. I whimper with his hand still over my mouth. I have to do something. My phone is on my bed. If I could just …

  I grind my heel into the top of his foot. He releases me, grimacing, and I snatch my phone, hitting my speed dial for Rhett. Then I yell, “Dad!”

  “Damn it!” Donny forgets me and opens the window. “Avery, you’re an idiot for tying yourself to him. You could have done so much better.”

  I glare at him. “You’re insane! Get out and get clean. You’re not the Donny I remember growing up. Jack was right to turn you in.”

  His eyes widen, pain filling them.

  The door bursts open. Dad has his gun out, pointing it at Donny. “Don’t think I won’t use this. You get away from my daughter and stay away.”

  Without breaking eye contact with me, Donny climbs out the window. I hurry over to close it as he stumbles across our front yard and heads away from his house.


  Dad presses against me. He swears and pulls out his phone. “Clint? Donny’s running.”



  Donny is in the holding cell again. But he’s pacing, his hands trembling. He’s really not coping. But he asked for me, so I came.

  “Rhett,” he finally says as he passes me for the hundredth time.


  “Rhett?” He laughs like a mad man.

  A shudder of terror runs through me. I wonder where my brother has gone. I hate drugs.

  “She loves Rhett.”

  I’m not even sure if he’s aware I’m here.

  He punches the bar in front of my face. Yes, he knows I’m here. He rattles the bars, yelling. “Dad! You prick! I’m your son! How could you do this to me?”

  I slide back. He’s losing it.

  He swipes for me. “Rhett, get me something. I just want one smoke.”

  I shake my head. “You frightened Avery. She’s worried about you.”

  He straightens, staring at me, then he swings around, pressing his head against the cold concrete wall. “Damn it!”

  He punches it over and over until blood forms on his fists.

  I shoot to my feet. “Donny, you need to stop.”

  He rushes over, grabbing my wrist. “I hate you! How dare you get her pregnant! I should kill you.” He pulls me against the bars, his strength overpowering me. He’s not usually this strong. He grabs my throat before I can react. “I should kill you.”

  We stare into each other’s eyes. I’m terrified. He’s definitely gone mad. His eyes are bloodshot and can’t hold a steady gaze.

  “But I can’t.” He releases my throat. “She loves you, and no matter how much I hate you, you’re still my brother.”

  I pull back as he sags, slumping onto the cot. “Donny, please come back to me.”

  He grabs his hair, tugging it. “Everyone keeps saying that, but I’m right here!”

  “No,” I say evenly. “This is druggie Donny. You’ve been sneaking stuff somehow, haven’t you? But not enough to keep you satisfied. You’re so angry at me and Jack because you think we’ve betrayed you, but we haven’t. We’re still here. We’re trying to bring you back.”

  “Avery …” He sobs.

  “You hurt her, Donny.” I grab the bars. “You went into her room, frightened her, and were rough with her. You wouldn’t normally do that.”

  “You got her pregnant.”

  “Yeah, I did.” I press my temple against the bar. “I don’t expect you to ever forgive me for that, and that’s okay. It was a dumbass move, but I’m being a man and standing by her. She deserves that, right?”

  He draws a deep sniff as he rocks.

  “Be a man, Donny.” I clutch the bars. “Stop running and fight back. The drugs have stolen the real Donny away. We all want the real Donny back. Think about what you did; you went after Avery, pregnant and vulnerable, and let her see this ugly side of you.”

  It’s a low blow, I can tell by the way he’s moaning her name, but he’s hurt someone I can’t let anyone hurt: Avery. Maybe the cold, hard truth will jolt him back. Maybe realizing what he did will pull his head in.

  I head to the Davises’ that night, staying with Avery. I sleep on a mattress on the floor, her hand dangling down for me. She’s shaken, but she’s tough. She’s already forgiven Donny; she said she knows it’s the drugs. If only she knew all of it, that he has feelings for her. It’s probably better she doesn’t.

  I awake early, before sunrise, and she brings me onto the bed with her to make love to her before I have to go. When we’re done I lay beside her, stroking her belly. Our baby is in there, and I’ve never loved her more. She could have given it up and never let me know, but she’s braver than that. She loves me more than that.

  I smile when I feel our daughter move.



  I’ve worked hard. I had to, for Rhett. Now I’m walking out of my final exam, I’m excited to go home for Christmas. Rhett has bought a bunch of baby things over the past few weeks, and every time we’ve Skyped, he has eagerly shown them off. Talk about a proud daddy.

