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Ahdan Page 4

by Nikki Clarke

  “I have covered myself. You may open your eyes.”

  I ease them open and find that he’s in boxers. It doesn't help much. That bulge is doing something to me. On the scale of dick prints, it’s impressive. On the scale of dicks, his is impressive.

  “Does it make you uncomfortable when I am naked?” His gaze idles on my face.

  “Um,” I squeak, “a bit. You know, reckless nudity is not really a human thing. I guess we are kind of reserved, maybe.”

  “Hm. I will be sure to maintain a proper state of dress while here. You should eat.” He walks over to one of his bags and rummages around before pulling out two large, round, furry purple fruits of some kind. I’ve never seen anything like them. He brings them over and lifts my arm, tucking the globes inside the bag hanging at my shoulder. “You should not spend the entire morning without sustenance. This is sawa. It is a fruit from my planet. KJ and your in-laws are fond of them, so I believe it will be to your liking; however, I would suggest you eat it discreetly. Have a good day, Niya.”

  He surprises me again by leaning in to press a kiss to my forehead. I stare at his smooth chest, barely breathing as his warm, full lips linger near my temple. The moment he pulls away, I side step, pulling the door open and sliding through the crack into the hall.

  Once outside, I hear the lock engage, and I take several deep breaths in an attempt to shake the nervous energy shimmering through me. Everything that’s happened in the past six hours has thrown me so far off that I doubt I’m going to be able to make it through the day with any kind of functionality. I consider calling off, but then realize that would mean I’d be stuck in the house with Snory and Naked McKissy. I'm in the middle of a hot debate with myself when someone's voice shouts through the walls.

  "Why you always got to go somewhere. Where you gotta go?"

  The softer voice of a woman replies, and I wait until, a moment later, the door opens.

  "I can't call off again."

  My neighbor Cris backs out of the door, keeping her eyes on the inside of her house.

  "Come right back. Don't be going out with none of your friends. Don't be making no stops. Come right the fuck back."

  Cris sighs and starts to pull the door closed. "I'm just going to work, Justin."

  She holds the door shut for a moment, unaware that I'm standing behind her. At the end of the hall, the elevator dings, and she jumps, spinning around to see me. She looks at the door and then avoids my gaze.

  "Hey." The greeting is low. She hurries ahead of me to catch the elevator, and I end my internal debate in favor of going to work and sprint to catch up. Once inside, we stand silently across from each other.

  "Haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?"

  She shrugs and blinks up, but I see the shimmer of tears at the corner of her eyes. "I'm fine."

  I don't need to contradict her. The walls in our building are thin, and we both know I hear what happens on most nights in her apartment. I won't say I don't know why she stays. I know why women stay, but I wish she didn't have to. I wish her man was better. I wish he was who he should be because she's amazing.

  "If you ever want to talk or need anything, I'm right across the hall. Any time. Even if it's just to hide out for a while or take a nap, get some peace." It's what I can offer. She looks stressed. I can't imagine it's easy to rest under that cloud of tension.

  She nods, swiping at her eyes and keeping her attention forward. "Thanks. I'm just tired."

  "I understand." I move a bit closer, just enough that I can reach out and rub a hand over her back. Her shoulder's drop, and a bit of the tension lifts. "Here."

  I reach into my bag and pull out one of the fruits Naked McKissy gave me and hold it out to her. She looks down and her nose turns up.

  "What's that?"

  "Uh, it's an imported fruit I got from some friends from out of town. It's actually not super legal for me to have it, so you know, don't show anyone, but take it. 'You should not spend the entire morning without sustenance'," I repeat what was said to me. She takes it, putting it into her purse.

  "Thanks," she smiles.

  The door opens and we head out, walking together until we get to the corner. I wave her off and head in the opposite direction, jogging to the corner to catch my bus.


  “Ooh, is that a plum?” The other librarian, Beth, comes around the side of the reference desk where I’m checking in books and leans over my shoulder. I slyly roll my eyes. She’s so damn nosy.

