First Touch_My Best Friend's Little Sister

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First Touch_My Best Friend's Little Sister Page 12

by Lauren Wood

  I wanted to deny it, but I couldn’t. I knew that he finally had me and I wanted to let it all work itself out. It was about time that he knew and in some ways, I was relieved that it was finally going to happen. I could get this over with and then we could move on. I wouldn’t have to hide it anymore. Melanie and I were making something real.

  “Yes, me and Melanie are together.”

  It had come out of the blue and the fist that come flying towards my face was more in the same. I knew it was coming, the hit anyways, but I didn’t even try too hard to get out of the way. I deserved it. The first one. When he drew back to do it again, I did move out of the way that time. The side of my face was hurting a little under the numbness and I said his name to get his attention.

  “Alright Scott, you got your hit in.”

  “That’s my sister.”

  He was still mad, it was clear and I wanted him to know that it was going to be okay. I didn’t want to fight him, not sure who would win. Melanie would never forgive me if I was too rough with him.

  “I know. I didn’t mean for it to happen. It just did.”

  He growled and came towards me, but I ducked again. I wasn’t going to let it bother me too much. I didn’t have much to say, except that I was sorry. I hadn’t meant for it to happen this way, but it was hard to stop it. I knew Scott well.

  “You have got to be kidding me Carl. I told you…”

  He kept advancing and I was doing my best to make sure that there was still a little space between us. I didn’t want to fight him, but we were in a parking lot and I was running out of space between me and him.

  “I don’t want to do this Scott. I’ve known you a long time.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have fucked my sister.”

  He had a point and I was sure that one day we were going to laugh about this. I really hoped so anyways.

  “I didn’t.”

  He stopped. “You didn’t? But you just said...”

  “I love her Scott. That’s not what we’re doing. This is something real with us. I’m going to ask her to marry me.”

  He still wasn’t sure if he wanted to hate me or not. I could see Scott’s mind churning and I wondered what he was going to think of it all. I’d tried to make sure that he was told at the right time. I still wasn’t sure what had brought it on. It was like he had finally just put it all together and he’d wanted me to tell him he was wrong.

  “You love Melanie?”

  “Yes. I’m not going to hurt her. I love her.”

  It was the first time that I’d really said it out loud and I don’t know why it affected me so much. Maybe it was the realization that I really did love her. I wasn’t sure that it was possible for me, but she was proof that it was.

  Scott was settling down, but I knew that it could be him just trying to wind me in. He was that way sometimes and I wanted to make sure that he didn’t catch me off guard.

  “Are you going to calm down?”

  His eyes told me that he wasn’t all that sure if he was or not. I wanted him to chill so we could talk about it. Me and Melanie were at a new understanding. I hadn’t asked her yet or told her that I loved her, but she knew. I just knew she did. She had to. She was everything to me and Melanie knew that she had won. Now I couldn’t imagine being without her. Scott was going to have to get on board too.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Be happy. Soon we will be brothers.”

  He wasn’t ready to make that sort of leap and I didn’t blame him. “Why Melanie?”

  “I don’t know why Scott. I just know that I don’t want to be without her. She means a lot to me. You’re wrong when you say that I hurt every woman I’m with. Not this time.”

  “You better not Carl. I love you like a brother already, but if you hurt her, I will make you bleed.”

  I knew that he was serious and even though I wanted to smile at the most inappropriate times, this was not one of those times. I had to pull my face down to match his seriousness and it was hard to do because he was serious as a heart attack.

  “I got it Scott. You don’t have to worry. I’m going to take care of her. I made a promise to your dad too and I intend to keep it.”



  I hope you enjoyed FIRST TOUCH. For more enjoyment, I have included some bonus stories along with sneak peak of my other books.

  Also, I’ve included an exclusive full-length, never before published romance: Cowboy.

  Please check Table of Contents. Enjoy!!




  It was wrong of me to get involved with a guy like him. He’s the kind of guy that you should keep your distance from and open your eyes to see the warning signs telling you to stay away. But it was human nature to help those who need our help.

  The first day I met him I was at the usual coffee shop that I studied at, Fancy Cups. It was a small but unique coffee shop. I usually stayed there after my classes. I’m in graduate school taking my doctor’s program so I can become a medical doctor.

  One day I’ll be called Dr. Lucy Richmond

  I was the kind of girl who only focused on studying and working hard enough to pay rent. Although I come from a rich family I wasn’t one to ride on the tailcoats of my parents. It was a quiet and peaceful afternoon and I was focusing on my textbook and worksheets in front of me.

  The peaceful atmosphere was suddenly disturbed by thundering shouts. My head snapped towards the disturbance to see two handsome tall men staring violently at each other. I thought nothing of the situation since it was pretty normal in New York for people to yell at each other.

  Unexpectedly one of the men threw a punch making the other man fall to the ground, knocking the table down as well. Everyone around me including myself started panicking, thinking we might end up getting hit as well. The man who got punched suddenly started throwing furniture and cups as well. I quickly grabbed my worksheets as I inched towards the door, knowing that this fight will only escalate.

