Billy Palmer

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Billy Palmer Page 23

by Ronald Zastre


  Manny had left the highway looking for food and gas. He pulled into a travel center and stopped at one of the pumps. He went inside to pay, wanting some snacks and something to drink.

  Manny was just screwing the gas cap back in place, when a car speeding down the highway suddenly hits the brakes, a little too hard, trying to slow down enough to make the turn into the gas station. It was just a slight squealing of tires, but enough to get Manny’s attention. He watched a big, sporty, black, euro sedan coming his way. The car turned into the next lane of gas pumps and drove through rather fast, the driver looking the other way. Just as the car was going past Manny, on the other side of the pumps, the driver turned to look straight ahead. Manny saw the driver from the side for just a moment. It was a small skinny guy, he could make out that much. A small skinny guy with protruding ears, and very red hair.

  Nothing registered with Manny until he was back in the Vet and back driving on the highway. He looked in his rear view mirror to check on traffic behind him, as customary, and spotted the big black car just coming on the highway, turning the same way he was going. Manny got the strangest sensation of dread, looking back on the car, suddenly realizing who he might have just seen.


  An hour later, Manny left the freeway and drove into a city, looking for the address Stan gave him for Kenny Keaton. Manny used the GPS navigation in the car and the place he was looking for was a snap.

  “Manny, friggin Anderson, how the hell you doing?” A skinny, bald man shouted, as Manny walked into an electronics shop. “Long time no see. What has it been, twenty-five years?”

  “At least that long Electron,” Manny said, reaching out to shake the man’s hand.

  “Geez, I haven’t been called that in ages.”

  “I hope you’re not offended?” Manny laughed.

  “No, no, not at all, brings back pleasant memories, back when things weren’t so serious.”

  “Things been tough for you?”

  “Oh no, I just remember life as being a lot more fun when we were kids,” Kenny said. “I have two of my own now, and their world is full of, as we would say, heavy shit. I think we grew up in the last good time.”

  “I guess, but we had our problems then too.”

  “Not like today, things are going too fast,” Kenny commented.

  “Coming from you that scares me,” Manny returned. “I always thought you were on top of things.”

  “Still am, and trust me, our society is not ready for what’s ahead.”

  “Great, I should dig a hole and pull the dirt in after me?”

  “Nah, not you, you’re smart, successful, you’re safe.”

  “I guess you haven’t heard?”

  “I talked to Stan, he called, said you’d be by.”

  “So you know the mess I got myself in?” Manny said.

  “Stan said you were bored, and consequently blowing it out of proportion.”

  “Got two bullet holes in my car.”

  “Maybe somebody thought you were a deer.”

  “Ha, ha, they went after Cassey too.”

  “Well, she looks more like a deer than you do. Stan’s sure whoever is responsible has backed off, he can’t see them still after you. That’s according to Stan, however.”

  “They’re still there. I saw one of them an hour ago.”

  “Whoa, how could they know where you are? Stan said you left this morning, and he’s told no one about the new car, or which direction you headed. Anybody else know you were coming here?”

  “Not a soul, but I just started watching my rear end to see if anyone’s been following after the thing at the gas station. I’m pretty sure that’s not possible.”

  “Some of those guys are good, you might not have spotted a tail.”

  Manny pointed out the front of the shop to the low, sleek, white car parked at the curb. “I had that Vet up to a hundred and fifty, how could anyone stay with me without me knowing it?”

  “Someone else going one fifty,” Keaton stated. “But,” Keaton hesitated. “I’d think they would tend to stick out.” Keaton hesitated again. “So you might be right?”

  “Yeah, that’s what I was figuring. I’m almost positive I spotted the guy that went after Cassey.”


  “Oh yeah! I got chills down my spine when I saw him,” Manny confessed.

  “There are other ways to track you,” Kenny said.

  “Like what?”

  “A simple transmitter, something like that.”