  Quickly, I lower the fruit from my mouth and tuck my hand under the desk. I chew the juicy, sweet flesh and swallow. I wasn't one hundred percent sure about it, but I risked a bite to find that it’s the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted. It's like a cross between a banana, a pineapple, and an apple.

  “Kind of.” It’s not really an answer, but I don't like to lie if I don't have to.

  “Are they in season?” She frowns, and I have to fight the urge to ask her how else I would get one until I notice she’s pushing a cart.

  “Is that for me?” I point to it and successfully divert her attention as she wheels it to my side.

  “Yeah, they want these checked by the end of the day. We’re behind.”

  “No problem.” I turn back to my desk, hoping she takes the hint and leaves.

  “You okay?”

  I half turn, keeping my expression neutral. “Mm hm, why?”

  “You seem a little on edge, kind of jumpy,” she peers closely at me, and I try to put on my best unbothered face.

  “I’m good. I have some friends of the family staying over, so you know just a little tired.”

  “Oh. Well, I feel like it’s going to be slow today, so if we’re lucky we won't have to deal with any irate public.” Her eyebrows raise in hope before she walks off.

  When she’s out of view, I roll my eyes again, turn back to the desk and bring my hand up to lick the trail of juice that covers my fingers before finishing the fruit off. I fold the seed into a napkin and put it in my purse. God forbid it winds up in some dirt and starts to grow.

  I swipe a sani-cloth and wipe my hands clean then pull a book from the cart. Beth may be nosy, but she’s right. I have been jumpy. I’ve also been distracted. I haven't managed to get through an entire cart in the four hours I’ve been at work, but I force myself to focus on the task at hand and manage to get through the cart and five more like it before we close for the day.

  On the train, I put in my ear pods and let my rush hour playlist take my mind off of what I’m going home to.

  There are aliens in my house. I’ll admit they aren't as scary as I imagined for aliens, but that doesn't change the fact that there are two beings from another planet camped out at my place. Strangely enough, I don't feel afraid. Maybe it’s because Tiani vouched for them or because they're so touchy feely and as far as I can tell pretty kind. Honestly, if I didn't know it, I would never think they were aliens. Except that they're so big.

  Goodness. Behind my lids, the image of the red one pops up clear as day. He was fine when I saw him at Tiani’s house, and he seems to have only gotten finer since then. All that burnished skin and heavy, black hair. All that body, all that—length. I go into a daze, watching the city pass outside, as my mind conjures the image of him standing naked in my living room. I can see why Tiani and her sisters are falling for aliens if they all look like that. A short time later, the train announces my stop, and I stand on wobbly legs and exit onto the platform, not completely sure I want to go home, but also a little eager to get there.


  They’re playing music. It reaches me from the other side of the door as I loiter in the hall with a stomach full of butterflies. I don't know what to do when I go in. Usually, I come home, read a bit and go to bed. I don't have many house guests, but if I did, I would make them dinner and maybe sit around and talk a bit. I’d break out the good wine. If I had a man as good looking as either of the dudes in my apartment, I’d be doing something else enti
rely. What the hell am I supposed to do with them? Again, that image of the naked one crowds out my nerves. He was so delicious.

  I can't stand in the hall all night, and the weight of exhaustion begins to bear down on me, so I fit my key in the lock and push the door open.

  The soft, metered notes of a 90s R&B song bounce from the entertainment deck in the living room. As I step into the foyer, savory smells greet me, and I let my bag slide to the floor next to the entrance table as I creep further inside until I can see the kitchen to the left.

  The red one is at the stove looking every bit of yummy as he was when I left in the morning. He’s still not wearing a shirt, but he’s draped one of my aprons over his bare chest. It’s small and barely makes it across his pecs, but he looks kind of cute. He’s busy moving from the counter to the stove where several pots sizzle and cast steam into the space in front of him. His hair is tied up on top of his head, and a single dark lock curls over his forehead as he stirs one of the pots.