  Mom and Dad have come down to help me pack everything to head home. Brad and Taylor help Dad with the heavy lifting, while Mom and I double check that I have everything. I’m feeling a little faint, but I have overdone it.

  Dad doesn’t let me ride in my car, but makes Brad drive it home with Taylor. I’m glad too. It gets stuck in the snow several times and Dad and my brothers have to dig it out. I just sit in the heated truck, listening to Dad’s country music until Mom switches stations. When Dad gets back in, he glares at her and switches it back.

  “This is my truck.”

  “These are my ears. I can’t stand that whining.”

  I giggle. They’ve done this for years.

  We arrive home after dark, and Megan is in the kitchen with the twins. She sets dinner out for us, and I couldn’t be more relieved. I’m starving.

  “How’s my grandbaby?” Megan floats over, resting her hand on my belly. “Hello, my little Dakota. You’re going to be the most beautiful, spoiled little girl.”

  I chuckle. “How are you, Megan?”

  She sighs, looking into my eyes. “Wonderful, now you’re here. Soon, Rhett will be back and everything will be perfect.”

  The next day, Jack arrives with his girlfriend, Lauren. Mom about loses it with excitement. Lauren’s a quarter Paiute, so has bronze skin, but not as dark as Jack’s, and green eyes. Those green eyes are dazzling! She greets me with a kiss, before Nova snatches her and drags her away.

  Jack settles in beside me. “Have you seen Don?”

  I shake my head. Admittedly, I’m a little afraid to see him after Thanksgiving.

  “I need to check on him. Dad says he’s improved dramatically.” He looks me over. “Care to take a walk?”

  “Ahh …” I wince. “Did you hear what he did at Thanksgiving?”

  He nods. “I think you might find him repentant of that. Come on.”

  He gives me a hand to stand and we stroll down the street. Dakota is all over the place, so I walk slowly, breathing deeply as she kicks and punches my diaphragm and bladder.

  “Are you okay?” He stops, holding my elbow firmly.

  “Yeah, I’m just her personal punching bag.”

  He gently encourages me onward. “This is pretty neat. I should specialize in obstetrics.”

  “Oh yeah,
I can just imagine you all bright-eyed and eager as some poor girl pushes her baby out.”

  He grins. “Yeah, that would be amazing. I’d love to be able to bring life into the world after my dad’s was taken from him.” His smile falls as he stares at the ground. “Sometimes I wish I could remember him. Not that Paul hasn’t been a great dad.” He pulls me closer. “But look at you. We are proof that people bounce back and that people can keep loving, even when tragedy strikes.”

  He stops as we step in front of the Clarks’ house, gazing up toward Donny’s window. “I miss him.”

  I stroke his hand. “If he’s doing better, like you said, he’ll be missing you, too. You and him are like Dad and Clint; brothers, even if not by blood. If he’s better, he’ll see that and know you did it because you love him.”

  He nods, squeezing my hand. “Let’s hope he’s better then.”

  When we enter, Donny is sitting by the fire, staring into it. He glances over, his face turning red, before he stares intently at the fire again. He looks thin, thinner than I’ve ever seen him. I think this is the first time he’s ever been thinner than Rhett.

  “Don?” Jack says warily.

  Donny doesn’t flinch.

  Jack let’s go of my hand and motions for me to stay back.

  He tentatively approaches. Squatting beside the armchair, Jack gazes up at Donny. “Don, how are you doing?”

  Donny’s head droops and falls on Jack’s shoulder. My heart aches as he cries, and Jack wraps his arms around him.

  “Jack, I’m so screwed up,” he says. “I’ve done some seriously stupid things. How did it get so bad?”

  “Hey, it’s okay.” Jack pats his back.

  “I treated you so badly. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry …” He falls into tears as Jack mutters that everything will be okay.

  I back away, feeling as if I’m intruding. I’m glad Donny has finally stopped fighting the recovery. I want him to be the crazy, fun, uncle he can be.



  Dad shows me around the Wetherland house. He somehow managed to secure it for me and Avery. It’s a really nice place, four bedroom, two story, and on the same street as us and the Davises. It’s similar in design to the other houses on this street. It’s painted pink, which Avery will like, but I’m going to change it. I can’t live in a pink house. Maybe a nice green to match the surroundings.


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