  “I went to see Stan, he gave me the car, I put my things in it and left. How could anyone slip a transmitter in on me?”

  “Your things, it could be in there?”

  “No shit? I didn’t think of that. What the hell do I do now?”

  “Not to worry sport, I can sweep for a bug, it’s really simple.”


  Five minutes later, Keaton, using a small hand held device, announced. “It’s in your phone, and the phone has been rigged.”

  “Dammit, how could I have been so stupid,” Manny growled.

  “How were you supposed to know?” Keaton responded.

  “What did they do to it?”

  “Well, it’s got a chip that gives out the exact location, a GPS.”

  “The satellite thing? Got one in the car.”

  “The satellite thing,” Kenny concurred. “Whoever did the phone, knows its position to within five feet.”

  “Oh man, that fucker set me up big time.”

  “Want to hear the rest of it?”

  “There’s more?” Manny exclaimed. “Might as well.”

  “Don’t sound so violated! You could have the upper hand now, don’t blow it.”

  “What’re you getting at Electron?”

  “Anderson! Apparently someone is out to get your ass, and they worked one on you.”

  “No shit! So?”

  “You know about the phone, don’t let them in on it. Make them think you don’t know about it and that’s your advantage.”

  “But they can follow me?”

  “Jesus, dip shit, think!” Kenny yelled. “You can lead them to where you want. Are you really that dense?”

  “Ah!” Many hesitated. “No, but actually, I would just as soon never see those guys again.”

  “So then, call the cops.”

  “They think I’m guilty.”

  “So, what are you going to do Anderson? Who the hell is after you, and what are you going to do about it? Huh, answer me that?”

  Manny took a deep breath, thinking. “I don’t know, I can’t keep running. I have to get Cassey back, and right now she thinks I’m a big screw up.”

  “So do something!” Kenny exclaimed. “By the way, they also rigged your phone to make only certain calls. If you dial any number other than the one they want, you will get a bad signal alert.”

  “No way, that phone has been working perfectly all along.”

  “That’s how it’s rigged, smuck. When whoever is controlling it can signal the phone when they want, and it will no longer work properly.”

  “And you think this is an advantage?”

  “Get another phone Anderson!” Kenny said, talking to Manny like he was a spoiled child. “I’ll give you a new one, and then work a reverse dupe back on ‘them’.”

  “You know, I’m about ready for that!” Manny said excited. “I’ve been fucked with long enough. You’re right Keaton, everyone’s been taking a piece out of my ass, and it’s time for a pay back.”

  “Atta boy Anderson!” Kenny laughed. “I was wondering when the old daring Sven would get fed up. I don’t remember you backing off from much of anything.”

  “Billy was there then. I had a cushion.”

  “Stan told me this had something to do with Palmer so he’s still there, Anderson. Do you have any suspects in this dastardly deed?”

  “Oh, I know who’s responsible, I can guarantee that.”

  “Well, there you go sh
it-head, what’s your problem? I was thinking you were in the dark about who was doing this to you, and now you tell me that isn’t true.”

  “No, no, I know who’s responsible.”

  “Then let’s figure out how to get them.”

  “You’re offering your help.”

  “Hell yes, can’t let people mess with my old friends without getting in it, can I?”

  “Guess not.”

  “Sorry to hear about Billy, he was a good guy,” Keaton stated, looking out the window, watching it get dark. “I could talk to him about what I was trying to do and he would understand the basics. He never called me a nut, like some others I knew.”

  “Sorry about that,” Manny said, sheepishly.

  “You didn’t know what was possible then, not your fault,” Keaton stated.

  “You do any work on lasers?” Manny asked.

  “Nah, to big, too bulky still. I’m doing independent electron beams.”

  “Got me there, I don’t think I’ve even heard of them.”

  “Not much is said cause they’re still fairly weak and short range, but there’s some fantastic materials on the horizon, and the possibilities are limitless.”