  “Will you stand there all evening?” He doesn't look up, and his deep, melodic voice seems to almost flow through the music to reach me. I move further into the room, stopping on the other side of the island.

  “You’re cooking?” I don't mean to sound so surprised. I’m sure aliens have to cook, too. Although, my idea of space is people getting their food from robots and automated machines. He looks up with a smirk, and I have to stop myself from sighing when a dimple appears in his cheek. How? How is he this fine?

  “Did you imagine a slow-moving android prepared my meals for me?” When my face shifts to embarrassment because that’s exactly what I was thinking, he chuckles and points to the stool beside me. “Sit. You appear ready to fall over.”

  I shuffle closer and perch my butt on the edge of the stool, watching as he expertly chops an onion and adds it to a pan.

  “What are you making?” My voice shakes, and I hate that I’m being such a coward. I’ve been around plenty of good-looking men, but this good-looking alien man seems to have a different effect on me.

  “It is a surprise in gratitude for you allowing us to stay here.”

  I press my lips together wanting to ask more questions, but he bends his head to his task, effectively dismissing my inquiry.

  “Perhaps, you would like to resume your regular routine until our meal is ready?” He offers this suggestion easily and still without looking up. After a long day at work, a train ride, and a walk from the station, it does kind of feel like the city is stuck to me.

  I stand and back away toward the hall.

  “Okay, I’ll just be in my room, I guess. I, uh, I’ll just be right back there.” I point in the direction of the hall and he nods, head still down, but I think I see his mouth lift just a little. I start for my room, turning the corner into the hall, and immediately collide with a broad, hard body. I bounce back, instinctively reaching out for something to hold onto, and I am steadied by a set of strong hands at my arms as I blink up at the other guy.

  “Have I hurt you?” He bends his head down to peer into my face, his startlingly green eyes creasing in concern and his brow drawing together. “I should not have been rushing through your home, sa’qi. M'ah qitah.” Instead of letting me go, he pulls me back close, lowering his face to my neck and pressing a soft kiss beneath my ear. I flinch as a tingle zaps through my middle. He sets me back on the ground and studies my face. “I have unsettled you with my gesture. It is a Lyqa custom and not meant in any inappropriate way, at least from me,” he glances above my head for a moment. “Perhaps, over our meal, we can exchange information about our cultures. It may make you more comfortable with our presence.”

  He smiles and nods before stepping around me and continuing to the kitchen to join his friend. I stand in confusion for a moment before running to my bedroom and locking myself inside.

  I take a quick shower, scared to linger too long in case they come looking for me. These people have very different comfort levels than I’m used to, and the last thing I need is some big, buff alien bursting in on me while I’m co-washing my hair. Still, maybe the guy is right, and knowing more about them will help ease my mind. They’re here now. It’s not like I can just throw them out.

  I dress quickly in the knitted shorts and sweater lounge set I brought with me into the bathroom and pile my dripping curls on top of my head, securing them with a clip. The smells have only gotten better since I’ve been in the bathroom, and my stomach tightens in anticipation of being filled. I shake off my nerves and head to the kitchen.

  They’re already seated. Several serving bowls are arranged in the middle of the table, and even though I don't make a sound when I enter, they turn the second I step from the hall and stand from their chairs.

  “Niya.” The toffee one smiles and nods his head. The other one just stares. His nearly golden eyes travel from my face down my body, over my bare legs, and back up again. I shift from one foot to the other as his gaze seems to burn through me.

  “We waited for you to eat. Please, sit.” Toffee fans a hand to the chair at his right, and I go to it, eager for the cover of the table even as I feel the other one’s eyes on me the entire way.

  I slip into the seat and clasp my hands in my lap, staring down at my empty plate. My heart beats wildly, and my formerly eager stomach twists with anxiety. I’m about to break bread with aliens.

  “Please, calm yourself. We promise we will not harm you. Everything we have prepared is from your home, and we took care to only prepare recipes that we believed would be to your liking. There is nothing weird here.”

