First Touch_My Best Friend's Little Sister

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First Touch_My Best Friend's Little Sister Page 74

by Lauren Wood

  “I want to ask you a question, but don’t feel that you have to answer it out of some misplaced chivalry. I know dating wasn’t for us, but maybe something more physical would have been better. Have you ever seriously considered taking us out of the friend zone?” I figured I wasn’t going to get another opportunity like this one and no woman in their right mind would have done anything differently.

  I felt the first droplets of rain hitting my shoulder and soaking through the thin fabric of my white blouse. There was this awkward silence that was deafening.

  There was the telltale sign of him typing something but it had yet to be revealed.

  I was grinning when I was blinded by a set of headlights. I looked up and the car was barely a blur coming towards me. I jumped out of the way and found myself tumbling down an incline. I felt every single bump until I came to rest in the kind of pain that I wouldn’t want to wish on my worst enemy.

  Chapter two

  “I don’t know what you were thinking about when you called me. I was in no condition to drive out to help you. I was barely able to call 911. It looks like they’re going to keep you here overnight.” He was disheveled and I could tell that he was suffering from a major hangover.

  “I can’t swear to it, but it didn’t seem like an accident. I was plainly visible underneath the street lamp. I don’t know why anybody would want to target me, but maybe this is a case of mistaken identity. It could also be that somebody was drinking under the influence and was stupid enough to get behind the wheel.” I had woken up in the care of medical practitioners with wounds that had me on a morphine drip.

  “The Dr. was in when you were sleeping and I convinced him to tell me what your condition is. You have three bruised ribs and a bump on the back of your head they are monitoring closely. You also have some superficial cuts and bruises that you’re going to feel for the next few days. I will understand that you won’t be able to help me in my quest to become a bad ass.” He was baiting me and there was no way that I could pass up the chance to put my own mark on his body.

  “They will release me tomorrow morning and I will be at your door when I find somebody to take me home. I have my portfolio digitally recorded in the cloud. I only need a computer and I can show you some of my thoughts when it concerns the artwork that I want to make permanent on your body.” He smiled knowingly and lifted the black laptop case that he had taken from my residence.

  His dark hair went down past his shoulders and long hair was a prerequisite in his line of work. This man didn’t know how to stand still in one spot for very long. He always seemed to have this excess energy that made him a night owl.

  “I thought you might say something like that and I came prepared.” He was wearing a black leather vest and I was always excited by the feel and look of leather.

  It was a good thing he couldn’t see underneath the sheet. I was rubbing my thighs together hoping to relieve the itch that I couldn’t scratch alone.

  He had broken into my house. I had a fascination for whether or not he had taken a few moments to rummage through my underwear drawer.

  “I hope you didn’t go into my bedroom. There are some things that are better left unsaid and unseen. I have some naughty attire and toys that might corrupt an impressionable mind like yours.” It was fun to manipulate his emotions and give him a reason to blush two shades of red.

  “I would think you would know me better than that. I admit my curiosity almost got the best of me, but I would never go into your bedroom without your permission.” The Johnny gown was sticking to my skin from the heat generated from being in close proximity to the man of my dreams.

  “Let me think. We should both put on our thinking caps. What possible activity would make me give you permission to come into my bedroom? Could it be that I would want you to move some furniture around for me? No…that’s not it. Why don’t you tell me and then both of us will know.” I was putting him on the spot and enjoying the way that he was squirming and pulling at his collar.

  “Ahem, it’s not fair to play with me like a cat does with a mouse. You are enjoying yourself a little bit too much, but that does tell me that you are feeling better. The formal report is that it was a hit and run driver. There are no skid marks at the scene to indicate they tried to stop. They might have been on the phone. Who else might have been guilty of doing something like that?” I had toned down my behavior of text messaging and driving at the same time.

  “I’m still a little guilty of doing that, but I’m trying to curb that behavior. Your explicit photo shoot put the fear of God into me. I can’t even close my eyes without seeing all the blood and pieces of victims lying on the road after an accident.” He had taken it upon himself to show me examples of people who had been using their phone and driving.

  The senseless death haunted me and gave me a reason to change my ways. I didn’t want my tombstone to read that I had given my life because I couldn’t put down my phone. I also didn’t want to be responsible for somebody else’s demise because of my negligence.

  “I know that you have made a conscious effort and that’s more than some people can say.” He was immersing himself in his new assignment with this scruff of beard that made him look rough and ready for anything.

  “You might want to consider keeping this look after the assignment is over. I can’t speak for other women, but that look puts me in the mood like no recording of Tom Jones.” The flicker of a flame was spreading along my lower extremities and it wouldn’t take much to turn it into a blazing inferno.

  “The leader of the biker gang is a woman. She’s not some dainty little flower that goes to PTA meetings. She’s deadly and she fights dirty making her unpredictable. Others have tried to infiltrate her organization and have never been heard from again. This one’s personal for me and I’m not going to rest until I put the handcuffs on her wrists.” I could only hope his choice of phrase wasn’t a sexual euphemism.