  “Where the hell do you get the funds to do all this?”

  “Let’s just say that some of your tax dollars are coming my way.”

  “No shit! I have to say though, I’m surprised to see you’re still alive,” Manny commented with a chuckle. “After some of the hair brained shit you used to try.”

  “You mean like the power line fiasco?”

  “That one stands out in my mind, yes.”

  “Whoa, my hair stood on end for a while, didn’t it? Mandy still walks sideways by me.”

  “Mandy, you two still together?”


  “You talked about having kids with her? How did you mange if she avoids contact?”

  “She figures I’m safe when I’m lying down.”

  Keaton and Manny both broke out laughing

  “These supposed bad guys went after Cassey,” Keaton asked, “and you say they’re still on your ass? Don’t you worry about her?”

  “She’s with her parents.”

  “Batty Betty, is she still preaching the gospel?” Keaton asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “She’s still around, what else would she be doing?”

  “Not qualified for much else, but she must be doing something right,” Kenny snickered. “I would have thought someone would have run her down long ago.”

  “Nah, doesn’t work, she just gets back up.”

  “So you figure that God’s prime agent is enough to keep your wife out of danger?”

  “No. I hired some outside help.” Manny shrugged. “Her parents have a live-in to help with Cassey’s father. He’s bed ridden these days, and the regular decided to take a vacation.”

  “He’s a good guy, but how did you get a plant past, ‘The Betty’?”

  “She’s a sweet, old, white haired lady.”

  “That’s your idea of protection?”

  “Geta Gogelbright, the sweet old lady—”

  “Geta Gogel—” Keaton interrupted. “That’s her real name?”

  “I don’t know! I was just told that she is an ex-operative for the Mossad. I’ve been assured that she can handle herself, and anyone else that might want to hurt Cassey. Two other gentlemen are also always close by.”

  “Christ, that must be expensive?”

  “Oh, it is! And, I’m worried about the cops finding out. I haven’t told anybody about this, and if it surfaces, it will just be more explaining to do. That’s why you’re right about me needing to do something. Don’t get me wrong, I’d spend everything to protect Cassey, but I’d rather enjoy my money, rather than spend it like that.”

  “Have you met this Geta, whatever?”

  “No, but my son who’s a Special Forces dude is scared shitless of her.”

  “You need some power, Anderson, come across any lately?”

  “I don’t know what you’re getting at?”

  “Power, something to set you apart from the masses.

  ‘You think I’m just part of the big stupid plan?”

  “Sounds like it. You’re the typical American success story. Take you out of your comfort zone and you flounder. Not sure of yourself if something unexpected comes your way. Got to change that if you’re going to have a chance. Somebody is not playing by the rules you are accustomed to, and you’re waiting, letting them make the moves.”

  “You’re fucking with me too.”

  “No, I’m trying to make you think. That’s your only other choice.”

  “What’s the first choice, you left it out?”

  “The cops. You tell me you’re innocent, let them do your dirty work.”

  “Right now, I don’t trust the system.”

  “Back to my option, huh?” Kenny said with a smirk on his face.

  “Let’s hear it,” Manny surrendered

  “Okay Anderson, this is what you need. First that phone.”

  “What good is the phone, it’s rigged?”

  “Manny, Manny, Manny, we add a little something. You leave it somewhere appropriate. They zero in on it, and instead of finding you there, they find something unexpected. Maybe arrows up their ass? You still good with the bow?”

  “Whoa Keaton, that is very nasty, I’m shocked.”

  “Well, do you still shoot as good as I remember?”

  “Probably better, but these guys have guns.”

  “Oh, I was just speculating, but just think of the shock value if you can get them into the right situation. Whoever is messing with your well-being could be surprised, no?”

  “I don’t know Kenny, I might be way out of their league.”

  “Even things up Manny! You had any inspirations lately, anything spooky you’ve come across.”