  I lift my gaze to find Toffee regarding me with a gentle smile. It puts my mind at ease. They have been very nice, and I tell myself again that Tiani wouldn't put me in danger. I tentatively return his smile.

  “I’m sorry. You all aren't really that weird. It’s just knowing that you’re aliens that makes it strange. This is not how I thought my week would go.”

  His smile shifts to amusement as he reaches over for my plate. He begins to serve me, giving me a scoop of each dish. “While I know alien is the term humans use to describe beings from other planets, our proper species is Lyqa. We come from a planet named the same. You may refer to us as such if you like.”

  I’ve offended them. He’s trying to tell me in the nicest way possible that I’m being a xenophobic jerk, and I kind of am. “I’m sorry. Lyqa, got it.”

  He sets my plate back down, and I’m surprised to see delicious looking, skillfully prepared dishes. I had a variety of vegetables in my freezer, and they’ve chosen broccoli, cabbage and kale to make. There is also wild grain rice and a triangle of some kind of flat bread. All eyes are on me as I pick up my fork and spear a floret of broccoli. I direct it between my lips and close, sliding the fork free and biting down. My face lifts on its own as the first crunch releases a harmony of tangy, sweet flavor.

  “Mm,” I moan, and my eyes drift close as I continue to chew. Everything I’m tasting is familiar, but the combinations are unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. My head bobs as I savor every chew before finally swallowing. My eyes open and fix right on the kale. I love kale. The pile of kinky leaves is a vibrant green that shines with a sauce smelling of citrus and cinnamon when I bring it to my mouth.

  “Oh, my god!” A barrage of sour earthiness replaces the sweetness of the broccoli. A trail of sauce slips past my lips, and I swipe at it with my tongue, eager to keep every bit of goodness in my mouth.


  Two deep voices make the exclamation in unison, and I open my eyes again, unaware that I’ve even closed them. Both of them stare at me with expressions of discomfort, and their plates sit empty and untouched. When I swallow and lick my lips again, Toffee groans.

  “Is everything okay?” I look from one to the other, unsure of what the problem is.

  “There is nothing wrong. I am glad that you enjoy the food.” The red one jerks his leg beneath the table, and Toffee grunts, shifting his eyes from me and reaching for one of the
serving bowls. I frown, but go back to eating. After a moment of quiet, Toffee speaks up.

  “So, do you have any questions for us? Perhaps some answers that would put your mind at ease?”

  I pause with a forkful of cabbage on the way to my mouth. I said I would give this a chance, so it’s probably best to start from the basics.

  “I actually forgot your names. I’ve been calling you Toffee and Red in my head. Can you remind me please?”

  Toffee smiles graciously and presses and hand to his chest. “I am Qim.”

  I nod.

  “Qim, got it. And you?” I turn to the other. He watches me intently, and even though I’ve been trying to play it off, I’ve been painfully aware of him since the moment I sat down. His eyes are so yellow and so bright. They’re like two candles burning in his face.

  “I am called Ah’dan.”

  “Ah’dan.” I do my best to replicate the soft breath that comes with the first syllable. As I say it, his eyes flare. The yellow seems to intensify as he watches me from across the table.

  “Your pronunciation is very good. It has improved from the last time you attempted,” Qim teases.

  “Thanks.” I taste the rice. It’s just as delicious as everything else. “This is really good,” I direct at Ah’dan. He’s still watching me, and my hand shakes with the next forkful. He blinks back down to his plate and finally begins to eat.

  “I am glad that it is acceptable. If it is okay with you, I will continue to prepare meals while I am here.”

  The offer surprises me. These dudes really are sweet.

  “Uh, sure, but don't feel pressure to cook for me. You’re my guests.”

  “It is not a bother, and I find that I enjoy seeing you enjoy the meal I have prepared.”

  I swallow, wincing as the food forces its way down my esophagus. “Oh, well then, you can cook if you want.”

  He nods. “I will do this.”


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