  My eyes were glued to the fight but before my body could reach the door the fight came to a complete stop. The man who had the upper hand accidentally hit the girl who also happens to be the owner of the shop. Gasps sounded through the room as they watched the pretty red head fall to the ground unconscious.

  The man who hit her suddenly ran out of the coffee shop while everybody else either went back to their seats or went to the red head to see if she’s okay. I noticed the other man all alone on the ground, he was panting as he looked irritated. His cheek looked swollen and he bled a few places.

  I gently put my worksheets back on the table as I slowly made my way towards the bleeding man. It isn’t smart to approach him since he looked like he was always up to no good and he seemed irritated at the same time.

  I stood in front of the man and got a good look at him. Putting his minor injuries aside he was a pretty good looking guy. He had long chocolate brown hair that stopped at his collarbones, and even though it seemed like he just rolled out of bed his hair still seemed silky. His grassy green eyes showed irritation, despite his annoyance his eyes hinted a hidden sadness. What made his eyes pop out was his strong arched eyebrows and thick eyelashes.

  He had a strong lean body and although he just got his ass handed to him he still seemed like a tough guy. If you looked closely he had a light stubble on his sun-kissed skin. He had distinctive cheekbones and an angular jaw that made him devilishly handsome.

  I was too busy getting a good look at the man that he caught me off guard as his piercing green orbs snapped to me.

  “What you looking at?” he practically growled. Instead of answering his question I held out my hand for him to grab, he stared at my hand for a minute and as his hand started inching towards mine I thought he was going to accept it but instead he slapped my hand away.

  “I don’t need your help.” He pushed himself up as he straightened his leather metal studded jacket.
I just stared at him not knowing what to do. I was never the one to ever approach the opposite sex. I was either focused on my studies or doing my field study as a doctor. I noticed that he had droplets of sweat rolling down his face mixed with blood. I grabbed the handkerchief that was in my sweater’s pocket and held it out for him.

  He glared at my offering but as his eyes drifted to me he noticed that I didn’t particularly had any expression. He snatched the handkerchief out of my hands and roughly wiped his face. I still stood there staring at him, internally I was wondering what should I do? Should I leave and go back to my table or should I wait for him to give back the handkerchief?

  When he noticed that I wasn’t going anywhere his irritated expression was suddenly replaced with a mischievous smirk. I was taken back by his sudden change of moods.

  “Waiting for a thank you?” he asked. It would be nice if he could thank me so that my impression of him would be better because as of now I’m judging him by his looks.

  I stood there blinking wondering if I should nod or not. He unexpectedly started walking closer to me that his body heat was intimidating. His face was clean of sweat and blood, he definitely is drop-dead gorgeous.

  I’ve never been this close to the opposite sex, it made me feel excited, rebellious. I’ve always been the girl to follow the rules and keep safe even if it means staying away from parties and especially men. Without warning he snaked his arm around my tiny waist and pulled me closer to him where my breasts were practically pressed against his strong chest.

  I could feel my nipples hardened as I gave a breathy gasp. His smirk never disappeared as he connected his gaze with mine. His gaze suddenly moved up and down my body.

  “Who knew someone could look absolutely sexy in a sweater. Want to warm my bed for tonight? I can thank you properly there.” He asked.

  I could feel my cheeks reddened from his question. No one has ever asked me that, I should feel disgusted instead I felt a certain thrill. Like I was playing a game, predator vs. prey to be exact.

  “You’re not much for words are you?” he asked “I’m fine with that but I would also prefer you screaming my name all night long.” he whispered in my ear making goosebumps spread down my back. I wasn’t able to recover from the goosebumps when all of a sudden he nibbled on my ear making my legs quiver.

  I’ve never felt this before, this feeling of want. In the moment I wanted nothing more than to melt into his arms. His lips suddenly trailed from my ear along my jaw to capture my lips in what seemed to be my first kiss. It wasn’t tender nor loving but it was filled with passion and lust.

  I never knew kissing could be so addicting. As I melted more and more into his kiss I wanted even more of him.

  “You! What the hell are you still doing here?” we were suddenly interrupted by a woman who worked here. My eyes widen when I suddenly realized what I was doing. I quickly pulled back as I bowed my head not wanting to meet his gaze, afraid that I might kiss him again. I heard the man in front of me chuckle as he said “That’s one hell of a thank you, don’t you think?” he asked me. I slowly looked up to see him licking his lips which made me bite my lower lip. What was he doing to me?

  “What are you doing playing around? We don’t need the likes of you here.” the female employee shouted as she pointed at the man in front of me. The man broke our eye contact and smirked at the female employee.

  “I heard you. Besides I’ve already had my fun.” he said as he casually walked away. He didn’t even gave back my handkerchief, not that it was important. I didn’t understand why my stomach clenched painfully as I saw him walk away not even saying a word nor giving me a glance.

  What happened to me?

  I touched my lips still feeling the tingling effects of his kiss.

  I wanted more. I needed more.

  Chapter 1


  I clenched my fists tightly as I sat up from my bed. It’s been days since the rumble with Ciel at Fancy Cups and he was avoiding me. But that’s not what I was pissed about. I’ve been sleeping with women for the past few days but they weren’t enough. I haven’t been satisfied.