  “Oh that’s what you meant? Ah, yeah, come to think of it, I had this old man show me something I didn’t expect, or still can’t explain.”

  “Didn’t expect, or can’t explain? What do you mean by that?”

  “Well, I think he might have been messing with me.”

  “Tell the story Manny.”

  “He made me see things.”

  “Was it him, or you.”

  “Oh no, it was me, I was there all right.”

  “Shit Manny, you’re scaring me.”

  “You take on an eighteen thousand volt transmission line, and now you’re afraid of a vision I had.”

  “Just a vision?”

  “I had an experience with a game somebody talked about too, but I did that on my own. But the vision seemed to be in a different time.”

  “A different time, explain?”

  “I think I saw something that happened long ago?”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “The people I saw have been dead for quite a while.”

  “This old guy opened something for you,” Keaton stated.


  “Maybe he opened some sort of portal, a gateway or something.”

  “Oh come on Kenny, I don’t believe in that sort of thing.”

  “Guess you were dreaming or something, or your mind made it up.”

  “No, I was definitely there, and I was awake.”

  “Then something happened.”

  Manny was silent, thinking. “Yeah, something happened,” he said after a minute. “Can you get me a compound bow?”

  “I can get you anything you want Manny.”

  Chapter 38

  Manny felt comfortable on the road again, he and the car were becoming one. Keaton’s device had warned him more than once to the radar the cops were using, well in advanced to any problems. He was heading south, to the spot he had discovered on his trip back from seeing Walsh The place he stopped at in Georgia and fantasied about making a stand. He didn’t really have a plan and he wasn’t sure he could go through with anything, but the feeling of doing something was lifting his

  As he drove farther south the weather deteriorated and he crossed into Georgia with the windshield wipers sweeping back and forth. Just as it was getting dark he stopped in a little town close his destination. The rain had stopped, but was replaced by damp low clouds.

  He rented a motel room on the main highway, requesting one that was around the back. He unlocked the door to the room, went inside, put the cell phone on the bed and went back out. Staying behind the motel, Manny walked to a small park he had spotted coming into town. He sat down against a tree back out of the light and started to eat a sandwich he had bought the last time he had filled the car with gas. A full moon was rising above the trees, but the cloud layer stole any light it would have contributed, leaving only a big white ball. The temperature was very comfortable.

  Within the time it took him to eat half the sandwich, he spotted the big black sedan drive by the motel up the street. It continued toward where Manny was hidden and passed by. There were two figures in the car, and Manny was positive that the passenger was Mark Tainer. The vehicle cruised by without slowing down and headed toward the edge of the town.

  Manny watched the vehicle until it was out of town and made his dash back to the room. He raced inside, grabbed the phone and ran out to the Corvette.


  Manny gunned the car out of the motel parking lot, spinning the rear wheels easily on the cold pavement causing the car to fishtail, the engine winding up furiously. Manny shifted it hard, exiting the edge of the small town in a power slide.


  The road to the lake was a winding one, but Manny could remember, It is fairly wide and the surface is good.


  Slow it down fool! He begged himself as he came to the first tight turn, down shifting precisely, playing the brakes just right, the car diving down into the corner.

  “Hot damn!” Manny shouted, putting his foot into the throttle, the car blasting forward. Manny shifted quickly, gobbling up the distance to the next corner, a longer gentler one. Manny took this corner a little safer, but when he looked down quickly at the speedometer, he was shocked to see it reading one hundred and fifteen.

  I guess a ticket won’t make my day any worse, Manny rationalized.

  There were a total of fourteen more turns to the spot he was headed and Manny pushed the car hard.

  What am I afraid of more, this road, or the men coming for me?


  Manny flashed by the spot he was looking for, the car in a full drift, the rear sliding out farther than the front. He jammed the brakes, the tires squawking as the car decelerated. Manny spun the wheel sharply, and the Corvette pirouetting in the middle of the road.


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