  “I will make you look like you recently stepped out of a jail cell. It will take my mind off of this nagging suspicion about the accident. I don’t want to believe it, but it feels like somebody is coming after me for something I don’t even know I did.” I moved and cringed slightly from the bandages cutting off my circulation around my waist.

  “You mentioned something about showing me some designs.” My laptop was on my lap and I began to peruse the files pertaining to my designs.

  Word of mouth had made me a growing concern in the community. I could make my artwork seem like it came to life. It was one of my gifts and I took that responsibility very seriously. I didn’t want somebody to wake up in the very near future and regret having the work done. I stressed vehemently that they should never put a loved one’s name on their body unless it was a child’s name.

  I could incorporate something unique with birthdates and initials. People got one look at my work and their tongues would drop to the floor in admiration. I felt that my high standards gave those that considered themselves artists a kick in the pants.

  “I always find myself up late at night when my creative juices are boiling inside me. These are a few of my latest creations and I pride myself on providing nothing that is mass produced.” He tucked my blanket up to my neck and briefly grazed my nipples causing me to shiver in place.

  “This one reminds me of the characters bat on a certain television show we watch religiously. I would like to make a suggestion. The bat with the barbed wire should have drops of blood with the names of the characters written in bold black ink inside the droplets.” He did have a good idea, but I could do him one better.

  “It would take some work, but I think I could actually emblazon their likeness in the blood. It would definitely be a conversation starter.” We were bouncing ideas off one another and improving on my designs.

  “I’m not sure these people would understand the symbolism. A screaming eagle with a man’s skull with the skin falling off the bone in its teeth would be perfect on my chest. I want the depiction of som
e kind of cross on my back.” I was basking in his words and finding this distraction better than the heavy drugs I was on.

  “A cross is normal by everyday standards. We could have a hangman’s noose on either side of the cross. I’m seeing a black shadow with the backdrop of the 10 commandments.” His hand was squeezing my knee in his excitement and I was feeding the sexual beast inside of me by thinking of the naughty things we could be doing together.

  “I hope I’m not interrupting anything. I came by to make sure that my favorite hostess is not going to be out of work for too long. I also wanted to drop off these flowers to give you the encouragement for a speedy recovery.” Conner Morris was the owner and chef of the restaurant.

  “You know that you can’t keep a good woman down for long. There’s no reason to get excited. I will be back by Monday at the latest. I hope having Tammy doing double duty hasn’t been an inconvenience. I would hate to think that my accident could turn your world upside down.” I was being a little ingenuous, but I felt that it was in bad taste for him to think that I would jump back into the deep end at his earliest convenience.

  “There’s no rush and it’s not like I’m going to replace you with someone else. Do me a favor and listen to the doctors. They don’t need you playing backseat driver with your prognosis. The Internet isn’t always your friend.” I did have a bad opinion of the medical trade and tried to avoid getting caught in the insurance trap.

  “You didn’t have to go to these lengths to tell me you care. Flowers have never been my style unless they are edible.” He produced a bouquet of fresh fruit cut into designs from behind his back drizzled in chocolate.

  “This should show you that I do listen when you talk. I won’t keep you and it looks like you have other things on your mind. Is he helping you with his…bedside manner? I’m guessing this is the one you have been raving about at work.” I didn’t know that I was that transparent, but I did tell anybody that would listen about how much Blaine meant to me.

  “My ears are burning. What exactly has she been saying about me behind my back? Inquiring minds want to know.” He hadn’t released his grip on my knee and I didn’t want him to.

  “I’ve said too much and I’ve already put my foot in my mouth. I hope I didn’t cause any problems. I feel like a damn fool for even saying anything at all.” He was stumbling over his words, but I assured him without saying anything that he didn’t do anything wrong.

  “You probably don’t know this, but your boss has a secret crush on you. I know how men think and he didn’t come here with pure motives.” I hadn’t thought about it, but he did seem a little more open to my suggestions than other employers in the past.

  “I’m sure it’s only because he’s going through a nasty divorce. He’s probably looking for any kind of outlet to satisfy his urges. You men are so typical that I can set my watch to your insatiable appetite.” He removed his hand as if he finally realized that he was doing something untoward.

  It was going to be very interesting to see his reaction when I got him in the chair. I was going to get out of this hospital by forcing myself to be less than a model patient. They were going to want to get rid of me as soon as humanly possible.

  Chapter three

  “Are you sure that you are ready for me? This might turn out to be the best that you’ve ever had. We’ll have to wait and see. What are you waiting for? Get in the chair and prepare yourself for something you have never experienced before. I do believe that you might be wearing too many clothes. I’ll be happy to rectify that problem for you.” We had spent 3 hours talking at length and emptying a bottle of wine.

  I only had one glass, but his nerves had gotten the best of him. His eyes were glazed over and he was definitely feeling no pain. He didn’t try to stop me when I began to unbutton his denim shirt. This was far more rewarding than watching him from afar.