  My mind was going crazy over this blonde chick that I kissed at Fancy Cups just a few days ago. When I snaked my hand around her waist I wasn’t expecting her to have a tiny waist, I felt even stronger when I held her like I had power over her.

  She even had a large rack that make me want to bury myself in them. It was a huge plus that she had an attractive face as well. She had golden curls with ivory skin not to mention her piercing grey eyes. She wasn’t short but enough for me to get a good glimpse of her cleavage without being obvious.

  Her beauty ranked high enough to put her on my radar, wanting to add her to my list of conquests. She didn’t seem the type to be a model nor a woman to be jealous about, she seemed more like a bookworm. She didn’t show much expression in front of me but when she kissed me back it somehow awakened a burning fire from within.

  I wanted nothing more than to conquer her, possess her, and corrupt her in different ways possible.

  I ignored my erotic imagination and raging boner as I put on my leather jacket. I was going to the hospital to visit her. She’s been very sick lately that she couldn’t leave her bed so she only looked forward to seeing me. If only things were different, if she wasn’t sick then I wouldn’t have to do illegal fighting or run certain errands.

  I stomped down the stairs and entered the bar where I usually hung out. My small apartment was just right above the bar. “Yo Zen! Where you heading?” one of the guys shouted at me which caught everyone’s attention. Although Ciel might be the strongest still everyone looked at me as if I was the leader.

  “None of your damn business.” I snapped back. Nobody knows about her nor will they ever. I’ll be damned if they ever found out.

  I ignored their insults directed at me as I exited the bar and made my way towards the hospital. After spending hours at the hospital with her I exited the room and decided to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat.

  It was pure luck that as I walked into the cafeteria I bumped into someone who has been staring in my wet dreams of late. I abruptly came to a stop as I just stared at her, she didn’t notice me as she was checking something on her clipboard and drinking coffee.

  I could barely contain myself as I saw how hot she looked. Her golden hair was pulled into a high ponytail as she wore a white coat with a doctor’s stethoscope around her neck. Underneath she wore a tight pencil skirt and a white button-up shirt.

  So she was a doctor, how kinky can she get?

  I could already imagine thousands of scenarios of Dr. Blonde entertaining me. I didn’t hesitate as I made my way towards her. I stood in front of her but she still seemed to be focused on her clipboard.

  “Where can I make an appointment, doc?” I asked. Her head snapped to face me with surprise written all over her face. “I’m not a doctor yet. What are you doing here?” she asked as she suddenly composed herself. Her expressionless face only made me want to do lewd things to her. To see her pant and squirm beneath me

  “Well this is a hospital… I want to make an appointment with you.” I said as I gave her a wink. Her cheeks turned slightly red and it made her look adorably sexy if that was even possible. She looked back at her clipboard and said “As I said I’m not a doctor yet.”

  “How rude am I? My name is Zen but you can call me honey.” I said as I gave her another wink. She looked up from her clipboard, still with no expression as she said “Okay, it’s nice meeting you Zen but I need to get back to work.”

  This girl is playing hard to get.

  She started walking away but I easily stepped in front of her, blocking her way. “May I know your name?” I asked.

  “My name is Lucy.” she replied shortly.

  “But I can call you honey as well, right?” I teased.

  “You can call me Lucy.” Was her blunt answer. I could feel my blood boiling with excitement as her expressionless show
ed more and more, it only made me want to break that expressionless face of hers and bring out her different expressions.

  She was about to walk around me but I was quick to grab her hand and yank her towards the nearest door. I opened it as I entered the room with Lucy. Lucy’s coffee now lied on the floor in the hallway. The smell of bleach was strong so my guess would be that we were in the storage room.

  I pushed Lucy’s back against the door making her gasp, even that small breathy gasp made my body tingle in a certain region. I couldn’t fight the urge as I ran my nose up her neck inhaling the sweet scent of oranges. Everything about her so far was addicting and my predator instincts were telling me to claim her this very instant.

  My hand unconsciously made its way around her waist beneath her white coat. I was enamored by the feeling of her sexy curve of her tiny waist.

  “You shouldn’t be doing this.” she softly told me. I aligned her nose with mine as I stared into her eyes even if I could barely see through the darkness of the room, still I could feel her staring back. “Yes I shouldn’t but your body is calling out to me… it’s hard not to respond.” I said as my hands glided from her waist to her bubble butt and I gave a firm spank to her ass.

  She whimpered from the sudden action and it only made me smirk in satisfaction. I could already imagine her expressionless mask slowly breaking by each touch. It all excited me, I’ve never been with a girl like her who kept a mask upon her face. It would be fun to break that mask.

  The excitement was still boiling inside me and it was coming to a steaming point where I wouldn’t stop until she was definitely mine. I was selfish because not only did I want her but I didn’t want anybody else to lay eyes on her. I felt possessive over my porcelain doll.

  “If it were up to me I’d be making you feel different kinds of amazing… with this.” I said as I pressed my hardened member against her.


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