  “I’m glad that I can trust you and that you won’t hurt me on purpose.” He had no idea what I was capable of.

  I was glaring with sexual daggers making sure to enjoy this for as long as possible. He settled in the chair and I had my needle ready with the designs in my head of what we had agreed to. It was going to be a long and tedious session, but his body had already been numbed by the liquor pickling his brain.

  “I don’t want to repeat myself twice. Don’t move. I need your full attention. I get into a zone and it’s hard to pull myself out of it when I get going. I can promise the work I do is going to be some of my best and I would like your permission to record it for posterity.” The pendulum had swung in my direction giving me a chance to seduce the object of my fantasies.

  “Take all the pictures that you want.” I had learned a long time ago that I had to fall in order to stand back up on my own 2 feet.

  I went to work and stenciled the bat and the barbed wire around it. That was the easy part. The hard part was incorporating the characters of that show into the droplets of blood. I had my inspiration with the images of those faces emblazoned on the cover of some media magazine in my hands.

  I was quite impressed that he didn’t cringe or show any undue discomfort. I tried so hard not to hurt him unnecessarily. He was lying there looking at the ceiling with this goofy little grin on his face. I didn’t see a better opportunity to take matters into my own hands.

  I finished my masterpiece and it was going to be sensitive for a few days. My hands had a mind of their own and were pulling at the belt on his pants until it came undone. He looked down, but he didn’t say that I was fighting unfairly. I was going to hit him with my best and hope that I left a lasting impression.

  I pulled down the zipper watching the length and thickness come into view 1 inch at a time. The whole package was right there outlined in his red briefs. I stuck my hand into the opening and felt the hot firmness of his member with my fingertips. They climbed steadily to the top where the head was already moist with his excitement.

  “I don’t have the energy to fight you. I feel I do need to warn you that I might see you differently after this.” I was hoping that was going to be his response and I was determined to excel in the role of seductress. I had experience in the oral arts and could easily manipulate his body.

  “I have to make one thing perfectly clear before I do this. I’m not foolish to think that you are in your right mind at this moment. This will be an effort to keep you on a short leash. My one and only chance to convince you that we belong together is right here in front of me.” I pulled down his briefs until they were underneath his balls. I was very pleased to find that he had shaved and was smooth as a baby’s bottom.

  My fingers began working him. I was feeling the hardness and the throbbing reminder of his liquor induced desire. I got closer on my knees with his knob looking bigger and more menacing at this angle.

  “I’ve never had a more comprehensive hand job. This could be over before it begins.” I took my hand away and gave him a moment to compose his naughty thoughts from getting the best of him.

  My mouth was open and the hot pool of my spit ran down the length of him. This was spontaneous and the option was right there from the moment I took his shirt off. I was visiting the old friend of my fantasy, but this far exceeded anything that I could’ve come up with in the middle of the night in my cold and empty bed. This was combining two of my favorite loves sex and painting with ink. I got this weird craving uncovered by watching him in his inebriated state.

  I was stealing a moment for every woman who had a platonic friend they wanted to turn into something more. I was quite selective of the men I made into a puddle of spent flesh in my bedroom. I was the total package and felt empowered to push the envelope as far as I could.

  “If you like that then I have something else that is going to change the way that you think about blow jobs.” The statement was followed by my mouth and the crimson lips of my seduction moving steadily down the column of his trembling flesh.

  I didn’t stop until every single inch of that 9-inch pocket rocke
t was inhaled. I held him in my throat letting him feel the ripple effect of my tight and quite convincing mouth. I was cooking him in my oven and watching him throw his head back and forth with his eyes completely closed.

  I was showing him my dark side and the evil little witch that didn’t have a whole lot of time to come out to play. It was the story of my life. He was one of many men that found me more suitable as a friend than a lover. I was through playing the confidant.

  His grunt of response and the way that his hips twitched every time I licked the underside of his balls with the tip of my tongue was inspiring. I could taste droplets of his warm seed touching my tongue. More was produced as the minutes and seconds ticked by.

  I brought my mouth all the way to the top and circled the crown of his scepter with my agile and quite experienced tongue. I grabbed the needle and turned it on touching his shoulder to begin the work on something that came to me in the heated moment of the exploration of his flesh.

  It was hard to concentrate on two things at the same time, but I was something of an enigma. I had always been a loser in high school and didn’t blossom until I was old enough to realize the looks that I was getting from the men were something more.

  His balls had the appearance of being heavy and full. I was trying to time the moment of his explosive discharge with the finishing touches on the tattoo of a pair of lips with a tongue sticking out on his shoulder. This was the way that I wanted it and needed to see him. I was doing everything to put extra emphasis on his pleasure.

  I was holding tight to the base and working deliciously on something that was becoming a guilty pleasure. The muscles of his stomach were tight and he was hitting his stride.

  “It’s hard to put into words… AHHHH.” The huge encompassing head stretching my facial muscles began to draw strength from the oncoming rush of endorphins running in a straight line up the length of his spike.


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